InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Broken ❯ Part 14: �Do your worse, hanyou.� ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


By: Silena Buckelew (Lady Multi)



Should I try and explain every reason this is so late? "Brain Lock"-that's it-that's all you need to know. (Two sentences! Two frigging sentences caused this chapter to "lock up" and have to be rewritten FIVE TIMES.)

And for the other reasons why this is so late-blame…uh…Sakurazuka Seishiro-that's it (or my obsession with that baka of a character of CLAMP's X and Tokyo Babylon).

Well…anyway…forget it ever happened~! (yeah…right…) *avoids all sharp objects thrown her way.*

Um…anyone who likes Kikyo, sorry…; anyone who hates Kikyo, you can cheer in this chapter (if you want)… Can't have both, can you, neh.

Well, here it is. Again I am sorry for the late update.


Part 14: "Do your worse, hanyou."

Inuyasha ran through the city at the highest speed he could possibly manage whilst he had to carry Kagome.

Inuyasha was drawing serious attention to them as he ran past the people who stood on the city sidewalk. Those in their vehicles and others in the buildings noticed them as well.

Inuyasha was doing the best possible to get as far away from Kagome's house as possible; he had to leap over people and occasionally jump on the top of cars in the street to get the distance he wanted. It wouldn't last-probably-but he was sure as hell trying, and he sure as hell wasn't going to give up.

Inuyasha knew the timing was bad; he should have thought something bad could happen and they should have gotten far away a long time ago. Yet, that was past. No matter how fast he ran, Inuyasha knew that once the sun set-it was over.

* * *

Sesshoumaru approached the well as calmly as he ever did. He followed the scent of the fox-child, which led directly to, and into the well. He gazed into the well to see only dirt and old youkai bones as the floor.

Sesshoumaru turned his attention from the well and looked back to the village; the Houshi and the exterminator were coming toward him. There were other scents from other directions as well, but those were none of his concern.

Sesshoumaru returned his attention back to the well before standing onto the rim. He looked down into the well wondering if it would work. The fox-child must have crossed "time," and the fox-child was a youkai, so…?

Sesshoumaru leapt into the well. The air shifted, proving that he was passing through the times. As he did, as slight smile crossed his lips.

* * *

Inuyasha kept with his pace until he began to feel a burning sensation on his shoulders-under Kagome's hands. He had arrived-Sesshoumaru was in Kagome's time.

Inuyasha stopped abruptly, causing Kagome and Shippo to seem confused.

"What is it?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha gritted his teeth from the pain. "Your hands."

Kagome rose her hands quickly to noticed that his clothes where her hands had been, and the skin underneath, had been melted. She slid off of Inuyasha's back and onto her feet. "What does this mean…?" she asked as she looked at her hands

Inuyasha turned to face her. "He's here."

Kagome panicked. It wasn't supposed to turn out like that. It wasn't supposed to happen.

"We aren't near far enough away." Inuyasha said. "We have to hide."

"Would that work?" Shippo asked.

"Kagome?" A familiar voice called from a nearby store.

Kagome faced the voice to see Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi standing there. She panicked again.

"What is going on?" Eri asked as he approached Kagome and Inuyasha. She pointed at Shippo, "And who's that?"

"We have no time for this!" Inuyasha snapped, causing Eri to take a step back.

"Why are you being a jerk!" Eri snapped back.

"Listen, bitch, my brother is in this world right now, and we don't have time to talk about it!" Inuyasha yelled with an angry tone.

"Do you know of a place we could hide?" Kagome asked. "Anywhere that would drain out scents?"

Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi all shook their heads.

Kagome panicked again. "Does anyone know of a place!" she yelled.

People around them looked at them in confusion. Eri and the other two flinched at Kagome's panicked tone of voice.

Kagome began to lose compose and began crying.

"Kagome…" Shippo said solemnly as he clung tighter to her shoulder.

Inuyasha felt hurt as he watched her cry. He didn't know what he could do .

Kagome sat down on the sideway burring her face in her hands. She didn't want to have to go through so much; she we wished she were just an ordinary girl again, attending school. The past few months were catching up with her; the emotions she held in flooded her thoughts filling her with pain, torment, and anger.

"Kagome." Inuyasha said softly.

Kagome looked up at Inuyasha. She wasn't able to see clearly, the tears in her eyes blurred her vision.

"I won't…I won't let him touch you; even if I have to die for it." Inuyasha said.

