InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Breathe (With Me Sesshomaru) ❯ Lost In The Forest, Looking For A Savior ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Oh, I own Inuyasha. NOT! If I did, I wouldn't be writing something like this and posting it here. I'd have my own website to post it. So, for short, I don't own Inuyasha. (Oh, and I wouldn't be using this pairing.)
Summery: Kagome realizes her feelings of love are towards Sesshomaru, not Inuyasha. How will she admit her feelings to him, and will they by returned?
Author's Note: Hi ppl! It's me again. Well, I didn't really come up with this idea. I wanted to write a songfic using “Breathe” by Faith Hill, but the pairing of Kagome and Sesshomaru was my friend's idea. She loves Kagome/Sesshomaru. This story is for her birthday (May 16th) and she let me post it here. (She hasn't seen it yet and it's been a year since I started this story. If you're reading this Sis…hi! ^_^)
Small Needed Warnings (SNW): This takes place a few days after the final episode of the series, so it's gonna be a bit of a spoiler. There are also Limes, Lemons, and a Lemonade or two through-out the story. Oh, and the characters may be a little OOC.
PS- If you see (~*Then something inside.*~), it's me talking.
PSS- I didn't do any research about Japanese food or kitchens, because every time I want to, my computer turns against me…
Breathe (With Me Sesshomaru) - Lost In The Forest, Looking For A Savior
Kagome walked slowly behind her friends. Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka laughed and giggled about normal teenage girl stuff. Mostly boys. They stopped and turned to look at Kagome.
“So how's your exotic boyfriend?” Eri asked.
“Huh?” Kagome said, coming out of her flashback of the battle against Naraku.
“Your boyfriend!” Yuka exclaimed.
“How is he?” Ayumi asked.
Kagome sighed. “Okay, I guess.” `He's not really my boyfriend,' she thought.
“He's really cool,” Yuka said, as everyone kept walking.
“I love his hair,” Eri said.
“Me, too,” Ayumi said.
`Just imagine if they knew he had dog ears,' Kagome thought sarcastically as they got to the stairs that led up to her house. (~*Everybody loves a bit of sarcasm.*~)
“Is he working today Kagome?” Ayumi asked.
“No…well at least he shouldn't be,” Kagome answered.
“Aw; I guess we'll just catch you later Kagome,” Eri said.
“Bye Kagome,” the other two chorused. Kagome waved and then made her way to the house. Once there, she went in and just went straight to her room. She collapsed on her bed and sighed.
“I can't believe that they still think Inuyasha is my boyfriend,” Kagome said.
She thought about the last attack from Naraku, and being in the demon's belly. How Miroku had tried to protect them. How she gave Inuyasha her jewel shard. How she hugged him when his inner demon tried taking over.
But that hug meant nothing. She didn't want to admit it to him, but she didn't love him. Well, not in the way he thought. She loved him like a brother, a protective older brother.
`But that kiss when Kaguya…NO! That was to save him,' Kagome thought. She loved him like a brother; that was it.
But then, who did she love? She would never tell Inuyasha the answer to that question. She couldn't believe she loved him after all that he had put her and Inuyasha through.
Yes, Kagome loved Sesshomaru. The very demon that wanted to kill Inuyasha. She couldn't believe it herself that she loved the demon so much.
“But he'll never return my feelings…” Kagome whispered as she fell asleep.
Little to her, Inuyasha was just outside her window, thinking she was talking about him.
Kagome awoke to the hanyou sitting at the end of her bed.
“Hey Inuyasha,” Kagome said. “What time is it?”
“Well, the sun's down. Does that help?” he asked sarcastically. (~*More sarcasm!!*~)
Kagome looked through her window to see the sun was indeed down and then she looked at her clock.
“It's already 9 o'clock!” she yelled. Inuyasha jumped up and covered her mouth.
“Shh wench! Your brother just fell asleep! Do you really want to fucking wake him up?” Inuyasha snapped. He slowly removed his hand and Kagome was quiet.
“Sota was bugging you again?” she asked as she stood and stretched.
“The kid wouldn't let me have a damn moment to myself,” Inuyasha grumbled. Kagome smiled and made her way to the door.
“Gonna come with me?” she asked. He just stood and followed her downstairs. She went into the kitchen to find her mother.
“Kagome, glad to see you awake honey. I guess all of that exhaustion just took over,” Ms. Higurashi said as she took a plate from the microwave. She placed it on the table. “There's your dinner sweetheart.”
“Thanks Mom,” she said as she sat down and started eating. Her mom had made chicken and mashed potatoes with rolls. Kagome began to scarf it down. Boy was she hungry after all of that studying today for school over the last few days.
