InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bound by Blood ❯ Chapter 8: Settling In ( Chapter 8 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 8: Settling In
Kagome didn't bother changing out of her shredded fighting hakama. She needed to get out of the building. She needed fresh air and needed to get as far away from the monk as possible. Following her was Yuriye, Kagome was pretty sure she could feel the agitation in her aura. Most couldn't or wouldn't believe the origin of Kagome's scars. She had built up such a solid defense that she learned to ignore questions about them early on in their “travels”. It caught her completely off guard that some had the slightest inclination as to the source of mutilated skin.
Both inu continued out of the building, as they passed many of the human students blatantly stared and gawked at them. Yuriye still had blood on her, though most, if not all, of her cuts had healed. Yuriye noted that at Kagome's particular bearing would allow the other students to see her disfigurement. So she quickly moved in closer to grab her, turning her slightly to the side and started to walk along the wall. Yuriye use both the angle at which her back was diverted herself to cover alphas back. As they both proceeded they could feel the auras from within the dojo moving towards. Yuriye hurried their gait to get around the edge of the building faster but that seemed to moving at an incredibly slow pace.
Sango was beyond furious with Miroku, she could not stop thinking about how much progress her and Kaede made with the two. They had barely gotten the two inu to accept their invitation to stay and now this setback result in the two denying their offer.
“Why did you do that? I told you it was up to them to explain and you go and take that away from them! How would you feel if someone exposed your darkest and most painful memories? If they leave because of your stupidity I will make sure you can't walk or talk for at least a year!!” Sango said as she slapped Miroku across the back of his head, effectively knocking him down.
Sesshoumaru had grown bored once the two female inu left the arena. Although Kagome gave him pause on some of his beliefs toward holy men and women, he ultimately had to agree with the monk. In all of his experience he had yet to meet anyone that possessed holy ki and use it to cause such damage. If the individuals responsible were dark, the marks would be black from their inner corruption. No miko could stay pure and inflict that type of pain and suffering on an innocent.
He saw the demon slayer knock down the monk as he left his observation post, he had to do some research. He was unable to completely understand the situation and his senses were telling him that something was not quite right with the pair. He learned from a very young age to always trust his instinct.
Sango had noticed that Sesshoumaru had left but thought nothing of it. She was surprised he had even come to observe the two spar. The last she recalled, his highness was above something of the sort. She rushed out the door, running down the stairs trying to catch up with Kagome and Yuriye. She gave no second thoughts to the monk; he was often getting knocked out or beat upon.
Ideas of how to keep the new students there filled Sango's mind as she hurried after them. Something within her was urgent and insisting that they keep the two inu at the school and stop them running away. If she did not find them Miroku would have a very up-close and personal meeting with her Hiraikotsu every single day until their presence returned. Panting as she exited the door, she saw Kagome and Yuriye moving fast along the wall in the direction leading towards the forest.
“Kagome, Yuriye, wait up please!!!” Running as fast as she could Sango sprinted towards the pair of inu. “I'm sorry about the idiot, please don't leave.”
Kagome heard the demon slayer gasping for breath as she ran towards them. Although she was still pissed about the monk, what Sango said caught her attention. `Did she really think that a small incident would scare them off?' “We aren't leaving…I need some air and to get away for a while. Plus it takes a lot more than one meddlesome monk to scare us off.”
“I'm sorry he spoke of your scars. He had no right to say anything. I told him it was up to you to talk about them. When I saw you walking so quickly towards the woods, I thought you would leave the school. Please don't judge all of us because of him…. I'll be honest with you, some here will cause you problems, but there aren't that many. Those few who're like that feel the purity of your blood or your wealth gives you a sense of entitlement and places them above others.
“Like the natural order with people or youkai, if they feel threatened they will retaliate…. I don't want to scare you but you should at least have an idea of what to expect. Most students are friendly and about 90% of us are from normal families. We do have some that are and some that have royal lineage. They mostly stick together thought…they are either old friends while the others are old allies.” She continued to walk with both inu as they progressed towards the woods.
This wasn't new to Kagome or Yuriye; it was the way of life practically everywhere. Even though they had been exposed to this type of behavior before it had been many years since they had to deal with it firsthand. Almost 80 years since that had dealt with it firsthand.
“How does the school work here?” asked Yuriye. All three females continued to follow the line of trees until they had reached the far side of the lake. They could still see everyone but were not very close to them, Kagome didn't think she could handle being near anyone right now. She could feel the gentle breeze on her lower back and knew that if she walked through the courtyard the whispers would begin.
