InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ CAMPING IS FUN!!! ...right? ❯ Moonlight fluffiness! ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I'M SOOO SORRY! ...:D I completly and utterly spaced on this story! AHHH! but! to try and make up for it there are nice fluffy moments between Ayame and Kouga, Miroku and Sango, and an extended fluffy moment between Sess and Rin! ...forgive me?
Disclaimer: y'all know the sueing, pleading, begging, or otherwise guilt-tripping the authress into diving into her shallow pockets to fish you out money. comprede? good. now read.
Camping is fun!...right?
Chapter 6: Moonlight Fluffiness
Ayame looked up from unpacking as the moonlight streaming through the door was blocked.
"What took you guys so long?" she asked, curiously.
Sango looked up wide eyed, and blushed. "ahh..." she stumbled,
"We got held up." Miroku answered from behind her, as he prodded her through the door.
Ayame nodded, convinced, and turned back to her bag.
Suddenly Rin jumped up, startling Sess from his nap, and clapped her hands happily. "I know!" she said loudly, "Let's go to the lake!"
Ayame whirled around, "No!" she said before she could stop herself, and then promptly slapped a hand over her mouth.
Everyone turned to look at her, puzzled.
"Why not Ayame?" Kouga asked.
Blushing she shook her head, turning resolutely away from the group. Kouga looked at the others at motioned for them to get ready before making his way over to Ayame, and sitting down beside her.
"What's the matter?" he asked.
Ayame looked up at him, "I..." she looked away, towards the others who were happily getting ready. Rin was tugging on Sess's hand, trying to get him to sit up as he looked on from where he was sprawled across their bed, amused at her futile efforts. Sango was digging out a scarf, not noticing Miroku sneaking up behind her.
She looked back at Kouga. SLAP Kouga winced as Miroku hit the ground, but kept his eyes trained on her.
"nevermind. " she said pasting a fake smile on her face. "let's go."
Soon everyone was ready, and they set of down the unlighted path to the lake, which was about 2 miles away. Slowly the pairs grew further and further apart until they could hardly see each other...
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Kouga glanced over at Ayame, and raised an eyebrow. She was looking over her shoulder, and around them at the woods, rubbing her arms protectively against the cold.
"So you wanna tell me what that was all about?" He asked calmly, looking at Ayame.
Ayame gulped, avoiding his gaze and looked around at the dark, gloomly forest around her, unconsciously stepping closer to Kouga as she shivered. Suddenly a snap was heard from somewhere within the forest, echoing through the trees. Ayame shrieked, and grabbed ahold of Kouga, huddling into him protectively.
Kouga stumbled, surprised, but caught himself quickly and hestitantly wrapped his arms around the girl trying to quelch her furious shaking. Looking down at her, it dawned on him and he smirked slightly, rubbing soothing circles on her back.
"Ayame," he said quietly to her, "are you afraid of the dark?"
Ayame stiffened and then raised her head from his neck to cautiously to look him in the eye. "...maybe...a little..." she said, trying to save her pride, and then jumped again, grabbing Kouga closer as an owl hooted nearby.
Kouga grinned wilding, trying to hide his laughter, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "Don't worry." he said confidently, "I'll take care of you."
Ayame looked at him warily as they started walking again, before smiling slightly to herself, and wrapping an arm around his waist.
"Thanks..." she said, trying to sound nonchalant, and failing misrably as her grip failed to loosen from where it still grasped Kouga's shirt.
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Miroku walked slower and slower, until he and Sango were far behind the others.
"Finally" he breathed quietly as he noticed the last couple walk out of sight, and stopped suddenly, catching Sango by surprise.
"What!" she gasped in surprise as she was yanked back around suddenly by the hand that was attached to Miroku's. Grinning, Miroku pushed her up against the nearest tree and kissed her fiercely, slipping his tongue into her mouth. Getting over her shock quickly, Sango pushed back against him and moaned slightly as she felt his hands begin to wander, for once not caring where they ended up.
Panting, Miroku finally pulled back, his hands still softly caressing her sides, and rested his forehead against hers.
