InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bored With Mine Borrowed Yours ❯ The Party part 2 Chocolate Shakes ( Chapter 29 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. The very talented Rumiko Takahashi owns him and the entire cast. (Except for the characters I made up.) Also I do not own Candy's Bar, I made the name up, if it is the name of a real place I didn't know and I do not own it. And the rating may be wrong (It's rated for safety) but it will NOT go higher.
By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) (aka.) crescentmoon (at mediaminer)
Chapter Twenty-Nine
“Oh! I'm so sorry miss!” he started to help her up. Her face flashed to his, surprised, just as quickly she turned away.
“It's okay.” she mumbled. She ripped her arm out of his grasp and scrambled to her feet. Then she rushed into the crowd.
Kouga found himself at an impasse. He could go after the girl and make sure she was okay or just take the answer she had given him. He sighed and shook his head. Then he followed the blue dress, he was above all a gentleman.
When he caught up with her he said, “Excuse me miss, but are you sure you're okay?”
“Yes.” She kept her face out of his view.
She sounded odd. “Really? You don't sound okay.” He tried to get a look at her to make sure.
“Look I fall down all the time. I'm okay. Please just leave me alone.”
“Okay…” He didn't like it but he would do as this stranger asked.
“Whew.” She hung her head in relief. “Thank goodness.”
`Kisa' turned around to locate her eldest `brother'. `Ah there he is… a foot in front of my nose.' She backed up. “You've got to stop doing that Sesshoumaru.”
“So Sesshoumaru, why have you been staring at me this whole time? I know I look amazing but you're starting to creep me out.” She added that last sentence because she thought they were something Kisa truly would say.
“It was nothing.”
He left her alone again and someone started to talk to him. He had stopped staring at her.
`I wonder what that was about.' Shirah looked around the room, just to locate everyone. Inuyasha was right on the edge of the dance floor, glowering at Kouga who was dancing with Kagome. Kisa was also on the dance floor with a portly guy Shirah had been introduced to earlier. His name was Smith or was it Simonson or maybe it was Clarkson, oh well the point was she had been introduced to him, remembering his name was another matter. Anyway the man kept stepping on Kisa's feet. Pour girl.
Brawswick (the old demon she had danced with earlier that evening) was glaring while he `chatted' with those around him. But as soon as `Kisa's' eyes landed on his crooked frame his gaze shifted to her and he smiled. She smiled back and nodded at him before continuing her search. She spotted a few of her other dance partners. Shirah didn't know what she was looking for just that she was bored. This always happened, she was polite but when it came to social situations she was far from a social butterfly.
When the song that was playing came to an end Inuyasha and Kouga were sizing each other up. Well more like Inuyasha was in Kouga's face and Kouga was laughing him off, until something Inuyasha said insulted him.
Kisa and Shirah met up again as they rushed their way to the boys. Kagome was already there trying to stop them, but she had little effect.
“You take yours and I take mine.” Shirah said focused on getting to the men.
“Right.” Kisa paused, and then began another sentence. “Wait which one is mine.”
“Kouga's YOUR date, and Inuyasha's MY brother.”
“Oh, that makes sense.” They got to them just as they were sinking into brawling positions. The girls immediately got between them before they could pounce on each other.
`Shirah' put her hands on Kouga's shoulders with a grin. She started to push him back. “Now Kouga, you don't really want to fight him do you?” She didn't wait for an answer. “'Cause I was hoping we could have one last dance before we have to leave.”
Kouga forgot his anger. `She's just too cute.' He looked at the clock. “We could have a few more then that if you'd like.”
“Well actually, I was hoping to convince you to stop for something sweet on the way back home.”
“Am I not sweet enough for ya?” he teased, as they started to dance.
Kisa pretended to think about it. “I don't know…” She `thought' for a little longer. “No I don't think you are,” she joked.
With Inuyasha as they were separating them.
`Kisa' just popped up in front of him, huge smile in place. It threw Inuyasha off kilter. He stumbled back a few paces and landed on his rear.
`Kisa' laughed. “I thought it was impossible to scare a demon!”
“I wasn't scared. You were just suddenly very close.” he defended himself.
She laughed some more. “You're just too cute! Like a puppy!”
He looked at her a mixture of shock and the `you're crazy!' look.