"Nani?" A familiar female voice asked.

Inuyasha and Kagome looked to see Alexia push her way through the crowd and toward them.

"What the hell is going on?" Alexia asked.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome.

"What's wrong?" Alexia asked looking directly at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha growled. "Have you ever seen a full-blooded youkai before, Alexia?"

"No." Alexia hastily replied.

"Well, you're gonna see one in just a minute." Inuyasha said. He walked around Kagome to stand between her and the direction they had come from. He turned to face Kagome, who had turned to face him. "Kagome, about what I said yesterday…I mean it. No matter what happens, I...I love you, Kagome."

Kagome was somewhat shocked. Had she just heard correctly? Was he just doing it to make her feel better or was it the truth?

Shippo was also shocked. Inuyasha appeared different to him. Something had changed while Inuyasha stayed by Kagome's side during the ordeal; Inuyasha had changed whether it be for better or worse.

"Alexia, take care of her, while I handled the problem." Inuyasha said.

Alexia blinked. "Eh?"

Inuyasha turned and walked forward.

The crowd that had gathered in the direction Inuyasha was facing parted in a mass of confusion as Sesshoumaru made his way through them and toward Inuyasha.

As he passed the crowd and made his way a few steps in front of the people, he stopped. "So this is the future?"

"Shut up!" Inuyasha snapped.

Sesshoumaru crossed his arms and glared. "Now, now, Inuyasha; you need to watch your tongue. You seemed to have forgotten the rules."

"Shut the hell up!" Inuyasha yelled. "I couldn't care less about the stupid rules just like you couldn't care less how your actions make people feel."

"Really?" Sesshoumaru inquired. "If I truly didn't care how my actions made people feel, how is it that the plan to torment you is working so well."

Inuyasha growled. "You're nothing but a sadistic bastard!"

"Ah…but I did something you would never do." Sesshoumaru explained keenly.

"And what exactly is that?" Inuyasha demanded.

"It's simple really…" Sesshoumaru began calmly, "I made a choice." He explained clearly. "You're indecisive, impudent, and dismal; simply put-you're worthless. You refused to be accepted by either side-human or youkai. When I was willing to ask for your aid, you were pinned to a tree due to mistrust. Your distrust in a human led you to your death but it also led you back due to," he pointed to Kagome, "that girl's trust in you. Yet, you didn't trust her to start, did you? Despite her trust in you, you pushed her aside."

Sesshoumaru lowered his arms to his sides, "I toy with people's emotions by physical means while you do very well on toying with them will words, whether you mean well or not. After all, once your dead bitch was revived in a clay doll, you seemed to lose your sense when it came to the living girl. If you chose to clarify what I am, think about your own actions before you call me a sadistic bastard, little brother."

"You're blaming this on ME!" Inuyasha yelled. "You're the fucking bastard you screwed Kagome's life to hell! If you both think I'm still hung up on the walking corpse that looks like Kikyo then destroy it for all I care."

Sesshoumaru stepped sideways as he caught and arrow, which had been aimed for his back, in his hand. He melted the arrow as he spoke defiantly, "That will be easy, little brother."

Kagome noticed the form which stood amongst the crowd behind Sesshoumaru.

Kikyo stood strongly as the bow still vibrated from the shot. She had been there for some time now; she had tracked Inuyasha's elder half-brother into the well and toward the town.

Inuyasha stared at Kikyo with eyes of sadness as he had many times before. He had really just said that and she was standing there.

Kagome felt worried slightly. Kikyo's presence hindered Inuyasha's reasoning; it always had. (He's going to forget me.) Kagome thought.

"Now you get to make the choice." Sesshoumaru said. "You can either protect the living girl…or you can go to hell with your clay bitch."

Inuyasha growled. (Damn it!) He mentally cursed. He wasn't good with ultimatums and that particular one was way out of the question.

Kagome was shaking slightly as she watched Inuyasha stare at Kikyo.

Alexia looked at Kagome and then up to Inuyasha. "Oi, baka, don't listen to him! Kick his ass!"

Kagome looked up at Alexia somewhat shocked by the daring woman who knew nothing of either Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru's powers.

Inuyasha laughed. "That's funny." He cracked his knuckled. "But you know what…I'm gonna take someone else's advice for once-I'm gonna rip you to shreds."

Sesshoumaru chuckled. "Do your worse, hanyou."

Inuyasha charged Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru only smiled and held his hand out before him.

