InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bound For Tomorrow: Sesshomaru and Rin ❯ The InLaws ( Chapter 8 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The spell is broken as soon as he hears his brother's miko make her way over to the hill. Even after all these years, he can still sense her unease in his presence, and now for some reason he cannot determine, it grates on him. She should know by now that he has no ill intentions for either her pack or the village at large, but still she fears him.
It reminds him yet again, that there is only one woman whom he has never scented fear on, at least in reaction to him.
All those years ago he could not decide if it was foolishness or bravery that led the little orphaned girl, who obviously lacked proper supervision, to his side, when he was alone in the woods; wounded, and in enough pain to easily be considered `feral.'
Lately however, he has found he no longer even cares to question it, as it no longer makes a difference. He has recently decided to stop dwelling on things he cannot change, and accept the fates' kindness to him, though he knows he will never be able to fathom the reasons he has gained their favor.
He truly doesn't deserve her.
The woman his brother makes his home with fakes a smile, but he can feel her miko energy swirling. Although it does not harm him in it's dormant state, he is forced to admit- she is the only miko he has ever met that is strong enough to cause an involuntary reaction from his youki. He closes his eyes for the briefest of moments, focusing on regaining his inner peace, while continuing to strive to maintain it in the presence of one who should naturally be his enemy.
How his brother can mate with her and remain unaffected is another subject he has unwittingly found himself contemplating, despite his best efforts, not to think of such things in regards to... him.
While he is aware that it makes her `weaker', he is still infinitely glad in these moments that Rin is not a miko. That might have been the final advantage she needed over him, to push her into the territory of `true threat'; and in those early days… he might have killed her.
He had thought about it several times when she was younger and the girl had demonstrated the uncanny ability to know his mind and heart without any outward indications from him. That is one talent she continues to display, even to this very day.
It had only been curiosity on his part that kept the girl alive and at his side in those early days, and now more than ever he is grateful that his father's training had beaten down his natural impulses to make rash and violent decisions when he was but a pup.
The miko regards him coolly, and yet, he can tell that she is struggling for control of herself in the face of more youki than she is able to purify. She is fighting her instinct to run and try to escape, or to throw a barrier up around herself and pray.
How did she carry quarter youkai pups?
There are some mysteries he will never solve.
“Sesshomaru-sama, Rin-chan?” She nods her head at them both in turn, although he knows she would usually never be so formal with Rin. This act is for his benefit alone, and he wishes, not for the first time, that he had the ability to turn his imposing jykai OFF and ON at will.
Even without the youki swirling in his aura, he is an imposing figure and it had always served his purposes well to intimidate those around him. However, now that he has no desire to be so imposing or condescending, he finds it annoying that he lacks the ability to `connect' with others, thus leaving him forever an outsider, always looking in at those around him; an observer, -not a participant- in the lives these people lead. He is still, despite everything, not `one of them'; not a true member of the pack. He is, for all practical purposes and despite his alpha status, a lone dog. Everything in his instincts fights against this reality, but his demeanor and `personality' (or in his case, lack thereof), makes it so. This contradiction within himself has always proved to be his one fatal flaw, and is the source of many of his contradictory actions.
Proclaiming he `protects nothing' as he is in the process protecting the girl. Claiming he is only going to hell to kill the dog, however saving Rin in the process… even his mother hadn't bought that line…
Yes, his seemingly never ending list of hypocritical actions which contradict his words have always spoken louder to the girl. She understands his mouth and mind are not always in agreement and has therefore chosen to ignore his possibly hurtful words and instead let his actions speak of his true mind on any given matter.
When everyone else heard `This Sesshomaru protects nothing”, the girl heard him louder and more clearly than the rest…
This Sesshomaru protects you, Rin.
If not for the girl, it was entirely possible that he would have spent his entire existence alone, never feeling the warmth of another's touch, never knowing what it was like to be in the presence of another and not have to fight the instinctive crinkle of his nose while he attempts to sift through the scent of fear to discern what else they might be feeling.
He'd always thought that humans smelled badly.
He'd never known the sweet floral scent of a human woman could be so enticing until he'd smelled it without the overlaying and pungent aroma of absolute terror. Whether they thought he meant to rape or kill, he was never entirely sure. All he knew was that the mere sight of him in the distance induced something close to a state of panic and it was not rare for ningen onna to pass out if he paused to even ask for directions.
