InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blush it's a girl thing ❯ Never go inside a woman's backpack. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blush: It's a girl thing

Another one-shot by me, Missy bee.

Author notes: Here a new one-shot that I did. The idea just came to me the other night. So here you go. Review afterwards.

******The*******Story***is******not******what******U****may***** *Think***

Before Shippo, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara it was just Inuyasha, his flea, Kagome, and her big yellow backpack. Inuyasha had been grumpy all day and the search for jewel shards had came to an end since Kagome was had grown sleepy. It took a "sits" for her to get Inuyasha to settle down but he finally gave up as he sat angrily on a tree. He watch her snug in her stupid sleep bag.

Inuyasha: stupid worthless girl. Always slowing me down.

Myoga: But she pulled out the Tessiaga! What about the toad demon? She helped you with that too! So not all that bad.

Inuyasha: Myoga shut up. You forget she the one who BROKE the jewel in the first place! It only right that she collects them all. But nooooo! (Imitating kagome) Inuyasha I'm sleepy. Inuyasha I'm hungry. Inuyasha my feet hurt. Inuyasha my bike can't go though here can you help me? (Back to his normal voice) What am I her damn pet? I still think she a witch.

Inuyasha kept complaining about how stupid Kagome was and how worthless she was. As Myoga just shook his head. Inuyasha didn't fool him, deep down his dog-earred lord like the girl.

[Twenty minutes later]

Kagome was still sleeping. Inuyasha was now hungry. He jumped down the tree. He clawed opened Kagome's backpack. Myoga who was sleep on his head. Was now playing the role of Jimmy Cricket.

Myoga: You can't go though a woman's stuff! She going to kill you!

Inuyasha: Feh. She's ain't a woman she's a wench.

Myoga: Lord Inuyasha show some respect! Oh, man she going to wake up! Master Inuyasha why?

Inuyasha: SHUT UP! I'm hungry I looking for that ramen stuff okay.

Myoga: It's your back not mines if she wakes up and find you doing this. (Runs away)

Inuyasha: feh, stupid flea. Hmm what's this thing?

Inuyasha picked it up. As he dumped out the rest of the bag. It was yellow, soft and squishy. It was too big to be a tea bag. He sniffed it a few times but he didn't know what the hell it was. Something was written on it but he couldn't make it out. He sat and an examined it more. Till he found something else, that was pink. It was long and it was squishy too.

Inuyasha: All this junk and no food. Stupid girl. No, wonder she so skinny and weak. Myoga get over here!

The little flea hopped back over to Inuyasha. He knew he would get squished he didn't though he wonder what would Kagome do to him. What if she really was a witch? This had to be bad for his health. Inuyasha started putting the stuff back into the backpack in an unorderly fashion and succeeded and breaking a few of Kagome's things. Except the two new items, he found in there. Myoga found himself getting into shimmering blue eye shadow and pink nail polish literally.

Myoga: Lord Inuyasha! Ack I been tainting in pink ink!

Inuyasha ignore him and laid the two new items down near him. Though it was amusing to him to see Myoga freaking out as he was now covered in pink and now seemed to be blue glitter in the darkness. Inuyasha shook his head as he stomach growled again. Luckily, Kagome was still sleeping. She wouldn't wake up if a hundred demons started to have a battle. Man, she was worthless.

Inuyasha: Myoga stop clowning around read this for me.

Myoga: read what?

Inuyasha: This stuff I think it could be more of that instantly foodstuff.

Inuyasha held it so Myoga could read it for him. It took a while since Inuyasha had it upside down at first.

Inuyasha: well what now? What does it say?

Myoga: This one says Always with wings regular and this one says Tampax light tampon. That's all that's written on them.

Inuyasha: so can we eat it or what? I'm hungry damn it.

Myoga: Well this one says wings. Maybe it an instant bird of some kind. I don't know about the tampon one. I wouldn't it eat.

Inuyasha: well only one way to find out.

Inuyasha carefully torn open the little tab of the yellow item. It unfold into a white cloth like material. Inuyasha and Myoga stare at it for a little bit.

Inuyasha: so how is a bird? It said wings. So, where the wings.

Myoga: Maybe you have to boil some water?

Inuyasha pick it back up and bend it a few time and sniff it a few times. Oh he got it he hadn't opened it all the way. He torn away all the warping and the wings unfolded. Now it was starting to stick to his claws.

