InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boldly Going (where many have gone before) ❯ Chapters 1 through 3 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Things have the oddest ways of working out. At least, that is what Inuyasha was thinking as he squirmed, blindfolded and tied to a bed by silk handcuffs with ofudas as a hot languid tongue ran over the planes of his stomach. All right, let's be honest: It's what he WOULD'VE been thinking if he had have been thinking with that head at all. There was another thought, one that he had nanoseconds after he woke up but before he felt the glorious tongue and heard Kagome's sensuous giggles - “I was DRUGGED!!!”
… There is more to come.
Chapter 1:
Days before:
Kagome wouldn't necessarily say she was frustrated except of course, that she was. Very, very terribly, horribly frustrated. Oh, there was the normal frustration. But then there was also sexual frustration. Burn in your loins I've waited much too long horniness, and a lot of it. She felt justified in it.
When they had defeated Naraku, there had been joyous delight. After the festivals and the happy drunkenness had passed, Sango announced rather joyously that she was pregnant with Miroku's baby. While he may have turned an odd greenish colour as everyone clapped him on the back, it was nothing compared to the utterly nauseated look he had when the shotgun (er… Katana) wedding occurred. The one time he made to run led him to face a pissed off Inuyasha, ready to remove family jewels if that kept his sister-figure happy. Needless to say, Miroku returned willingly. And though he thought life as a reformed pervert would be hard, he was pleasantly surprised how easy it was being faithful to just one woman. And how painless (Now that Sango had an official claim to him, she hit a lot harder).
Kagome also received some lovin'. Or potential lovin'. Basically, in his drunken stupor, Inuyasha had sidled up to her, grabbed her into a huge hug and whispered “I really like you” into her ear. It was real, it was genuine, and his face looked like it was about to explode it was so red. And while the confession may have been because Kikyou, grateful and pleased with Kagome's kindness, had exhorted Inuyasha to tell his feelings for the modern girl (this had nearly required her beating him over the head.)
And so things were happy for a time in the village. And then the noises began. Loud cries in the middle of the night, passionate and filled with lust. It was just bearable to human hearing, but after a week of no sleep and veiled hints about the SMELL, Inuyasha announced he was building Kagome and himself a hut nearer the well and away from the village. Pregnancy hormones had apparently hit Sango hard, and Miroku was happier than ever. Inuyasha glared at them in all his red-rimmed eyed glory.
The hut was finished quicker than anyone had expected, Kagome most of all. And while Sango urged her down the path, grinning at the thought of her best friend being able to share her pregnant experiences while Kagome wailed about having to finish high school and being only seventeen. And while Sango prattled on about how if they had children of the opposite sex they could get married, or of the same sex they could be best friends just like them sniff Kagome began to relax. And when Sango pried open her night bag and helped her get ready, letting Kagome slip into a sexy night gown before positioning her attractively on top of the futon. Sango left with a wink. Inuyasha entered, glanced at her appreciatively, and settled against the corner of the hut with his arms around Tessaiga. When she asked seductively if he was coming to bed, he had grunted that they were in bed and she had better get some sleep. No one believed that they hadn't spent the night making sweaty, grunty love except for Sango and Higurashi-mama. Kagome was disappointed, and she hadn't even received so much as a kiss. Inuyasha was either bloody oblivious or studiously ignoring any and all gossip related to their sex lives.
When Kagome was nineteen her grandfather, aware that her relationship with Inuyasha was going nowhere fast, suggested she go see a nakodo (marriage go-between), so that he might be able to see his great-grandchildren. Inuyasha, overhearing Kagome's ensuing fight with her Jii-chan, did something drastic. Announcing, in private, that he really, really liked her and wanted her to be with him forever. And then, wonderfully, he kissed her. Their second kiss ever. She was happy, she was waiting to make it official, so she could have peace of mind and be with the one she loved forever. He. Did. Not. Make. A. Move.
Now at twenty-three, having kissed the love of her life a handful of times, Kagome Higurashi was beginning to doubt the sexuality of her beloved. Miroku, now finally believing that Kagome and Inuyasha had never done the nasty (No one would make up a story that dumb), hastily reassured Kagome that Inuyasha was indeed very attracted to her. Inuyasha was attracted to Kagome. Is. He is just… shy. Perhaps he is disturbed. But he wants Kagome a lot.
So, as omnipotent readers, we know all is not futile. Just very, very dumb. And as Kagome gathers her friends round to prepare a plan, no adorable dog eared hanyou named Inuyasha is `safe' from mind-blowing sex. Pity him. Pity that poor poor virgin hanyou.
Next: The story actually begins! Brainstorming! Mind maps! Complicated plans! Operation: Seduce Inuyasha (Finally going where many have gone before) begins!
