InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ CAMPING IS FUN!!! ...right? ❯ Betrayal ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
LOL! so...a little later that i expected, BUT HEY!!!! It's still here!!! that's what counts.....


Disclaimer: ....

CAMPING IS FUN!!!!!......right?

Chapter 9: Betrayel.

Yawning, Ayaman stretched, squinting her eyes against the rays of the morning sun, and snuggled deeper into her pillow. Suddenly, it shifted slightly as Kouga stifled a laugh, and Ayame looked up alarmed, and half awake.

"Did you sleep well?" Kouga asked innocently, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Her eyes shot open and she sat up quickly, Kouga's arm slipping from its place around her waist

"What!" she gasped, flushing darker and looking around wildly. Kouga only laughed harder, tears streaming out of his eyes as he shook uncontrollably. Ayame glared and grabbed her discarded pillow and struck him across the head.

Kouga stiffened in surprise and then turned slowly to face her, his smile growing larger.

"You are SO dead." was all the warning he gave before he pouncedon her, managing to get a top of her as she struggled to hit him again, laughing delightedly.

Kouga finally pinned her hand and ripped the pillow away from her, raising it to smack her in retaliation.

Ayame shrieked and cowered away, trying to sheild herself with her free arm as she laughed hysterically.

"STOP!" she managed, "I SURRENDER!'" Kouga grinned down at her and started laughing with her, slumping in exaustion until he was scant inches away from her.

Not noticing, Ayame finally managed to get herself under control.

"Where are the........others..........." she trailed off as her eyes locked with Kougas.

Kouga stared distractedly down at her lips. His eyes flicked guiltily up to meet hers.

"Breakfast." he said quietly. "you were....ah...a little attached to your pillow this morning, and no one could wake you." he said pointedly, trying to hide a smile.

Ayame immediatly blushed and looked away, embaressed.

"you could have pushed me off, i didn't-----" she was cut off as Kouga tilted her head quickly and bent down to kiss her.

Instinctively, Ayame's eyes fluttered shut as she focused on his lips against hers. Slowly she opened up for him, and began to twine her tongue with his as he explored her mouth.

Suddenly, Kouga's eyes flew open and he pulled back quickly, rolling off her as Kagome rounded the corner. Kagome looekd back and forth betweent he blushing couple suspiciously.

"So....what are you doing?" she asked calmly as she stood in the doorway.

Ayame opened her mouth to answer, but Kouga quickly cut in, interupting her.

"Well you see Kagome," he started as Ayame turned quickly to face him, her expression warning him not to say anything. Kouga grinned mischeviously at her and looked over at Kagome again "Ayame decided that she just wasn't satisfied with only sleeping with me so she-----------"

Ayame shrieked in shock and embaressment and flew across the bed to stop Kouga from finishing his sentence, pinning him in the process.

"Ah....nothing...." she said, flushing, her hands still firmly covering Kouga's mouth.

Kagome laughed, "sure....." she said, winking, and grabbed her sweater off the bedand strolled back out the door, Ayame's eyes following her the entire way. Kouga reached up and grasped Ayame's wrists lightly, making no attempt to remove them.

Ayame gasped and looked down at Kouga, removing her hands quickly as she felt him lick her palms sugestively. His eyes twinkled mirthfully up at her as she flushed slightly.

"What are you doing!!!" she said over his laughs.

He raised an eyebrow and glanced pointedly at her position on her. Ayame looked down, confused at them and then blushed as she realized their position. Kouga outright laughed as he saw her look around in embaressment when she saw she was straddling him.

"But I dunno," he said, suggestivly moving his hips, "I could go for the whole dominatrix thing...."

Ayame's eyes widened and then narrowed evily. Swiftly she twisted her wrists and captured his hands, pinning them fully above his head. Almost laughing at his shocked expression she leant down and kissed him thouroughly, taking the lead and practically raping his mouth with her tongue. Moaning sexily, she rubbed her crotch against his growing arousal. Slowly she broke of the kiss and leant down to nibble on his ear, listening as he moaned.