Inuyasha stood against the wall and watched her. He was taking a different liking to her now. After earlier that day, she has been the only thing on his mind. Listening her talk in her sleep had been an eye opener to him. Kagome loved him and was afraid that he didn't love her back.
Well she was right. He didn't love anyone that way. Not even Kikyo. He loved Kagome like a sister; the sister he never had. He hoped the she would understand.
Kagome finished her dinner and Ms. Higurashi took the plate as Kagome finished off her last roll. She got up and got a juice box from the fridge. She gulped that down in a second.
“Well, I'm going to bed,” Ms. Higurashi said. “Don't stay up too late now.” She left and Kagome put the empty box in the trash.
Kagome looked at Inuyasha. “So when did you get here?” she asked.
“Around the time you get out of school,” was his answer. He paused and there was an awkward silence. “I heard you talking,” he finally said.
Kagome froze. He had heard her talking? That's not good. He would take her the wrong way, like he always does.
“Inu…Inuyasha, y-you didn't…h-hear m-me in my…r-room did-did you?” she stammered out.
“Where else were you talking to yourself?” he said as he got a sad expression on his face. Kagome walked over to him.
“Inuyasha…I have to tell you…that I…”
“Love me?” he asked.
Kagome froze. She knew this was how he would take it. “Not like that…” she whispered as she hung her head.
Inuyasha looked at her. “Not like that…” It echoed in his head, like a needle being dropped in an empty room.
“Well…how do you love me? You've already made it quite clear you like me in some way,” the hanyou said as he too, hung his head.
“Like a brother. I love you like I love Sota and Miroku. Like you're my brother…or something…” she trailed off. Inuyasha smiled and lifted her chin. His amber eyes met her blue-gray ones.
“Good, cause I consider you a sister more than anything else.”
Kagome smiled and hugged him. Of course, Inuyasha wasn't expecting this, but he embraced her.
“I didn't think you'd accept this type of relationship between us,” Kagome whispered.
“I didn't think you would,” Inuyasha said. Kagome drew away from him and gave him a smile. Things were going to be great now. Except when Kagome had to tell him, whom she loved…in the romantic way.
A few days later in the Feudal Era, the group set off for the jewels shards again. They were going to check in the area around Sesshomaru's Western Lands, since they hadn't checked there in so long. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo accepted the relationship decision that Kagome and Inuyasha had made. Actually, everyone knew that's how it would end.
“You two already act like siblings anyways,” Miroku commented.
“I second that,” Shippo said, raising a small hand.
“And it's not like we didn't see this coming,” Sango said. “It was bound to happen.”
Kagome and Inuyasha were happy for these reactions. No one seemed to want to play the Kaguya card or the hug in the demon's belly. They just accepted it.
The gang made their way around the edge of Sesshomaru's territory, careful not to cross the invisible line into it. They were looking for the shards; that was all.
But not for Kagome. She hoped that Sesshomaru sensed them on the edge of his territory. She wanted to see him. For maybe him to kidnap her; well, at least that way she'd get some alone time with him.
The gang traveled three days beside the border. Inuyasha could smell fear, worry, want, and emptiness in Kagome's scent. So when camp was set up, and their dinner of fish was cooking, he decided to find out why.
“Kagome?” he asked. She looked up at him. “Got a minute?”
“Sure Inuyasha,” she said as she followed him to a spot by the river they had got the fish from. She had put her big bag down, but her little gym bag, that she had bought at a store while she was home last, stayed on her back. “What is it Inuyasha?” she inquired when she was seated in the grass. He sat next to her, Tetsusaiga in his lap, and stared at the reflection of the moon in the water. She was wondering why he was unusually serene and kind.
“What's bugging you?” he asked bluntly. Kagome looked into the water as well, thinking about how to answer the question.
“N-Nothing,” she stuttered.
“That's not true Kagome, and you know it,” Inuyasha said assertively.
Kagome turned to him. “Inu…yasha?”
“I can smell it in your scent,” he told her. “You're worried about something. Scared, a want for something and you're feeling empty.” He turned to her. “Why?” She lowered her head. “What's eating you up?”
Now Kagome really wanted to know why he was acting so affectionate. “What's gotten into you? Why do you care so much?” she shot back.
Inuyasha flinched at her tone and his ears pasted to his head. Kagome calmed down and returned her gaze to the water.
“I'm sorry,” she mumbled. She hugged her knees to her chest and spaced out a bit. Inuyasha calmed down as well and clutched the Tetsusaiga. His gaze also returned to the moon in the water.
“It's okay…It's just…ever since the other night at your house…when we settled our relationship…I just wanted…” the hanyou tried to say.
