InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Born to Make You Happy ❯ Still Visiting ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/n: I have more time to write for you guys! And I know, right now it feels like this fic is going absolutely nowhere, but I found a song that is PERFECT for something...although what I'll have to write will be sad... but it'll all end up happy, I swear. And I want to apologize for so many gloomy chapters in the beginning, I'm a cynical/sarcastic person, which I've realized is not a good mix... so sorry. Anyway, here's your chappie! It's short...I'm sorry...

Disclaimer: I ran out of funny little things to say..... oh well... you guys can just go back and read the funny stuff to realize that no, I don't own Inuyasha or the related.....stuff....

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Chapter 13: Still Visting...

"Kagome, is he still all jealous and stuff?"

"Does he still try to kill you sometimes?"


"Guys, please, he's really alright now, everything's fine, I swear! And yeah... they're purple." Kagome sighed, exasperated. But I like them better when he's normal...

"So you're safe with him? Didn't he have white hair before Kagome?"

"Yeah, remember? He bleached it!"

"Well....umm..." Kagome fumbled. She'd forgotten how they had met Inuyasha years ago. It was so far behind in her memory that she barely remembered details. Except for that one little....

"So he's been seeing you for 3 years now? Or is it Kagome, you're good at this dating thing aren't you!"

Kagome sighed again. Even out of school, her friends were as ditzy and crazy as ever. This whole dinner thing wasn't really going as well as she'd liked. She'd hoped that her friends would act a teeny bit more mature. She wondered suddenly if she was this ditzy...

"Well, we weren't really going out before remember? It was...weird."

"Yeah," said Ayame, "So, what happened to his ex-girlfriend?" Kagome sat still for a minute, wondering the same thing.

"Well... I'm not too sure where she is or anything like that...."

"But, Inuyasha isn't still after her right? Ditching you or anything?" Kagome smiled shyly.

"Actually, we're kind of.... engaged I guess." she blushed as she said it, and her friends gaped at her in disbelief. As usual, Yuka found her voice first.

"Kagome... you're.... but whyyyy!?" She dragged out the word and all the other girls jumped at her disbelieving tone. "You're only 18!"

"I know Yuka, but we -"

"There are so many other guys you could date! Why the hell are you giving that up?!"

Kagome stared at Yuka, disbelief and shock written all over her face. Finally she shook her head slowly and laughed.

"Come on Yuka, grow up, who knows what'll happen between now and tomorrow? I might never see him again, or a yo... I mean, a... yogurt... could...poison me! Yeah, and then were would I be? Besides," she grinned at her friends and they couldn't help but smile back. "I love him."

Ayame smiled. "So she finally admits it."

"Why yogurt? You were gonna say something else weren't you..." Kagome quickly cut Eri off before anyone got too suspicious and blurted out 'youkai!'. Not that they were ever going to guess that.

"You guys, I'm really happy you came over, but I really have to go to bed. Tomorrow, me and Inuyasha have to visit his old grandmother and his cousins. They're...son really misses me if I'm gone for too long." Her friends looked sad at this news, but they got up from their seats anyway.

"It's alright," Ayame said. "We'll see you later Kagome." And she hugged Kagome, just to make sure there were no hard feelings. Yuka nodded, and went to hug Kagome too.

"Yeah, we'll come visit you sometime next week ok? Try to be home next time." They dragged Eri away after her hug.

"But what about the yogurt!? And why are they purple!?" Ayame laughed as she walked out the door, then turned back with a smile.

"Congratulations Kagome! Say bye to Inuyasha for us!" And with that, she and a laughing Yuka dragged Eri away, who was also laughing hysterically while struggling to free herself and see purple eyes again.

Kagome stood hugging herself for a moment, smiling and thinking wistfully about school and all the friends that she no longer saw every day. Or every other day, as it seemed to have been. Luckily, Inuyasha had let her (she had forced him to let her) go to school enough that she graduated from all her schooling, though she wasn't going to college. She hadn't got a job either, and her friends were almost worried for her.

But now that everything with Inuyasha was better, and things were becoming more defined in their relationship, she was willing to spend all of her time over in the feudal era. Not that she didn't already...

Smiling happily, she almost skipped up the stairs to her room. Opening the door, she peered inside and her smile only got wider. Her silly little -now human -hanyou was curled up under her blankets on her bed... a bed that was suddenly larger? She turned slowly around and glared at the mother figure behind her. The woman was beaming, and winking very suggestively. Kagome rolled her eyes and walked inside, giving her mother a final dirty look as she all but slammed the door.

She leaned against the closed door, looking at Inuyasha. He looked so harmless and cute all asleep like that. As though he actually weren't a huge egotistical jerk when he was awake. Sighing, Kagome walked over to her dresser, pulled out her pajamas and began to get dressed.

Inuyasha sneakily opened an eye, catching a glimpse of the undressing Kagome. He smiled to himself and continued to watch, closing the suspicious body part when she turned back around.

Her eyebrow raised when she saw a very faint pink on his cheeks, and a smile curving his lips. Groaning at his behavior, she lightly kicked the bed.

Inuyasha chuckled, and opened both his eyes to look at her. She was frowning, but her eyes were dancing with amusement. She was almost tempted to sit him, but she managed to hold it in and just stood with her hands on her hips with a condescending look. He only grinned and reached out to tug on her wrist. Still frowning, she let herself be dragged to the bed until he hugged her around her belly. He tried to sniff at it, but just pouted.

"I can't tell yet."

"We could just get a pregnancy test," she smiled down at him as she said it, wondering about his reaction. Sure enough, his eyes widened curiously and he gazed up at her.

"You have tests? How do you test?"

Kagome bit her lip and tried not to laugh. "You pee on it." He wrinkled his nose in distaste. Obviously the idea didn't please him at all.

"That doesn't sound too good. We'll wait." Kagome nodded in agreement. Inuyasha would know better than any test possibly could. "So," he continued, still rubbing against her belly. "When you coming to bed?" He looked innocently up at her with a Miroku-looking smile. She pursed her lips and gave him a thoughtful look.

"I dunno, I'm not really that tired... Maybe I should just-" He cut her off before she could finish her sentence, and pulled her onto the bed and ultimately on top of him. He made a sound of protest when an elbow hit his stomach, but otherwise held her tight as she struggled to free herself.

"You know you're not winning this one right?"

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Well....there's another chapter... have fun!