InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Busy Lives ❯ Mini Celebration ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha does not belong to me. Rumiko Takahashi owns him.

Busy Lives

Chapter 32

Mini Celebration

Name: Tajiya, Kohaku (Sango and Rin's younger brother)
Age: 10
Job: Too young
Personality: Nice, honest, friendly
Looks: Brown eyes, black hair in a ponytail

All the calls were made. Sango was with Miroku when Inuyasha called. Sesshomaru was at work and Rin was at home. Miroku was going to swing by Sango's place to pick up Kohaku. Kohaku was exited to meet Shippo. He loved art too.

They were all supposed to arrive in about two hours. Sesshomaru needed to get some work finished, Rin had to get ready, and Sango and Miroku were going to pick up Kohaku and some food to eat. They volunteered since they were out. "You made it sound like it was such a big deal." Kagome said.

"It is a big deal. It's not everyday a couple moves in together." Inuyasha said.

"Whatever." Kagome said. She walked into the room and grabbed some clothes to wear to the party. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Make it quick." Inuyasha said. He needed to take one too. He was sure Shippo needed one.

Kagome huffed and walked into the bathroom. The `quick shower' ended up taking an hour-long bath. She walked out of the bathroom with a towel on her head. "Took you long enough." Inuyasha said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Kagome smiled and walked up to him. She sat down on his lap and took the towel off. Flinging her head in different directions she got water all over Inuyasha. "Oi, what the hell are you doing?" Inuyasha yelled.

"I'm drying my hair off." Kagome said.

Inuyasha pushed her onto the ground straddling her waist. "Hey!" Kagome shouted.

"I don't need to get wet." Inuyasha said.

"What? You needed a shower too." Kagome said.

"Not one from your hair." Inuyasha said. He leaned down and captured her lips in a gentle kiss. His tongue glided across her lip, slipping in her mouth. They're tongues brushed against each other's. Inuyasha felt her shiver as he ran his tongue across her teeth. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

Kagome put her hands on his chest and gently pushed him back. Inuyasha looked confused. "You should take your shower." Kagome said.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes at her lame excuse to get them to stop but got up. He went to the bathroom to find the door locked. He heard the shower running. The only other person in the house was... "Oi, Shippo!" Inuyasha pounded on the door. "You're going to get it runt!"

"Inuyasha, be nice!" Kagome said. She walked into her room to finish getting ready.

A half an hour later Inuyasha was out of the bathroom and glaring at Shippo on the way to his room. Shippo stuck out his tongue and continued to watch TV. The doorbell rang and Kagome went to answer it. "Sango, Miroku you guys are early." Kagome said. "Hey Kohaku."

"Hi Kagome." Kohaku said.

"Come on in." Kagome said.

"We came early because we picked up food, and we thought we'd help you set up too." Sango said.

"That's great." Kagome said. "Shippo."

Shippo got up and stood next to her. "This is Kohaku. Kohaku this is Shippo." She introduced them.

"Hi." Shippo said.

"Hi." Kohaku said.

"Why don't you two go paint?" Kagome said.

"You like to paint?" Shippo asked.

"Hai, do you?" Kohaku said.

Shippo nodded and they both ran to his room to go paint. "Glad they get along." Sango said.

"I thought they would." Kagome said.

"Where's Inuyasha?" Miroku asked.

"He's in the room getting ready." Kagome said as she emptied the bags.

Inuyasha walked out of the room drying his hair. "What the hell are you doing here so early?" He asked.

"We came to set up." Miroku said.

"You mean Sango made you come early." Inuyasha said.

Miroku bent his head and nodded. "Women are scary when they're mad." He said.

"And you're going out with the most violent of them all." Inuyasha laughed.

"Meh, I'll get used to it." Miroku sighed.


A half an hour later everything was set up and Sesshomaru and Rin showed up. "Congratulations on your move!" Rin shouted and hugged Kagome.

"Arigato." Kagome said.

Everyone grabbed some food and sat in the living room. Extra chairs were taken out of the kitchen in order to seat everyone. "So, what's living together like?" Miroku asked. He had a perverted look in his eye.

"It's nothing like that, hentai." Kagome said.

"Hmm, I was sure you two had gone further than just kissing since you moved in together." Miroku said.

Kagome almost choked on her drink and blushed. "Not everyone moves in together because it's convenient for sex!" Inuyasha yelled.

"He is right though. That is why most people move into together." Rin said.

"They aren't like most people." Sesshomaru said.

"Sess is right." Rin said cocking her head to the side as if she were thinking.

"Sango, maybe we should move in together." Miroku smirked.

"In your dreams, hentai." Sango mumbled.

"I thought we agreed a while ago you liked that?" Miroku asked.

Sango blushed. "No I don't." She said.

"What about that one time..." Miroku started.

Sango pulled on his ear and dragged him down to her level. "That was only because of the bet. Don't expect it a lot." She whispered.

Everyone looked at them confused. A lot of information had been leaked out in that conversation and none of them needed to hear it. "Thanks for sharing." Rin said dryly.

"We just love hearing about your intimate moments." Kagome said sarcastically.

Miroku missed the sarcasm. "Really? Well there are many thi-"

Sango elbowed him in the chest to get him to shut up. "She was joking." Sango said angrily.

"Oh." Miroku said. He turned to Sesshomaru and Rin. "So then, how is your relationship going?"

"Great!" Rin smiled. Sesshomaru just nodded.

"We can see how you're so enthusiastic about the relationship." Inuyasha said.

"Hai, we can tell by the look of excitement on your face." Miroku added the sarcasm.

