InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Boxed In ❯ On The Road Again ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

On The Road Again

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any characters there in.

I woke up with a start as Inuyasha rolled the boulder out of the way again.

"Inuyasha?" I said weakly. I rearranged my position, never fall asleep sitting up against a cold wall. It hurts.

Inuyasha turned to me and stared for a minute. I couldn't read the expression on the half of his face that was dimly lit by the faraway fire. Then he left the light to sit next to me, I couldn't really see him any more. I wish they had made camp just a little closer.

"I read the book." He said.


Silence reigned supreme. But I was too scared to challenge it.

"We're all in this together. If one of us falls, the others will pick up were they left off." His voice was grim and determined, I had the feeling that he was working up to something and remained silent for him to continue. "I guess I never thought of you…. I thought your only quest was the jewel. I didn't understand you couldn't leave it at that.

"I won't be able to convince you that it's my job, huh? Alright Kagome, but listen to this." I heard him shift and felt him look at me. "I don't want to hear any more shit about you giving your soul to Kikio. We will fine another way, you keep what's yours…. We are all going to do this, we are all going to survive the quests, somehow. Understand? None of us are going to give up. Right. Are you coming to camp?" I heard him stand.

"Not yet."

He walked to the door and reached outside picking something up. He threw it at me and it landed in my lap heavily. It was my sleeping bag.

"Inuyasha?" I looked at my half lit friend, still unreadable.

"It's cold in here," He mumbled, "I don't want you getting sick." He turned to leave and stopped, "You get stupid when your sick." He threw at me before he exited and rolled the boulder back in front of the door.

A slow smile crept to my face. I unrolled my sleeping bag and crawled in. as I waited for it to warm up I thought how, no matter what the others thought, Inuyasha was on my side.

He comforted me, and it wasn't that nice speech. Although that did lift my spirits some. No, it wasn't that that offered me the knowledge that he understood or more importantly that he forgave me. Nope, all that was conveyed in one simple act.

Inuyasha insulted me.

The sun was well up in the sky before I woke up. I, of course, didn't know that. I was beginning to bake in my sleeping bag, which had been pushed down to my waist during the morning hours, so I sat up and looked around. Same old cabin. What I could see of it. Light was once again struggling its way around the large rocks blocking its path and I remembered that it had been doing that when I was locked up yesterday.

"Inuyasha!" I called. It was time to face my friends. I was more than a little apprehensive. "Let me out."

The boulder rolled back almost immediately.

"Slept long enough." He grumbled. Stepping out of my way.

I was about to argue that he could have woken me up, when I noticed that Sango and Miroku were just waking up too. So I let it go.

I approached them quietly, I wasn't sure what to say. So I said nothing.

Miroku stood and smiled at me, "Good Mor- uh afternoon Kagome-sama."

"Good afternoon Miroku-sama." I replied.

Sango ran up and hugged me without saying anything. Then she released me and began to prepare to leave without saying anything.

"Did you sleep well Kagome-sama?" Miroku inquired.

"…Yes, I did, thank you." What was this about? Maybe it was nothing, but I thought I saw something in his eyes.

"And you, Inuyasha, how did you sleep? I noticed you did not return that last time you left to go to the cabin." Miroku winked at Inuyasha.

So that's what it was. Inuyasha growled his response, Sango hit Miroku on the back of his head. I laughed. It wasn't my usual reaction, but I couldn't help it, I was relieved.

I packed my bag and shouldered it, ready to get back on the road. Inuyasha took the bag from me. I was truly happy then. Not because I of the bag, he does that sometimes. I was happy because they weren't going to treat me like an invalid, or mental patient. They weren't going to tip toe around me or try to be gentle with me. I was Ok, and so were they.

Sure, I knew they were going to be watching me closer, analyzing my moves after every battle for a while. But I've always been a little foolish and taken some risks in battle, I just gotta be sure I'm taking the normal risks. Whatever lay before me I knew, I know, that I will be able to face it for they have forgiven me, they believe in me, they are my friends.

The End.