InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bonds ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
Rain thundered against black canvas umbrellas, echoing in the silence left by the grieving group that dotted the graveyard. Most of them being parishioners that had belonged to Father Fujimoto's congregation. They bowed respectfully to the grave headstone and then to Yukio and Rin, a murmur of softly spoken words of sympathy passing they're lips before leaving.
Yukio spoke softly, but anger and sadness shadowed his eyes and aura- that now held a trace amount of youki to it. The umbrella in his hand sheltering him from the onslaught of the downpour, but he did not extend that offer to his brother; in fact, he stood several paces away.
Rin made no move to speak back, his head kept bowed, with eyes shadowed by wet blue-black hair that stuck to his skin. His hands trembled at his side, clenching and unclenching
Kagome looked on tearfully, her hand held by Mephisto to keep her from rushing to the two brothers. His tight grip keeping her by his side under the umbrella, but it was also comforting, his gloved thumb rubbing circles on the back of her hand.
She sobbed softly, shoulders shaking. Their aura swirled with pain, and she wanted nothing more than to comfort them, they had no one now just each other. Kagome's heart broke for them.
It was only after everyone had left to the far end of the graveyard that they moved closer, and Mephisto gently released her hand.
Kagome took that as permission and ran to Rin.
Her body collided with his back, arms surrounding his torso in a desperate attempt at a hug. She collapsed against him, sobbing into his back. "I'm so sorry," she cried.
Rin stiffened, turning with the circle of her arms to be greeted by his childhood friend's tear-stained face. She looked back with teary sapphire eyes that shone brightly against her pale face. Rain fell around them, wetting her raven hair till it was plastered to her skin.
"K-Kagome?" He asked, unsure as he looked into her beautiful, sad face.
She nodded before moving her arms to wrap around his shoulders, one hand gripping the back of his coat and the other cradling the back of his head, pulling him into a tight embrace that he sank into. His knees weak as he gave into her warmth and the comfort he hadn't known he'd needed.
He pulled her closer to him, clinging desperately to the only human contact he'd had since finding out he was a demon. She returned his hug just as forcefully, and he cried. Burying his nose in her hair, he breathed deeply as he cried, taking in her sweet scent of raspberries and vanilla that was complemented by the smell of rain that clung to her.
"I'm so sorry," she whispered, thin fingers combing through his damp hair. "I'm so sorry,"
His aura raged around them like fire, burning with despair and deep anguish she yearned to extinguish. He had changed; she could feel it; he was youkai but different from how Inuyasha felt. Despite knowing Rin was born from a human mother, he felt almost like a full youkai but muddled.
That's when Kagome felt the aura of the sword; it burned white-hot with a mix of rekai and Rin's youki. Kagome knew instantly that the sword housed Rin's youki, and was keeping them sealed, but something was wrong. The sword's aura was fighting itself because it hadn't been made to be handled by a youkai but a miko or monk. It would break, and when it did, Rin's flames, his youki, would consume him.
Kagome's brain instantly began to swim with how to prevent Rin from losing control.
"Thank you," he whispered, breaking through Kagome's anxious thoughts.
She smiled softly. Such thoughts would have to wait.
Rin's phone rang, and Kagome pulled away, and his heart broke. When he finally answered, she was gone, her black silhouette taking off towards Yukio.
The other teen looked just as surprised but was able to catch the girl with a single arm.
Kagome took off towards Yukio to give Mephisto his opportunity to make contact with Rin. Yukio caught sight of her and welcomed her into his embrace despite her being soaked to the bone.
She cried, and he cooed as he petted her head but held her just as tightly as she did him. "I'm so sorry, Yukio," she shook as she pulled back to his met his azure eyes. "What happened?"
His eyes narrowed before they found his brother's back across the graveyard. "Ask him; his demonic power surfaced the same time as he died," anger dripped from his voice with each word. He didn't bother hiding that Rin had youkai powers from her because he knew she could feel it. His father had even spoken of possibly trusting Kagome with Rin's secret because of how powerful and understanding the young teen was.
She tsk lightly before turning him to look back at her. "Why didn't either of you tell me? About you and him? Your father?"
"Who told you?" He growled slowly, eyes narrowed. They hadn't told her, he knew that much, but the shock of her knowing hit a cord with him. He was to protect his brother, but he couldn't do that if someone couldn't keep their mouth shut.
And she shrank back not used to facing this side of Yukio. She quickly whipped her tears before answering.
"Mephisto, he thinks I can help with controlling Rin's inner demon," it wasn't a complete lie. Mephisto wanted her to train Rin both with a sword and to control his youkai. But that sword; wouldn't do, it wasn't made to withstand his youki.
"You?" His brows furrowed in a look of skepticism, for he couldn't think of Kagome using a sword.
She sighed before digging into her breast pocket of her coat and pulling out her exorcist badge. Kagome Higurashi: Lower First Class Knight, Doctor, and Dragoon. She then quickly put it away.
He blinked at the new information before a gentle smile pulled at the corners of his lips. "You're just full of surprises," he laughed gently before pulling Kagome into a hug once more. His mouth pressed to her ear had her stiffening with a thick blush quickly quelled by his next words. "If you hurt him I'll kill you,"
Her eyes narrowed, a growl in her throat. "I thought you knew me better than that,"
He pulled back to explain his expression soft. "You are one of my oldest and closest friends, and I care for you, but my brother's safety is my top priority,"
Kagome nodded slowly, understanding, but still angry that he would threaten her. "Trust me; I only care about Rin's protection,"
"Prove it,"
She paused, thinking over what she had been thinking about on the way over, it worked on Inuyasha why not try it with Rin. "I know of a way to slow Rin down if he were to lose control,"
He blinked, surprised, and then hopeful. "Really?"
She quickly nodded. "I can have it ready in two days, and if you're not happy with that then why not supervise my training of Rin,"
"I'll think about it,"
They were quiet before Kagome asked. "So have you told him? That you knew?"
He shook his head, and they continued to walk away.
"You're impossible, " she hissed lowly.
Yukio shrugged but didn't bother to explain himself to the miko. After all, how could she possibly understand what it's like to be a monster? Or maybe she could understand on some level; Father Fujimoto had made it clear that no one was to know Kagome was a miko, just like Rin, she would be in danger if the Vatican found out.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?" He finally asked as they walked down the stone path.
He froze, his head snapping towards her with wide eyes. "Teeth?"
She nodded. "I don't necessarily need them, but it will make the Kotodama no Nenju stronger if they are made with the fangs of the demon instead of a basic magatama. Yours too, if you can," she explained.
"Will the baby teeth Father Fujimoto saved do?" Yukio visibly cringed as he muttered.
"As long as they're canines,"
After returning to her room after the funeral, Mephisto said he would leave her be until cram school started and to call if she needed anything. It was a simple yet kind gesture, one she hadn't thought possible from the mischievous time demon.
With the teeth from Yukio and Rin, Kagome got to work with cleaning and polishing the old bones. Once they were, a bright white Kagome drilled a small hole to thread them between deep cobalt prayer beads. It was a simple process of putting the Kotodama no Nenju together; it was the part after that was a bit trickier.
What word to use to subdue Rin?
wolfYLady: Chapter 3! Yay! So I know it's short, and nothing really happened, but the drama and story needs to build up. Chapter 4 is almost done too!
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What do you think the word of Subjugation should be?
Leave a review and I might use it!