By: Fluffy_Inu (I suck at summarys,stay with me?)
16 year old Kagome Higurashi and her best friends Sango and Rin are off to another summer at Camp Akari. Can they handle yet another summer with the rude Inuyasha Takahashi, his brother Sesshoumaru, and best friend Miroku?
Through games, adventures, trips and more these teenagers will learn to deal with each other and perhaps find love? Inu/Kag Mir/San Sessh/Rin
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Adventure | Type: Continuation | Uploaded On: 03.05.2006 | Updated On: 03.05.2006 | Pages: 1 | Words: 19 | Visits: 423 | Status: Work In Progress
This is my first Fanfic, feel free to critisize. Now, read on ^_~ and enjoy.