InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Moon in New York ❯ I need a medical ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Inuyasha!"Miruko yelled
coming around through the back
door."It's ok the hostage is safe.
The perps also been arested."
"Good now we should qes-
tion him."Inuyasha picked up the
wounded perp and led him out-
"I need a medical at twenty one
south street."Inuyasha said in his radio.
"Rodger medical on it's way.""Until then
set him in your squad car Tony."
Five minuets later the ambulance
arrived to check the victim and the perp.
"Minor bleeding with a GSW."GSW stood
for gun shot wound in the medical world.
"What about the victim?"Inuyasha said
with little concern in his voice.He wanted
the perp not the victim.""Small cuts and
bruises but thats all."
"Good now i'm tired so i'm
going home i'll qestion the victim
when I get to work."Inuyasha was way to
tired.He could barley stand up.
When he got home he noticed
he was bleeding on his leg.Just
noticing it he finally felt the pain.
It was a lot more painfull then it
should have been.
The pain was imence."Damn it
what the hell!"He saw the hole in
his can he just notice that
he had been shot.
"Damn this is officer takahashi
I need a medical unit now for a gun
shot wound!""Rodger were on are way!"
Inuyasha had passed out from the
"Bastered must of cliped me."
He managed to say before he went
black.He awoke several hours later
in a hospital room.His leg was numb.
He sat dazed when a doctor
came in."Detective Takahashi?
It's worse than we thought."-