Inuyasha froze. "SHIT!" he cursed. He was completely immobilized. "What the fuck!"

"I see your actions a threat." Sesshoumaru said with a grin on his face. "You're a threat to my claim, little brother." He turned from Inuyasha to face Kikyo, who stood with another arrow ready. "So this the form of the one whom pinned you to a tree. What do you see in it, brother? It reeks of death and is no more than a moving doll. So…what is your choice. Choose-either way hell awaits you."

"Shit!" Inuyasha cursed. It was his decision, but what was he going to do? Either way, he decided. "I promised Kagome I would protect her, and I'm going to, bastard!"

Sesshoumaru laughed. "Then say farewell to your doll first."

Kikyo fired the arrow only to have Sesshoumaru dodge it, catch it, and this time throw it to the ground before charging her.

In moments Sesshoumaru had reached Kikyo and ran his poisoned talons through her chest.

Kikyo looked up at Inuyasha with a blank expression before Sesshoumaru ripped his arm upwards, shattering Kikyo's clay body to bits.

What was not dissolved by the poison of Sesshoumaru's claws-clay chunks and tattered clothing fell to the ground with what remained whole of Kikyo's body.

Some of the crowd scattered while some backed away.

Kagome's friends and Alexia stared dumbfounded at the actions Sesshoumaru had taken and his stoic resolve on destroying Kikyo.

Kagome and Shippo were not quite as shocked, but still shocked none-the-less.

Shippo clung to Kagome as she stared wide-eyely at the scene.

Kagome wanted to do something; something to help her situation-something to help Inuyasha. She hated feeling helpless and useless. Yet, she had to think.

Sesshoumaru turned to face Inuyasha as he brushed clay dust off of his clothing. He looked at the scowling Inuyasha, "What's the matter…did I break your toy?"

Inuyasha growled. It was the only this he could do at the moment-he was unable to move. He glanced at Kagome and her weary friends through the corner of his eyes. (What the hell am I supposed to do!) He thought as he looked back at Sesshoumaru. If he acted as a threat to Sesshoumaru's claim on Kagome he would be frozen and vulnerable to Sesshoumaru's attacks. He had to think of someway to make it where he wasn't a threat-announce a reason. (That's it!)

Inuyasha smiled. "Fine! I made my choice. All this time, everything was for me! You're just as stubborn and selfish as me, or should I say…you're worse! Feh! I'm tired of playing your games. Right now, this moment, this battle had nothing to do with Kagome." He lowered his arms to his side and stood up straight. "I want to settle our problems; right now!"

Sesshoumaru crossed his arms. "The hanyou isn't as dumb as he appears."

Kagome watched the two brothers' conversation. The two obviously were prepared to fight on the streets of Tokyo without regard to anyone. She stood, causing Shippo to grip ever more tightly to her shoulder.

"Kagome?" Shippo asked.

"Oi, dear, you should sit down." Alexia suggested.

"Yeah, Kagome." Eri said as she placed a hand on Kagome's shoulder.

Kagome glanced a Shippo and then at Eri. "Why are you all still here? Don't you know that they're going to fight each other? Go!"

"Maybe we should back off." Shippo said as he looked at Alexia.

"I'm not going anywhere." Kagome said as she looked at Inuyasha. "I just need Kikyo's bow. Shippo…"

Shippo eeped. "I'm not going over there!"

"I never asked you to get it." Kagome said. "I need you to get off my shoulder so I can get it."

"Kagome-chan, you're not going anywhere." Alexia said.

"Yeah, Kagome; remember, if he touches you, it's over." Shippo said.

"Kagome, you're in no condition to go over there." Alexia said. "Just believe in Inuyasha."

Kagome was still contemplation going for the bow, but then she felt weak and dizzy. She sat down slowly, holding her head.

Inuyasha looked back to see Kagome sit down with Alexia bracing her.

"Time is running short…" Sesshoumaru said, causing Inuyasha to look at him, "for both her…and you. Seems everything plays perfectly to my plans…nearly. It's one of your bad nights, Inuyasha; what'll you do?"

"Feh!" Inuyasha said. "Even if I become human during our fight, I won't stop. You won't kill me; I know that. You see…I have things to do and by this time it's already happened. I'm sure you've noticed it as well as all of us…Kagome is different, but come to think of it, the world is different."