“Will the monk say anything?” Kagome felt the anxiousness at the possibility of dealing with the insistent rumors. They always had the option to run but Kagome had a nagging feeling that the demon slayer would follow.
“Trust me, he won't say anything. Miroku is a total perv but he is a very honorable and wise individual.” Sango said calmly, though she was still a bit peeved at the monk's earlier outburst. Even though it wasn't entirely his fault, he still could have used better discretion at the sight of Kagome's scars.
“It's alright most people want to know the story and when they do they refuse to believe what really happened. My experiences have led me to believe that violence is necessary, for many years I've had to fight for everything I have… this knowledge has even brought me to the point of not being above revenge. Eye for an eye and if I go blind in the process then so be it.” Kagome was slowly tracing one of her scars on her left shoulder, her movements seemingly so practiced.
“You truly believe that? An eye for an eye I mean?” Sango couldn't help the small shudder that ran though her, while Kagome had seemed mildly aggressive this new emotion seemed kind of deeply rooted.
“No, I truly hate fighting and violence but when it's forced upon in ways that are inescapable, you have no choice. You fight or you die trying to escape it.” Kagome eyes weren't focused on the lake ahead of them but somewhere deep in her past. Even Yuriye eyes held the same hollowed and glazed over look; it seemed as though their hatred settled but then the sadness emerged.
“…how do we get clothes and the basic essentials?” Kagome said to change the topic and to avoid any further questioning; she also didn't want to talk about her past.
“We have a slight problem…the clothes you cut off us were all we had. These are great but I think people will notice us wearing the same outfit every day. Plus, as you can see we have a nasty tendency to ruin clothes very fast. Is there a way to make money to support ourselves?” Kagome was rambling at this point but trying to take her mind off of her memories.
“Well the school does have funds for those of us who come here without support, be it familial or financial altogether. Many who come from well-to-do families often donate large sums of money to get their names on buildings. Not all the money goes to new buildings; part of each donation goes into a fund that students can withdraw from. Additionally, each student gets a monthly allowance that can go towards whatever we require. As Kaede said, we have few orphan demons who reside here, maybe two or three, but human-wise, there are about a dozen of us.” Sango could see the surprise about the news of other orphans flash across their faces.
Kagome's eyes widened in response to the girl's disclosure. She would have never guessed that the individual standing in front of her was also a stray. Although the she didn't know the circumstances surrounding her becoming a stray she held herself in such a way she would have never guessed. She had seen many humans become spiteful and angry often blaming others for their misfortune. This human just kept surprising her and in a strange way she was happy about that. It was nice to know that someone around here wasn't like the typical human.
“We don't like hand outs, it's nice to have some options. We have always worked hard for everything we have, even if at the moment it's nothing but our weapons.” Kagome turned her eyes away from Sango to avoid the customary pitiful looks. She always hated that look from anyone; she and Yuriye had been recipients of it often. Looking out toward the lake again Kagome saw groups of both human and youkai and it still amazed her. `How could this idea work here but not at home? What made this country so different?'
“Sango, would you mind leaving us alone for a while? We need to talk in private.” Kagome looked towards Sango hoping that they wouldn't have to fight to get some privacy. Sango returned the look and nodded knowingly. She hoped they would not talk in length and miss the next meals. It was almost noon already and they hadn't eaten for a week already.
“Alright I will go and see if Kaede has found any open dorms…most of them are single person for the older students, but if you want I can ask if there are any double. Lunch will be served soon also and I'm sure your both hungry. I'll be back in about an hour or so.”
“It doesn't matter to us. We have been together for a long time, either option will be fine.” Kagome kind of hoped they could have separate rooms, traveling together for over 80 years together kind of did that to you.
As she started to walk away, Sango looked behind herself once more. Sango was hesitant to leave them but knew that very few came to this side of the lake unless they were working out. “You guys should be all set over here, no one comes out this way too often and if they do they will only run by here. No one should bug you.” With that she then turned and to jogged back towards the hospital wing. She knew that's was where she would find Kaede and could fill her in on had happened that morning.
Kagome and Yuriye followed Sango progression until they both knew she was out of hearing range. Both wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. Kagome looked at Yuriye and noticed that almost all of her cuts had healed, even the ones caused by her poison. She also looked down at her hand and noticed that her hand was still bleeding. It wasn't bleeding as fast as before, it slowed to a trickle. She knew it hurt like hell having your own poison slowly working its way into your blood system. Of course it wouldn't kill you, but you still felt the effects, even if they were diluted. She empathized with Yuriye, knowing how much pain her poison had caused Yuriye. She just didn't want to admit to herself she lost her head.
