InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broken Rosary ❯ Broken Rosary ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Inuyasha isn't mine.
Summary: Inuyasha's rosary breaks and he won't stop getting into trouble. Kagome has had it with his bullying around on Shippo with no way to stop him. Then, a mysterious woman offers a way to keep the hanyou under control, but of course at a high price. One shot.
“SIT! SIT! SIT!” Kagome yelled. Her face was flushed and then she realized that nothing had happened. No birds had flown away, Inuyasha wasn't mad, and in fact, he was shocked. “Wait a second…”
Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and even Kirara looked at Inuyasha who still stood in the same place he did before with no crater beneath him.
“I'm free! I'm FREE! I don't have that damn rosary any more and I'm free!” Inuyasha said! He threw his head back and laughed. “Take that, Kagome! No more sitting here and there for nothing! I'm free as a bird!”
“It needs fixed. We'll have to take it to Keade! No way am I letting you run around without that rosary!” Kagome declared. `Why isn't it working?' Kagome asked herself.
The rosary had never failed before that, so why was it acting up now? Had Keade put a time limit or a sit limit on it? But that didn't seem possible seeing how Keade had never told her of a preset limit. It was broken. That was that.
“Says who it needs fixed?” Inuyasha asked. “I like my new freedom and there's nothin' you can do to take it away!”
“We have to get it fixed, Inuyasha!”
“How long do you think they'll argue about it?” Sango asked Miroku.
He sighed. “Until it's fixed, and then some,” he answered.
“I hope this doesn't slow down our hunt for Naraku.”
“Knowing Inuyasha, it probably will.”
“Yeah, they'll fight each other, not Naraku,” Shippo added.
“Well if you don't get it fixed then I'll go back to my time and your beloved jewel detector is gone!” Kagome spat.
“Aren't they exaggerating the extent of the situation?” Miroku asked no one in particular.
“Maybe a little,” Sango agreed.
They watched as Kagome threw a rock at Inuyasha, which he dodged easily, then as he barked something about not caring if she went back. Kagome stomped her feet as she walked away towards the well.
“I really don't care, Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled as she stomped off. “I don't.”
“That went well,” Miroku said. “Now go get her before she gets away.”
“You make her sound like a prisoner,” Inuyasha said in a rather calm voice.
“As it seems, she is, in a way, to you anyway. You see her as only a jewel detector, and she feels that her only control over you is the said rosary.”
“That ain't true! She knows she ain't no prisoner! Now you keep your two cents out of this… it don't concern you none.” Inuyasha started to walk away then turned sharply on his heal and headed the same way as Kagome. “What the hell!”
Kagome slammed her bedroom door shut and fell onto her bed. She had Green Day and Fall Out Boy posters everywhere, and her once-pink bedroom was now red (and disapproved by her mother and grandfather). Her bed set matched the red walls, as did her rugs.
“Why do you have to be such a jerk?” Kagome asked no one. No one was there to ask, anyway, so she was talking to herself. “I don't have any power over you, and you know it. You have all the power you'll ever need over me… and you're so selfish and arrogant that you don't even give me a chance at keeping you calm. I've even saved your life with that rosary and you still won't let me get it fixed!”
“I could help you,” a feminine voice from nowhere said.
“Who's there?” Kagome asked. When no one answered she thought she was going crazy; after all, she was talking to herself.
“I can fix your hanyou friend to where he will always obey you,” it spoke again.
“How do you—“
“I know many things about you, Kagome Higurashi. I know all things about you.” The creature's voice was dark and very mysterious.
“Okay then, how old was I when I first kissed a guy?” Kagome asked the creature.
“You've never kissed a guy outside of your family before,” it answered.
“Lucky guess!” She needed to give it a hard a question… one that it could never guess and get right. “What's the name of the guy who has a crush on me?” `Ha! It'll never guess Hojo… not in a million years!'
“Hojo,” it answered correctly again. Kagome was two and O.
“Wrong!” Kagome lied.
“Don't lie to me, Lady Kagome.”
“Well… uh… what do you have in mind then?” Kagome pondered. `It couldn't be real… I'm talking to my self for Pete's sake!'
“Give me your jewel shards and I will make him always obey you, Kagome. He will never contradict your word. Your word will be law to him!”
Kagome almost fell. `Why is it that everything good always involves the worst deals? But would it really be that good… Inuyasha obeying me and all…?' “Could you give me some time to think about it? You know, ask me again tomorrow?”
“As you wish. I will ask again tomorrow at the same time.” The voice left and the room felt less eerie.
Then Inuyasha barged in and Kagome jumped about two feet up into the air. “What are you doin' here?” she asked.
“I came to get you, why else? Now c'mon.”