"Couldn't wait any longer." was all he gave by way of explaination before he dragged Sango off down the path again to catch up to the others.
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Sess looked down at Rin again out of the corner of his eye, frowning as he noticed how much she was shaking.
"Rin. Are you alright?" he asked, concerned
Rin looked up at him in surprise, and grinned brilliantly. "I'm fine Sess." she said cheerfully, "I just forgot how cold it got here at night." She picked at her spagetti strap top and shorts, "I'm not really dressed for midnight walks through the forest." she winked.
Sess rolled his eyes and shrugged out of his jacket, drapped it around her shoulders and smirked at her. "Pathetic humans" he said, a trace of laughter in his voice.
Rin mock glared at him, slipping her arms into the sleeves, before punching him in the arm. "You're not that much different than us!" she stated confidently.
Raising an eyebrow, Sess looked down at her again. "How so?" he asked calmly.
Rin ticked the ways off on her fingers "You still look the same, you're not that much stronger, you don't have any special abilities." she said.
Sess sweatdropped. "You haven't been around very many demons have you?" He said, amused.
Rin looked up at him, confused. "No. not really."
Smirking slightly, Sess grabbed Rin's shoulder and stopped her, turning her around to meet him. "Demons are very different than humans" he said. "The only reason i look like you, is i'm wearing a type of disguise."
Rin laughed. "Yeah right!" She exclaimed, "You're not wearing a mask!"
Sess rolled his eyes again in exaperation. "You want me to show you?"
Rin nodded, disbeliveing. "Prove it."
Sess smirked again and took another step back before closing his eyes and letting the disguise go.
Rin gasped sharply as suddenly Sess had a huge fluffy tail, and strange markings on his face. She watched as he opened his eyes, and looked at her, his expression guarded. She approached him hesitantly, looking at him for permission as she reached out to touch him. Seeing no objections, she stroked his tail lightly before squealing happily and twirling it around herself.
"This is so cool!" she said excitedly to him, "Why didn't you show me earlier!"
Sess smiled down at her in relief, shrugging slightly. "Didn't know how you'd react..." he muttered, and twitched his tail out of Rin's reach and changing back quickly. Rin pouted at him, disappointed and then smirked.
"You have cool eyes in both forms" she said happily, leaning forward to have a closer look. Sess froze awkwardly until Rin pulled back, a thoughtful look on her face.
"So you do look different than you have any special abilities?" She asked, curious.
Sess smiled "Go hide." he said simply and closed his eyes. Rin grinned and ran off into the forest. 30 seconds later Sess opened his eyes and looked around. Turning slowly he listened intently for a second, and then walked silently to a nearby tree. Still smiling, he looked down at Rin, who was looking intently the opposite way around the tree. He leant over her, and whispered in her ear while at the same time tickling her,
"Boo." he said,
Rin screamed, and turned whipped around quickly to face him. Sess raised an eyebrow and pinned her against the tree again, poking her side experimentally. Grinning as she squirmed against him trying to hold in her laughter, he tickled her again softly and she burst out laughing, trying futilly to get away from him.
"I SURRENDER!" she finally gasped out, laughing, and collapsed against the tree, looking up at him. Suddenly she noticed how close they had become during the past few moments. Rin swallowed heavily and looked up the scant few inches that separated them, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. Sess looked down at her, still smirking and leaned even closer, placing his hands on either side of her, and pressing her up against the tree.
"You know what's great about being a dog demon?" He asked softly, teasing her.
Rin forced herself to looking him in the eye. "No." she managed to get out...
Sess grinned and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "We have all the senses of a dog, just improved. Sight. earing...smell. People say that dog's can smell a persons emotion." He added lowly. "Do you believe it?"
"I'm beginning to..." Rin whispered
"It's true." Sess said, moving closer to her lips. "I can smell that you're nervous...among other things," he grinned "and that everytime i do this," he moved scant millimeters away from her, his breath whisping over her lips "you want me to kiss you." he finished smugly, before finally closing the final distance and kissing her fully. Rin moaned slightly as he finally turned his teasing into reality and moved her hands up around his neck to pull him closer to her.