“Look…I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have used it. I lost it I will admit it. It's just … just….” She couldn't finish because she saw the look Yuriye was giving her.
“Sorry, you're sorry? You know how much pain your poison causes and yet you still continue to lose it. I know I was edging you on and I know that you where pissed about what happened in the field. I know what the wolf had said hit a nerve. But to use your fucking poison on me is beyond losing it. I know you still grieve Mi…”
“SILENCE!!! Don't you dare bring her into this! I used my poison because I lost control there is no excuse for that. I was upset that you were not fighting like I know you can. I won't make an excuse for my temper; you know what it is like.” Kagome was pacing by this point her tail jerking back and forth. Both inu couldn't fully control their beast and part it remained while they were in human form. This showed any who observed that hadn't achieved perfect control yet.
“Yuriye, I know I can't give you full immunity to my poison but I can help build up your tolerance to it. I know that's not what I intended to do, but in a sense it does serve a purpose.” Kagome reasoned.
“No, but it still doesn't take from the fact you still want revenge. You want to take back what happened and you know you can't. You want to go after them and you can't, not yet. And it still pisses you off.” Yuriye knew she was running out of steam. She knew Kagome's temper when it came to fighting. You fight till you are dead. No questions asked.
“Vengeance, its vengeance I want. But why are you changing the subject?” Kagome knew that at this point the fight was over, neither truly had the energy to fight with the other.
While both were pissed at the other for different reasons they truly couldn't stay mad. They had both been through worse and a little loss of control would not separate them at this point. If they allowed the small things to divided them they would be destroyed and they knew they could not bear the lost their pack mate. Finding a nice rock next to the water both sat. Yuriye leaned her head onto Kagome's shoulder and felt the smooth skin of her scar on her right shoulder.
Yuriye lifted her head and look at her lower back where her tank had been ripped off. She raised her hand and traced the scar. She could still hear the crack of the whip as it cut into Kagome flesh. These should have been hers to carry but Kagome wouldn't allow it. Kagome took the punishment as penance she said. It still weighed heavily on her mind. Yuriye laid her head back on Kagome's shoulder wondering when Kagome would think she had finally atoned. She wished she could have turned back time and changed what happened but she knew she couldn't.
Yuriye's feather soft touch danced along Kagome's scars. She already knew that Yuriye wished that she had never taken the punishment but she had a penance and she would make sure it was paid back in full. Whether it was in her blood or flesh she would payback every ounce of blood that Yuriye had shed that night. Kagome could feel the tear build in her eyes, it was the one time she couldn't protect Yuriye. She wanted to let the tears fall but wouldn't she had already let too many fall. There is nothing she wouldn't give Yuriye for her penance even if it meant she had to give her life. But looking across the lake seeing humans and youkai living together in peace gave her hope for the first time in years.
Kagome loved the warmth from where Yuriye's head rested. The warmth seemed to spread as she watched a small group of humans and youkai chasing each other, these kids wouldn't have to see the horror of hating each other.
“Why is this place so different? They are lucky you know they will never have to see what we did.” Kagome stated in a shaky voice.
“I know its better this way. No one else should ever have to deal with what we did. They will never have to live in fear because of what they were born as.” Yuriye couldn't stop the tears, her hands continued to trace the scars.
Kagome could feel Yuriye tears soak through her shirt. She leaned back farther into Yuriye trying to tell her it was alright. Wind softy blew both inu's hair together, raven black against pure white, a beautiful contrast just like the two inu themselves both as different as night and day but not complete without the other.
Sango couldn't help but think about what Kagome had said about a miko giving her those heinous scars. It made no sense a miko causing that much harm would turn dark and the scars would be black, showing the tainted energy used. But then again the way she had worded her sentence it sounded as though the one who had hurt her truly believed he or she was doing the right thing.
Sango was debating whether or not to tell Kaede about what she had learned; she didn't want to upset Kagome or Yuriye further. What she wanted to do was go and beat on the monk some more. Jogging around the lake she looked back and saw both inu sitting down. From here she could see both talking to the other, hoping it had nothing to do with the monk. She would make sure that Miroku never said anything about Kagome's scars.