“Wait just one minute, Inuyasha! If you think you can treat me like a dog and I'll just obey and follow you loyally then you've got another thing comin'! I work my butt off for you and you don't even thank me! I don't wanna be the lost puppy with you as my only hope!”
“What do you mean, `okay'? You're not gonna argue about how you're always saving me and you can go on without me?”
“No. I just want you to come back.”
Kagome was confused. “Are you sick?” She put the back of her hand to his forehead. “You don't feel warm…”
“What in the world are you doin'?” he asked jumping back.
“I'm trying to find out what in the world is wrong with you! You're never that easy to get along with.”
“Did it ever register that I was trying to avoid a fight or something?”
“If you were anyone other than you then probably,” Kagome said truthfully. She stepped outside of her door.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Nothing, nothing.”
“You meant something or you wouldn't have said it at all,” Inuyasha prodded for her meaning.
“It meant that you never try and avoid a fight; you always jump in, sword swinging, and then asking the `who's, what's, where's, when's, and why's',” Kagome answered. She walked down the stairs, leaving Inuyasha.
He soon followed. She was right; he was always swinging his sword, and then asking the questions. But he had always been like that. He didn't know how to change it.
“Well are you?” Kagome asked.
“Am I what?”
She sighed. “Never mind.”
“What? Am I what?” Inuyasha hadn't been paying attention.
“I said `never mind'.” `Maybe whoever that was was right. Maybe he does need some control…' Kagome thought. `But that isn't my decision… and I can't give her the shards for it either!'
Kagome found herself back to their old camp. She had been in deep thought and didn't realize it. In fact, she only remembered a portion of her mental thoughts. `I'm gonna have to tell that demon… or sorceress… or whatever she was no. I can't do that to Inuyasha.'
The next morning Kagome woke up to Shippo screaming her name and Inuyasha chasing him. “What now?”
“Kagome! Kagome!” Shippo shouted. “Inuyasha won't leave me alone!”
“Inuyasha, please, just leave Shippo alone. He's only a kid…”
“You tell him to leave me alone!” Inuyasha said.
“Inuyasha, you're a great deal older—and you should be more mature!” Kagome retorted.
“He won't stop singing!” Inuyasha shouted.
“Is that what this is about?” Kagome asked.
“Indeed it is,” Miroku reported. “Shippo was singing that `Mary Had a Little Lamb,' song that you taught him and Inuyasha had gotten mad and started to chase him.”
Kagome threw her hands up in the air. “You,” she said pointing to Inuyasha, making his ears droop, “I wish I could sit you to Kingdom Come, but because your rosary is broken, I can't. So you're gonna have to deal with one unhappy Kagome. Got that?”
He didn't answer.
“I said `Got that?'” Kagome shouted.
He nodded his head vigorously in the positive direction of up and down.
“And you,” she said pointing to the now-scared Shippo, “stop provoking him. You know how he gets.” Kagome didn't mean it as mean as it came out. She just didn't want to have to deal with Inuyasha. “Now I'm gonna go to the hot springs, by myself, to relax.”
“Ahh…” Kagome said relaxing in the quiet hot springs. “This is more like it.”
“Have you made your decision yet?” the eerie voice asked.
Kagome jumped about three feet in the air. She had forgotten all about the woman who presented herself the day before. “I… I don't know.”
“Inuyasha had fought with the young and orphaned Shippo, and had woken you up when you wanted nothing more than to sleep,” the voice reasoned.
“You're right…”
“And if it wasn't for you're control over him then he may have done some serious damage.”
“You're right…”
“If you have control over him then he won't ever want Kikyo.”
“You're right!”
“So then what is your answer?” the voice asked.
“I… I can't do that to Inuyasha. He's not a puppy that can't be trusted. I don't need to control him at all. Inuyasha is a free spirit, just as you or I. I'm in no place to take that from him, and you're in no place to offer it. No, I don't except your offer.”
“Good.” The dark, eerie, mysterious voice lifted and a soft, sweet one replaced it.
“What?” Kagome was confused, again. Wasn't that the same one who had tried to convince her of something totally different?
“I'm a glad that you chose the right choice.”
“Who… what are you?” Kagome asked.
“I am Kaiya, Demon of Forgiveness. I test people who need a lesson in life, and forgiving. You pass.”
“Did you take the power of the rosary around Inuyasha's neck?” Kagome asked.
“I did. But I returned the power after you passed my test.”
“Thank you.”
“You're welcome, Kagome. Good-bye.”
Kagome walked up to Inuyasha and put her hands on the rosary. “The power of the rosary has been returned,” she informed him.
“What? How do you know?” he asked.
She smiled at him. “I just do.” She then grasped the rosary and pulled it off of his neck.
“What?” he asked.
“Sometimes people need a lesson in life. I learned mine.”
XOXO R&R Tormented Hanyou