InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Calling out her name ❯ The Completion Of The Shikon No Tama ( Chapter 17 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Hey Everyone! I'm SOOOOOO sorry for not updating for like two weeks! I've just been so busy with work and school; I just haven't found time to write the next chapter of this fic. But I finally found some time now, since everything is closed down because of the hurricane that's going to hit us. (Florida) But anyway, Ill try to make this long but my hands are kind of tired from writing a ten page essay, but hey Ill do my best, okay. Ill stops talking and get on to the fic now.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, and sadly never will. Please don't sue.
Warning: Not much, just some bad language. That's about it Guess what guys! I have good news lemons coming really soon!!!!
Chapter 17: The Completion of the Shikon Jewel (Revised)
After getting Sesshoumaru inside the cabin, Kagome sat beside him surveying his numerous wounds.
`How could he be this powerful so soon?'
She asked her self as she started to work on the Taiyoukai's many wounds.
After cleaning most of the dirt and blood off of him, Kagome placed her hand over his chest and closed her silvery eyes. A Silver glow started to emanate from around her body, as she concentrated her miko energy to heal the silver haired demon.
`Everything is happening so fast, I haven't even been able to accept my changes yet…I can't control these new emotions I have, my mind is in utter turmoil, and I'm not ready.'
She slit her eyes open a crack and studied the wound as the skin began to close back up.
`I'm still amazed that I can do this, just a week ago I couldn't even shoot an arrow that good, now I'm an expert healer…mother I need you now.'
Kagome then closed off her emotion, locking them up behind a mental barrier, and she put her whole mind into healing the youkai in front of her.
After an hour of deep concentration, Kagome finally finished healing Sesshoumaru's wounds. She checked him over. After she was satisfied, she let her barrier finally fall.
A powerful wave of exhaustion swept over her as she leaned back against the wall of the cabin. Kagome's glazed eyes just stared at the youkai in front of her thinking over the events that had happened in the last week.
`Just a week ago I was a regular girl, and I was in love with Inuyasha.'
She halted at that thought.
`Do I still love Inuyasha?'
Kagome lowered her gaze to her now clawed hands as the silver glow around her body reappeared.
`Yes I do…but can I accept him? Will he accept me for what I am now? I am no longer a weak girl he has to protect and look after every five minutes…will he accept that?'
Kagome sighed in frustration.
`How can I forgive him so easily after what he did?'
She felt the wave of emotion wash over her, and she felt the tears begin to well up in her eyes.
`Inuyasha…why do I love you so much…am I so willing to give you my soul?'
Kagome buried her face in her hands as she felt the tears finally break her defenses and slide down her face.
`Inuyasha…I need you…'
The exhaustion started to over take her and she could feel her body become numb.
Then warmth started to form at the center of her chest and then it spread throughout her body.
“What's happening to me?”
Kagome lifted her head and gazed at her trembling hands as a mixture of silver and amber began to glow from them.
Then a burst of light came from her hands and she felt like her body was being burned, her skin felt like it was peeling off her bones and her eyes felt like a million needles were poking them. Then images began to flash in her mind, like memories, they were not hers. Then she saw him…She finally got her first glimpse of her father…the man she was destined to destroy.
He looked like her; he had silver ears, but much longer then Inuyasha's. He also had the same crescent with a star in the middle on his forehead and two silver strips on his upper cheeks. His hair was a gray color, running down to his mid back. His eyes were not the gentle eyes she had imaged, instead they were hard and cold.
As quickly as it began, it vanished leaving a trembling Kagome leaning heavily against the wall, her breathing labored and her clothes drenched with sweat.
In her palm laid the complete Shikon no Tama.
`What? I have the Shikon jewel…its whole…my mission is finally complete…but…'
Before she could finish darkness over came her. She didn't resist it; she welcomed the darkness that was taking over her being.
`My father is coming to finish the job'
With those last panic filled thoughts running through her mind, she finally fell into the inky blackness of unconsciousness.
Inuyasha paced outside of the small room Kagome and Sesshoumaru were in, straining to hear any small noise that would alert him to trouble.
“Inuyasha calm down, Kagome isn't the weak human girl that she was two days ago, she's now like you, she can defend herself so stop worrying!” Miroku stated matter-of-factly.
Inuyasha whipped around and glared at the calm monk, leaning against the far wall.
“Don't you know who's in there with her!? Sesshoumaru is a full demon that even I have trouble defeating! What makes you think she will have a better chance?” Inuyasha yelled, letting all his pent up emotions show in his anger.
Miroku glanced at the raging hanyou; slowly getting up from his spot, he started to walk towards the door.
“Hey! Where do you think your going! Don't turn you back on me houshi!!!!”
Inuyasha's shocked amber eyes followed the retreating figure, until he disappeared from site.
“You know you shouldn't take out your frustration on him, he's just trying to help.” Sango said, while stroking Kirara's fur.
“Yeah mutt you should just leave it's not like you protected her before!” Kouga sneered.
Inuyasha turned his head to face Kouga, he opened his mouth but before Inuyasha could respond he heard a thump and then a whisper of Kagome's voice. That was enough to convince him that there was something wrong.
He ripped the door open in his hast to get in. He found Kagome lying on her back, her face the picture of peace, power was emitting from her in waves of silver light.
In her hands laid the sparkling jewel that they had been trying to complete this past year.
Inuyasha stared at it thunderstruck.
Sango ran in behind him, and peeked over his shoulder. Her eyes widened as they lay on the jewel in Kagome's hand.
“The whole Shikon Jewel?”
A/N: So how did you guys like it? This was really hard to write because I had some major writers block, I couldn't think of how the heck to start this and then I rewrote it like ten time cause I didn't like it, so I hope you like. Till next time. See ya!
Next Chapter:
Kagome has another dream with her mother, getting more answers to her questions, and she makes up her mind about Inuyasha. When she wakes up she reveals the truth of how she came to have the Shikon Jewel.