InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Break me or Make me ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

MNG101: hey! This is a new story. Like you couldn't figure that one out. Umm, that's about it. This one is also kinda angsty, but that's all I can really write. So hope ya enjoy!!

~*~Kagome's POV~*~

It was a sunny, cheerful meadow. There were flowers everywhere, swaying melodically in the warm, moist spring air. Everything was serene, peaceful, perfect. I was fourteen, and running along in the warm sun, letting it fall around me, serenading me like a concert. "Dad, Mom, Souta!" I yelled, running to them, but they were always an arm's length away. "Wait for me, Dad!"

Suddenly, the scene changed to a bustling city. Our city in Sacramento, California. It was overcrowded, with trucks driving at warp speed, cars and taxies swerving all over the place. Total chaos. Rain was pouring in a steady downfall, giving off that distinct smell of mildew. As the rain poured harder, I was now frantically meandering around all the people on the sidewalk, trying to catch my family. Suddenly, "honk honk" went a mini-cooper, and a sickening "clump-thump" could be heard. I saw my family get run over by a mini-cooper, a teenage driver going to the local seven-eleven for a slurpee. "Hoggg hongggg"

"Bring BRING…" sounded the alarm clock, as it morphed from the murderous mini-cooper, to a harmless, yet annoying alarm clock.

"Godamnyou" Kagome mumbled as she slammed down the off button of the offending alarm clock. She lied back down, contemplating this dream that she had been having for a while, now. `Nice way to start junior year,' she thought. `I have been having that day ever since the day…' She drifted off as she threw her comforter on the floor. As she studied herself in the mirror, she let the hot, steaming water run in the shower, steaming up the whole room, before undressing and climbing into the comforting, pulsating liquid. After that, she carefully got out, dried her long, ebony hair, and looked in her closet. Only one word could describe it. Black. She decided on black sailor pants, a mauve tank top, and a black fishnet top over it, with exaggerated bell-sleeves. She didn't put on any make-up, just grabbed some toast and left. `What better way to scream "I'm ugly and I need to cover up my face" than to put on a big gob of make-up.' She giggled to herself and got in her eclipse.

Kagome didn't really fit in well with the rest of the school. Ever since that tragic day, she took up the mourning color of black. She didn't expect the other teens to understand, and they didn't. They just passed her off as "interesting" and whispered comments behind her back, not noticing that she could hear all of it. Her thick, black cat-glasses didn't really help her appearance either, but she liked them, so why should she care?

Kagome pulled into her school five minutes early in time to watch a raven-haired boy and a girl of the same hair color run into the building, not wanting school to start. `God, Inu-Yasha, what happened? We used to be so close. Where did you go?' Kagome got out of her car, grabbed a notebook and a pen, locked up the car, and headed up the steps to shikon no tama High School.

After four classes, lunch arrived, much to Kagome's dismay. Kagome hated lunch. Absolutely despised it. She would much rather learn about physics or read an American Romanticism novel. She bought her fries, took out her Stephen King book, and sat alone at the table in the far corner. Students stared at her, but she didn't care, anymore. She was used to it after nearly three years. She didn't feel those brown eyes, didn't notice the emotion behind them.

"Hey, anyone sitting here?" A girl with a high-ponytail of brown hair asked. She had deep brown, slanted eyes. She wore a peasant skirt with tattered ends, of a cream color, that clung to her hips, swaying with any and every movement. She had a black, wrap-around top, and chunky combat boots. "I'm new here, I just transferred here, and I was wondering if you could help me with something."

"Yeah, sure," Kagome said, not looking up from her book.

"Great, my name is Sango."

"Kagome," Kagome said, not looking up from her book.

"I'm a junior, what are you?"

"Junior," she said in the same monotone voice.

"At least now I know one other person here," Sango said, totally oblivious to the annoyed signs the opposing girl was showing. "All the other people just stared me down until I left the table."

"Welcome to my world," Kagome joked, feeling at ease enough to put the book down and start an actual conversation. "Just don't make eye contact," she joked further. "Have you gotten your schedule yet?"

"No, actually I haven't, I was wondering if you could help me with that. I haven't even picked out my classes yet."

"Sure, we got forty-five minutes left, so why not?" The two girls walked down to the office, deep in a heated discussion about how pointless an hour long lunch is.

~*~Inu-Yasha's POV~*~

`I felt so bad just to see her sit there, all alone, reading some huge-assed book for company. All the sudden, she completely avoided me since winter in freshman year. We had been so close, I thought we would be a couple, but now I know we cant. She just dressed in black like someone died.' Inu-Yasha thought, but he never put it together.

"Hey `Yasha," Kikyo purred as she walked to their table. "Wanna do something later?"

"Anything you want, Babe." He replied. "Hey, Miroku. Whats up?"

"Not much. New student is pretty hot, though." He said, checking out the girl now approaching the other girl behind the novel. "Too bad she had to sit next to the school's resident weirdo, though.

"Yeah," Kikyo agreed. "I can totally see some promise in her. Kag-whatever is so… creepy."

Inu-Yasha joined in, so they wouldn't think something was up with him. They hadn't known her before. `Oh well," he thought, and joined in on their jovial discussion.

~*~Kagome and Sango~*~

"Hey, gimme the sheets," Kagome said as she pulled her own schedule out of her back pocket, and started copying down her classes onto Sango's. "For your major elective what do you want? I have choir, but there are also fine art classes, and sports as well."

"Ummmm, how about the drawing class." Kagome marked that, then had Sango sign a couple of things, and turned the paper into the secretary.

"Thank you, miss… Taijiya. Now if you could just wait right over there while I print this thing out for you, you can go off on your Road to Success here at Shikon no Tama High. Alrighty, here ya go!!!" an overly peppy secretary said as she sipped her high-sugar coffee.

"`Ya want to watch out for her, once she starts talking, she can't stop." Kagome warned.

"Thanks, but I already picked that up." Sango replied as she grabbed her schedule, twitched at the woman's voice, and ran out of the office with Kagome not far behind, like her hair was on fire, and her ass was catching. The two juniors went to their next class together, giggling all the way.

~*~Inu-Yasha's Table~*~

"Hey! Yash! I dare you twenty bucks you won't dress Her up, then invite her to your house party this weekend as your date!" betted Miroku.

"Yeah I think I got a Jackson that says that too…," Kouga added. Kikyo just giggled, knowing that nothing could break her and Inu-Yasha up. He was completely whipped.

Inu-Yasha really didn't want to do it, but if he didn't, the group would think he liked her or something, and he already had a girlfriend. Now he could get her back for ditching him all those years ago. "OK guys here's the plan." Everyone leaned in closer, and soon the whole group dissolved into a crazed fit of laughter. `What did I just get myself into' Inu-Yasha asked himself.

MNG101: hey! How did ya like it? If u don't, I just wont continue it. This is where the ratings and PM's and guestbooks come into play. I don't like posting to thin air, so I wont. Just keep that in mind k? See ya next chappy!