InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Book One of The Angel Chronicles:Blood Of Innocents ❯ The Rise and Fall of the Empress of Time ( Chapter 9 )
The Rise and Fall of the Empress of Time
A/N from Catkyn and Esra.
Catkyn: To all of our faithful readers, we would like to point out that due to a lack of reviews (again), but a ton of visits, this will be the last chapter posted till after the holidays. Esra writes it, I type, spell- and grammer- check it, she tweaks it, I check it again, and she posts it. We need the reviews for inspiration to keep doing this, especially since I am in college and she is a very busy person. We try to keep the updates fairly regular for you, but reviews speed up the process. We will be doing shout outs to all faithful reviewers, but at the end of the last chapter in the book. We feel that the story flows better that way.
Esra: I want to thank every body that has visited, and those that have reviewed. However, it is true that I will not be posting till after the holidays...and no, I am not going to abandon this. But around this time things get hectic for everyone, and especially me. So, due to the fact that this is a very busy time and I don't want to post crap just for the sake of posting something...I have decided that me and the kitty need a lil' break. This fic has become a rather big project for us, and we hope that every one is enjoying it. So anyhow, on with the fic and pleasant holidays. ***And remember: any suggestions and questions are welcome, no matter the length.****
Jaken smelled his master's scent as he carried Jena's dinner to her room. *This is a really bad idea.* he thought, as he knocked on the door. There was no answer. *Maybe they were gone.* No, that couldn't have been the case, because his master's scent was so strong. *Oh, please, don't let him have hurt her again.* Jaken prayed as he opened the door, and was completely unprepared for the sight that greeted his eyes. There was Lord Sesshoumaru, with his tail wrapped around Jena like a demon about to mark his mate, but sleeping contently and….purring softly as her hands absently stroked his tail. This caused the poor, unprepared toad-youkai to nearly drop the tray and faint on the spot with joy.. At long last, Sesshoumaru was growing up.. and perhaps so was the bundle in his arms. Smiling brightly , he put the tray down on the vanity and left as quietly as he had come.
Sesshoumaru's POV
Unfortunately, the noise from the door startled Sesshoumaru, and his body tensed, ready to spring on any attackers that ever again sought to harm what was his! Looking down at her, he was awed at how she had managed to survive for so long as a hollow shell of herself. *And to think, she considers herself weak. Hell, she has more strength than I would hope to never have to gain. And speaking of angels, this one was about to wake…*
He didn't cringe at the nickname this time, not coming from her. "Come on, Jena, you must wake up. Jaken brought you dinner nearly an hour ago."
She said thru sleep-fogged eyes. For the first time in all the years that Jena could remember she was warm, comfortable and content to just stay there in the arms of the one she loved.
She looked at the young prince with apologetic eyes. "I'm so sorry…about what..." She never got to finish the apology, as he held one clawed finger to he lips.
"No need, Jena. I was moving too fast.. However, if that pathetic excuse for a toad hadn't come in, I would have loved to spend the evening with you wrapped up in my clawed hands."
"I'd have liked that very much as well. I've never slept so soundly before."
"Me neither."
"So, now that we're up, what do you want to do, Sesshie?" she asked him as she turned on the bed to look at him.
"Whatever you like is fine with me."
"I mean, if it's okay…"
"Just spit it out, already!"
"Well, I think it would be fun to go horseback riding."
At this, Sesshoumaru paled. He was remembering the first, and last, time he had ever ridden a horse.
"Sesshie? What's wrong?"
"Jena, horses and youkai just don't get along very well."
"Yes, when I was very little one of the hanyou's few idiotic friends tried to get me to ride their father's horse, and, well…let's just say that I got into a long and painful fight with gravity and lost."
"Oh, Sesshie, were you hurt?"
"No, it was mostly my pride that got injured."
"Okay, we don't have to go horseback riding."
At this, Sesshoumaru thought for a moment. "Jena, how about we do it this way? You can go horseback riding, and I will run alongside you."
"Nani?! Sesshie, if I'm on a horse, how are you going to keep up?" Jena instantly regretted this question, as his cocky attitude from earlier came back in full force, only to be shocked as Sesshoumaru picked her up bridal style while laughing lightly.
"You forget, Lady Jena, that I am a youkai."
"Oh." Was all Jena said before she kissed Sesshoumaru lightly, and was surprised to find that her companion was in fact purring. But she soon stopped thinking entirely as the young Inu ran his clawed fingers thru her hair, causing Jena to moan in ecstasy. Sesshoumaru smiled, as he now had found out a rather simple way to please her as well.
