InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bored With Mine Borrowed Yours ❯ Shirah's Scar ( Chapter 31 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or its characters. The very talented Rumiko Takahashi owns him and the entire cast. (Except for the characters I made up.) And the rating may be wrong (It's rated for safety) but it will NOT go higher.
By: year of the snake (at fanfiction) (aka.) crescentmoon (at mediaminer)
Chapter Thirty-One
The real Kisa's week was filled with some excitement, aka, two dates with Kouga which where double dates with Ginta and Ayame. But this Saturday he was taking her hiking, just the two of them, on a mountainous picnic. Although knowing Ginta he'll probably find an excuse to be nearby.
It was Saturday and that night was to be the first dress rehearsal, Shirah was nervous. To keep from fidgeting she went swimming with Rin. Shippo was at his parents' house, Inuyasha was who knows where with his friends and Sesshoumaru was working in his study. He kept Jaken up to his eyeballs with pointless errands. So `Kisa' and Rin were all alone in the pool.
While working Sesshoumaru found he needed something from his room, and Jaken would probably be gone for over two hours. So he went and got it himself. He looked out the window and saw his sister and daughter playing with a soak ball. `Huh? What's that?'
He opened his window and jumped out. His eyes widened now that he could tell what it was.
“Sesshoumaru-papa!” Rin cried happily. “Did you come to play with us?”
“No Rin. Please go inside and tell Hannah she needs to watch you while we're gone.”
“Okay.” she agreed readily. Rin ran into the house.
“Sesshoumaru, what's wrong?”
He yanked her around so he could see her back again. “You're not my sister. Where is she?” He had turned her back again. You know the saying if looks could kill, with the look he was giving her that would be lenient.
“O-on a d-d-date.”
“What?...” came the newly returned Inuyasha's voice.
“Where?” that was of course Sesshoumaru.
“I-I-I don't know. It was s-suppose to be a surprise.”
“Sesshoumaru, what's going on here?”
“This is not our sister Inuyasha. It's some lowlife con-artist.”
“Hey! I am not!”
Shirah shrunk even as his grip on her arms tightened.
“Where can we find our sister?” asked the irate demon.
“At my home. She's sure to return there after her date.”
“Where is that?”
She gave the address, not even in enough control of her fear to realize she remembered it.
Sesshoumaru growled and started his transformation into a giant dog. Shirah quickly scrambled away. She ended up tripping and just throwing her arms around her head in some form of self-protection.
Next thing she knew she was flung into the air. The air bit at her wet skin going up and coming down. Shirah landed with a thump that left her gasping for air on the large white dog's back. She hung on for dear life. His fur whipped at her because of his speed, leaving red marks some of which would bruise or even blister.
“Sesshoumaru, hold up! Be rational about this!” called Inuyasha of all people as he leapt after him.
They made it to her address in a matter of minutes. Sesshoumaru didn't even bother letting the girl off before he changed back into his humanoid form.
Shirah once again began plummeting to the earth. She was so scared she couldn't even scream. Sesshoumaru just started walking to the door, ignoring the girl on a collision course with the ground. Fortunately Inuyasha made a mad dash and death-defying jump; he caught her just over two stories from the ground.
Shirah was trembling with shock by the time they walked through the door Sesshoumaru had shattered. Ginta rushed to the front room.
“Who are you people? What are you doing here? How dare…” He noticed the young woman, eyes wide with fear, shivering and starting to hyperventilate in the dog-boy's arms. “What happened to her?” he asked in a completely different tone. His other questions put on hold.
His eyes widened. Ginta couldn't believe what he now knew. “Shirah? Oh no, Shirah!” he grabbed her away from the half-demon. “Shirah what's wrong?! What happened to you?!?”
She just shook and cried, holding on to him as tight as her weak arms could.
“Please come in and sit down.” he somehow managed to think to say.
Once they sat, Ginta rocking his sister, he asked the other demons, “What happened to her?” as that was his most pressing concern.
Inuyasha looked at Sesshoumaru, but he refused to answer. So he sighed and would do his best to explain. “You're… sister?” he paused and got a nod, “has been pretending to be our sister. Only she can explain why, but… Um what was the question again?” Inuyasha was distracted by the crying girl's sobs.