She stifled more giggles, and tried to haul Inuyasha up off the floor. “Come on puppy, I'm taking you for a walk.”
Kagome just stood there laughing the whole time. She couldn't even stop laughing as `Kisa' dragged her dazed and confused date outside.
As she was walking toward the door Shirah glanced back to see how Kisa was fairing with Kouga. Her eyes widened when she found that to be a mistake, Kouga was looking at them. He had just gotten a perfect view of her face. She swiftly looked ahead and pulled Inuyasha out the door faster.
Back with Kouga and `Shirah'
“So that's why she's so rude. She's with that mongrel.” Kouga sneered. He was still stinging from the barb `that mongrel' had thrown at him.
“Who Kouga?” asked his date.
“Them.” He glared pointedly at the retreating pair.
When she looked she saw her brother, Inuyasha and her friend, Shirah. Kisa became hard and immovable as she halted dancing.
“What's wrong?” inquired Kouga, confused as to why she stopped.
“Take me home Kouga.” `Shirah' looked at him with the hard eyes no man wants to see. Ever. He just gawped at her. “Now.”
At that instant he nodded slowly unable to look away or even blink.
She huffed and stormed away.
“What have I done?” he requested of himself. He could not think of one thing.
Shirah was still upset waiting for him at the valet table. The valet was missing. He had left to get the car even though she did not have the receipt. He didn't want to mess with her.
When the car arrived Kouga tried to help her into his car but she wouldn't let him.
After a few miles had gone by Kouga could wait no more. “What did I do?”
`What do I tell him? I can't tell him he insulted my friend or my brother. `Cause then I'd blow the secret. If I tell him they're my friends he'll wonder how I met them and why I didn't introduce them to him. What do I say? He insulted the people I care about but I can't defend them.' Her mind kept racing for an answer.
“Was whatever it was so terrible that you won't even tell me?” he said after waiting for a long time.
“No.” she finally spoke. She had decided to tell him, “Those people you called rude. I know them.” He looked at her surprised before looking back to the road. “The girl is my friend, the boy is her brother. While I concede that he is rude and hot tempered, but he is not a mongrel. And Kisa is never, ever rude, although I have noticed she is shy. Especially around guys, she's even worse around cute guys.”
When Kouga looked back on the way she acted now he saw not rudeness and avoidance but extreme shyness.
“In fact I recall a conversation we had where she said you were cute.” Kisa grinned talking about it had made her feel quite a bit better. Enough that she could tease him. “I'm not so sure I agree with her.” she said as seriously as she could.
They had just stopped at a red light so Kouga looked at her. Her expression was completely serious. Yet soon her lips started to twitch.
He pulled across the intersection as the light was now green and said, “Is that so?” They drove into a burger joint and he parked. “I'll just have to prove how `cute' I am.” He grinned at her. Kouga leaned toward her. “Am I cute yet?”
“Nope.” she replied eyes sparkling as bright as her smile.
“We'll have to see what you say after we get a shake or to down ya.”
“What difference would that make?”
“I've heard brain freezes can change peoples' minds.”
`Shirah' raised an eyebrow. “That's insane.”
“Yes, I suppose it is.” Kouga chuckled. “But we'll have to try it to make sure.” He got out and helped her out of the car.
“Sounds good to me.” she laughed.
“But I'm still not cute?”
“Nope, still not cute.”
Kouga growled playfully. Then he ran at her, picking her up and carrying her on his shoulder. He made sure her skirt covered as much of her legs as possible. Which was about three inches below her knee.
All the while Kisa yelled. “Kouga put me down! I'm in a dress you moron! This is so un-cute!” That last sentence came out just as he entered the red and white colored diner.
“Hmm, how do you feel about chocolate?” he asked completely ignoring what she said.
“Kouga! Put me down! And what girl doesn't like chocolate?”
“Ayame for one doesn't like chocolate.” He chuckled as she kicked him for the fifth time. “I remember when a guy in junior high had a crush on her. He got her chocolates and she opened the box and dumped them on him.” To the snickering lady at the counter he said, “Two chocolate shakes please.”
“That was mean of her.”
“Not really. Up until three days before he teased her in every class they shared.” Kouga laughed some more as he paid for their shakes and carried them and his date to a booth.
