InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bored With Mine Borrowed Yours ❯ First Date ( Chapter 9 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. The very talented Rumiko Takahashi owns him and the entire cast. (Except for the characters I made up.) And the rating may be wrong (It's rated for safety) but it will NOT go higher.
By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) (aka.) crescentmoon (at mediaminer)
Chapter Nine
“Hey Shirah. I've been trying to call since 5:00 this morning.”
“Yeah I was so excited to talk to someone about my date that I couldn't sleep very long. I had to wait for a more decent time to call!”
“When did you wake up?”
“3:30, or there about. So you can see why I couldn't wait anymore.”
“I was up then.”
“Huh? How come?”
A sigh fluttered over the phone. “The children woke me up to help them get revenge on Inuyasha.”
“Really?” her eyes sparkled. “What did you do?”
“I'll get you a picture of it. You'll laugh soOo hard!”
“We'll either meet up someplace or I'll mail it to you.”
“So `Shirah', how was your date?”
“It was wondrous!” she sighed. “He was such a gentleman. He took me to dinner, Italian, as you know.”
“Wait, wait, begin with when he picked you up.”
“Okay, well I was wearing that descending blue shade, floor length dress. You know the one?”
“Yeah, I made that, with help from my mom.”
“Wow! I choose it because it's simple and elegant, prefect for a place like that. Well he pulled up in a green car…”
Christopher walked up to the door happily and knocked, he thinks knocking is classier.
When the door opened he saw Kouga, he looked twice as imposing as twelve female bears when he's the only thing between them and their young, crying offspring. But the look was ruined when Ginta yelled, “She's my sister, I should be the one to open the door!”
He gave some reply and glared as he let the older man in.
“Leave him alone, Kouga.” Kisa said as she walked by.
“Wow. My lady…” He bowed. “Shirah, shall I take you out or just sit before your thrown and grovel at your delightful beauty?”
A blush peeked out as she giggled softly. “Sir…” she noticed Kouga, boy did he look angry. “Mayhap we should leave on the aforementioned date, before yonder knight loses a wheel.” She gestured to Kouga.
He glanced at the kid then said, “Yes. Mayhap my lady is right. Perhaps she shall allow me to escort her to my horse and buggy.” He gave her his arm, which she took. “Adieu, knights of the princess.” His head did a bow to them.
Once he handed her into his car, shut her door and started to drive to the restaurant she grinned at him and said, “That was fun.”
“Yeah, it was.” He grinned lopsidedly at her.
“I'm sorry about that.”
“About what?”
“The black eye.”
“Oh, it's okay. It wasn't your fault.”
“I know. But it must hurt.”
“It's not too bad. I have faced the dragon come out bruised but victorious. My Lady Princess smiled at me as my reward. It was more then worth it.”
She smiled timidly as she blushed.
When they got to the restaurant he told her to stay in the car. He went around and let her out himself. Before the valet could.
He had reserved them a window table.
They ordered, their drink was a delicious bottle of sparkling cider.
The talk they shared during dinner was of random things.
Then they had a moonlit rendezvous in the park walking around and chatting about nothing much. When they were on the far side of the manmade lake in the center of the park he looked at his watch.
“Ah. It can't be that late. I promised your brother that I would have you home by nine-ten. We had better get going.”
“But this is so nice.” she complained lightly. “Ah well, lets go.”
She started to head back to his car when he stopped her and told her that he would walk her home as it wasn't far away and would give them a snid-bit of more time together.
When they arrived at her door he said good night and magically produced a rose and a yellow daisy. To which he said, “I'm like this daisy beautiful in my own way. But you are like this blindingly magnificent, white rose. I pale in comparison. But you still allowed yourself to be arranged in the same vase as I. if only for tonight. I hope I can call upon you again dear rose.” He handed her the flowers then strolled off back towards the park. `Of course you can see me again.' she thought. Then turned and went inside.
~end of flashback~
“… I still have the flowers. They're in a vase besides your bed.”
“Magic huh?”
“Yeah. Corny I know but when it happens to you it's… kinda sweet.”
“Sounds like you had a nice time.”
“Yeah, I did. Do you think he'll ask me out again?”
“He said he would.” `Should I tell her how old he is?'
“Really! Oh great! I would love to go out with him again!”
`Nah, I won't, but hopefully it won't cause problems later.' “I can tell.” she replied just as happily.
“But what if he doesn't ask again?” she sounded worried.
“Then he's a liar and not worth your time.”
“Oh…” she sounded dejected.
“Or you could ask him.”
“True. That is if I knew where to find him or his phone number.”
“You didn't ask?”
“That's too bad. I'm sure he will ask you though.”
“Hey I just realized that you've never called me. Why is that?
“Finding the time?” she asked. “And I don't know my own phone number.” She whispered.
“You don't know your own phone number?”
“I've never really had to use it. I used to know it but I have forgotten it.”
“Hmm. Should I look it up and tell you?”
“What's it under in your address book?” asked the real Kisa when she couldn't find it under H.
“A, Abbott household. All my family is listed after that number.”
Again Kisa listed off the numbers of a telephone number.
“So besides this funny thing of Inuyasha that you won't tell me about, what's going on there?”
“Jaken got sick. I have an audition for a play with Sesshoumaru Saturday.”
“Oh! I forgot about that! Sorry.”
“It's okay. I love your pool and game basement by-the-by.”
“Yeah so do I. Who wouldn't?”
“I can't think of anyone who wouldn't.” She paused trying to think of something to say. Her eyes widen as she remembered. “Oh. Um… you know Myouga…” she started hesitantly.
“Yeah.” replied the other girl suspiciously.
“Well he knows… about us. But he promised not to tell. As he didn't want to die a painful death at your hand.”
“Smart bug.”
Shirah smiled. “Yeah.” She was relieved.
“That it?”
“Mmhmm. That it with you?”
“I think so.”
“Okay well bye.”
They hung up their phones.
Hey all! I'm part of a talent contest tomorrow. I'm going to be singing Born to Fly By: Sara Evans. It's for a Holiday we have where I live. While I'm singing on the 21st the holiday is the 24th. Anyone know what holiday it is? Hehehe!
Reviews: I only got two reviews this time, from the same person. Thank you!
Azumi Kiribashi- First of I'm glad you like it. Second I'm sorry I confused you, I decided not to use Kikyou and Kagome as the switching characters `cause that's been done to death! And Kagome has a different role in the story, although I'm not certain if it will get big or not. Kikyou may make an appearance in the story I don't know yet. Hehehe! And you added my story to your favorites list! Oh I could die happy right now. But I wont cause then the story would never get finished! And I can't let that happen! Thank you for your reviews!
All reviews are welcome! Thank you if you have reviewed. Thank you readers that haven't reviewed. And don't be afraid to review you can even put only one or two words and I'll be happy! Hehehehe! I may get another chapter out soon, maybe not. Is there anything happening next month? I try to put out chapters when there is something going on. And I don't really have anything next month. Hehehehe!
Thank y'all! Until next time! Bye!