"Kagome's 'time' is indeed rather intriguing." Sesshoumaru said. "But what in it lies a place for you-a worthless piece of foul-mouthed trash from a time long forgotten?"

Inuyasha laughed. "And do you think that you can find a place here or anywhere, you selfish narcissist!"

Sesshoumaru charged Inuyasha, catching him off guard. Sesshoumaru grabbed both of Inuyasha's shoulders, slamming him to the ground, pinning him. "Maybe there is not a place for myself…but…I have learned one thing-I am above you. Humans are above trash like yourself. That rotting clay doll held a place higher than you. You are below me, Inuyasha; allow me to show you you're place." Sesshoumaru said. His eyes shifted red as he placed on hand on Inuyasha's chest as his transformation to his true form began.

"Oh, shit!" Inuyasha cursed.

Kagome watched as Sesshoumaru transformed as Shippo clung to her shoulder screaming.

Inuyasha was being crushed into the sidewalk by the humongous white dog-the true form of his brother. "Shit…" he barely managed to say.

The crowd which had remained behind Sesshoumaru scattered leaving the crowd that remained on the side and behind Kagome and the others. It was a sight which was not so ordinary to the common day. It would be a day that no one would ever forget.

Inuyasha looked up with only one eye opened at his elder brother. Inuyasha could barely breathe. As he was pinned beneath Sesshoumaru's paw, he wasn't able to move any part of himself but his head, which was between to rather large claws. It was a rather uncomfortable and dangerous position to be located. (Shit! How am I supposed to defeat him while he's crushing me! Kagome…I…)

"Hirakotsu!" A familiar female voice called as the familiar bone boomerang slung toward Sesshoumaru, causing the inu-youkai to jump backwards-freeing Inuyasha from being crushed.

Kirara landed nearer to Kagome than Inuyasha as Sango caught Hirakotsu on its return.

Both Sango and Miroku stepped off of Kirara's back and stood facing Inuyasha. Shortly afterwards, a familiar wolf youkai appeared.

"Yo, dog crap, having fun?" Kouga asked.

"Shit!" Inuyasha cursed as he stood up quickly and backed away from the hole he had previously been crushed within. "It took you all long enough to show up."

"I don't think that is a problem, Inuyasha." Sango said. "He appears to be the problem."

"So this is your brother-the one who hurt my Kagome." Kouga said angrily.

"Nani!" Inuyasha snapped. "Your Kagome!"

"Um…Inuyasha, I believe your argument with Kouga should wait." Miroku said.

"Obviously!" Inuyasha snapped. He knew what the problem was. Of course he didn't know how to easily face the problem at hand. (Shit.) Inuyasha thought. (I can't use Tetsusaiga without causing damage or injury to the people or surroundings.) He looked at the wary crowd which stood off to the side of the scene by crowding in the street. (If only those morons would get the fuck out of here.) He looked back at Sesshoumaru who took a step forward.

Inuyasha looked up at the snarling Sesshoumaru. "Feh! You don't care how much damage you do at all, do you?"

"Dog crap, are you sure you can handle something like this?" Kouga asked.

"Stay out of this!" Inuyasha snapped as he turned to Kouga. He took a deep breath as he faced Sesshoumaru again. "I'm tired of playing games, brother." Inuyasha said angrily. "You've gone way too far this time. By the rules of this time, Kagome and I are still considered children."

Sesshoumaru growled.

Inuyasha smirked before sarcastically continuing, "And you're nothing but an overgrown puppy." He cracked his knuckles before clenching his hands into fists by his side. "If you're going to be an asshole, brother, I don't need you; just like I didn't need Kikyo. You both wanted me for something…something I wasn't; Kagome wants me for me. I need this-I need her."

Sesshoumaru growled but did not move.

Inuyasha watched Sesshoumaru carefully. (Why the hell isn't he attacking me? Stupid; you know why he's not attacking. He wants you to lose your powers.) He glanced back at Kagome and the others before looking back at Sesshoumaru.

Inuyasha really didn't know how he was supposed to fight Sesshoumaru within the city. Surly it wasn't the first time he had thought about the situation, but he never had been able to come up with a plan. Inuyasha held a big disadvantage against Sesshoumaru while in his true form, and Sesshoumaru knew it. Normally, Inuyasha would just face his brother wildly, but now…one wrong move could make him lose something-the thing he had been stupid enough not to realize that he was pushing aside; one who cared for him for who he was not what he was-Kagome.

