InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boldly Going Nowhere ❯ Learning to Leave Friends Behind You ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in the first Chapi. From Chapter 2 on most of the characters will be my own.
Going Nowhere Fast
Chapter 1: Learning to Leave Friends Behind You
She couldn't believe it; she just couldn't believe it. They had defeated Naraku with the help of Kouga and his pack, and surprisingly enough the Taiyoukai of the North, South, East, and West showed up with some of their best fighters. In the end the person who made the biggest difference had been her. If it weren't for that last purifying arrow aimed straight at his head Inu Yasha would have been unable to hit Naraku with the Bakryuuha.
Kagome looked up at her golden-eyed, white-haired lover. He reached out, gently taking her hand, and placing into it the last of the shikon jewel shards, which included those that Naraku possessed, the one imbedded into Kohaku's back, and the ones held by Kouga. She glanced down at the shards in her hand. These harmless little things had caused so much hurt and misery for her friends. She then looked back up into her lover's golden eyes. The two deep golden pools seemed to radiate sadness that only she could see or sense at that moment. The young man nodded. They both understood what was going to happen.
Kagome took their rather large piece of the Shikon Jewel and clasped it in her hands along with the shards. A pink glow surrounded Kagome as the shikon pieced itself back together. When the glow died down Kagome unfolded her hands and their cradled in her palm was the completed Shikon Jewel.
All of a sudden Kagome started to fade away. She was no longer needed in the era for her task had been completed. Kagome decided now would be the time to say her goodbyes. "Sango I'm sorry about Kohaku, Mirkou live a long and prosperous life, Inu Yasha find someone else to love you, and Sesshomaru follow your heart." Kagome was starting to fade away faster. "My love don't forget me cause I'll never forget you." A tear started rolling down her face. The pain was almost unbearable. "I love you..." The tear that had been rolling down her face splashed into the dirt where she had been standing. Kagome was gone and would never return again. Amongst their grief Mirkou, Sango, Shippou, and Inu Yasha didn't notice Sesshomaru turn around and leave. A single tear trailing down his cheek. The only one of the group who noticed would never tell anybody her secret.