“What happened to her?”
“Oh yes… I'm not sure why she's crying. Maybe Sesshoumaru's transformation scared her.”
“No…” murmured the girl.
“Then what is it Shirah?” asked Ginta gently.
“H-h-high-igh-igh…” she couldn't finish the word, but she was calming down.
“Heights? Oh yes of course. You have a fear of heights.”
Shirah nodded into his chest. He kept rocking her and cooed assurances to her. He completely forgot the impatient demons in the room.
“Where is my sister?” said Sesshoumaru coldly. It was as if he didn't care about the girl.
“That's right, if you had Shirah then your sister is… with… Kouga.” He looked at the clock. “They should be back in half an hour or so.” Ginta was so glad he didn't follow them; if he had he wouldn't have been here for his sister. `This is the second time I didn't protect her.'
Shirah had calmed down enough that she pushed out of Ginta's arms. “I'm going to get dressed.” She wobbled but walked to her room. She turned the radio on in the room and let the music help soothe her soul.
Ten minutes later she came back nearly completely fear free and dressed in pants and a t-shirt. Her fear was more anxiety. The first thing she said in the silent room was, “I'm sorry for deceiving you. I shouldn't have done that. And to make it worse was that you found out this way instead of us telling you. For that again I'm sorry.” She couldn't look at anyone.
Ginta said, “Tell us how it happened.”
“We, Kisa and I met at a hair place. We decided to try switching places. It's surprising that it worked at all, we look almost nothing alike. We got the chance to literally walk in someone else's shoes. It was a great experiment.”
Inuyasha asked, “Don't you mean experience?”
Shirah looked at him and grinned. “That too.”
“How long have you been switched?” Sesshoumaru asked.
She smiled nervously at him, it was the first time she'd looked at him since they got there. “I just got there when your parents were leaving.” She closed her eyes, remembering that day.
“Shirah?” Ginta questioned.
“What day would that be for me?”
“The day mom dropped `me' off after visiting her.”
“Oh… Wow… What a long time…” All the men thought, `Why didn't I notice?' They were all upset with themselves.
“What happened here?!?” came a female voice as she rushed over the busted pieces of door. `I hope I wasn't Christopher!' She didn't even worry about it being dangerous. The first person she noticed was Shirah. Shirah was worrying the end of her shirt.
Kouga was right behind Kisa.
“Shirah! What are you doing here?”
“Oh Kisa I'm so sorry! I couldn't keep our secret! I shouldn't have gone swimming. I should have realized my scar would give me away!” She hugged her friend.
“You mean they found out?”
“Yes. The game's over. I'm sorry.”
Kisa sighed. “It's okay. I knew it couldn't last.”
“Kisa,” Sesshoumaru stood up. “Let's go home. You are never to see these thieving con-artists again.”
“Hey!” that was Ginta.
“They're not con-artists! This was all my idea! Shirah was against it. I had to plead to get her to agree!” Kisa held on to Shirah like she was going to protect her and gave everyone a stubborn look.
“What's going on?” inquired Kouga.
“They've been tricking us Kouga. They switched places.”
“I'm sorry Kouga. I really do like you. But,” she held out her hand, “I'm Kisa Nishi. And this,” she nodded to the older woman, whose arm she now held, “is truly Shirah Abbott.”
“The girl from that party. No wonder you looked familiar.”
“I thought for sure you or Sesshoumaru had figured it out that night.” added Shirah. “Kisa told me you thought that I was rude. I am sorry about that. I wasn't trying to be rude but I had to avoid you if I didn't want you to figure it out.”
“Hey you said it was your scar that gave you away. What happened to give you that scar?” petitioned Kisa, looking at her friend.
“If you want to hear a longish story then I suppose I can tell you what my mom told me.”
Everyone sat down curious, except Ginta who already knew how she got it. Even Sesshoumaru was unable to retain the need to leave when faced with the ability to satisfy his curiosity.
