InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Breath No More ❯ Farewell ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Kind of song-ficish. Basically Inuyasha bids Kikyo a final farewell. After Naraku dies. By the way, the title has nothing to do with the song. -.- And some lines of the song were taken out. R&R!

Pairings: A little: KikXInu Main: KagXInu

Disclaimer: Inuyasha & co. belong to Rumiko Takahashi, song belongs to Evanescence.

Breath No More


She was near. He breathed deeply, catching her once enthralling scent. Now it was nothing more than clay, hatred, and anger. Anger towards him. He had to see her one last time.

(Give me a reason to believe

that you're gone)

The pale moonlight spilled through the trees as he bounded off in her direction, leaving his companions bewildered. The young woman with black hair and chocolate brown eyes sighed sadly. Tears began to pool in the corners of her eyes.

"I thought you loved me Inuyasha…" She whispered after him.

I thought you loved me Inuyasha…The words chased him, haunting and heartbreaking. She would say the same too, only with more loathing and malice.

(I see your shadow so I know they're all wrong)

The blur of red and white flew through the forest, feet barely touching the yielding soil of the ground. Blades of grass swayed gently with his passing movements. The wind sang a sad song through the trees, leading him to her.

(Moonlight on the soft brown earth

It leads me to where you lay)

"Kikyou." He uttered her name as the he saw the fallen miko, merely standing, watching. Her soul stealers brushed against him. They emitted an eerie blue light, mingling with that of the moon's.

She bowed her head slightly, turning to face him.

"Inuyasha." She said back. It seemed as though time was standing still, the song of the wind died and the trees ceased to wave.

She sighed softly before saying, "I know why you have come." Extending a hand and opening her palm, revealing a single Shikon no Kakera; the final one.

He made a small surprised noise. "I didn't know," he admitted slowly.

"You mean you're here for me?" He nodded. "Hai…"


(I'll stay forever here with you,

My love)

He stepped nearer to her, his angel swathed in red and white. "I had to…" He embraced her then once again, embraced by the wind.

"I had to say goodbye…" She pulled away, a puzzled look on her face.

(The softly spoken words you gave me,

Even in death our love goes on)

"Goodbye?" A look of pure sadness etched itself upon her face.

He nodded again and plucked the last shard from her hand. "Lie down Kikyou. It's over."

"What?!" Anger marred her delicate features, like it had so many times before. "Breath no more. You're dead."

(Some say I'm crazy for my love)

"I refuse to lie down, Inuyasha! My time is not now."

"Hai, it is. It was fifty years ago."

"No!" she shouted, voice growing more heated. "I thought you loved me Inuyasha!" There it was, full of the loathing he knew.

(But no bonds can hold me from your side)

"Gomen ne, but I can't love you anymore. I can't hold on to the past." His golden eyes glittered sorrowfully. She backed down suddenly and reached forward to immerse her hands in his iridescent silverly hair.

"Gomen nasai, koi," (He flinched as she said this) "But for once, I am not blind. I understand you. Onegai, never forget me."

(They don't know you can't leave me

They don't hear you singing to me)

With that, she stepped back and withdrew the small white ribbon she used to tie her hair. The ebony tresses spilled over her shoulders and back as she did this. She handed him it and smiled, something that was rare in this Kikyou.

"Promise me you'll never forget…" She begged. `I'm done making promises with you.' He thought. In a strange glow, her body disappeared into a thousand tiny spheres of light and a streak of it flew off into the night. He watched, oddly indifferent.


Inuyasha gazed down at the white ribbon in his palm. "I can't keep this Kikyou, I want no memory of you." Then he let the piece of cloth be swept into the dark mori, to be carried by the wind.


Kagome sobbed quietly. Why did he go back to her?! `Even after Inuyasha said he loved me!' The cracking of a branch startled her. She whipped around quickly and reached for her yumiya.

"Calm down it's only me." All of Kagome's anger came rushing back. "How dare you, you bastard! Even after saying you loved me, you still went back to her!" She slapped Inuyasha hard across the face.

"I thought you might do that," Inuyasha said with a sigh, rubbing his sore cheek. "Listen, I only went back to say goodbye, she really is gone for good this time." The younger miko looked suspicious.

"No really, didn't you feel your soul return?" Kagome let out a small gasp. She placed her hand on her chest. She felt whole. "So it really is over." She murmured.

"Aishiteru, Kagome."

"I've waited a long time to hear that Inuyasha." He blushed crimson. "Would you consider being my mate?"

"Hai, koibito…" She said seductively as they both fell to the soft forest floor…

(And I can't love you anymore than I do)


A/N: Aww, happy ending!!! OOC, yes I know. Why did I do this? Felt like writing something about Kikyou (she gave up waaay to easily but I didn't want to drag it out) dying or something then Inuyasha and Kagome getting together. -n.n- If you didn't get the ending, they're going to have SEX. Might have to write a lemon for that. >:) Naughty me.


Kakera: fragment, piece, shard

Hai: yes

Doushite: why?

Gomen ne: I'm sorry

Gomen nasai: I'm so/very sorry

Koi: love (different from ai)

Onegai: please

Sayonara: goodbye

Mori: forest

Yumiya: bow and arrow(s)

Aishiteru: I love you

Correct me if I'm wrong with the spelling or meanings. Arigatou. Thanks for reading!