Inuyasha: I still don't know what the hell this think it. I don't think I can eat it. It too sticky anyway. I don't like sticky things. Besides, it not can't fly and it can't be any kind bird. It doesn't smell like no chicken or a turkey.

Myoga: I think it dead Lord Inuyasha it was wrapped up. Try the tampon thing master Inuyasha. Maybe they go together.

So Inuyasha torn opened the tampon. It was even weirder than wing thingy. He held in with his claw hand as he sniff it. Nah no way could it be food. Was it that make-up crap Kagome sometimes wore?

Inuyasha: I don't think you can eat this either. I don't like the tail thing hanging out anyway.

Myoga: Maybe you should pull the tail out Lord Inuyasha.

And that what he did. Out popped out two other things. Another white stick and what looked like a white tadpole. (He pulled it out backwards)

Inuyasha: what the hell? Tadpoles aren't white. Are they?

Myoga: maybe in Kagome's era they are.

Inuyasha ponder it for a while and finally just shrugged it off. Why was it so hard? Tadpoles were usually soft and gooey. Was it a magic? Now he was convinced Kagome had to be a witch. She kept white funny looking tadpoles called tampon in weird white sticks and weird sticky cloth like things with wings that couldn't fly and wasn't a bird. Well it could be a bug of some kind now that he found the tampon thingy.

Inuyasha: Well I don't eat baby frogs. So, whatever I'm going to sleep.

Myoga: what about the wing and tampon things? You have to hide them somewhere!

Inuyasha: yeah I know that! I already know where to put them. Come on.

Myoga jumped on Inuyasha's shoulder. Inuyasha leap up with the different little items in hands and ran with his abnormal speed. He kept this up till he came near a lake. He floated down gracefully near it.

Inuyasha: See I figured it out. Since this is some kind of tadpole thing. This must be a it's lily pad.

Myoga: so true! That's just what I was thinking you see.

Inuyasha: Myoga, if I was an ass-kissing servant I would kidnap Jaken from my asshole of a brother.

Myoga: I don't think that fair at all. I don't talk nearly as much as that………

Inuyasha: Just shut up.

Inuyasha sat the sticky pad down and placed the little whit tadpole on it. He had already tossed the wrappers away. They watch as the pad and the little tadpole floated away from them. Inuyasha showed no signs if he cared or not.

Inuyasha: (thinking) Now you can be free. That witch can't cause anymore harm towards you anymore. Poor little guy. (Out loud) Come on Myoga I'm tired.

So Inuyasha ran back to camp, hopped back up the tree he had been in, and went to sleep.

[Next morning]

Kagome: INUYASHA! I can't believe you sometimes! Why did you go through my backpack!! Look you ripped it too! I can't even close it! You broke my mirror and pencil boxes! INUYASHA are you listening to me!? Look at what you did there nail polish all over my manga comics! You ruined my eye shadow too! Don't you even care!

Inuyasha: feh. It was all junk anyway. No, I don't care.

Kagome: SIT BOY!

[Crashing and yelling he was still in the tree]

Inuyasha: wench. What the hell I told you it was just junk.

Kagome: You just don't get it. You ruin my all my stuff and for what? (Start crying)

Inuyasha: (covering his ears) UGH! Stop that! Myoga did it too! I was hungry! Okay gez. All that crap in there and no food.


Myoga: I told you! I told you! Now look you made Kagome cry!

Inuyasha: (still holding his ears) It was worthless junk!

Kagome: (walking away with her broken backpack and bike) I'm going home! (Sniffing and such)

Inuyasha: You can't go home wench we have jewel shard to find! (Grabbing the bike)

Kagome: It always about the jewel shards isn't it? (Pushing him away)

Inuyasha: You're the one who broke it! (Not letting go of the bike)

Kagome: I don't care anymore you jerk! I'm going home!

Inuyasha: over my dead body wench!

Kagome: SIT BOY!


As Inuyasha kissed the dirt. Kagome rolled her bike across his back. Myoga could of swore he heard some bones break that time. He still was covered in pink nail polish and blue shimmering eye shadow. Inuyasha had been laughing at him all morning till Kagome woke up that is. Myoga was instantly step on by Kagome and sprayed with more of that bug poison stuff. As Inuyasha was sat all the way off his tree. Myoga told him never to go into a woman's things. A few more seconds Inuyasha awkwardly got up, crack his back, let out a string of cuss words, and took off after Kagome who had gotten quite far now.

