InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boredom ❯ Kawaii!!! ( One-Shot )
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Poke. Poke poke.
Sesshoumaru cracked one eye lazily open to stare at his ward, who had been prodding him with her finger for the past few minutes. He'd managed to ignore it until now, as he couldn't figure out where Jaken had gone.
The poking stopped.
"Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?" How she managed to sound so innocent when he knew full well she'd had something to do with the imp's disappearance was beyond him.
"What did you do with Jaken?"
A giggle, then "He said he couldn't stand hearing my stomach growl anymore so he went with Ah-Un to get something to eat and that I should stay right here and not get into trouble."
He blinked. I had wondered how long she could talk with only one breath. Glancing at her from the corner of his eye he watched her turn and run after a butterfly that had caught her attention. He huffed. So frivolous, and yet… He considered for a moment and scanned the area inconspicuously. No one was here- not that he could sense anyway, Rin would either never tell or no one would believe her and it had been so long since he'd really done anything silly and fun anyhow.
His mind made up he stood and removed his armor and swords, leaving his moko-moko on his shoulder. Rin stopped spinning in place to look at him.
"Is my Lord going to join Rin?" she asked hopefully, head tilted to the side, her eyes large and watery. He was reminded suddenly of Inuyasha's wench when she wanted something- it was much the same look. And he was just as defenseless as Inuyasha when it was used against him. His lips spread in a true smile, and with a single leap had landed beside Rin and lifted her up onto his shoulder, rejoicing in the sound of her laughter in his ears.
"This Sesshoumaru was bored anyway."