InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Camomile Tea ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Two
The sun rose the next day to find a shrine alive with activity.
Jichan ran around telling everyone to hurry so they could get the inside ready as well.
“Hurry up! We are expecting InuTaisho-sama and his sons around noon. Kikyo, Kagome! You too need to hurry up so you have time to get ready. I expect you two to have baths and be careful about jewelry and make-up. You're mikos, not geishas!”
“Jichan*, we know! Ki-neechan and I will be done as soon as we can!”
Kagome rolled her eyes for the fifth time that day. This was saying a lot considering they had only been up for two hours. Kaede and Souta have left the day before with their aunt and uncle from the neighboring village. This left Kagome, Kikyo and the rest of the family to clean up the shrine.
“Kagome, Kikyo! You two keep working and I'll get breakfast started. After you two are done eating, starting getting ready!” Okaa-san** yelled from across the yard.
Kikyo and Kagome simply waved as they continued sweeping the yard.
“I wonder what the two sons are like…Ki, what did you say the name of the younger brother was?”
“It's InuYasha.”
“Oh…Well, I suppose you're looking forward to seeing him again.”
Kagome started giggling at the thought of her sister falling in love.
“Oh stop that Kago. Inuyasha really is sweet…when he's not being a little brash.”
Kagome raised an eyebrow.
”Brash? What do you mean?”
“He can say some meaningless things sometimes. He doesn't always mean it.”
“Well, Ki, I hope he's got enough sense to never say anything rash to you. It was just be cruel not to mention, he wouldn't know what he'd be in for.”
“Be quiet. My temper's not that bad, not as bad as his in any case.”
“Okay, whatever you say, nee-chan.” Kagome said as they walked across the yard to the house.
“Otou-san, is this necessary? Tradition never said we have to meet our brides. In fact, its best that we don't.” Sesshoumaru said as the trio traveled across the woodlands of the West.
“My son, in cases such as this, meeting your mate would be best. Inuyasha and I have met the elder sister. She's a very steady girl and a miko but her younger sister boasts even greater power than we can imagine.”
Sesshoumaru's eyebrows twitched a little. Great power, no indeed, I look forward to meeting this young miko…
Inutaisho's eyes sparkled as he surveyed the look upon his elder son's face. True, just looking would do you no good. But he could tell Sesshoumaru was intrigued. Power always interested him. But Inutaisho knew that soon, Sesshoumaru would be intrigued with more than just the little miko's power. From what he had heard from her elder sister, the younger was spirited but kind, beautiful but very hardy as well.
She'll prove a very interesting challenge to my son…
Sesshoumaru's ears suddenly picked up a distinct sound on the wind. A sweet tinkling of laughter, silvery and twinkling in resonance. Sesshoumaru's mind was whirling; the sound was intriguing to him and somehow, he knew it belonged to the young miko he would soon meet.
Inuyasha's fluffy ears picked up the sound as well
“Did ya hear that? I think it was from the shrine we're heading for.”
“Yes, I believe we just heard one of the mikos we will meet today.” Sesshoumaru replied carefully hiding the eagerness in his heart and mind.
Inutaisho couldn't help but smile at the comment of his eldest son. The two had yet to meet and they already shared a bond. He looked skyward, thinking…I hope what I have seen is true. The union of those two should unite the West and those who inhabit it. My foresight has yet to fail me and I can see in the future a dark cloud hanging on the horizon.
“Otou-san, what are you smiling about?”
“You need not ask the thoughts of others, Inuyasha.” Inutaisho chided mildly.
Inuyasha merely pouted and the trio continued on.
By the time Kagome had finished her breakfast and was on her to the bathhouse, her mind was buzzing with thoughts, each as interesting as the next.
Wow, ok I'm seriously not ready for this. No! Wait! Yes I am! I won't back down. This is the best for everyone and who know, maybe the elder son won't be so bad! Yeah, that's the way to think…
“Kagome! Hurry up! Your bath will get cold before you even get here!”
“Oh, coming! Ooh, I hate cold bathwater!”
She skidded around a corner and dashed into the steamy bathhouse. Kikyo was already in the bath washing her hair.
“About time, Kagome. We only have an hour before our guests arrive. Clean up so we can make a good impression.”
“Yeah I know.”
Kagome quickly took off her yukata, let her hair down and stepped gingerly into the hot spring the bathhouse was built over. Her sister handed her the flask of herbs to wash her hair. Kagome quickly washed her hair and scrubbed herself all over.
Afterward, she clambered out used her yukata to dry herself and proceeded to dash to her room. Set out on her table was an ivory comb to put in her hair, the necklace and earrings she bought the other day and a small vial of rose oil to rub her hair and skin.
She quickly sat down, combed her hair out and carefully poured a little of the rose oil into her hand and rubbed it in her hair. Next, she put her hair in an elegant bun just at the back of her head. The ivory comb then went at the base of the bun. Next came the necklace and earrings. She then applied a touch of shadow to her eyes, a little sakura oil to her lips and a rose powder to her cheeks. After a quick look over her face and she got up to face her bed where a beautiful silk kimono was laid out.