When she had reached the far side of the lake she could hear the whispers of the others. It seemed as though the news of the new students had spread really fast, it seemed everyone knew that the two inu had awaken from their unconscious state. She knew that it would stir up new gossip; she just hoped that Miroku had not woken up yet so she could talk with Kaede first. She saw the girls whispering behind their hands, she knew most were harmless and they just wanted the chance to get to know them. They wanted to know why Kaede helped a couple of outsiders. Kaede was known for helping anyone that needed it. Though, no one could tell how she knew which ones to help. She had yet to be wrong when judging anyone.
She knew they were staring because she had been assigned to show them around. Many probably wonder where she had left them. As she continued she could still hear the other students talking. She continued until she had reached the medical building. As she entered all the voices behind her were cut off, relieving her already fried nerves. She knew that her temper was catching up with her. The more she thought about the monk the more she wanted to go and thrash him.
Her legs pretty much carried Sango down the halls; she had walked these halls so many times she really didn't need to pay attention. The closer she got to Kaede's office the more confused she became, there was she had to tell Kaede and yet she was unsure of what it was. But as she was contemplating what to tell her, Miroku's voice sounded in her office.
“Look I know you trust the two inu but they are not being truthful. Kagome said the scars on her back were caused by a miko, but it is impossible for that to happen…” Miroku had stop when someone threw open the door.
“How dare you? You have no right to say anything. I told you that it was up to them to speak of their past.” Sango was trying to get Miroku but Kaede wouldn't budge from her post between the two. “And how do you know what their truths are? You don't know their story. It's their choice to tell not yours.”
Sango was near tears as she rallied for the two, knowing how hard it was to start over and it seemed Miroku wasn't going to make it easy for them.
“Sango, you know I would never divulge sensitive information like that. I am merely, trying to understand the situation just as you are. I agree, I do not know their history but I do know facts. It is impossible for any miko or monk to stay pure and inflict those types of injuries. If a miko had truly inflicted those wounds they would be black from the tainted ki not the pink of a pure miko. Right Kaede?” Miroku forcefully stated.
“Didn't you hear the last thing she said? All those who proclaim good and righteousness are not good and/or righteous. They can be just as sick and twisted as those who follow a path of evil and destruction.”
“And that applies to their situation how?” Sango was shaking in frustration from his incomprehension.
“Miroku while I appreciate you coming to talk to me about our new students, I agree with Sango. You are not to repeat anything that you saw or that which transpired this morning. You will not repeat a word of what was said to anyone!”
“Yes, Sensei!” Both students answered, neither knew that to cross Kaede would mean serious trouble. Kaede was protective of all her students but she always made sure that new student weren't hassled.
“Miroku you are excused and I do mean that you are not to say anything to anyone. I will consider all that has been said.” Kaede knew she would have to look into what they both said.
“Kaede you may want to speak with Sesshoumaru as well. He was present during the exchange this morning.” Miroku said as he left the out of the room.
As soon as Kaede had closed the door Sango rounded on her ready to tell Kaede everything but she already had her hand up. Kaede knew that Sango would defend the two inu. She could tell that Sango had already formed a bond with them. Kaede thought it may have originated from each of them being orphans.
“Before you say anything I don't believe they have a prejudice against those with holy ki. If they did they would have attacked us first, and as we know they didn't. I won't discuss what I believe is going on, like you said it's their story. But I would appreciate if you brought both of them here.” Kaede was interested in talking with the duo. She wanted to be able explain more about classes, training, and the overall expectations she had from them. She would also be able to answer any questions they had.
“Have you found rooms for them yet? They have no preference for single or double rooms. They asked for privacy to talk, I think they are still adjusting to the idea of staying. I don't think this morning's episode helped out either.” Sango knew that forcing Kagome to admit who gave her the scars bothered her more then she was letting on.
“I have found two rooms, which are in the same dorm you are in. They are on two separate floors one's on the third and the other room is on the fourth. I know we have no double rooms left in that dorm or any other. Both rooms are at the end of the hall on their respective floors just at the opposite ends.” Kaede hoped that the two wouldn't mind having separate rooms. She knew that being together was crucial for pack so she tried her hardest to keep the inu as close together as possible.
“Do you think I could go get some of their basic supplies for them? A couple sets of uniforms and some bedding so they can get somewhat settled in. They have also expressed that they have no money. I kind of explained how they can earn money with grades and training but I think they might have taken it the wrong way.” Sango knew of how proud demons could be. They were proud of how hard they worked for everything. Sango stared out the window hoping that they could do everything to help these two lost souls.