“It happened long before I can remember. We were visiting Uncle George, mom wouldn't tell me his real name, as she's mad at him. Anyway we were visiting Uncle George; he lived or lives in a big city, like New York or Boston or something. Well we got lost and stopped at a little store, like a dollar store or something small like that, for directions. Our dad went in to get them. Suddenly the police pulled up and a man rushed out of the store. He had a gun. I had broken free of Ginta's hold and ran to go to dad. When I ran by the man he grabbed me. He put the gun to my head.” She took a deep breath.
Ginta's memories of that day flashed into his brain. At that point he could remember fighting the police officer that was holding him back. He had to get to his sister, had to protect her, had to save her. Then there was a loud bang; that to him was truly the shot heard `round the world. He was certain if he had been on the other side of the world he still would have known the instant the gun fired.
“I struggled to get out of his hold. I ended up kicking him in the groin. That caused him to let go, kinda throwing me. And his gun to go off.”
He, Ginta, could still remember watching his little four-year-old sister hit the ground. She rolled, but what did it matter, there was no way she could have lived. His sister was dead and there was nothing he could do about it. He fought even harder and got out of the grip of the cop. He made it to his sister before anyone else could move a few inches.
“It was a miracle that I didn't get shot in the head. It was an even greater miracle that I didn't die or even because paralyzed. The bullet had grazed the backs of both arms, and my entire back, nicking my spine.” Shirah lifted her right sleeve and bared her arm to just above the scar. The scar was just below her armpit. “This is where the bullet first entered.”
Ginta remembered when he got there he hesitantly touched his sister's back. Then gently he moved her head so he could see her face. He could still feel that little puff of breath on his hand. She was alive! Unconscious, sure, but alive! Even now tears trailed down his face as the relief that even over the years hadn't lost its potency engulfed him.
“The man threw his gun when he realized what happened. He looked to be more shocked then most everyone, mom said that. She also said one second I was lying on the ground alone, the next Ginta was there shouting, “Alive, alive! She's alive!” Mom said the cops arrested the man and the paramedics arrived soon but that they couldn't get Ginta to leave my side, so he was constantly in the way.” She grinned at the mentioned male. “This all happened `cause dad walked in on a robbery.”
“Did mom tell you why she and dad are mad at Uncle Louis?”
“She mumbled something about stupid men and jail.”
“I remember you had to be readmitted to the hospital just before they stopped all contact with Uncle Louis. But I never knew why.” Ginta thoughtfully added.
Looking around Shirah found everyone looked thoughtful. She and Kisa looked at each other; Kisa looked just as thoughtful and curious.
Shirah thought, `I wonder what she thinks of this.'
After they moved on Shirah said, “I'll need to come by and get my stuff.”
“No you won't. You're not going anywhere.” said Ginta sternly.
“What! What about my driver's license, it's still at their house?”
“Well that's good `cause you're not going anywhere anyway. You're under house arrest, young lady.”
“What! You can't do that! I'm an adult! You can't ground me!”
“I can and will.”
After that they introduced themselves just to be sure they all knew each other's names, so they knew who to call should this happen again or should one of them go missing. Then the Nishis went home. Shirah set up a curtain rod with a sheet on it above the door. It would stay there until they could get a door at the store tomorrow. Shirah, Ginta and Kouga carefully picked up the shredded metal and shattered glass pieces that once were a door.
That night Ginta and Kouga slept in shifts by the door. They did that to make sure no one just came in or just left.
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Hey everybody. I'm sorry it's so late. I've been so busy lately. My sister just had a baby and well things are constantly going on here. And I've been busy trying to reach my goal on a different story. But you'll be glad to know I spent a few hours today writing this one. So hopefully I'll have this story completed soon. This is my longest story so far, and it's not even done yet, on my computer with double spacing I've got it to over 213 pages! And that's not including disclaimers or author's notes. It's really blown me away that it's gotten this long. It was supposed to be a short chapter story and has turned into my longest and longest worked on story.
To make up the delay I made this chapter longer.
Well every one how did you like this chapter? What did you think of how Shirah got her scar? What was your favorite part of the chapter, of the story so far? Let me know, your there.
Thanks for reading and reviewing. Write again soon. Bye.