InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Burning Secrets ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Burning Secrets
Chapter One
Inuyasha watched silently from the darkness of the well house as a teenaged human boy walked up the steps of the Higurashi shrine. He was wearing slightly dressy clothes and his dark brown hair was combed with care. He had warm chocolate-brown eyes and a simple aura about him. He carried himself with the confidence of someone who was almost sure of what he was doing.
The boy smiled when he reached the top of the steps, going towards the house. Inuyasha caught sight of a package of roses in the boy's hand. The scent of the flowers drifted to Inuyasha and he almost smiled at that. His mothers had smelled like roses in the spring rain.
The boy turned a corner and out of Inuyasha's line of sight, forcing the hanyou to either move or guess what would happen next. Inuyasha crept soundlessly after the boy, careful not to go too far from the well house. He wasn't supposed to be in this time, and he didn't want to know what Kagome would do if the human boy saw him.
The human went to the front door and knocked hesitantly, his confidence slipping just a bit as uncertainty entered his thoughts. Closer now and at a better angle, Inuyasha recognized him as the boy in one of the “photos” that Kagome had shown them a few days ago. In the picture without paint Kagome and the boy had held hands and laughed. Kagome had brushed it off, saying that the boy- Hoho, or Hobo, or something like that- had been telling her a story and was acting it out, which is why they were holding hands. Inuyasha knew she was lying because their eyes and Kagome's blush gave it away. She never laughed like that with him and the others.
Kagome opened the door then, and both boys gasped. She was wearing an elegant but casual cranberry dress. Her hair was in a classy messy bun, a few wavy strands flowing down to frame a face made more beautiful by the light make-up that enhanced her already delicate features.
Her eyes lit up when she saw the roses that boy- Hojo, Inuyasha's mind supplied finally- was carrying. Smiling broadly she nearly pounced the boy, hugging him and thanking him. She kissed him suddenly, a sound kiss that Hojo returned wholeheartedly if not a little shyly. Kagome set the roses inside the door then closed it, following Hojo. As they walked down the steps Kagome took his arm, laughing intoxicatingly at something that the hobo boy said.
Inuyasha stood rooted to his spot. He'd never seen Kagome look that beautiful or that happy. Whenever he was around she was always in danger or angry or crying or `sitting' him for something or another. She never laughed like this. He watched as they descended, sharing some private joke. Just as they were almost out of his view Kagome leaned over, kissing Hojo lightly on the cheek.
With a strangled cry Inuyasha tensed, dropping the box he'd been holding, the same one he'd been planning on giving to Kagome that night. Something broke inside both him and the box as it struck the ground and he turned, fleeing what he'd just witnessed.
He raced back to the well house, diving headlong into the well. It was to not avail. Nothing could get rid of that last image. Nothing would be able to erase the memory of Kagome- his Kagome- kissing that disgusting human from his mind.
On the other side of the well Shippou sat leaning against the well, sucking a lollipop Kagome had given him when Inuyasha came tearing out of the well. The kitsune ducked behind the well, fearful of the wrath of the enraged hanyou. There was no need for his caution, however, as Inuyasha didn't even notice the child. He shot past, running straight into the deeper part of the forest. Curious- and a little concerned- Shippou chased after him.
He was well into the woods before he gave up and admitted to being lost. After wasting a considerable amount of time being lost, Shippou finally managed to find his way out of the forest. He took a moment to bask in his `genius' for finding his way home all by himself (never mind the fact that said `genius' had gotten him lost in the first place) then raced towards Kaede's hut. He had to find Miroku and tell him about Inuyasha's strange behavior.
“Thank you for taking me out tonight. I had an amazing time,” Kagome said, planting a little kiss on Hojo's cheek. They'd finished their date and were back at Kagome's house, though they couldn't seem to get past the front door. Hojo blushed, which sent Kagome's heart beating faster.
“It was my pleasure, Kagome. I'm just glad we finally got to go on our date,” Hojo responded sweetly, flashing Kagome a smile that seemed meant solely for her. Staring into each other's eyes, their bodies leaned forward of their own accord.
Kagome closed her eyes as they closed the gap, melting into Hojo's comfortable aura as easily as she melted into his eyes. An eternity later they pulled back, both still dazed. Someone cleared their throat loudly and both teens jumped apart, blushing furiously.
Souta just rolled his eyes from his position leaning against the doorframe. He waited patiently as Hojo gave Kagome a quick peck goodbye before hurrying down the steps. When he was gone Kagome whirled around, all grace gone at the sight of her brother.
“What is the matter with you?” she demanded hotly, her eyes burning behind her furious tone.
Souta met her stare with an impassive one of his own and held out a small box wrapped in black paper. It was about the size of his hand and had silver lines on the wrapping, as well as Kagome's name in shaky handwriting. Tone flat he said, “This is for you, I'd suppose. It's got your name on it, anyway. It was on the ground a little ways from that tree that Grandpa loves so much.”
Kagome, who didn't think that had been important enough to interrupt a perfect end to a perfect first date, snarled something and snatched the box from Souta's hands. She stomped past him, snatching the cordless phone from its charger as she passed through the living room on the way to her room. Setting the box absently on her desk she dialed one of her friends' numbers, gushing to them about her date- her first real one, at that- the box already forgotten.