"I take it you enjoyed that Jena dear."
"Gods yes. Now just don't stop!"
"Oh where's the fun in that...I had you sweetly petting my tail all evening and when that stupid toad came in he interrupted you....and I had to deal with it....and you know what they say, all is fair in Love and war. Plus, I thought that we were going to go out for the night."
"We don't have to...let's just stay here...and you can hold me in your arms."
"A tempting offer, but no, Jena...we will have time for this later...for now. I wanted to show you some of my father's kingdom. It's incredible under the light of the full moon."
"Puppy, you're going to be the death of me yet!" she said as she kissed him lightly on the forehead.
"Get dressed, unless you prefer to go riding in your nightshift!"
She smiled at him as she went off into the hot spring to change.
He gently put her down outside the stables, telling her to pick out the fastest horse she could, and that they were going to play a little game. At this, Jena was instantly curious, if not a bit reluctant.
"What game, Sesshie?"
"Hunting," he said, his voice slightly husky.
"Hunting? What are you hunting?"
He turned to her and smiled, lightly kissing her brow before he spoke. "You."
"Now, go get ready, my little minx and enjoy your freedom while it lasts , for this hunter will soon catch his prey." He said, as he walked off.
Jena had a really bad feeling about this. But she was the one that wanted to go riding, and since he couldn't, he deserved to have his fun as well.
Jena's POV
Jena walked into the stables. They were surprisingly dark. "Hello? Hello, is anyone there?"
"Who are you?" a voice very similar to her own answered.
"Umm, I was wondering if you could help me…I need to find a horse that can out run Sesshoumaru."
Suddenly, a lantern was lit, the girl she had been talking to became visible. She had light blue hair and amethyst eyes. "Not possible." Said the girl, shaking her long, cerulean locks out of her eyes. "No horse can ever outrun a youkai, especially not one of InuTaisho's sons."
"Crap!" said Jena, as she slumped to the floor.
"Why do you want to outrun him anyway?...Rumor has it you two are a lil' closer than just mere friends?"
"He's playing a game with me. He wants me to go off somewhere, and he wants to hunt for me."
"Well, maybe I can help you, then."
"Oh, thank you!" said Jena, before she realized how incredibly rude she was being, she didn't even know the other girls' name!
"By the way, my name is Jena."
"Neara." she said, as she fumbled around for a beautiful black cloak. "This ought to do the trick. It will hide you from his youkai senses completely. You will, in essence, be on equal footing."
"Thank you so much!"
"But we are only half done, you still need a horse. May I recommend my horse? He's very loyal, and will take care of you rather nicely."
"Oh, no, I couldn't take your horse."
"Pah! Shadow Fax and I insist. Besides, he is the fastest horse that I have."
"If it is alright…"
"Fine!" Neara said, as she practically dragged Jena to the lone stall where the horse was. He was an elegant black stallion with light blue eyes.
"Blue eyes?" Jena hadn't meant to ask that aloud.
"Yes, it is rare, but it does happen. Now, before you get on, touch him lightly so that he can get accustomed to you and your scent."
"Okay." Jena said as she stroked his velvety soft nose.
"Now, I think that's sufficient." Neara said, as she placed the saddle onto his back and slowly hoisted Jena up. "Now, let him catch up for a bit before you put that cloak on; it will make it more fun for him that way , and it should disguise you the instant the fabric touches your skin. In essence, Jena dear, you will be invisible."
Jena smiled down at Neara before taking off.
Sesshie's POV
Sesshoumaru sat nearby and waited for the sound of the horses hoof beats. He was surprised when they were so soft that he almost missed them. Taking a deep breath, he pinpointed Jena's scent trail amidst the night air. *So, she's headed towards the woods. Clever girl.* he thought, before taking off as fast as he his youkai speed would allow; then suddenly, he stopped. The scent was gone! Sesshoumaru was shocked and rather alarmed. *How in the hell has she managed to mask her scent that well?!* He sniffed deeper, trying desperately to find her scent, and swore violently when he couldn't. *Fucking Hell!!! It's dangerous out here at night!* he thought. His original plan was to let her get a little ways into the woods before he caught her. *Bloody hell!* Now that he couldn't find her, she was, in essence, on her own; and with her timid nature, he knew she couldn't survive long. He had to find her. *This game has become far too real for my liking.*
Jena's POV
*Damn, I barely got away from him!* she thought, only to have the horse suddenly nod his head. *What the fuck? Can you understand my thoughts?* The horse nodded his head again. Now Jena was really confused. How could a horse read her mind? *Shadow…did you help me get away?* The horse nodded. "Thank you." Jena said, as she wrapped her arms around the horse. But the horse didn't understand this, for he didn't move in the slightest. In that moment, he seemed just like a normal horse. *Shadow, did you understand me when I spoke aloud?* The horse shook his head from side to side, in what Jena could only assume was a "No". *Shadow, do you know these woods?* He nodded again, and Jena couldn't help but think it strange to talk to a horse. *Can you take me to a glade near a spring? I think it would be cool if Sesshoumaru found me there.* Without any further directions, Shadow took off.