Yes, he learned quickly in his younger years that it was better to find his own way, rather than to deal with the harsh reality that he was a thing of terror and fear, myth and horror stories told around campfires, and warnings to children of what could befall them if they wandered too far from home.
Even when he'd been a pup that had been the case.
He is a monoke, a monster.
Sesshomaru could never understand how his father could stand to be around his human woman. He had had no idea they could react in any other way towards his kind.
So it was no small wonder that he'd come to hate them. It wasn't easy to soften towards an entire race of people that assumed the worst about him with absolutely nothing to go on but facial markings and silver hair.
They wanted his worst?
They wanted a monster?
Then a monster he would be…
Oh, and he'd given them their monster, alright. He became something to be afraid of. Even with her, his immediate intent had been to frighten her off.
Rin had refused to see a monster in the woods that day, seeing instead only a wounded creature, in dire need of assistance and she refused to be frightened away.
She has single handedly redefined everything he has ever `known' about her kind.
It had taken years for him to realize what the lovely scent was that always hung about her in a pleasant cloud. It wasn't until he'd left her with Kaede that he had even realized that she didn't always smell that way… No… it was not until he observed and caught her scent from afar, and she hadn't smelled of that lovely aroma, that he knew that it wasn't a constant.
He had only figured it out when the pleasant scent surrounded her again while she was recalling a memory of her parents; in great detail. She'd ended her story with, `Rin misses her okaa-san and otou-san… Rin loved them very much…'
His eyes had widened and his jaw had gone slack at finally realizing what that scent that he had so come to enjoy on her was… That wonderful scent that never failed to surround her when she was near him, even in her sleep. The very scent he came to associate with her as much as he associated her with side ponytails and flowers…
That scent was…
“Kagome-chan! Guess what? Rin is getting married!”
He watches the miko's pleasant surprise paint itself over her features. Obviously she hasn't yet realized who Rin means to marry, or she would not be…
His thoughts are abruptly interrupted when the younger miko, now completely different in both stance and scent, approaches him and gives him her sternest glare…
“Aniki, I swear, if you hurt her, I'll purify you to within an inch of you life! Do you hear me?”
Her threat is harsh but her tone is light and he is perplexed again by the contradictions he finds in humans, especially the females of the species. He can't ever recall a time when Rin has displayed this kind of odd behavior. Her scent, her sound, and her sight always… match. She is truly incapable of deceit and artifice. It is one of the reasons he chooses to label her as `pure' in his mind. There are never any tears when she says she is `fine' and never once has she claimed she is `fine' when there are tears… the way he has observed his brother's miko to be.
He finds it odd that a miko could be so internally disorganized, but perhaps this is simply one of those `human' things that is simply beyond his understanding?
For once she has used the `proper' term for him; Aniki has much more respect behind it than Onii-san… This pleases him so he decides to reward her for it.
“Onee-san … do you doubt this Sesshomaru's intentions?”
The miko waves her hand away as if dismissing his question.
“Soooooo, when will it be? Oh! Rin! We have to prepare!”
This strange female seems as if she has taken upon herself the task of planning the ceremony, when neither he nor Rin has asked for her assistance, and once again he is annoyed, something this woman never fails to do to him. He looks only slightly away and stiffens for less than a second, but his Rin has caught on, whereas this other… ningen… has obviously not.
“Uhhh, Kagome-chan… we've only just begun to get the details together, but before we do anything, don't you think it would be wise if we spoke to Miroku-sama first?”
Rin's diplomacy is admirable and he can't help but to be impressed. She has handled this woman far better than he ever could have. He is force and power, where Rin is tact and reason.
It is a good match… He reminds himself, his pride swelling at his obvious genius in deciding to accept Rin as a mate. She is his perfect compliment, and will be an asset to his supreme reign, and he is certain that, when the time comes she will be a most capable negotiator.
His pride has not even silently communicated his private pride, at least the he is aware of, and yet, he can see the blush of Rin's cheeks as if he has just said complimented her aloud.
What is her secret?
He was so distracted that he missed the directions to the monk's location. Rin knows this too, as she walks only slightly in front of him for several steps, until he is able to pick up on the general direction. She has once again, spared him any sort of embarrassment in admitting his wandering mind.