Eventually they pulled back and Rin played with his hair absently as she thought. "So you do look different...and you've proved you're stronger..." she glared at him playfully, trying to tugg her wrist out of his grip, and failing "...and you have better senses...any thing else different i should know about?" she asked.
Sess smiled slightly and took as step back. "Run." he said. Rin looked at him confused. Sess looked at her expectantly. "5...4..." he counted. Rin blinked, nervous of the gleam in his eye and turned around, running full speed in the opposite direction.
"3..2...1" Sess finised, and grinned before leaping into the trees and beginning a merry game of tag around the fir trees.
Rin laughed gleefully and looked over her shoulder quickly to check if Sess was gaining on her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him pounce from the treetops and she screamed happily as he tackled her to the ground and rolled on top of her.
Panting heavily she looked up at him "All right!" she breathed "you've made your point! you're not like me!"
Sess grinned and looked down at her. "No. but i do like you." he said, twisting her words. Rin blushed and looked at him, cocking her head.
"Sess?" she asked playfully
He raised an eyebrow questioningly. "hm?"
Rin grinned. "I wanna kiss you." she said.
Sess smirked and leant down
"No." Rin said, turning her head to the side. Sess pulled back, puzzled. "I wanna kiss the real you." she said, staring into his eyes. Sess's eyes widened in realization...
"rin..." he started, hesitantly...
"please?" Rin pleaded with him. Sess stared at her a moment longer, before closing his eyes in agreement and shifting once again to his demon form. He opened his eyes to find Rin staring at him adoringly, and smiled slightly.
"Happy?" he asked softly. Rin grinned up at him and flicked her eyes to his tail. Smirking he pulled them both into a sitting position, and pulled her into his lap, his tail wrapping around the both of them like a blanket. Rin squealed and hugged it momentarly before pouching on Sess again and kissing him thouroughly.
"mine!" she laughed, possesively when she pulled back watching his eyes flash, and then let Sess pull her in for another kiss.
sooo...:D happy? bad? good? reviews are a wonderful thing! P.S. ...i have no idea where to go with this story next. let me know your ideas. I think i'm gonna start a "fluffy moment" series type thing...there are never enough of those. wink love ya all! thornywaves
Disclaimer: y'all know the sueing, pleading, begging, or otherwise guilt-tripping the authress into diving into her shallow pockets to fish you out money. comprede? good. now read.
Camping is fun!...right?
Chapter 6: Moonlight Fluffiness
Ayame looked up from unpacking as the moonlight streaming through the door was blocked.
"What took you guys so long?" she asked, curiously.
Sango looked up wide eyed, and blushed. "ahh..." she stumbled,
"We got held up." Miroku answered from behind her, as he prodded her through the door.
Ayame nodded, convinced, and turned back to her bag.
Suddenly Rin jumped up, startling Sess from his nap, and clapped her hands happily. "I know!" she said loudly, "Let's go to the lake!"
Ayame whirled around, "No!" she said before she could stop herself, and then promptly slapped a hand over her mouth.
Everyone turned to look at her, puzzled.
"Why not Ayame?" Kouga asked.
Blushing she shook her head, turning resolutely away from the group. Kouga looked at the others at motioned for them to get ready before making his way over to Ayame, and sitting down beside her.
"What's the matter?" he asked.
Ayame looked up at him, "I..." she looked away, towards the others who were happily getting ready. Rin was tugging on Sess's hand, trying to get him to sit up as he looked on from where he was sprawled across their bed, amused at her futile efforts. Sango was digging out a scarf, not noticing Miroku sneaking up behind her.
She looked back at Kouga. SLAP Kouga winced as Miroku hit the ground, but kept his eyes trained on her.
"nevermind. " she said pasting a fake smile on her face. "let's go."
Soon everyone was ready, and they set of down the unlighted path to the lake, which was about 2 miles away. Slowly the pairs grew further and further apart until they could hardly see each other...
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Kouga glanced over at Ayame, and raised an eyebrow. She was looking over her shoulder, and around them at the woods, rubbing her arms protectively against the cold.