“Kagome, hurry up! They're almost here!”
“Ok! I'll be there in a minute.”
With that Kagome quickly put on the inner kimono, which was white, a yellow one over that, and finally the silk kimono Sango had bought for her birthday. The silk kimono was a deep navy with white and red sakura blossoms. Sakura blossoms had always been her favorite of flowers.
Ok, I'm done…oh boy I was never good at meeting strangers. Better do a good job this time because it's my future husband I'm meeting!
“Kagome! Hurry up!!”
“Ok! I'm coming!”
Kagome quickly tied the red and light blue obi at her waist and picked up the silk outer jacket to wear over her kimono. She quickly donned it and gathered her shirts carefully before hurrying out to the courtyard.
Kagome skidded out to the courtyard.
“About time, Kagome. But you're just in time, they should be here in a few minutes…” Kikyo said.
The moment the words left her mouth, however, a large cloud appeared out of nowhere and glided towards them. It stopped just a little in front of them before gently floating downward before them.
Kagome couldn't help but gasp of surprise. The youkai she saw upon the cloud were nothing like the ones who occasionally came near the shrine. All three had silver hair and golden eyes. One had a blue stripe on each of his cheeks and a red crescent moon on his forehead. One had two magenta stripes on each cheek and a blue crescent moon.
“Miko-sama, it is a pleasure to see you again.” One of the youkai said.
Kagome thought quickly as to who this might be. Hmm, he must be InuTaisho-sama. So that leaves…him. Her eyes rested on the other youkai prince who had a crescent and stripes on his cheeks and wrists. She couldn't take her eyes from him. He was beautiful beyond measure and made her feel somewhat plain, although she'd always been told she was the most beautiful maiden of the village. His eyes suddenly swooped around to her. She momentarily froze but tried to relax and gave him a small smile. The prince merely raised an eyebrow. Kagome couldn't help but blush in response
“InuTaisho-sama, these are my daughters. Kikyo, you've already met and Kagome.”
Kagome and Kikyo each bowed in turn as they were presented.
“A pleasure, mikos.” InuTaisho replied and inclined his head barely one inch to each of them in turn.
“These are my sons, Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha.”
Each inclined their heads as their father had done. Sesshoumaru however kept his eyes on the young miko. I sense great power in her…I should get to know her.
Suddenly, her scent drifted around him. He inhaled deeply. He could recognize rose, but underneath, it was like sunshine on waterfalls and dew on spring sakura blossoms, his favorite flower.
“Please come inside. Kikyo please bring the tea to the main dining room.”
“Of course, Okaa-san.”
Kagome followed her mother, Jichan, Inutaisho and his sons inside.
Wow, I had no idea they would be so…so…beautiful. But he seemed interested in me.
She looked up and suddenly saw she had lagged behind and hurried to catch up. As she turned a corner, her sister came out with a tray loaded down with a teapot and cups.
“Hey, Kago, a little help?”
“Oh yeah, here…”
Kagome went, grabbed another tray and put the extra cups on her own.
“I don't know what was going on but Sesshoumaru seemed very interested in you. His eyes didn't leave you for a second after you met.”
Kagome blushed.
“R-really? I was a little flustered. I-I mean, I had no idea they'd be so handsome.”
“I know, I felt the same way when I first met Inuyasha.”
They quickly stopped talking as they entered the main dining room. Gracefully, they set out the cups and poured tea for everyone. Inutaisho and her mother were engaged in conversation.
“My, miko-sama, I had no idea your younger daughter had such beauty.”
The youkai-lord smiled warmly at Kagome like a proud father would. Kagome smiled back already feeling comfortable with the lord. He seemed so human even though Kagome knew he wasn't.
“My lord, lunch will be prepared soon. I hope you do not mind waiting?”
“Of course not, miko-sama.”
Kagome made to get up to help with the cooking but her mother stopped her.
“Kagome, why don't you, Kikyo, Sesshoumaru-sama and Inuyasha-sama take a stroll about the grounds and get to know each other?”
“Uh…Of course, if Sesshoumaru-sama would like to.”
Inuyasha was already getting up and smiling at Kikyo. Kikyo was blushing demurely. Sesshoumaru merely nodded and rose gracefully. Kagome blushed a little herself. While she liked Sesshoumaru, she had no idea what he was like.
“Please excuse me, while I fetch my cloak.”
“I will accompany you.”
“O-of course, my lord.”
She and Sesshoumaru set off while Inuyasha and Kikyo went ahead.
She only stared at the ground a little afraid of what to do. Ok forget my fear, I must know my future husband if I am to live happily so forget my fear. Kagome took a calming breath and continued walking with her head held high.
Sesshoumaru watched this whole exchange with an amused sparkle in his eye. What an odd creature she is but very beautiful nonetheless. She drew to a pause before a door, opened it, went in and came back out with a light blue cloak.
She then turned with a smile and said, “Shall we, my lord?”