It is true…There are many times when others see him as `aloof' and `distant', when he is merely `distracted,' caught inside his own personal thoughts and simply…not paying attention.
If his enemies were to ever pick up on this weakness of character, he would surly be taken advantage of, but his Rin has simply accepted it as a part of him, and gently guides him ever closer to the world outside his mind.
Within a reasonable distance, he is able to pick up on the scent of the monk and he notes with disgust that he can still smell the recent coupling with his taijiya wife. Sesshomaru sifts through his memory and he tries to recall if there has ever been a time he hasn't scented recent mating on this particular monk… With a snort of disgust, he realizes no particular instance comes to mind.
Surely he bathes; as there are no other unpleasant scents… it is simply that this monk is incapable of keeping himself in his robes.
“What's wrong, Sesshomaru-sama?”
Again Rin knows without his saying that something is bothering him.
“It's nothing, Rin.”
Then it dawns on him … She is still using his title, and he has yet to use a single human endearment towards her. He is certain that he has heard his brother call his mate many things; anata, koibito, and occasionally even `bitch,' however, he has yet to make any of these hallmark statements towards his intended.
He congratulates himself for even thinking of something he would usually deem so trivial. Then again, even one as inexperienced as he is, is well aware that females of all species place high importance on such sentimentalities and useless gestures. It is the nature of them.
Before they draw near the monk's home, he stops and turns towards Rin.
Immediately she stops, her attention rapt. She never fails to do exactly as he wishes.
“You will cease to add the honorific to… my… name.”
Yes… He gives himself another mental pat on the back. The girl is pleased with this development. He can smell it and see it in her expressive features. Although, she has only nodded her assent, he is scenting the feelings radiating off of her, and she is very pleased indeed.
“Yes… Sesshomaru…”
Just as he expected she tries saying his name without his title almost immediately. This girl is able to surprise him more than any other creature ever has, so on the occasions that he is able to predict her behavior, his ego always soars, and this occasion is no different.
He walks tall and proud with her at his side as the monk comes into view.
The monk, far more genuine in his actions than the miko, actually approaches him. Secretly, of all of his brother's companions it is the monk that he would say understands him the most. Never once has he attempted to manipulate or `charm' him, the way he has seen this houshi do with others. No, with him, the monk always shows the proper amount of deference, and states his business clearly and concisely. For that alone, Sesshomaru has granted the monk the smallest amount of respect, even if he doesn't acknowledge it aloud, it is there.
He also appears to be the only one among the group to understand that Sesshomaru is no longer given to unprovoked attacks upon his brother or his brother's pack.
“Well, Good day to you, Sesshomaru-sama,” he pauses, before tossing a genuine smile Rin's way, “And to you, Lady Rin.” He turns back to Sesshomaru, as he should when discussing `business' matters, “What is it I can do for you, my ally if not my friend?”
Rin giggled softly to herself at the monk's compliment of her, but wisely decides not make an issue of it in front of him.
“I require your assistance, houshi.”
Miroku nods knowingly, and glances at Rin, then nods his head in a silent show of acceptance, before stating, “It will, of course, be my honor, to assist you in any way possible.”
His answer is exactly what Sesshomaru wants to hear, as the monk has all but agreed, and will be hard pressed to deny the request for a ceremony, now that he has made such an open-ended offer.
“I wish for you to perform a ceremony for Rin and this Sesshomaru.”
Miroku nods, and the tiniest hint of playfulness sneaks into his tone,
“Am I to assume this is to be a wedding ceremony?”
Sesshomaru stiffens, he will not allow this monk to make a mockery of his request, and he was determined that the monk see the seriousness of his intent. He Arches one delicate eyebrow, and decides to respond simply. He will not explain himself or his request unless he is forced to do so. This monk will see no hesitation in him. He will make no apologies or excuses, this is his choice, and he will not allow the monk to feel as if, just because Sesshomaru needs him, that he has a right to question the decisions of one such a he.
“You are. Will you do it?”
The monk brings his hand to his chin and an even wickeder gleam shines in the back of violet eyes, as he says,
“Hmmm… I would feel much better performing the ceremony if you were to claim her in the youkai way first.”
Sesshomaru is clearly annoyed. He stares with a deadly calm at the monk, his eyes narrow and he feels his claws twitch.