InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broken* ❯ Shattered ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four

Kaede had been right in her assumption that Inuyasha was close by and listening. He was, in fact, sprawled out on the roof of the hut, well within hearing range for that conversation, and he did not like what he heard at all.

Quite frankly, he didn't know who he was madder at. Kagome, for not trusting him, for actually be afraid of him—And after everything they'd already been through together, too!—or himself for making her feel that way in the first place. But damn it! It wasn't like he'd never threatened her before! He did it all the time, and she usually just blew it off or sat him a few times and after a few hours of sulking on his part, everything was back to normal again.

Well … except she couldn't sit him anymore, he remembered uneasily, and maybe that was the entire problem.

He frowned up at the sky, hands pillowed behind his head as he watched the twilight fade into the blackness of night. She hadn't really meant all that, had she? She was just upset 'cause he wouldn't let her go home and he'd made her break her promise to her brother. He scowled and shifted uncomfortably. Keh! Stupid girl! She ought to know he'd never kill her! After all, who would help him collect the shards if she was gone? They both knew she was the only one who could see them, so even if he did threaten her she ought to know not to take it seriously! Inuyasha scowled some more, filled with righteous indignation.

He couldn't maintain it, however, as memories of the sadness in Kagome's voice kept trying to creep back to him.

He'd never been so … cruel before.

I'd always thought that he liked me just a little bit.

But, now I think I've only been fooling myself into hoping for something that … just wasn't there.

The hanyou's ears drooped. He hated it, but he couldn't stop the regret from surfacing and it was all he could do to keep from punching a hole through the roof as his own words began to haunt him. He cringed; maybe he'd been a bit unnecessarily cruel. He supposed he couldn't blame Kagome too much for her reaction, but he'd only been giving her what was coming to her for being so cruel to him all that time! After all, friends didn't try to break each other's backs over the least little offense, did they? He pouted a moment, then sighed heavily. Still, what was said was said, and there wasn't much he could do about it now. He wasn't about to change his mind about the well, anyway, especially after what Kagome'd just said. No way was he gonna chance letting her go in and possibly seal the well after her or something! Her grandfather didn't worry him, but she was getting a bit stronger in her powers, so who knew if she'd be able to succeed where the old man couldn't.

His huffed and turned on his side, then switched to the other, restless. On the other hand, there was no way he'd be able to handle Kagome acting so depressed. It was the only thing that could chop away at his defenses. That look on her face drove him to distraction, and he'd do almost anything to replace it with her usual sunny smile. Maybe he could be a little lenient, just this once. Maybe, instead of making her stay until the jewel was completed, he'd only make her stay until they found another fragment or something.

His ears pricked. Yeah, that was an idea! They could go on a schedule. He sat up, mind working. For every two or three shards they found, he'd let her go back to her time and see her family. He'd go with her, of course; no sense taking any chances, after all. And they'd stay only long enough to stock up on supplies (like that great ramen stuff). No more of this school crap Kagome was always harpin' on. What did she need it for, anyway? She seemed plenty smart to him already!

The more he thought about it, the more the idea appealed to him, and he couldn't keep the smug grin from passing over his lips as he puffed out his chest. When he told her his plan, she'd definitely cheer up! He was being quite generous, after all, and maybe this would make her realize that being afraid of him was silly. At the very least, she'd realize he wasn't the cold-hearted bastard she seemed to think he was. He could be perfectly reasonable when he set his mind to it.

Why even wait until tomorrow? Why not tell her right now?

He gracefully hopped to his feet and leaped effortlessly to the ground, stepping inside the house and padding silently toward Kagome's bed. The other two were asleep, given Kaede's heavy breathing and Shippou's faint snores, but Kagome was still awake; he could easily see that her eyes were open, glittering in the faint light as she stared up at the ceiling, hands folded over her stomach. He sidled over to her, careful not to wake anyone up.

Sensing his presence, Kagome bolted up with a startled gasp, staring up at him through wide eyes. He could hear her breath sawing in and out of parted lips in short, panicked gasps. She looked scared, which made him irritated, and he scowled. "I ain't gonna bite your head off, idiot," he growled. "Calm down."