None the less, Inuyasha had no choice, he couldn't just stand there. Yet, he didn't know how to fight Sesshoumaru; using the Tetsusaiga would be drastic with so many stupid people gathered to watch the battle and the buildings he wouldn't be able to avoid hitting. The day was getting late, and he realized he didn't really have the time to think about it.

Inuyasha growled. He was growing impatient. He was afraid to move…afraid to make the wrong move that would cost him everything. Kagome believed in him so he didn't want to let her down.

Sesshoumaru was playing defensive and if that carried on any longer the sun would set, the tide would turn, and Inuyasha would lose. This left Inuyasha to be offensive.

Kagome sat with her friends and watched at Inuyasha literally held a staring contest with Sesshoumaru She was frightened; she didn't know exactly what it was, but there was something-deep in her heart-that frightened her. She looked up at the sky, noticing the changing hues. This wouldn't last…no couldn't last much longer.

Kagome tried to stand, causing Alexia to pull her back down.

"No." Alexia ordered. "You're more likely just to make the situation worse."

Kagome looked at Alexia with anger on her face. "What the hell am I supposed to do, then!" She yelled with fear, anger, and sadness evident in her tone. "Inuyasha is going to turn human within the hour, and then…he's gonna die! Or do you not understand that!" She pointed to Sesshoumaru. "That thing has no heart. I don't want to be stuck with him. I love Inuyasha, damn it! I can't blame him nor can I blame Sesshoumaru for this-I caused this! …and I want this to end. I'd rather die than have this continue!"

Alexia let go of Kagome and just looked at her.

Kagome's friends seemed upset by the words out of sadness or worry; the true reason of their upset faces was unknown.

Kagome's vision wavered as she felt herself grow weaker. She really couldn't believe that she had just said all that she had, but it was said.

Kouga went to Kagome's side and knelt down before her. It was a stupid decision and he knew it, but he slapped Kagome across the face. "What the hell are you going on about?"

Kagome put a hand to the side of her face as she looked up at Kouga in shock. "What?"

"Never blame yourself." Kouga said. "It could have been everyone's fault. And don't you consider what everyone else is feeling. Don't you possibly think that seeing you like this…damn it, why the hell am I worrying about that stupid mutt."

Kouga stood up and walked toward Inuyasha, "If you give up, Inuyasha…if you dare give up, I won't let him kill you; I'll do it!"

Inuyasha had heard all that Kagome had said and he had heard Kouga clearly after that. He didn't want to admit it, but the stupid wolf was right; he couldn't give up. Inuyasha would either win, or die trying.

The sun was beginning to set; he had to hurry. (Shit.) He cursed mentally. (I have no choice.) He thought. He drew Tetsusaiga and held it defiantly in front of him. He was going to use the weapon but not the ability he could muster with the weapon. He didn't need the "Kaze no Kizu" to defeat Sesshoumaru with the sword when he received it; this time wouldn't be much different. Inuyasha had to defeat Sesshoumaru; no matter what.

Inuyasha chuckled a bit. "Come on, you over-grown puppy. Is the reason you're not attacking because you're afraid you might lose. Come on, then. Why be the son-of-a-bitch you really are?"

Inuyasha advanced, but slowly.

Sesshoumaru growled either in warning or anger.

Inuyasha didn't waver in his slow advance. Sesshoumaru was unpredictable, so Inuyasha had to take it easy-especially with what was at state in this battle.

Sesshoumaru lunged at Inuyasha without warning, causing Inuyasha to jump backward.

Inuyasha had jumped back just far enough to avoid the attack. If he had jumped back any further, he would have closed the gap between him and Kagome.

Inuyasha swung Tetsusaiga, aiming for Sesshoumaru's leg, but Sesshoumaru moved back before the strike hit him.

Inuyasha did not move until Sesshoumaru stepped back. This was the most cautious battle Inuyasha ever was a part of. Most of the time, Inuyasha fought fearlessly, but this time there was plenty to fear-there was plenty to losing such a battle.

Though he had to be cautious, Inuyasha was getting impatient. He needed to end the battle and soon. Inuyasha had to act offensively-there was really no other choice.

Inuyasha gripped Tetsusaiga and made a daring charge toward Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha's charge fell short when Sesshoumaru allowed his the strong poisonous saliva to fall onto the sidewalk cause not only the sidewalk to dissolve but toxic fumes to be created.

