InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School can be Harsh ❯ SORRY ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm really sorry peoples but its not an update. plz don't hurt me I'll probably have one up in a couple of days. really sorry. The reason why is because, I have a tire swing in my front yard and it broke, and I was swinggin on it and my right hand has like horrible rope burn now...cause it broke. So it hurts when I type. And my left hand, well I was washing dishes and a cup broke and cut up my hand. so both my hands are screwed. I would also like to add that my computer is in the back room of my house with, the rest of the computers in the house (Mom and Dad’s are too.) So what I’m trying to say is I am moving my computer into my room and it will be a couple of days before I can get splitter (we don’t have dial up internet, we use our cable, and the splitter will give me internet) so my internet won’t be up so I can’t post my 5th chapter. I bet your saying, yea well you could just post a chapter now…. Well it has been like 20 minutes since I started this and I have to one finger type and either way it hurts both of my hands. Sorry. Well I’ll update later! See ya!
-Katy Chan-