"Neara was right, you sure are fast!" Jena said, not wanting Shadow to understand her. The ride to the glad seemed to take forever, and when she was about to ask Shadow if he would rather turn around, he stopped in front of a picturesque spring lit by fireflies and moonlight.
*Oh, Shadow, this is gorgeous! But, do you think Sesshoumaru will find me here?* she asked, as she dismounted. Shadow nodded, but then shook his head. *Huh? He will, but he won't?* Shadow nodded again, then Jena realized that she was still wearing the cloak. *Oh, because of this?* Jena thought, as she pointed to the cloak. Again, Shadow nodded his head. Jena quickly removed her cloak, setting it across the saddle. Jena, still holding the reins, asked Shadow one more question. *Shadow, if I don't tie you up, will you promise not to run away?* Shadow nodded a "Yes", and Jena tied the reins to the saddle. She went to sit down on a soft bed of moss, waiting for Sesshoumaru to find her, and hoping that she was being good 'prey' and that he was having fun.
Sesshie's POV
Sesshoumaru was not faring nearly as well. He was on the verge of hysteria and fighting to keep his youkai form in check; however, his thoughts weren't making it easy. *What if a youkai gets her? I'll kill the youkai, that's what!!* *But what if her scent doesn't come back? Then I'll lose her forever.* *What if another male forcibly mated with her?!*
"STOP THAT!" he yelled, as he once more fought the transformation to dog-form. Then suddenly, on the breeze, he caught her scent. It was really, really faint, like about 30 miles off towards the South.
*Oh, great. That's just great. Naraku country, and I know that the young hanyou king would have no problem spilling the woman's fact, it would probably be Jena's intoxicating scent that would draw him to make a meal of her. Damn hanyou if he lays one hand on her body, treaty or not...father's will or not, he is as good as dead!* He sped off for all he was worth, towards the direction of the scent.
Jena's POV
Jena was in the stage right before sleep, lying comfortably on a bed of moss and ferns, the sound of the stream was an enchantingly soothing melody that seemed to fill any remaining thought she had. She was so out of it that she didn't even see the horse transform, his horse-shape melting away only to be replaced with that of a man. A man with deep red hair and malicious green eyes.
"Hey, baby."
Jena was up instantly. "Sesshie?" she called out to him, though he stayed in the shadows. *Wait a minute, since when has he started calling me 'baby'?* "Sesshoumaru, is that you?" she asked, as the man finally stepped out of the shadows. *Oh, dear Gods in heaven NO! Reyouku!*
Suddenly, he was straddling her, effectively pinning her to the earth as he spoke with a husky voice.
"We're going to have fun tonight, Baby!" he said, as his lips roughly assaulted hers.
*Oh, God, somebody, anybody, help me! Please…Please, NOT AGAIN!! Night Song, HELP!!* But Reyouku's lips began to trail down her neck, playfully biting at the skin between her shoulder and neck, and his hands roughly fondled her breasts, before he spoke again.
"Just like old times. And oh, how I missed hearing you scream." he said, but before he got to finish, he was thrown off of her with enough force to knock the wind out of him.
Sesshie's POV
I came upon them as he roughly forced himself upon her. This man was Reyouku…the man she begged to stop. How he had managed to follow her here was an intriguing mystery, but irrelevant at the moment; for now he knew what Reyouku's crimes had been against his angel. Knowing this, he had no intention of being merciful; this man would pay for his trespass, even if he had to kill him in front of his wife-to-be. This bastard had to pay for his crimes.
When I next spoke, my voice had gone ice cold .
"Jena, head North, back to my Father's castle. You needn't witness this!"