Giving his ear one last kiss she whispered, "That's what you get for making a fool of me" and sat up, quickly getting off him and walking around to her side of the bed to grab some clean clothes for the day.

Kouga lay there in shock, still in the same position she left him in as her words sunk in. Slowly, his eyes narrowed as his body calmed down and he sat up, looking over to where Ayame had her back to him, digging through her bag.

"no...fucking....way....." he muttered to himself and got up silently, moving behind her. Before Ayame had a chance to react to the presense behind her, she was slammed up against the wall and Kouga's body was pressed tightly against her, forcing his knee between her legs forcing her to stand on tip toe to keep her balance. Quickly, he moved forward, kissing her harshly, letting her taste the hunger she had awoken. Moaning, she melted into him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him back with equal fervor.

Slowly, their kisses became gentler until Kouga pulled back, resting his forehead against hers....

"tease." he accused, smiling slightly.

Ayame just smirked knowingly.

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Miroku looked over at Kouga as they walked to their first activity with the kids.

"What are you so smug about?" he asked.

Kouga looked over at him and grinned. "None of your buisness." he retorted.

Miroku grinned knowingly. "Ayame?" he asked.

Kouga glanced at him, startled.

Miroku just laughed. "You can't play a player, dude. I know that look. ya score with 'yame?"

Kouga just smiled secretively and looked away. "Like i said...none of your buisness"

Rolling his eyes. "That means no." Miroku stated, calmly. "And there's no way that you're gonna get Ayame before i get Sango. She's way easier than Ayame."

As they rounded the corner of the building, Kouga grinned. "no way dude. Ayame'll totally cave faster than Sango ." he boasted.

Suddenly Miroku and Kouga stopped short as they almost crashed into someone. Looking up, Kouga's heart fell as he saw Ayame stare back at him, her eyes filling up with tears. Shaking her head, she backed away in betrayal, before turning to run away blindly, the tears coursing down her cheeks.

*Shit* Kouga cursed silently to himself. "AYAME! WAIT!" he called, desperately, before sprinting off after her.

Swallowing heavily Miroku looked up at the eerily calm Sango. * much did she hear?* he wondered.

"So. I'm an easy lay, hm?" she said emotionlessly. Miroku slumped imperceptibly in shame.

"Sango," he said, pleading "i didn't mean it that way. i really do like you--" he stopped as she took a couple steps forward, raised her hand and slapped him as hard as she possibly could across the face.

"How. DARE. you" she breathed, furious. "I TRUSTED you!" she said, a lone tear trickling down her face. She shook her head in frustration and then backed up, and ran out of sight.

Miroku remained, staring brokenly down at the dirt below him. *Don't go after her. it's her fault for being to sensitive* his mind comforted her*

Frowning he looked up at the trees. *God damn it Miroku, you really screwed up this and your damn pride! you actually liked this girl* his conscience screamed at him *how could you screw this up!*

"Fuck it" he muttered, and then sprinted off in the direction that Sango went. "SANGO!" he yelled "WAIT!"


eep! okay! nevermind!

Kouga finally found Ayame sitting on a rock over looking a field on the outskirts of camp. Breathing heavily from the running, he bent over to catch his breath. Ayame didn't even look around.

"Ayame." Kouga said quietly, pleading "I didn't mean what i said! I could never think of you like that."

Ayame just stared out over the field in front of her. Kouga sighed and sat down at her feet, leaning against the boulder. "Miroku, inu and I have been friends forever, probably since preschool....every since we met we've been competing for the best in everything" he started. "The best playdo, the best crayon, the best grades, the best girlfriend...." he trailed off. "Miroku has always been popular in school...with the girls." he shifted uncomfortably. "he was know as the true 'player' of our grade and he just encouraged the rumors." He glanced up at her momentarily to see if she was listening.

"I'm the only one that knows that he hasn't actually done anything, with anyone...." he smiled ruefully, "but that doesn't stop us arguing over who's the better player....neither of us could really just pick up a girl and then dump her after we use her, but...." he stopped, frustrated "it's all a mask." he finished.

