InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Moon Rise ❯ It's Just the Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Miroku has a brother; who knew? Both look alike and possess the same curse embedded in their right hand. Scary thing is that they are the complete opposite! Sango doesn't know what to do and Miroku is rather jealous… But his brother is holding the key to Naraku's victory. Rated T for suggested themes and language in later chapters.
Blue Moon Rise
Author: Hello, hello! This is my fourth I've done. Apparently I discontinued my Code Zephyr Fanfic out of reasons I am either embarrassed or have forgotten all about. Yes, I love doing fanfics from a boy's point of view. Heh.. You can learn more about them XD. I tease!
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha *Huggles her Inuyasha pillow* uhh.. cept this XD
Chapter 1: It's Just the Beginning
They were close; the sound of footsteps grew louder. He had no idea where they were coming from for it was echoing around him. All he could do at the moment of intense hesitation was set off in a direction hoping to lose them in the process. He clenched the item he held continuing to run letting his feet guide him to safety. If only he had time to think or the luck to stay alive.
Time was running out, he knew this. Only several weeks until the blue moon would rise and all he had to do was keep the key away from them or if he lived but had given the item to them, the elders wouldn't be too happy for his punishment would be worst than death. The artifact was out of reach as of now knowing it was in their clutches so it wasn't wise to let him have it. He crashed right into a boy. He noticed his right hand was shrouded with holy beads. He could only stare at the to the young figure that was checking to see if he was all right. If only he could tell him but that wasn't an option.
“Sir, are you all right? Your arm is bleeding!”
He didn't react to his concern or the fact that all the blood loss was blurring his sight. He muttered something under his breath, a light surrounding the hand that held the key. He pressed his palm onto the young boy's chest. “Integure-to!” The young boy let out a yell and fell to his knees, writhing in pain. He left him there disappearing from sight.
A shriek, horrendous and blood curdling was heard throughout the forest. There a boy with lifeless eyes leaned over the body of the man that tried to run away. He searched the man continuously until he gave up the attempt of looking for the item. He looked to the insect that followed him and watched it leave his sight to report to his master. He then heard his voice soon after and was off. This didn't please Naraku at all.
Two weeks later…
A boy of 17 or so came into view as he walked down the forest path. He was strikingly handsome, tall and lean, yet muscular. The brightness of the ever-looming hot summer-like sun shined setting an almost luminescent glow to his ivory skin His neat black hair was tied back, his little dragon tail swaying as he walked. He wore a white flowing top over a black shirt and black flowing pants and a red sash for a belt. He carried a rather long sword. The wind had changed directions and there was an autumnal feel to the air. He took deep breath and tasted the crisp, clean air. He removed strands of hair away from his violet calm eyes, the earrings he wore rattled when he had come to a stop. He sensed demons nearby, heading toward their direction.
Long brown hair followed the direction of the ever-blowing wind. Sounds of running water and humming filled the air. A small fox child ran toward the woman who hummed a gentle song. He watched her fill the water containers she was carrying with her. “Sango-chan! Are you finished yet?” the child asked, boredom ringing in his voice. The demon slayer looked to the fox, smiling. “Almost Shippou… One more container to fill then we'll head back to the village.” Shippou nodded to her answer staring to his reflection in the water. She continued to hum waiting for the container to fill.
Her humming stopped.
Sango froze to her spot, one hand reaching to the large weapon, which rested on her back. Shippou let out a cry of help and she reacted quickly, swiftly knocking the demon figure that blocked her way off his feet. She swung her large weapon at the demon that approached her making her way to Shippou. He struggled under the grasp of a large demon that had raised his claw to strike. She jumped for Shippou and rolled on the ground with the fox child in her arms.
Blood seeped through her kimono shirt from her shoulder causing the little fox to gasp in shock. Three very large demons loomed over their presences; drool falling from both their mouths. Sango looked around her surroundings quickly for a way to escape. Her Hiraikotsu lied far from reach giving her a disadvantage. She couldn't give up. Not now. She couldn't die like this. Her prayers were answered by a single word.
Well it was short but it's just the beginning! I will update as soon as I can because I've been working on this story for a while now so do not fret! Please review!!!