[Near that lake Inuyasha was at]

Kagome: Inuyasha leave me alone!

Inuyasha: wench I said you not going home and stop crying your giving me a headache. (Mumbles `and severe back pain.')

Kagome: don't make me say it again. Let go of my bike before you break it too!

Inuyasha: Hey it was an accident okay!

Kagome: I'm still going home! And there's nothing you can do to stop me this time. And don't even try that boulder stuff either. You know what happen last time. I'm go home!

Inuyasha: We'll see about that wench! (Has an idea)

Inuyasha lunge at her before she could say the "s" word and the tumble into the near by lake. Kagome stuff was now all over the place. Kagome started beating on him as she was now cover in mud, grass, and other things. He school uniform would never be the same again.

Kagome: I really should drown you! I see why….

She wanted to say, "I see why Sesshomaru hates you and wants to kill you" but that might be a little too cruel. As she wrung out her skirt and shirt no thanks to him, up in the tree. She stared at him wishing that looks could kill as she mentally shot another millions daggers at his head.

Inuyasha: Feh, still not cool off yet? (Half smirk)

Kagome: (fuming still) SIT BOY!

[Crashing and yelling]

Kagome: Inuyasha you make me sick! (Starts picking up her fallen objects)

Inuyasha: (mumbles something about begin a crooked old man) you witch what the hell was that for!

Kagome: (worried now) Inuyasha, how much stuff did you take out of my backpack.

Inuyasha: (shrugs) How am I suppose to know. Feh bunch junk to me still.

Kagome finally looked at him and it took all her strength not to gag. He had her more personal stuff stuck to his pants and another in his hair. She looked at him completely mortified.

Inuyasha: What? Hey, I'm not letting you touch my ears.

Kagome: Look at you! (Pointing to one item)

Inuyasha: Oh the sticky lily pad I found in your bag.

Kagome turned bright red. If he really knew what it was. She sighed. She took the other item out his hair and let it drop on the ground. Inuyasha wonder why she looked the way she did. It was a while before either of them spoke.

Kagome: (dryly) Inuyasha why did you take this stuff out of my backpack?

Inuyasha: (shrugs) I thought it was some more of that instant stuff. Mind telling me what it is? Cause I still think it a weird looking tadpole and a lily pad. (Mumbles "and you wonder why I think you're a witch") Though the tadpole looks like one of us squished it.

Kagome: Well it not a lily pad and a tadpole. Tadpoles aren't white.

Inuyasha: Then what its it then?

Kagome: Didn't any one teach you don't to go into a woman's things!

Inuyasha: I told you I was hungry! And anyway, you're not a woman you're a wench!

Kagome: That does it! SIT BOY!


Finally, Myoga caught up with them. He knew by the way that Inuyasha was laying in the ground and Kagome kicking him. That nothing had change in the past half hour. The spell wore off as Kagome backed away and said it again. As Myoga heard:




















(Very hard kick)

(A few bones are broken for sure)






(Another hard kick)



[Five minutes later, fifth teen sits and a very sore rib cage and back]

Inuyasha stood up against the god-tree waiting for Kagome to come back from her time. Not like, he could do anything anymore. His back and chest were both out of commission now. It hurt him to scream, growl, yell, and walk. He was using the Tessiaga like a walking stick now. Myoga kept very far away. Inuyasha kept himself entertain with thoughts of strangling Kagome in her sleep. The crap he put up with for the jewel shards. Kikyo wasn't nearly as….

[Back at Kagome time]

She had sew her backpack and reorganize all her stuff. Some of the stuff she just had to throw away. She washed and dried her school uniform the best of her ability. No, she would have to get another one maybe three if this kept up. She got some more "lily pads" and "tadpoles" and hid them different pockets.

Kagome: (thinking) `I was hungry he said! That dog earred creepy. How dare he! All he ever think about is food and jewel shards! And he didn't even say sorry! I'm glad he so sore! I'm glad he can't walk straight! I'm glad I made his ribs sore! Let him try to escape in the trees now.'

She wasn't in a rush to go back either. Let him come get her. Kagome laid on her bed and went to sleep. As she dreamt of ways to cause more pain and suffering towards him.