Inuyasha jumped backwards, fearing the affects of the toxins. He gripped Tetsusaiga tighter and growled. He rather preferred not to become melted by the poisonous acid and stepped back.

Inuyasha looked around. Most of the crowd had run away during the battle. Basically all that remained was Kagome's friends and a few idiots who stayed behind them. None of the crowd remained on the sides or behind Sesshoumaru-what had remained through the most part had scattered when Sesshoumaru began dissolving the sidewalk.

Time was running out; the sun nearly down. Now that the majority of the crowd had gone, there was chance of less harm to innocent people. It was Inuyasha's last hope-the "Kaze no Kizu."

Inuyasha rose Tetsusaiga above his head readying for his attack. "I'm tired of playing." Inuyasha carried out as he had always done of carry out the attack, "Kaze no Kizu~!"

Nothing happen. The attack didn't complete.

Inuyasha held Tetsusaiga loosely in one hand as he looked at his other hand-his claws were receding. (Not now!) He looked up at the sky.

"Inuyasha…" Kagome mumbled. She looked at Inuyasha to see his powers diminish. She felt there was no hope now. The only one who had a chance to stop Sesshoumaru now was Kouga, and from what she had seen of Kouga fight she felt he didn't stand a chance.

Inuyasha had stopped paying attention to fighting and had lost himself in his thoughts. (Why…? Why the hell do things like this happen at the worst possible time! Why can't one damn thing go right for me! Everything…every fucking thing in this fucked up universe is fucking against me! For once, why the hell can't something go right for me! If I don't save Kagome there is nothing left for me-I gave Kikyo up; I don't want to be forced to give up on Kagome; she accepts me for me!)

With what little left of his senses remained, Inuyasha noticed something. By the time Inuyasha looked back at Sesshoumaru, he was knocked toward the building by Sesshoumaru's paw.

Inuyasha crashed into the cement-block wall, crumbling many of the bricks and sending concrete dust flying. The impact had caused the windows on the first and second floor of the building to shatter and rain down onto the sidewalks.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed as she watched the raining glass. She wanted to get up and go over there, but Alexia held her down.

The Tetsusaiga had been knocked out of Inuyasha's hand and had landed-still transformed-a couple of feet before Kouga.

Shippo had noticed this. "Kagome…the Tetsusaiga is still transformed."

Kagome looked at the sword with somewhat of a shock. Anytime before, the sword had changed back to the rusted blade; it should have anyway due to Inuyasha's lack of power.

Sesshoumaru changed back into his human guise thinking the battle over, and stood with a slight smirk on his face.

Kouga snarled and backed up a few steps. "I suppose I'll have to take care of this overgrown dog."

"I will help." Miroku said as he stepped forward.

Sango stepped forward as well. "I'm with you."

Kirara walked up and stood beside her.

Kagome and Shippo looked at the group before looking back at the Tetsusaiga-still transformed.

Kagome felt light-headed and closed her eyes tightly before shaking her head trying to re-gain her senses.

"Do you really think that you will defeat me?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"We can damn well try!" Kouga replied.

Sango nodded before replying, "We have to help Kagome."

"Insolent fools." Sesshoumaru said as he turned his smirking gaze into a glare.

An amused chuckle came from the dust-sided building that Inuyasha had crashed into.

Kagome and the others quickly turned their heads to look in the direction of the laugh.

"Baka…" Spoke a rather harsh-sounding voice similar to Inuyasha-it sounded similar to his voice when he turned into the berserk youkai form.

Kagome glanced at the Tetsusaiga to see it emitting a strange red aura before looking back in the direction of the voice. "Inu…yasha…?"

Sesshoumaru looked toward the voice. "Im…Impossible…"

The origin of the voice stepped into view. It was Inuyasha, thought he didn't look the same. He was supposed to be in human form at the time; he was, yet he wasn't. He had the purple stripes he gained when he turned youkai; his hair was black yet he still had his white dog ears; one eye was gold while the other was the red as it became when he became youkai.

Inuyasha raised his right hand before cracking his knuckles. His right had had elongated claws while his left had no claws at all.

Everyone-including Sesshoumaru-stared at Inuyasha in surprise. Inuyasha had never appeared like that during any time. What had happened?

"How…?" Sesshoumaru muttered.

Inuyasha chuckled. "Not sure, actually, but whatever the hell happened worked out in my favor." He crossed his arms over his chest. "I even feel stronger while I'm like this. I suppose I better finish this battle before this feeling fades."