"So you wanna tell me what that was all about?" He asked calmly, looking at Ayame.
Ayame gulped, avoiding his gaze and looked around at the dark, gloomly forest around her, unconsciously stepping closer to Kouga as she shivered. Suddenly a snap was heard from somewhere within the forest, echoing through the trees. Ayame shrieked, and grabbed ahold of Kouga, huddling into him protectively.
Kouga stumbled, surprised, but caught himself quickly and hestitantly wrapped his arms around the girl trying to quelch her furious shaking. Looking down at her, it dawned on him and he smirked slightly, rubbing soothing circles on her back.
"Ayame," he said quietly to her, "are you afraid of the dark?"
Ayame stiffened and then raised her head from his neck to cautiously to look him in the eye. "...maybe...a little..." she said, trying to save her pride, and then jumped again, grabbing Kouga closer as an owl hooted nearby.
Kouga grinned wilding, trying to hide his laughter, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "Don't worry." he said confidently, "I'll take care of you."
Ayame looked at him warily as they started walking again, before smiling slightly to herself, and wrapping an arm around his waist.
"Thanks..." she said, trying to sound nonchalant, and failing misrably as her grip failed to loosen from where it still grasped Kouga's shirt.
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Miroku walked slower and slower, until he and Sango were far behind the others.
"Finally" he breathed quietly as he noticed the last couple walk out of sight, and stopped suddenly, catching Sango by surprise.
"What!" she gasped in surprise as she was yanked back around suddenly by the hand that was attached to Miroku's. Grinning, Miroku pushed her up against the nearest tree and kissed her fiercely, slipping his tongue into her mouth. Getting over her shock quickly, Sango pushed back against him and moaned slightly as she felt his hands begin to wander, for once not caring where they ended up.
Panting, Miroku finally pulled back, his hands still softly caressing her sides, and rested his forehead against hers.
"Couldn't wait any longer." was all he gave by way of explaination before he dragged Sango off down the path again to catch up to the others.
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Sess looked down at Rin again out of the corner of his eye, frowning as he noticed how much she was shaking.
"Rin. Are you alright?" he asked, concerned
Rin looked up at him in surprise, and grinned brilliantly. "I'm fine Sess." she said cheerfully, "I just forgot how cold it got here at night." She picked at her spagetti strap top and shorts, "I'm not really dressed for midnight walks through the forest." she winked.
Sess rolled his eyes and shrugged out of his jacket, drapped it around her shoulders and smirked at her. "Pathetic humans" he said, a trace of laughter in his voice.
Rin mock glared at him, slipping her arms into the sleeves, before punching him in the arm. "You're not that much different than us!" she stated confidently.
Raising an eyebrow, Sess looked down at her again. "How so?" he asked calmly.
Rin ticked the ways off on her fingers "You still look the same, you're not that much stronger, you don't have any special abilities." she said.
Sess sweatdropped. "You haven't been around very many demons have you?" He said, amused.
Rin looked up at him, confused. "No. not really."
Smirking slightly, Sess grabbed Rin's shoulder and stopped her, turning her around to meet him. "Demons are very different than humans" he said. "The only reason i look like you, is i'm wearing a type of disguise."
Rin laughed. "Yeah right!" She exclaimed, "You're not wearing a mask!"
Sess rolled his eyes again in exaperation. "You want me to show you?"
Rin nodded, disbeliveing. "Prove it."
Sess smirked again and took another step back before closing his eyes and letting the disguise go.
Rin gasped sharply as suddenly Sess had a huge fluffy tail, and strange markings on his face. She watched as he opened his eyes, and looked at her, his expression guarded. She approached him hesitantly, looking at him for permission as she reached out to touch him. Seeing no objections, she stroked his tail lightly before squealing happily and twirling it around herself.
"This is so cool!" she said excitedly to him, "Why didn't you show me earlier!"
Sess smiled down at her in relief, shrugging slightly. "Didn't know how you'd react..." he muttered, and twitched his tail out of Rin's reach and changing back quickly. Rin pouted at him, disappointed and then smirked.
"You have cool eyes in both forms" she said happily, leaning forward to have a closer look. Sess froze awkwardly until Rin pulled back, a thoughtful look on her face.