“I understand; a brotherly concern, right?” she asked. He nodded. She smiled and sighed.
“I'm scared about seeing the one I love,” she said.
“Someone I know?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome nodded. “In this time?” She nodded again.
“I'm scared he won't love me. I want to be with him, to tell him how I feel. And I'm empty because of that,” the miko said.
The hanyou nodded. “What are you worried about? Rejection?” He thought Kagome was thinking about Koga. He knew Koga wouldn't reject her. The wolf would welcome her with open arms. Inuyasha didn't know if Koga had claimed a mate or not. It had been awhile since the group had last seen him. Or any wolves for that matter.
“That's part of it,” she said as she lifted her head and looked at Inuyasha. “And how you'll take who it is.”
Inuyasha faced her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Just tell me.” He was all ready to hear “Koga” come from her lips.
Kagome took a shaky sigh and buried her face in her knees. She said his name loud enough for Inuyasha to hear, “Sesshomaru.”
“WHAT!?” Inuyasha yelled as he jumped to his feet. Miroku and the others jumped. “HIM!?”
Kagome nodded as she began to cry. Shippo was on his way to find out what was going on, but Miroku stopped him.
“Let me go Miroku! Kagome's crying!” the kitsune yelled.
“Let Inuyasha handle it,” the monk said.
“He started it,” Sango said as she rotated the fish. Kirara made a sound in agreement.
Inuyasha continued yelling, unable to grasp why. “WHY HIM!? HE TRIED TO KILL ME! HE TRIED TO KILL YOU! AND YOU LOVE HIM?”
Kagome lifted her head and stood to face him. “Yes; YES INUYASHA! I LOVE HIM! I CAN'T HELP IT! I JUST DO!”
Kagome was fired up now. She yelled everything said next fairly quickly. “I DON'T CARE INUYASHA! I LOVE YOUR BROTHER, AND I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK! SIT!”
Inuyasha's face hit the ground and Kagome began to walk away. “Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled at her.
“SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! (~*This is getting us nowhere…*~) SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT!” Kagome yelled out. Inuyasha's body began to fall into the ground. He was about six feet under by the time she stopped. She ran into the forest, tears falling from her eyes.
“What was that all about?” Sango asked sweat-drops heavy on everyone's head.
“I kinda feel sorry for the guy,” Miroku said. (~*You, what!?*~)
“Well, Kagome said something she shouldn't have,” Shippo said plainly.
“What do you mean Shippo?” Sango asked.
“Yes, please enlighten us,” the monk said.
“You mean you didn't hear her? Well…she said it pretty fast,” the kitsune said.
“What was it Shippo?” the demon slayer asked again.
“She said she loved Sesshomaru,” the young demon said.
Miroku and Sango were speechless. Kagome loved Sesshomaru!? They watched as Inuyasha pulled himself out of the hole and sat with the Tetsusaiga in his lap. He soon curled into a ball and was quiet.
“Poor guy,” Shippo stated as he began eating his dinner. (~*Only time you'll hear that for Inuyasha from Shippo.*~)
Kagome ran. She didn't know where. She didn't know how far she did run until she couldn't breathe any longer. She collapsed on the ground, clutching her chest. She fell completely on the ground, huffing hard. She felt as though there was no air at all in her lungs.
“Inu…Inuyasha…Sess…homaru…some̷ 0;one…” she panted. She gave into her exhaustion and fell asleep.
(~*Poor Kagome*~)
The great demon lord Sesshomaru began his rounds of his lands. He had heard from some of his followers that Inuyasha and the rest of the group were traveling next to the border. Sesshomaru knew that they wouldn't dare to cross into his territory.
Rin was playing in his castle's courtyard, with Jaken watching over her. So Sesshomaru was going alone. He liked it this way. He could think and make decisions without one of them butting in. He wanted to do his rounds quickly, just flying over his lands and making sure everything was right.
He took off and looked over everything all night. When he returned, he decided to walk through his forest for a little while. He wanted more time alone. He knew as soon as he got home, he wasn't going to be left alone, not even for a second. Jaken would be asking how the rounds went; Rin would be yapping about how he should take her with him the next time; his other servants would be all over him with other things, like how he should warn them about the next time he used the boulders in the back of the castle for target practice.
The scent of the girl that walked with Inuyasha was strong in the forest. He didn't know why, but Sesshomaru could swear there was fear and sadness coming from the girl's aura. Also something Sesshomaru couldn't pick up, but something Kagome felt strongly at the moment: heartache.
