InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School can be Harsh ❯ News ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don’t own Inuyasha or anyone of the characters. don’t sue me plz
The News
Kagome Higurashi (sp?) heard her step father,Onigumo, pounding rapidly on the door
“You stupid wench,wake up darn it!”
She winced at his voice. He was yelling at her, that meant her mother was not home. He wouldn't risk his gold mine.Unwillingly she climbed out of the bed. She ran down stairs, to report that she was up. Standing straight, with shoulder’s back, she spoke.
“Good morning, sir.”
Unblinkingly she stared straight ahead, in fear he would slap her if she didn't meet his approval. He turned towards her with his disgusting smirk.
“Get dressed, your leaving this after noon.”
He deffinetly caught her off gaurd. Where am I going? Is kicking me out? Has convinced Momma to do such a thing?
“Would you like to know where you are going?”
“Yes sir.”
Onigumo smirked at how he trained her. He broke her along time ago.
“Your mother and I have talked for a long time,we have decieded to send you to a boarding acadmey school. Your Mother has finally realized that my argument made since. But let me inform you that you will be going for a reason. Not for education. Women should be outlawed from schools." ,he muttered the last part.
"You will be going there to impress Mr. Shingito’s son, Naraku. I want you to seduce him. Pleasure him. Do what ever it takes for him to like a stupid, ugly, girl like you." Making sure he had enough emphasis on the word ugly. "When you think he has interest in you inform me. By being his bed whore ,you will get me a partnership with his father. If you fail, you’ll wish you mother never had you, do I make myself clear?”
She didn’t speak, she was to stunned to speak. Inwhich her silence did not appeal to Onigumo, because he then smacked her to the floor.
“ I said do I make, myself clear?” “H-h-hai.” She left the room instantly after he dismissed her.
Finally in her room, upstairs, she let the tears fall freely. Sighing sadly to her self she went to the bathroom to look doctor the hand print on her face. She looked into the mirror, and proceeded to stare at her reflection. I'm not really all that bad looking, despite what he says. She looked at her crystal, clear blue eyes. Sure they were blue, when she was Japanese,but...that didn't make her ugly did it? She then observed her raven black hair. It had a sliky texture to it. Making its way to her mid back. She sighed. She didn't have time to up her self-esteem. She began to pack her stuff.
Everything important to her was in a large yellow bag, and the blue was all of her clothes. Also a small fanny bag, to keep toiletries in. The last bag was her purse. Not to big or small.Just a nice size.
It was 10:30 a.m. She had to leave in thirty minutes if she wanted to at the train station at 12:30. She heard her mother walk through the door. She loved him so much. How could she deny her mother happiness over a couple of smacks. What kind of daughter would she be? Packing the last of her stuff she went downstairs to wait. She silently thanking God that, her brother lived with her real father. Not that she liked him either,he could have tried harder. She could be living with them as well but she wouldn’t leave her mother, to cope with cancer all alone. Sure Onigumo was there but all he did was tell her to buck up. Pulling out of her thoughts she, went to her bathroom to make sure she had everything she needed. Taking one last glance in the mirror, she sat by the door and waited to leave.
A/N how was it? To short? too long? Too awful?
Give me one review and ill update plz!