Inuyasha met Sesshoumaru's eyes which showed something Inuyasha had never truly seen in those eyes-fear. Sesshoumaru feared him. Inuyasha laughed. "This is wonderful. I dare you…take one step in Kagome's direction and let me test my abilities."

Inuyasha held one arm out in the direction of the Tetsusaiga and turned his palm upwards.

Tetsusaiga lifted off of the ground and flew to Inuyasha's hand, allowing him to gain his hand to his weapon.

Inuyasha rested Tetsusaiga on his shoulder as he kept eye contact with Sesshoumaru. "What'cha have to say for yourself, dear brother?"

Sesshoumaru took a step backwards. He didn't know what to make of Inuyasha's appearance and what he couldn't sense. Inuyasha's scent was the same as he had while he was a hanyou, but he could sense nothing of Inuyasha's powers.

"Come on…try me." Inuyasha said. "Or are you afraid?" He took a step forward.

Sesshoumaru didn't reply but took a few steps backwards not wavering his gaze on Inuyasha. He looked over at the others-seeing their confused looks at Inuyasha. They appeared as confused by Inuyasha's appearance as he did. His gaze fell on Kagome, who was also looking at Inuyasha.

As Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome's somewhat confused but somewhat happy expression, he realized his whole plan-the whole ordeal-had gone beyond his control. He glared at Inuyasha. The plan was perfect but due to a couple of unexpected occurrences-the near three-month "nap" and Inuyasha's unusual powered transformation-it was over. Sesshoumaru hated to admit it to himself but there was no way he could win.

"Come on…I don't have all night." Inuyasha said.

"You are not worth my time…" Sesshoumaru said, discreetly admitting defeat by turning around.

Inuyasha, as well as the others, watched as Sesshoumaru jumped into the air and flew away.

Inuyasha stayed looking into the sky for a moment before turning his view to the others, who all looked at him. "What?"

Kagome smiled. "You did it, Inuyasha."

"Why the hell do you look like that!" Kouga yelled.

"Feh, I have no idea." Inuyasha replied.

Kagome met Inuyasha's eyes and smiled.

Inuyasha smiled back. "I promised I wouldn't give up."

Inuyasha suddenly slumped to the ground. The Tetsusaiga transformed into its powerless state while Inuyasha transformed into his powerless state. Soon thereafter, Inuyasha had passed out.

"Inuyasha." Kagome called. She tried to stand but Alexia kept her still.

"Honey, I'm sure he's fine, and besides we have to get you to the hospital anyway." Alexia said. She looked up at Eri. "Hey, go call the ambulance."

Eri looked at Alexia. "I'm sure with all the ruckus someone is on their way."

Alexia shrugged and looked toward the battle torn sidewall and building. "Um…you seem to have a point."

Kouga turned to Kagome. "I better leave before I cause attention-not that it's not already happened. I…uh…shit; I can't say it. Just take care of Inuyasha."

Kagome smiled. "Thanks, Kouga-kun."

"C-ya." Kouga said before speeding off.

Kirara transformed into the small cat-like form and mewed.


^-^ The "battle" is over. Actually, I suck at battles. I hope that wasn't too bad. Well anyway, I found it rather good on my part considering I can't manipulate other people's characters' abilities as well I can manipulate my original characters' abilities. Does the middle of the battle seem iffy or scattered? It seems that I rushed the battle, imo. Sorry that it sounds awkward. *sigh*

Inuyasha's "transformation" explanation: heh…well…truthfully I'll save that for later. You'll just have to stick with me. If you're still confused of what it meant was that Inuyasha still was willing to fight with all the strength he was born with and wanted to fight to save Kagome. Translation: for that battle he remained a hanyou even though night fell because he was fighting to remain the hanyou and stay by Kagome's side. Make sense…? If not…I probably confused you more.

Well, the story still continues. ^-^ The next couple of chapters won't take long (I hope and pray).

Review~! I don't ask for much, you know. But if you have any specific questions, email me.

*smirks* I couldn't help it! I had to call Sesshy a narcissist. It's true; so there.

Why do I feel I repeated the same thing over and over and over and over and over…again? Did it feel that way to you? Maybe it was just because I had to rewrite this chapter so many times before I settled with this.

Oh and there shall be nineteen chapters total. I've gotta set up for the sequel.

May 29, 2004: My birthday but you get the present. Don't be pissed that this chapter was uploaded so late ~please.