InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Dreams ❯ Chapter - 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: I've put chapters1&2 and3&4 together. So if you go to that would explain why ther are shorter chapters and more chapters. I hope you like and you will probably understand this story more after I got some more wrote on it. R&R
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and if I did I would not be writing this story. I would be working on a squel to the first InuYasha.
2 - I have no clue to what to name this chapter.

After the short talk the Doctor and the other guy had. they high taled it out of there and the place was bombed and amuseingly enff Kagome still lived in the capsule.(warning warning I will not explane some stuff to you so you have to figure it out on you own)

@o@ 500 years later or something like that @o@

After the lab was blowen up by the government. A war started and ended about 3,000,000 laters. Well InuYasha and the gang died and where reincarnated.(exccpted Kagome because she's frozen) They all work together in a lab trying to cure deisaus. Well one day mirai Miroku and InuYasha were looking for old stuff from before the big war and came across the old lab.(oh and demons showed themselves after the war ended. Just in case you wanted to know. So sleepy. It's only what 8:30 and i'm tried.)

" Hey InuYasha come over here. I think I found something." Miroku said as he looked a figure that was in a capsule.

InuYasha looked up from were he was see Miroku standing next to a metal capsule that was half berried in the rubboil. He looked around for a moment taking in the landspace. It was ruff and falt due to the bombing that had happen years ago in the war. The war had life poeple like him and Miroku orpens.(like you don't know his half demon) He was only half demon and half human leaving him to live for a long period of time unlike the humans that died so soon. He decide to go see what Miroku was yelling at him about.

" Come on InuYasha this looks interresting." Miruko said jumping up down tring to get his intension.

" Shut up! I heard you the first time." He said coldly.

" Who pushed you off the wrong side of the bed this morining?" Miroku replyed

" You did remember." he said reaching the capsule.

" Oh yeah! I foregot about that. Sorry." miroku said rubbing the back of his head.

" You idoit! Now what is this thing?" he said knocking on the capsule seeing what it was made of.

" What do you think ... a capsule dua." saying it like he was a idoit.

" Well I know that, but what's in it?"InuYasha asked

" We can find out at the lab. Now pick it up and bring it along with us." Miroku demaned.

" Who said you were God?" he said hatefully as he pulled the capsule out from the ground ruffly.

" Hey hey be careful with that there could be something from the past in there."

" Oh really know. It's just a pices of crappy metal."

After the little discation they had they when back to the lab with their so called pices of crappy metal.

^>^The Lab(dun dun dun . . . pants)^>^

InuYasha carried the capsule to the lab(while complaining). Everybody in the room turned around to see what had made a big cluing sound when Inuyasha had sat the capsule on the ground.

" Hi Inuyasha what's that?" Ask the innocence little Shippo

" I don't know ask Miroku. He's the one who wanted me to bring it here." Said Inuyasha walk to his desk on the other sid eof the room.

Shippo let curiousity take over as he jumped up and ran to the capsule. ( he was doing this very anime stly) jumping back and fruth pokeing the capsule to see if it would move or anything and out of suprise the thing fell on him( Shippo and his curosity). Shippo was sqish under the massive caspule. He had those very funny anime swrily eyes. Inuyasha just started to lgauge at the like kit for his stupidty. When Miroku enter the room with a red hand print on his face.

" Let me guess you grope Sango again." said Inuyasha a smile. H e had earlyer that day bet Miroku that he could not go a whole day with out groping one of the girls that live at the lab. So now Miroku own him 100,000 yen.

" Shutup Inuyasha I'll pay up next pay check. If I even get that much." mean while why this is happening a very unhappy kitsune under a capsule is baging for help, but no one seems to be paying much attenision to him.(poorp poor shippo)

" Now time to see what's in here." said miroku lifting the capsule so he can get a better look at it. When he did he nottice a small kitsune flaten under it. " How did you get under here."

" ................"

" Oh him he let his curosity take over and the thing fell on him. He should be more careful. Not that I care about his well being." Said Inuyasha as he started to work on one of his new lab porjects to find the past.

Inuyasha and Miroku were asign to history because Dr.Sesshomaru say so. Sesshomaru was the boss of the placse because he was the Lord of the western lands. ( I want to call him fuffly) Life around the lab was pettry boring because all you ever do is what you are told, but Inuyasha and the gang was exccption to that becase they rised so much hell. If they did do it their way. So they get by with about every thing.

Miroku was really starting to worried about Shippo because he hadn't woke up yet and it has been about 7 hours sense he had found him. During those seven hours Miroku and Inuyahsa had figured out what the capsule was, but now they were trying to figure out how to open it with killg the thing inside. Two their luck Sango had decide to help out because she was geting bored of nothing.

" Way Sango it was nice of you to come and help" said Miroku with his hand go to the spot that he liked best on the back side of Sango.

" MIROKU I SAER THAT I WILL KILL YOU IF YOUR HAND GOES ANY WHERE NEAR ME." Sango was furious that Miroku had the guts to try that the second time know that he would have to pay Inuyasha more money.

" Sango dear why would I do a thing like that." he had his little inncones act up again for the second time that day.

By this time Inuyasha was geting mad about Miroku's little act. " miroku stop playing with Sango and get to work we still have a long way to go on this."

" Inuyasha I thought you were not interested with this capsule."