Jena saw his eyes change from their usual gentle gold, to blood red! His tone brooked no argument, and Jena knew that Reyouku was going to die. She didn't know how she knew this, but she did. And she also knew that if she stayed, Sesshoumaru could accidentally kill her as well.
"Sesshoumaru....retribution is not worth your heart...Please...Don't leave me." she said as she fled into the night, her tears lingering upon the night breeze.
"So, you are Reyouku."
"Whatever, prettyboy. You just cost me one good fuck! But apparently that whore has found another fuck buddy...what a shame, really, I was hoping to be the one to break that spirit of hers. No matter, perhaps I'll claim her when you're done...I am a patient man after all, and she surely will be as good a fuck then as she is now. "
Sesshoumaru's claws began to glow with poison vapor as his stomach churned at the thought of that bastards' hands on Jena. Forcing all emotions from his face, he forced himself to ask Reyouku his next question.
"Is that all she ever was to you?"
"Why the fuck should I tell you!"
"Because, human, I might let you live long enough to answer."
"Yes, that is all she ever meant to me, only tonight, I was going to go all the way and really give her something to scream about, something she'd never forget! Call it a belated birthday present." Reyouku was shocked when the person in front of him began to laugh. "What da' fuck you laughing for, you queer?!"
"You truly have no redeeming qualities, human. I am pleased, this will make my hunt that much more enjoyable, and I will truly enjoy cleaning your filthy blood off of my jaws."
"What da' fuck are you talking about, you…" but he never got to finish. Sesshoumaru had finally decided to give in to his youkai rage, and before Reyouku knew it, he was standing face to face with a giant, ravenous dog! Doing the only thing he could, he took off running as fast as he could. He started screaming his head off, his voice loud enough to wake the dead, when the giant dog pounced on him, tearing his living body apart piece by bloody piece.
It took about 45 minutes for the human to finally die, though Sesshoumaru would have liked it to have lasted longer. When Sesshoumaru transformed back into his human self, he used his poison claws to melt the remains. *He will never bother us again.* he thought, as he headed back to the castle in the hopes of comforting Jena. He knew that her gentle nature wouldn't approve of his actions, but he was confident that she still loved him. He got back to the castle only to find the servants in a right tizzy, and Jena could be heard banging things around and sobbing loudly.
Sesshoumaru told all the servants to leave, as he opened the door to see his wife-to-be on the floor crying brokenly. "Jena?" His voice was gentle while hers was hard and cold.
"He is killed him! Didn't You! DIDN'T YOU!...You bastard! He was my father!"
He grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her even as she struggled to get away, pounding her tiny fists against his chest, sobbing and begging him to let her go and let her be alone.
"Jena, listen to man that ever harms a woman in that fashion deserves your grief....nor is he worthy of the title that you gave him."
"Leave ME ALONE, Sesshoumaru...your practically covered in his blood! Leave me Alone...I...I nev..."
His lips upon hers silenced her. At first she fought to tear his lips away from hers; she didn't deserve his love...She didn't need his love...yet she burned for his delicate touch ... But he came back, he came back and she let him die again! What the hell type of person was she...He may be covered in his blood but in turn so was she....Why did fate have to be so cruel...why? She needed to be alone now, not comforted...not wrapped up in his arms... and not having her treacherous body beg for his touch...she needed to was the only way she knew of to dull the ach in her heart."
"Pl..please...Sesshou...Sesshoumaru if you love me let me go....leave me...and don't come back...please. Just let me go."
She looked up at him with her tear-clouded eyes, eyes that showed all the depths of pain in her tortured soul. And he knew if he left her this he would have a very dead wife come the morn.
"Jena, you know I can never do that. You are not alone. I'm here. Never again will you be alone, my Beloved. Here." He said, handing her the only item that had her scent on it.
"The cloak! How?"
"I figured out that this negates youkai senses that was how you got away form me and if it works this well against me than it aught to provide you some protection, but can only be worn by a human."
"How did you know that? "
"Well, let's just say the results were shocking."
Jena laughed, despite her tears despite her pain, but most of all despite her crime.
"I like seeing you smile. Jena, please don't cry."
"What is it, My Love?"
"I love you with all my heart...."
"As do I, Jena, as do I. Now go to bed, you've got a party to go attend tomorrow."
"Stay here for a moment more....please...beloved."
"Very well, but just a have had a rough day…and you need sleep."
"I...I had a dream..."