"He shows emotions." Rin said.

"I do not show emotions unless I see the need for it." Sesshomaru said.

Inuyasha and Miroku cocked their heads in confusion. "He means when he's around Rin he can express himself freely." Kagome said. "Bakas."

"Oi!" Inuyasha snapped.

"So how's Shippo?" Rin asked.

"Fine." Inuyasha said. "Runt won't sleep in his own room though."

"Won't sleep in his own room?" Sango asked.

"Hai, he sleeps with us." Kagome said.

"So that's why there's no action in the room?" Miroku said. "If you ever want to get rid of him for some private time you can call me."

Kagome blushed once again. Sango and Inuyasha both hit him at the same time. Miroku fell back out of the chair and hit his head on the floor. "Itai!" Miroku shouted as he rubbed his head. "Sango why did you hit me?"

"Because Kagome is on the other side of Inuyasha." Sango said.

"Arigato." Kagome said.

"Anytime." Sango smiled.


Myoga had just arrived at the apartment. The party was over and everyone had to go to the club. "Arigato Myoga." Kagome said.

"No problem." Myoga said. "I have to give Shippo something anyway."

"Bye." Inuyasha said. The others had already left. Miroku and Sango left earlier because they had to drop off Kohaku.

"Bye." Kagome waved. "Have fun Shippo."

"Bye Kagome. I will." Shippo smiled.

Inuyasha and Kagome got in the car. "I had fun today, even though there were a lot of embarrassing moments." Kagome said.

"Embarrassing for you maybe." Inuyasha said.

"Then why did you hit Miroku?" Kagome asked.

"He was making you uncomfortable." Inuyasha said.

"You didn't have to hit him." she said.

"This is Miroku we're talking about. It's the only way to get him to shut up." Inuyasha said.

"You should find less violent methods." Kagome said.

"Don't have the time." Inuyasha said.

They arrived at the club and got out of the car. Everyone was already inside when they walked in. "So what special outfit do you have for us tonight?" Miroku asked.

"Ahh, our last night." Inuyasha said.

"I respect the girls more now that we know what they go through." Sesshomaru said.

"Your not even getting half of what we go through." Rin said.

"We're not?" Miroku gulped. How could anything get even worse?

"Nope. We have to deal with getting drinks, ignore groping, getting away from guys, turning them down, making sure our outfits don't reveal more then they're supposed, stop fights, ignore the drunkenness. The list goes on." Sango said.

"Glad we don't have to go through that." Inuyasha said. "Especially since we're not getting paid."

"You lost." Kagome said.

"We wouldn't have to do this in the first place if Miroku didn't agree to things without consulting the rest of us." Inuyasha said.

"Well, Sango can't stand to lose and Miroku wants Sango to lose. Every time one of them bets, they automatically agree without knowing the full details." Rin said.

"Hai." Kagome nodded.

"What is our attire for the night?" Sesshomaru asked.

"Oh yeah, it's already in the back." Rin said.

The guys walked in the back room to change. "I wonder if they'll like the outfits?" Kagome wondered.

"Well, they're more covered than last night." Rin said.

"That's true." Sango said. "Who knows, maybe they'll feel more manly."

The guys came out of the room. They were wearing tarzan outfits. A strap over one shoulder and it was brown. Miroku smiled. "What are you so happy about?" Inuyasha asked.

"I feel more manly in this outfit." Miroku said.

The girls laughed and almost fell out of their seats. The guys looked at them confused as to why they were laughing. Finally the laughter subsided. "Hope you have fun guys." Rin said.

"Hope you got a lot of sleep last night too." Kagome said.

"Why?" The guys asked.

"Well we handed out flyers saying it was the last night for ladies' night." Sango said. "And when we told the one's who came often they were disappointed."

"You what!?" Inuyasha and Miroku yelled angrily.

The girls laughed at the reaction and went into the VIP room. "Remind me never to make any of them mad." Sesshomaru said.

"Same here." Miroku said.

"Me too." Inuyasha muttered.

Just then the bar was overcrowded with women. All three guys gulped.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hope you guys like this chapter. I say I have writer's block and I came out with a chapter pretty fast. It's even a little longer than usual. I keep needing to answer some questions but I always forget when I'm done with the chapter. So I'm going to answer whatever questions I remember being asked. I have really bad memory so I'm sorry if I forgot yours. Just review and write it again or e-mail me. If you e-mail me you should get a pretty fast response.

I do read your comments. Most people don't think I read the reviews but I do. When I get flames I ignore them. Only one has been sent where I was really mad. I don't like being called a `crack jead'. I think they meant head and made an error. You can flame or criticize my work but don't call me names if you don't know me. That review was from Chaos High but it made me a little upset. Sango won't be a pervert in this fic. Just that one time for the bet. I don't know how long this fic will last. Hopefully for a long time. Most reviewers want it to last or so it seems. There were some personal questions asked but since this Author's note is so long I'll put it in my little biography thing if you're interested in knowing. Sorry if some questions were unanswered.

I would like to thank my puppy slave for editing, readers for reading, reviewers for reviewing, and sweet_serena for giving me the idea for the tarzan outfit. Ja ne.

Editor's Comment: Hey, this is the puppy slave, just putting in my two cents' worth. It's about the reviews and or possible flames. Please, be nice to her. She writes these for you so that you can have something to read to pass the time. Remember, it's called constructive criticism, not "flame her to death". No name calling ok? I don't appreciate it, and I know she doesn't either. So remember to consider the author's feelings when you flame someone, ok? No one likes a jackass, so don't be one.