She swallowed, hard, and slowly eased herself into a more comfortable position. A position, he noted uneasily, that would allow her to bolt at a moment's notice, should the need arise. His irritation rose, but he held it fiercely in check. "I wanna talk to you," he whispered, settling himself beside her cross-legged.

"About what?" Even whispering, he could hear the distinct tremble in her voice. He clenched his hands inside his haori sleeves.

"Look, I know you're pissed about the well, so I thought it over, and I decided maybe making you stay until the jewel is completed is a bit overkill," he mumbled gruffly. She didn't speak, but he could sense she was listening. "So, instead of that, you only gotta wait until we get a couple of the shards. Then you can go back—but only if I go with you—so you can see your family and restock supplies. Soon as that's done we go back, look for more shards, and then you can go visit again in another few weeks or months or whatever. Least your family won't worry that way."

There was absolute silence for a long moment. Then, in a strained voice, Kagome asked, "What about school?"

"Keh. You don't need it. The jewel's a hell of a lot more important than your school stuff."

"I beg to differ," she replied tightly. "I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand, but in my world if I don't have an education, I don't have any kind of a future."

He bristled at that. "You should be grateful I'm even lettin' you have this much," he snapped, glaring at her furiously. "I can still change my mind, ya know!"

"I should be grateful." Her voice was filled with disbelief. "I should be grateful?" She slammed her fists against the coverlet and glared at him furiously. "Just where do you think you get off, you overbearing, arrogant, self-centered, stuck-up son of a pig?"

Inuyasha's jaw dropped as he regarded her in openmouthed shock. This wasn't right. She wasn't supposed to be yelling at him. She was supposed to be happy that he was being so generous and—

His thoughts stuttered to a halt as she scrambled to her feet and began to pace the room furiously. Shippou and Kaede stirred at the sudden ruckus. "Y-you're acting like a complete ass, trying to control my life for your stupid jewel that, quite frankly, I don't give any kind of a damn about except that I'm the one who broke it, and you have the absolute gall to tell me I should thank you for it?" She whirled around to glare at him furiously, her eyes snapping. She didn't seem so afraid of him now. She just seemed downright pissed. "You just don't get it, do you?" She shook her head, and he was shocked to see tears glittering in her eyes. "Get out," she hissed, pointing a shaking finger at the door. "Get out of here right now, or so help me, I'll—"

"Fine!" Inuyasha growled, his fists clenching so hard that his claws drove into his palms. He didn't even feel the sting. "I was tryin' to be nice, but if that's how you're gonna be then forget it! I could care less about your stupid family! Let 'em think you're dead! Who cares?" He was snarling in her face, advancing toward her while she backed away from him, until she hit the wall. Her anger was fading rapidly in the face of his wrath, and she wondered if maybe this time she'd overdone it, allowing her temper to get the better of her. When he slapped the palm of his hand against the wood, she cringed away, squeezing her eyes shut as she waited for the claws to pierce her skin.

The action brought Inuyasha's tirade to an abrupt halt as he watched her cowering before him, his hand only an inch away from her face. The anger melted from his expression as he gazed at her with faint horror, suddenly realizing what he was doing. When had things gotten so out of control? He'd only been trying to help … but somehow he'd managed to end up terrifying her all over again. It's her fault, he thought angrily. It's completely her fault! If she's afraid, good! I tried to be nice!

But the guilt continued to punch a hole in his gut.

With a muttered curse, he ripped his hand away, leaving a bloody smear on the wall, and turned to flee the room, practically bowling over a worried Kaede and Shippou on the way out. Kaede watched him in concern for a moment, then turned to find Kagome crouched against the wall, shaking slightly as she stared off into space. When Kaede laid a gentle hand on her shoulder, she jumped violently, turning glazed, tearful eyes up at the motherly face. Kagome's expression crumpled, and without a word, she threw herself into Kaede's arms and began to sob hysterically, while the elderly miko and the little kitsune attempted futilely to soothe her.

Within the forest, an enraged hanyou took out his frustration on the hapless trees, tearing them to shreds as he fought himself into exhaustion. When he finally could fight no more, he flopped down on the grassy earth and stared through dry, hot eyes at the whirling sky above, his thoughts tormented as Kagome's stricken face flashed through his mind over and over.

Would it ever be the same, he wondered wearily. Would things ever be the same between himself and Kagome, or had their fragile bond—their friendship—already shattered beyond repair?