[Four days later feudal Japan]

Inuyasha was pissed. Very pissed. Actually, words couldn't describe what he was feeling now. He could kill the stupid wench. His back and ribs were healed thanks to Kaede herbs and his demon blood. Though he gave no thanks. Just a promise that he wouldn't kill her for laughing at him when he first arrived. Kagome had been gone for four whole days now! Inuyasha fled Kaede village towards the well. Much to Myoga and Kaede disgust. They didn't no who to feel sorry for Inuyasha or Kagome.

[At the well]

Inuyasha: I'm coming you stupid wench! (Jumps down)

[Modern Japan, Kagome's era]

Kagome had just got out of school. She was once again an every day modern school-girl! No, she hadn't forgot about Inuyasha but like she said let him come get her. Then our all time lovable character appeared.

Hojo: Hi Kagome!

Kagome: (cringing) Um hey Hojo. (Walking faster)

Hojo: I see you only missed one day of school. Do you think you and I can go to the movies tomorrow?

Kagome: I don't know Hojo. I have to study and make-up tests.

Hojo: I could help you if you like.

Kagome: That's alrigth. Maybe some other time. Kay Hojo.

Hojo: Okay see ya later Kagome.

Kagome: Bye Hojo.

Kagome rushed home and took a shower. Unaware that she was begin watch from tree to tree by a half demon named Inuyasha. He had been waiting all day. In the tops of trees. Kagome finally went into her room. As Inuyasha lunged into the tree near her window.

(A/N: Poor Kagome one stalker a nerdy guy name Hojo and the other is a dirty Hanyou named Inuyasha. oh well whatcha gonna do?)

Kagome turned on her CD player and laid down. Inuyasha watched with stone cold eyes. Kagome started to feel uneasy. Somehow, in the pit of her stomach she knew she was being watched. She shook it off and went to sleep. Inuyasha growled and climbed into her window.

[An hour later]

Kagome woke up and her heart almost flew out her nose. An angry Inuyasha was glaring at her from her desk. They stared at each other for some time. Kagome was trying to keep her heart from coming out of her chest. As Inuyasha was still trying to stop his demon blood from taking over and killing one helpless Kagome. He was going to just tie her mouth shut, pick her up, sling her over his shoulders, and jumped down the well. Yet, somehow he voted that out. The result in that would have left him crippled for sure.

[Five minutes later]

Kagome: (shaky) What are you doing here?

Inuyasha: (in a cold voice) To drag you back though the well. Though it looks like you having a good time here aren't you Kagome.

Kagome: Yes I am. (Eyes narrowing)

Inuyasha: WELL FUN OVER! (Grabs her) You coming back with me to help collect the shard of a jewel that you broke. (Dragging her by the arms)

Kagome: Inuyasha. I'm coming back when I feel like it.

Inuyasha: Your coming back now! (Growling) feh, making me wait four freaking days.

Kagome: Ow! Let go of my arms! I have to get my backpack and other stuff.

Inuyasha: Oh no! Not the backpack. That's what cause all this mess in the first place.



(A/n: WOW! Aren't they just the ideal couple? I wish every girl had a guy like that! Come on you know you what a guy like Inuyasha. Yeah wake me up and call me a witch. See what happens. Shakes head. Then all the guys could have a girl like Kagome yeah every time we [girls] yell sits all the guys crash down. The perfect world! [Not really] Sighs back to the story. Forget I wrote any of this.)

Kagome: STOP CALLING ME NAMES!!!!!!!!!!! (Starts crying) WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!

Inuyasha: STOP CRYING!!!!!!!! (Covering ears) AHHHHH! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!


This left the two quiet for a large amount of time. Kagome was steaming she now had two brats. Why? WHY? WHY! Couldn't she have a normal life? Souta was easy enough to deal with but this dog-demon guy was OOOOOOOOO! Even if he was kind of cute he still was a complete pain in the (fill in the blank). She shook in anger as Inuyasha just sat on the window slid with cold eyes fixed on her.

Kagome: would you please stop staring at me!

Inuyasha: (in that cold voice) Then let's go. Do what ever you got to do. I'll give you five minutes and only five. I'll be waiting. If you not by the well in five I will make you life a living hell. I promise you that wench. (Jumps out the window)

Kagome: stupid dog. I knew I should have sat him a good twenty more times. Oh, I will come back but you won't be coming back in one piece. (Huffs away from the window)

[Five minutes and at the Well]

Inuyasha: I thought I told you about that backpack.

Kagome: Look Inuyasha. [Holding up some chips] I got a lot of food just for you. Now shut up and don't ever go in my stuff again.

