InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broadway In A Ramen Cup ❯ Return of the Dancing Kings ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

After extensive debate and idea-gathering, Tsuki and Akina have decided that we will update this fic, even though only Tsuki is present at the moment.
Tsuki: ::Cries:: my taco left!
Akina: ::from her house:: stop that, you know I have homework!
Tsuki: ::snuffles:: you just hate me.
Akina: ::whacks Tsuki over head with math book::
Tsuki: this is the last chapter of this, you guys. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru...reveal their amazing powers of dance and Kagome's entire school!
Akina: didn't Kagome tell her friends that Inu was a biker?
Tsuki: whoever said bikers couldn't dance and sing? You're reading my Mars, right?
Kagome knew that something was up. It just wasn't like Inuyasha to be running off like this. He was making up excuses to go off on his own into the forests of Feudal Japan, leaving a bewildered traveling group behind him.
She didn't regret kissing the hanyou, although it had encouraged him and made his avid 'protecting' of her worse. Kouga had walked away from their last encounter with a fat lip, which Kagome had been unable to prevent with a 'sit' due to Inuyasha's attachment to her.
Despite the strange hardships she encountered with the hanyou, she knew that his disappearances didn't have anything to do with his newfound confidence in his love life. No, she was afraid to hear the truth about her hanyou's whereabouts. She was afraid that it had something to do with...
Dance and song.
Yes, that sound was unmistakable. Inuyasha and another male were singing at the top of their lungs, and Kagome knew the song.
Oh, God no...
"If all the raindrops were licorice and pixie sticks,
Oh what a rain it would be!
Standing outside with my mouth open wide,
Ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah ah ah, ah!
If all the raindrops were licorice and pixie sticks,
Oh what a rain it would be!"
It continued, growing in volume as it drew closer. Kagome put her head in her hands as she realized what was happening. The brothers were finished with their rehearsals, and it was time for their...debut!
Sango and Miroku grabbed Shippou and regarded the woods as if an angry animal was charging towards them. Kagome just shook her head back and forth; hands over her ears and eyes squeezed shut. She would just make it stop all on her own!
Gradually, the voices faded. Kagome removed her hands and opened her eyes, staring off in the direction they had gone. So maybe they weren't ready? Maybe they were still...rehearsing?
Kagome stood up to regard the direction that they had gone in. It didn't seem to be very specific, in relation to the towns and villages she knew of. They were just headed in the general direction of the well.
Of the...well? Crap!
Kagome sprinted out of the campsite as if she had been burned, streaking off in the direction of the terrible signing. They can't possibly be drunk...can they?
Inuyasha scoured his mind for the place that Kagome had told her friends they were from. The head of the school-pack stared at him as he tried to recall his homeland.
"Oh! That's right, Belgium! We're from Belgium!"
The leader of the school-pack blinked before nodding. "Okay. You say you can dance and sing. That sounds like a wonderful cultural presentation for our kids. How much do you charge?"
"I want as much ramen as you can bring me," Inuyasha said. Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes.
" dollars?"
"Fifty packages of ramen! No—TWO HUNDRED RAMEN CUPS!"
Now Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrows. (flashback)
"Let me do the talking, Baka. You don't know anything about Kagome's time. I am the master of the future," Inuyasha gloated.
"Hello, may I help you?"
Inuyasha yelped and spun around, eyes wide. "Uh, we're here to sing and dance for Kagome's school!"
The short man blinked, regarding the hanyou as if he were going to charge at any moment. "Ooohhhkaaayyy...where are you from?"
"Um..." (end flashback)
Right. Leave it to him. It looked like Sesshoumaru would have to intervene once again. "Allow this Sesshoumaru to correct his brother's mistakes. We would gladly accept your fifty dollars, if we can use it to purchase instant ramen."
The leader of the school-pack shrugged. "I don't care what you do with the money. Stay here for fifteen minutes while we call around to the classrooms and get the kids into the auditorium."
Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru obediently waited. Two seconds later, a huffing and puffing Kagome jogged down the hallway.
"Oi, wench, you're just in time! Sess and I are about to go on!"
Kagome's face paled. "Inuyasha...what are you going to do?"
"You'll see," Inuyasha said mischievously.
The brothers trotted towards the auditorium, unsuspecting and both wondering what an auditorium was.
Kagome was going to kill Inuyasha. It was simple. She would wait until he had made a fool of himself in front of her entire school, and then she would throttle him. Her hands were itching, she could barely wait.