Sesshomaru walked towards her scent and found her in a ball on the ground, right next to a huge bush. He decided that since she was clearly alone and exhausted, he should help her, no matter how much anyone else said not to. Jaken, his servants, even Inuyasha would have said not to help her. Well, if Inuyasha was there, Sesshomaru wouldn't be the one kneeling down and scooping the miko into his arms. He looked down at her cut and dirty face. Her legs were covered in bruises and dirt, along with a few cuts. Salt still clung to her face from what Sesshomaru knew were tears.
`What did the half demon do to her?' the Demon Lord thought. He looked over her body. She was completely exhausted, outside and in; and her body had been through enough that she could kill herself. The Demon Lord moved the girl in his arms to a more comfortable position and began the rest of the way to his castle.
(~*AWWW! Sesshomaru's being nice!~*)
Sesshomaru approached his castle and he instantly just leapt up to his balcony. He went out his bedroom door and down the hall with Kagome in his arms. He opened one of the many spare rooms and placed her on the bed. He then went to find one of his servants to tend to her. He didn't want to be blamed by anyone for being too cold-hearted, or a pervert.
(~*LOL; Sesshomaru a pervert! Like we need another Miroku!~*)
Kagome was dreaming, remembering everything before she passed out. She remembered running through Sesshomaru's forest, falling a lot; getting many cuts from twigs and bruises from the rocks. Running, covered in dirt, tears rolling down her cheeks, her heart broken in two, or three. She just couldn't take it.
Then her dream changed. She was dreaming about a tall being with long white hair and golden eyes carrying her. But, it wasn't Inuyasha. The aura in her dream was too strong to be her friend. It was Sesshomaru.
The miko wished she could just stay in her dream forever. Since in reality, Sesshomaru would never touch her.
(~*How little she does know…*~)
Inuyasha watched as the sun rose. He couldn't believe that Kagome had been gone all night. He was worried more than anything at the moment. But, he knew Sesshomaru would kill him and the others if they stepped into the forest. BUT, the Demon Lord would KILL Kagome if he found her. (~*Sigh*~)
The hanyou stood and turned towards the others. He hadn't moved from his spot by the river all night. He had expected Kagome to cry out her all of tears, and she would be back. (~*Boy, was he wrong*~)
“I'm going to look for her,” he told the others. They had been awake for a while, already having the time to get breakfast. Kirara and Shippo were still asleep and Sango was watching the breakfast fish. Miroku had been looking around; hoping the same thing Inuyasha had been all night: that Kagome would return.
Miroku nodded, “Yes.” Inuyasha nodded back and he zoomed into the trees.
“I hope he finds her,” Sango said. Her head had been down the whole time Inuyasha had been standing there. She was really upset that Kagome had gone out all night.
“Me too,” said Shippo sleepily. He had just woken up to Inuyasha meeting the trees. He stood and walked slowly to Sango. She pulled him into her lap and cuddled him. Soon, the kitsune was asleep again.
Miroku looked where Inuyasha had left. “So do I,” the monk answered.
(~*How's Inuyasha?*~)
Inuyasha zoomed through the trees. He began picking up Kagome's scent after only a little while. He stopped where he was.
`Blood?' he thought. `Kagome's blood!' He jumped down from the tree he was in and saw a twig with her blood on it. He picked it up and sniffed it. He almost became sick at the smell of her blood, but he became extremely sick with worry over how she was.
He got back up into the trees and followed her scent, picking up her blood every once in a while.
`Kagome…please be okay,' he thought. `You have to be okay!'
(~*Back To Kagome!*~)
Kagome woke from her dream. She kept her eyes closed. She moved a little and felt all of the scratches she had gotten from running. She turned to her side, wincing when she hit the bruise on her side. She fought back tears as she opened her eyes. She found herself in a bed, a BIG, EXPENSIVE feudal era bed. She sat up, fighting against the pain. She gazed around.
The miko found herself in a decent sized room with a huge picture-like window to her left. The bed she was in was huge. Like, California King, but a bit bigger. The comforter, pillowcases, and sheets were different shades of burgundy and gold. The bed was against the wall, in a corner. There was a table made out of redwood next to her with an oil lamp on it. There was a door across the room made of a dark, browner colored wood, and the walls and floor were these huge gray stones. She saw a big armoire made of the same wood as the table, with very detailed carvings. Right in front of her was another door with the same wood as the other one. She looked up to see that there was a burgundy canopy above her head.
`Who lives here? Who saved me from the forest?' she thought. Her internal questions were answered when the door to her right opened to two servant women and their lord.
Kagome's eyes grew wide. `Sesshomaru!'
So Kagome's found herself in Sesshomaru's castle and Inuyasha is franticly searching for her. What's going to happen next? Review so you can read chapter two! Thx!
MrsJoey Wheeler