"So you do look different than you have any special abilities?" She asked, curious.
Sess smiled "Go hide." he said simply and closed his eyes. Rin grinned and ran off into the forest. 30 seconds later Sess opened his eyes and looked around. Turning slowly he listened intently for a second, and then walked silently to a nearby tree. Still smiling, he looked down at Rin, who was looking intently the opposite way around the tree. He leant over her, and whispered in her ear while at the same time tickling her,
"Boo." he said,
Rin screamed, and turned whipped around quickly to face him. Sess raised an eyebrow and pinned her against the tree again, poking her side experimentally. Grinning as she squirmed against him trying to hold in her laughter, he tickled her again softly and she burst out laughing, trying futilly to get away from him.
"I SURRENDER!" she finally gasped out, laughing, and collapsed against the tree, looking up at him. Suddenly she noticed how close they had become during the past few moments. Rin swallowed heavily and looked up the scant few inches that separated them, her hands clenching into fists at her sides. Sess looked down at her, still smirking and leaned even closer, placing his hands on either side of her, and pressing her up against the tree.
"You know what's great about being a dog demon?" He asked softly, teasing her.
Rin forced herself to looking him in the eye. "No." she managed to get out...
Sess grinned and leaned down to whisper in her ear. "We have all the senses of a dog, just improved. Sight. earing...smell. People say that dog's can smell a persons emotion." He added lowly. "Do you believe it?"
"I'm beginning to..." Rin whispered
"It's true." Sess said, moving closer to her lips. "I can smell that you're nervous...among other things," he grinned "and that everytime i do this," he moved scant millimeters away from her, his breath whisping over her lips "you want me to kiss you." he finished smugly, before finally closing the final distance and kissing her fully. Rin moaned slightly as he finally turned his teasing into reality and moved her hands up around his neck to pull him closer to her.
Eventually they pulled back and Rin played with his hair absently as she thought. "So you do look different...and you've proved you're stronger..." she glared at him playfully, trying to tugg her wrist out of his grip, and failing "...and you have better senses...any thing else different i should know about?" she asked.
Sess smiled slightly and took as step back. "Run." he said. Rin looked at him confused. Sess looked at her expectantly. "5...4..." he counted. Rin blinked, nervous of the gleam in his eye and turned around, running full speed in the opposite direction.
"3..2...1" Sess finised, and grinned before leaping into the trees and beginning a merry game of tag around the fir trees.
Rin laughed gleefully and looked over her shoulder quickly to check if Sess was gaining on her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him pounce from the treetops and she screamed happily as he tackled her to the ground and rolled on top of her.
Panting heavily she looked up at him "All right!" she breathed "you've made your point! you're not like me!"
Sess grinned and looked down at her. "No. but i do like you." he said, twisting her words. Rin blushed and looked at him, cocking her head.
"Sess?" she asked playfully
He raised an eyebrow questioningly. "hm?"
Rin grinned. "I wanna kiss you." she said.
Sess smirked and leant down
"No." Rin said, turning her head to the side. Sess pulled back, puzzled. "I wanna kiss the real you." she said, staring into his eyes. Sess's eyes widened in realization...
"rin..." he started, hesitantly...
"please?" Rin pleaded with him. Sess stared at her a moment longer, before closing his eyes in agreement and shifting once again to his demon form. He opened his eyes to find Rin staring at him adoringly, and smiled slightly.
"Happy?" he asked softly. Rin grinned up at him and flicked her eyes to his tail. Smirking he pulled them both into a sitting position, and pulled her into his lap, his tail wrapping around the both of them like a blanket. Rin squealed and hugged it momentarly before pouching on Sess again and kissing him thouroughly.
"mine!" she laughed, possesively when she pulled back watching his eyes flash, and then let Sess pull her in for another kiss.
sooo...:D happy? bad? good? reviews are a wonderful thing! P.S. ...i have no idea where to go with this story next. let me know your ideas. I think i'm gonna start a "fluffy moment" series type thing...there are never enough of those. wink love ya all! thornywaves