"What happened in this dream?" he asked, his voice taking on a serious tone. Dreams were tricky; they may mean absolutely nothing, or they may be what saves a persons life. They were funny that way, one never knew for sure; but what he did know was that he needed to know what she dreamt if it affected her this much.
"What is this terrible dream which plagues my lover's thoughts?"
"It was dark and cold and I was calling for you but you would not come, you where staring down at me with hate and disgust...and my friends, the ones from my time, were there. I remember flying high in the air, daring some one to kill me, while you watched from below expressionless... except for your eyes, the look in your eyes was so how you just were with Reyouku. Like I somehow betrayed you...It was so real."
"It was just a horrid dream I assure you Jena that nothing in this world could ever destroy my love for you."
"There was was chanting...It was hard to make out but I think I caught some of it...."
*No, this is too real to be just a mere dream...could it be that the girl has she a seer?*
"Swords of dark, sorrows, and Light
Bound to the steel by the rage of a fallen king.
The sword of darkness waits
It's promises ever tempting…
For It's song is that of the night.
It threatens to bring the about the wielders fall
For only the Princess may break its spell.
And Cause the Princesses Fall."
"I have to admit that it is a rather disturbing rhyme, love...promise me that you will never repeat it again."
"I don't know how magic works where you came from, but here words have powers...and casting is not something to be undertaken carelessly. Do you understand."
"I don't know why I believe this, yet, but you are much more than even you yourself know . The powers that lay dormant in side you we will explore together, but even if you had none I still would have loved you. Now get some sleep, you have a party to prepare for."
"Even after all this...after every thing that has happened...You still want me to go..?"
Faster than her eyes could follow, he had her pinned to the wall. Listen to me, and listen well. Jena, if you doubt your love for me, tell me now!"
"Sesshie, I love you."
He growled angrily. "Say it like you mean it!"
"Sesshoumaru, I love you, heart, mind, body, and soul!" Jena yelled, her temper rising. How dare that baka question her love for him! But seeing Reyouku had brought back all her fears and shame full force, the thought of which was absolutely crushing!
Sesshoumaru nodded, kissing her passionately on the lips. "I love you, and tomorrow everyone will know! Tomorrow, I will take you as my wife!"
Sesshoumaru's POV
His fur was practically standing on end...what ever that rhyme was, it definitely had power to it. She didn't know it yet, but being a youkai made his body rather sensitive to nearly all types of magic and that...even though it may not be the complete version, was part of some type of spell that he wanted Jena to have nothing to do with. Enough so that he made her swear never to repeat it again. But was it more? Could it be a prophecy as well?...Was she seeing her own, that couldn't be, the last part of it said that the 'prince' would cause the 'princess'' fall....but she was no princess as far as he knew. Perhaps it was time to find his father…hopefully he was still in his study and he could make sense of this puzzle...
*She is changing do realize love really worth the price you will pay?*
For the first time since he was a true pup he was terrified...he needed to find his father and now...he did not want to lose fact, he truly couldn't picture his life without her any more* So wrapped up in his thoughts was he that he didn't even see his younger brother until he ran over him.
"Hey, watch where you're know father doesn't let us run in the castle Fluffy." InuYasha jeered, hoping to get a rise out of the elder. But much to his surprise, he saw something in his brother's eyes that he'd never expected to see....fear.
"Where is father?!"
" his study I think...why...what's wrong, Sess?"
"Inu, I regret that I need a favor from you..."
*wow that cost Fluffy a lot of pride...wonder what it could be.*
"Slip into Jena's quarters and keep watch over her...but don't wake her...she has had a rough day...someone from her time came here and tried.....well he nearly killed her in the worst way."
"But how is that possible...."
"I don't know, that is why I need to see father."
"All right, I'll watch her..."
"If anything happens, don't try fighting it, just and get us. There is ill magic afoot, and you are still too much of a pup to handle it..."
" you think this is easy for me...I can't even protect the one who is to become my mate...I am too much of a pup to with stand that kind of attack."
"All right Sess...Just go find papa, he was there just an hour ago."
"I am grateful, little brother." Sesshoumaru said, before he took off in search of his father.
InuYasha's Pov
Getting into Jena's room had been a piece of cake, she hadn't so much as twitched when he opened her chamber door, and he had even managed walk around the room and sit down without waking her. That's when he saw a swirl of black light and a woman appeared, standing within shoulder length of Fluffy's brides' bed. She was taller than him, and glowing with an eerie red-black light; her hair was long, almost down to her back, and light blond like Jena's.