He set the drinks down on the far end of the table then set her down on it as well.
Next thing you know there's a large crash and two muttered owws. The cheap table had swung up dropping Kisa on the ground and hit Kouga on the forehead. Luckily for Kisa nothing hit her. The salt, pepper and sugar packets rained all around them, the catsup and mustard sailed pass them to shatter on the ground. And the shakes? Well unfortunately for Kouga both of those bombs hit his head before the table did. The cups split open to drench Kouga in the sticky brown goop. The shakes rapidly started to melt and sink into his beautiful tux.
`Shirah' began to laugh loud and hard. “Look who got the shakes down them! Wasn't I cute enough already?” They were both sitting on the floor.
Kouga gave her a sheepish smile. “Aww! You're just too cute!” She pinched his cheek. That action coated her fingers in shake gunk. Kisa stuck them in her mouth. “Taste good too.”
Kouga joined her in laughing. “I told you I'm cute. I guess tasting good is just a bonus huh?” He stood up and extended his hand to her.
“No way. I like this dress the way it is, not chocolate coated.”
They decided to rain check on the shakes. As they left you could hear the employees in the background arguing over who was going to clean it up.
Scene Change Shirah's Mom's Apartment
“You had better have a good excuse as to why you're late.” Esmaralda Abbott said with mock anger, as `Shirah' walked through the door seven minutes and thirty-nine seconds late.
“Oh I do.” answered Kisa with mock seriousness. She reached back out the door, caught Kouga's arm and yanked him in.
“Oh my! What happened to you?”
“Kouga took me to a bar.”
“What!?!” chorused three voices. Ginta just walked in the door.
“That was beautiful. How often do you guys practice that? Like I was saying Kouga took me to a bar. There he got in a fight with a guy called `Coco', over a girl called `Shake'. I believe it was called Candy's Bar.” She grinned, her eyes twinkling. “Kouga lost as you can see.”
`Her' mom started to laugh. “I get it. Very funny. What really happened?”
“Kouga took me to a boring business party. But the music got mixed up so it turned out really fun. After that we went and got shakes. Kouga and the table got into a little disagreement and the table threw the drinks at him.”
“That `really' happened?” asked Ginta.
“Yes, that `really' happened.” confirmed `Shirah'.
“Really?” he inquired again suspiciously.
“Okay, so I got mad at him and dumped them on him. And what a perfectly good waste of chocolate it was too.” She paused. “Although I do have to say Kouga looks pretty good with chocolate coating. Don't you agree mom?”
“Oh, most defiantly.” she nodded laughing.
The shakes had long ago melted and dried. Leaving Kouga with hair like saran wrap on his skull. He felt sticky and gross. His shirt was most defiantly stained. In fact the only good thing on the long list was that he now smelled really good and sweet. Just like chocolate.
“I'm sure you'd like to go home and wash that stuff off so we're going to let you go now. Bye Kouga.” said Esmaralda.
“Lean down Kouga.” When he did `Shirah' said, “I had a really great time tonight Kouga. Thanks.” Then she kissed his cheek. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he returned.
Ginta was the one to see him out the door. “Goodnight Kouga.”
“See you Ginta.”
After Kouga left Ginta turned to Kisa, “Shirah I'm so proud of you. Standing up for yourself like that.” He hugged her.
“Ginta, I was joking. It really was just an accident with the table. It wasn't bolted to the floor.” She hugged him back anyway. “Goodnight Ginta.”
“Night sis.”
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Hi everyone. Please forgive this extremely late chapter. When I was going to type this up I was sick with the flu and was kinda not all there and when I was there I was too busy. I got the flu just before Thanksgiving, when I planned on putting it out, and only just got over the flu. To make it up to you I made this longer than I was going to. I was going to end it just when Kouga got a good look at `Kisa', but to be nice to my fans who are not in trouble with me, and she knows who she is, I made this longer. I may also put another short chapter out soon, as I think the next chapter will be a shorter one. Think of it as a bonus. Cross your fingers and pray that I'll be able to.
Anyway thanks for reading! And please make your opinion known. For you out there who love Kouga, wasn't the chocolate coating great? Hehehehe! And for those who like Sesshoumaru… Fear not! He has a good scene in the next chapter. `Wink'.
Please review! Bye!