Inuyasha: feh. (Jumping down the well with Kagome)

[Feudal Japan]

Inuyasha: Here's your stupid Bike come on. Gotta go get Myoga.

Kagome: Fine.

[Twenty minutes later. At Kaede hut]

Kagome: You happy Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: (has eaten three cup of noodles) Feh. I guess. Lets go.

Myoga: I see you fixed your backpack Lady Kagome. I'll make sure that next time Lord Inuyasha keep his claws to himself. (Gets a cup of noodles thrown at him.) Ouch.

Kagome: Stop begin mean. Let's go already.

Inuyasha: Feh. Bye ya old HAG! [Kaede of course]

Kaede: (Looking at Kagome) Must ye talk in such a matter Inuyasha?

Inuyasha: I said bye. Okay.

Kagome: SIT BOY! (Sigh) Bye Kaede. (Stepping on Inuyasha back to get to Kaede) He just wont ever learn how to treat a lady. After all, he's a dog. (Bowing)

Kaede: (small smile) Aye. That he is. Good-bye dear child.

Kagome: (mockingly) come alone boy.

Inuyasha: (getting up) Why you………

Kagome: I wouldn't say anything if I were you. (Warning look)

[Ten minutes]

Inuyasha: So are you going to ever tell me what those things were?

Kagome: (blushing) Look it stuff for girls my age. Like make-up okay. Drop it already.

Inuyasha: feh, stupid wench. It was just a question.

Kagome: That's it!

[Twenty-one sits later.]

Kagome: Now repeat what I just said or do you want to go another six feet in the ground? I don't think your spine and ribs will enjoy it but what do you think?

Inuyasha: (whimpering) I'm sorry for going into your bag. I'll never do it again. Cuz it isn't right to go into a woman things. Forgive me Lady Kagome. (Mumbles, I hate you ya damn witch) {Will be walking funny for days}

Kagome: (rubbing the top of his head like a dog) Good boy! (Hops out the hole after "sit" is called out.) `Hey you can't hear it from him naturally "sit" it out of him' (starts humming)

[Once Inuyasha climbs, out his hole and what one might call walking again]

Inuyasha: (Thinking) `One day. I'm going to kill that witch' All this over some girl things. (whispers) Gez. Sometimes I wish she would have left me on the damn tree.

Myoga: (has returned) I told you never to go into a woman's thing.

Inuyasha: shut up. Stupid yellow bag. Stupid tadpole. Stupid lily pads. I thought it was food.

Myoga: You think everything is food. `Opps'


Inuyasha: stupid flea.

Kagome: I'm hungry. Let's take a break.

Inuyasha: UGH!

Kagome: Inuyasha. Eat and shut up. (Throws him some chips)

Inuyasha: I didn't say anything!

Myoga: (In his normal state) Ah, Master Inuyasha you know what they say. Can live with them….

Inuyasha: Can't live without them. (Eating chips) (mumbles, Stupid women)

[The END]

*********** **** ******** ***** ******** ******** ****** ****** ******* ***

Lord Fluffy: Finally.

Me: Shut up.

Lord Fluffy: You made him too much like me.

Me: No I didn't! `I think' Besides he still clueless. You're never clueless.

Lord Fluffy: You should have killed them both.

Me: Hey, you want write a one-shot next time?

Lord Fluffy: Yes.

Me: too bad but you be in the next one.

Lord Fluffy: Really? (Half-heartily) can't wait.

Me: Yup and Rin and Jaken too.

Fluffy: Oh no. It better not be…….

Me: Don't worry. I don't like Fluffy/Rin parings. And if anyone thought of a Fluffy/Jaken EW!!! (Runs to nearest bathroom and throws up)

Lord Fluffy: weak stupid human. No one would ever think of that.

Me: (comes back) you would think that but….

Lord Fluffy: so what actually will you be writing about me. I hope it not as bad as this crap.

Me: Shut up. I'm not telling you. You have to find out when everyone else do.

Lord Fluffy: I don't know why people bother.

Me: well unlike you, we enjoy this kind of stuff.

Lord Fluffy: Keep telling yourself that.

Me: shut up.

Lord Fluffy: don't review she doesn't deserve it.

Me: Yes I do!

Lord Fluffy: Stop the encouragement!

Me: Roll over Fluffy-Butt. Come on review you know you want too.


Me: Oh well.

Fluffy: I hate you.