" Shutup Miroku." said a very pissed Inuyasha

~~~ 4 hours later ~~~

" I got it." yelled Inuyasha out of the blue.

" Wa... what? Got what Yasha?" asked Miroku waking up from sleeping on the job.

" i got it. I know what it is and how to open it." he said

" I thought we knew what it was?" question Miroku

" Yes, but I know what spices, gender, age, and stuff like that. come and look you'll understand better."

Miroku walked over to Inuyasha desk that was now in a new room. They had moved the porject in tho a new room for better excise to mencahes. While Miroku walked to Yasha's desk he nottice for the first time that the room was differet from tohe room before. It had stuff in it for frezzeing people and for other things dealing with life. Miroku looked at what Yasha was looking at found out what he was findly talking about. While Miroku had fallen a sleep Yasha had got the capsule and open it up(he took the outer shell of the capsule) in a lqiud tub thingy that you stick things like that in.( Oh I decide that I'll let you in on what's aculty happening)

" Oh My God." Miroku was looking at a girl that was his age or younger. He couldn't believe that they had found a frozen girl in a old old destory lab.

" Ya that's what I said when she was defrosted."

" Is she alive?" asked Miroku

" Well as soon as I break this code and she defrosted I know. Mean while you go get my brother, Shippo, and Sango to come and check this out. I think we might have a key to the past." said Yasha as he was puting in code to break the lock that was on the old disk he had found when taking off the outer later.

Miroku walked down a small little hall that was a light blue too Fuffly's room. At the end of the hall way was a big brown door that had sivler letters on it saying Fuffly's office. Miroku looked at it again and reading again to make sure it say what he thought it said ' Rin's at it again" thought Miroku as he nocked on the door.

" Come in." said the only voice that could've said it so coldly Fuffly.

" Is this really Fuffly's office" asked Miroku

" What? Let me guest Rin changed the name on the door again." he said none to happy

" Ya that's Rin for ya. Well Inuyasha has decovered what that capsule was." said Miroku sitting down in the seat that fuffly offered

" So my liittle brother has found something."

" Yes and he wants you to come and see it."

" So what is it?"

" Oh it's just a girl that has been frozen for some time." said Miroku as if it was a every day thing.

" WHAT!?" was he only respones


Inuyasha was almost about to slove the code when Shippo jump on his shoulder and srcaed the seven hells out of Inuyasha.

" Shippo you are so dead." said Inuyasha glaring at shippo with the death glare.(what a stupid thing to say lets try that again.)~

InuYasha grabed the little furball on his shoulder and brought him around to face him and said very argerly " Why in the seven hell did you do that? I almost had the code you little bart."

Poor little Shippo said as sorrwful as he could " I thuoght you might need my help."

" Why the hell would I need your help?" asked the hanyou

" Well I found this very interesting pices of paper stuck in the capsule with some werid symbols on it." he said hoping that it would help him get out of his sticky sitution.

Inuyasha grabed the paper out of shippo's hand and droped him. As soon as Shippo landed on his butt he run as far as he could to get way from Inuyasha. Inuyasha on the other hand was looking at the paper with wide eyes. The paper was what he need. It had the code on it. If only he had found that hours ago go this would all really be done. He mentaly kicked himself for not finding it earlly.

~Fuffly's Office~
" Now tell what you said again Miroku?" asked Sesshomaru

"I say that Yasha and me found a capsule and it had a girl in it and we're working on it to find away to wake up the girl in it." said Miroku like he did care much about it.

" And you don't care?" he asked Miroku looking at him like he was a idiot.

" Oh I care it's just it's not that big of a deal with me." he said like it was nothing again.
~ The Lab ~

Inuyasha was entering the code to awake Kagome when he heard a knock on the door. He turn around in his spining seat and walked to the door and open it, not happy at all.

" What is it?" he asked with and srcoll on his face. It was Koga. He did want to deal with him right now so he just slamed to door shut in his face. " Go away Koga" he said loudly so Koga could hear what he said throw the door.

Koga was standing outside the door with a stocked expression on his face. All he want was to get he play boy manzie. ' Inuyasha that ass hole all I want was my play boy' he thought.

Back inside Inuyasha had just entered the last thing for the code. The watery liquid inside the capsule dran out and what Inuyasha saw shocked him. What he saw was a beautiful girl with midnight black hair and creamy white skin. Inuyasha was beside her in a blink of a eye. He was to shock to even tell if she was a live or not.

~ In The Hallway~ ~ (I'm so evil Mawahahaha) ~

Sango was walking down the hallway when she saw Koga standing in front of the door of the lab with a stocked expression on his face. Sango walked up to Koga and asked "Are you okay." There was no respone so she continue to her way to Sessho office. She had to give him some papers he had requested for.

She finly made it to his door. She that it said Fuffly's Office on it and laughed. ' Rin's at it again' she thouht as she knocked onthe door.

Inside Miroku and Sessho heard a knock and Sessho said " Come in." When Sango heard that she had permission to enter she came in.

She walked over to Sessho's desked and handed him the papers. " This are the papers you asked for Sir" she said. She turn and started to walk out of the room when she stoped. Miroku's hand had wounder to her bottom.

" Hey Sango why don't you come and see what me and Inu found?" asked miroku with his hand stiil on her. Sango lifted her hand nad hite Miroku as hard as she could. He went flying into the wall across the room. Sessho was just sitting there grining at the sence that had just unfolded in fornt of him.

Sango was furious with Miroku. " Miroku go and dig yourself a hole and die in it so we want have to barry you." she said as she left the room to go see what Inuyasha had done on the capsule.

Miroku was lieing half way out of the hole that he had made when he hit it. He had little swirly eyes with his mouth open. Fluffy was standing and laughing at Miroku.
Just R&R. ja ne