Chapter 2
Steam curled from the hot baths as Kagome and Sango sank gratefully into them. “Aaah” groaned Kagome, pleased at the feeling of relief coming from her aching feet. After some time of contented silence, Sango turned to Kagome.
“So, he dragged you to see the sunrise? In a beautiful meadow, filled with adorable forest creatures? A meadow surrounded by resplendent trees in all their green glory? By a cliff overlooking much of the country, which looked utterly beautiful in the morning light? And you're COMPLAINING?”
Kagome scrunched up her nose.
“Not as such,” she said “But that was it. We went to see the sunrise. He brushed my hand with his. He turned bright red then demanded we come back…
It was romantic. He does a lot of romantic things for a rude, caustic jerk, but none of them are what I need. I'm twenty-three! I HAVE NEEDS. Even the `virgins-for-life' otaku* are getting more than me! I can't TAKE it anymore.”
Sango blinked.
“Well, I was aware that you two hadn't been progressing at a very quick rate… but, Kagome, how far HAVE you gone.”
Kagome looked up miserably and then avoided Sango's eyes.
“Kissing” she grunted at last.
Sango's eyes widened.
“Tell me it was with tongue at least!”
At Kagome's embarrassed headshake to the negative, Sango's expression turned… odd. It was a combination of disgust and pity and intrigue and seemed to say `why the hell didn't you make a move earlier?!' At last, inspiration seemed to hit her. Snapping her fingers, Sango's lips widened in a pleased grin.
“Well, if he won't make a move, you'll just have to! I have just the plan! Anyways, you just have to make sure he gets you `accidentally' pregnant** so that he has to succumb to your will ever after. It did wonders for my relationship with Miroku.”
There was a rustling in the bushes as Miroku's head popped out, his face plastered in a pleased grin.
“Yes,” He interjected, “And I've never been happier! My dearest Sango-chan always knows what is best!”
Kagome fingered the strap of her bathing suit while looking at Miroku uneasily.
“Yeah, but I don't think I'm comfortable with the idea of him being forced to stay with me because I tricked him. I just want to get some from the guy I love, y'know? That isn't too much to ask, is it?”
Sango and Miroku shared a conspiratorial glance before turning to Kagome.
“No, it isn't too much to ask Kagome. In fact, it is your right! You have a RIGHT to all the pleasure you want and need!” Said Miroku, before he leaned closer and whispered in her ear “And I wouldn't mind helping you with that ---“
He was cut off as Sango smacked him into the water.
“What my darling husband is trying to say is that we would be happy in helping you in this quest. In fact… I have just the plan. Jealousy. After all, remember what happened that time your Jii-chan wanted to send you to a matchmaker. This time, you will just have to capitalize on his jealousy…”
Kagome leaned in to hear more…
Plan A: Operation Jealousy
Inuyasha waltzed into the hut to find Kagome looking like a vision in a white, gauzy low cut dress. She was standing in front of the mirror, carefully applying lip paint to her perfectly formed lips. A small whine nearly escaped his throat as she smacked them together in a very suggestive manner.
“Uhhh… Sango said you wanted to see me?” He questioned.
She smiled and turned.
“Yes, I was just wondering, because Sango and I couldn't decide, do you think this bra will be good?” She had (In what the readers may regard as terrible acting skills) yanked down the front of her garment to reveal a white lacy bra with just a hint of nipple.
He visibly gulped. When he finally found his voice, he replied.
“Uh… Uh… For what?”
She turned in (mock) surprise.
“Sango didn't tell you? For my DATE of course.”
His expression darkened. A lot. He opened his mouth to yell. Kagome stepped forward and placed her palm over it.
“You can't expect me to wait forever do you?” She said at last.
He licked her palm, and as she hastily pulled it away, he did yell.
Inuyasha had been cut off by Kagome's tongue entering his mouth and her lips sealing around his firmly to cut out further sound. And to his credit, he did seem to enjoy it, and he did seem to catch on that this had been some womanly manipulation to make him jealous and frankly he was just glad that it did not in fact mean that she was leaving him for some other man. His arms pulled her in a little tighter, and very very tentatively, he reached out his tongue to tap hers. She moaned lightly at that, and he decided he enjoyed that a lot too.
Kagome smirked to herself. She had reached with both arms around her neck, and slowly she drew one arm down his back, using her nails to scratch it lightly. Then she cupped his bum and SQUEEZED and as she felt that hunk of rock hard ass she finally understood what Miroku had seen in the action all these years. And it was worth it, because even as Inuyasha drew back and all but disappeared out the door, she had seen the one thing she had hoped she would. The slight tenting in his pants.