"Hey, what are you doing to her, you wench!" InuYasha yelled as she placed her hand above the girls' heart.
This caused the figure to turn around. Her eyes, they were not soft and blue like Jena's had been, but a hard, steely gray.
"You should learn respect for your elders, you insolent child." she said, as if his words had not even affected her.
"I asked you what in the seven hells are you doing to her!!!"
"Taking back what should have been mine...I will pierce her heart!" she said as her power began to over take Jena and a wicked looking blade appeared in the woman's hands. That was when Jena's own power responded, and for an instant there was a flash of brilliant white blue light.
"...stubborn as ever, aren't we, Jena?..."
"Leave her alone!"
"What, are you still here? And here I thought that you had enough intelligence to know when you're out-matched and out-classed. Poor pup, and here I thought that your brother told you to run away...don't tell me that you forgot already. Isn't it better that I take her, and leave your family in one piece....or should I take them, as well...the choice is yours pup." she said as she turned away again, only to hear the whelp shouting at her again...damn, the brat was beginning to get on her nerves....kinda like a barking, disobedient dog.
"Don't you dare touch her again!" he exclaimed, trying to put himself between this youkai and Jena.
"Tell me, why do you protect her pup, when you know that you are hardly a match for me, and that in the end I will take what is rightfully mine, hmm?"
"Over my dead body!"
"Mmm, now there is a delicious idea." she said, as the poor hanyou found that he was frozen to the ground, unable to protect Jena or himself.
"What the hell is going on?! I'm stuck!!!!!!!"
"Just watch...the vines are hungry, pup, and they will feed off your life force till you've lost even the will to live, till there is nothing left...pity you'll be beyond help long before that... But I am merciful, pup. If your screams amuse me, I will make sure the vines take you quickly. Either way, you will be dead soon enough.
And indeed, tiny crystalline vines sprang up from the ground and started to wrap and snake themselves around his body, draining the life from the poor hanyou.
"Pity you will be leaving us soon, pretty puppy...I did so want her to remember your death. But I suppose that we all have to make allowances now and again, isn't that right?"
"!" the hanyou choked out....till his body was surrounded by Jena's light.
"What the hell is this!" Without warning, the door to Jena's room was flung open, and there stood Sesshoumaru and Inutaisho, glaring at the woman with a look that could freeze blood.
"I suggest that you leave my home and my son in peace, before we force you to do so."
"Oh, please! You, Sesshoumaru, hardly scare me. And you, Dog Lord, are hardly more than an annoyance."
No sooner had she stated those words, than her body was shrouded in a light white mist; and before anyone could speak, the woman was gone.
InuYasha's body, no longer having the support of the spell, crumpled to the ground bonelessly.
"InuYasha!" InuTaisho cried, as he cradled his youngest in his arms.
"Father, what magic did you use to banish her?"
"Sadly, my son, the magic was not mine..."
"Will InuYasha recover?"
"Yes, I believe he will. Had whatever power that saved him acted even a mere moment later, he wouldn't be alive. I wonder, Sesshoumaru, what type of creature have you brought to dwell in my house."
"The one I will wed, Father...come, we best leave before she awakens."
"Aye...but be wary son. Is this love that you harbor for her really worth the price that you...that any of us may pay? Is there no other you will have....and are you prepared to give your life for hers?"
"Yes father....I truly am."
InuTaisho& Sesshoumaru
InuTaisho watched as his son knelt beside his love's bed. Her face was pale as it was, and the moonlight made her look like a ghost. Sweat dripped lightly down her a telltale sign of magical exhaustion...* it you that I have to thank for the life of my youngest? Did you save him...did you save us all?*
"My son, I doubt that she will wake any time soon...perhaps you should let her get some sleep...and it wouldn't do you any harm either."
"What if whatever was trying to attack her comes back...and that was not the first thing that was after her and damn near killed her....I can't lose her, Father...First Mother, and then Colette, I will not be adding Jena to that list! I won't lose her, Father, and if I have to stay up all night I will!!!"
"Sesshoumaru, whatever force has been attacking her will not return for her tonight. For one, the power that saved your brother has set up a barrier around this place...I can feel it, and if you sought it you to would be able to feel it as well. It is that barrier that will keep her come, Sesshoumaru, everyone is going to have a long day ahead of them and every one of us will need to sleep."