"i know that doesn't make sense...." he said quietly. Suddenly he started as he heared Ayame speak behind him.

"I've only met one guy that actually cared for me." she whispered, and then stopped herself. "or at least, i thought i did." she said sadly. "i've had my fair share of boyfriends, but every relationship i've had...." She sat up straigher on the rock, feeling Kouga's eye boring into her. "Some just used me. some just wanted a plaything. some" she looked him straight in the eyes "thought i was an easy lay." Kouga looked away, ashamed "and some...just liked to mess with people's heads."

"you think i would learn to tell the difference between the good guys and the bad," she chuckled "but...apparently not."

She curled up on the rock, grasping her knees with her arms and burying her face. "I thought that you were different" she sniffed, trying to conceal her tears. "I liked you!"

Kouga got up and sat on the rock beside her, wrapping his arms around her, not letting her escape as she fought to get away. "I am different." He kept on repeating "I'm not like that". Finally Ayame surrendered in exaustion, and wrapped her arms around his torso, crying into his shoulder. Kouga pulled her closer, and onto his lap and tightened his grip.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered brokenly into her hair "I'm so sorry."

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Miroku grabbed Sango's wrist, pulling her to an abrupt halt in the middle of the woods. "Sango! Stop!" he pleaded.

Sango tore her arm out of his grasp but didn't try to run again.

"What do you want" she questioned coldly.

"Sango, I'm sorry!" Miroku said, trying to get her to look at him "I let my pride get away from me, i didn't mean anything i said! i really...." he trailed off....."i really like you." he finished lamely.

Sango refused to look at him, and instead stared off at some indistinct point in the forest. "I trusted you." was all she could say. "I trusted you, and you were just USING me!"

Miroku fell to his knees, yanking on her hand to turn her to face him. "I SWEAR i wasn't using you." he said passionatly, "I'm not like that!"

Sango looked at him, incredulously. "Miroku, you have the singular reputation for being the BIGGEST player in the ENTIRE school! how am i supposed to trust you?!?!?!"

Miroku winced and looked away. "All i can say is that repuations are normally made up of rumors." he looked at her, desperatly "Ask me to do anything! I'll prove it to you!"

Sango looked at him, debating. "Allright." she agreed. "Anything?"

Miroku swallowed nervously, and slowly got to his feet. "Anything." he agreed.

Sango smirked evilly. "I want you to do 3 things for me." she stated calmly. "Agreed?"

He nodded. "3 things."

"Number one:" Sango started, "I want you to answer this question fully, and truthfully. How many girls have you seduced, used, and then discarded. And remember! If at any point in time i find that you are not truthful...." she threatened.

Miroku nodded in understanding, and the hestitated....

Sango narrowed her eyes, and turned to walk away agian. Miroku panicked and reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her towards her once more. "WAIT!" he started,

"I'll answer you." he said. "i..." he paused, biting his lip nervously and searching for the right way to put it. "My reputation is that of a player, yes?" he asked her.

Sango rolled her eyes, and nodded.

Miroku looked away, "It's not true." he said quietly, "I have not seduced, i have not used, and i have not discarded any girl in my entire life." he said, truthfully. "The rumors just started," he shrugged "and i did not discourage them."

Sango stared into his eyes, undecided, and then nodded, accepting what he said as truth. "I believe you." she said, satisfied.

"Number two:" she said, smiling slightly. "I want you to take off your rosary and glove and let me see what is underneath." Miroku's eyes widened in panic, and then closed.

"no one has seen what is under this." he said quietly, pleading. "i..." he stopped, looking again at the unreadable expression on Sango's face. Taking a deep breath, he nodded quickly and began unwinding the beads.

Sango watched, curious as the last twist was undone and he started to pull it off. He turned his hand reflexsively so that the back was facing him, and removed the glove completely, clenching his hand into a fist. Nervously, he looked up at her and motioned to his hand.

"there you go." he said shortly, not looking at his hand. "It's off."

Sango looked up at him questioningly, and then reached out to grasp his hand. Gently, she turned it over, and began to pull his unresisting fingers to uncurl from their postions. Gradually she uncovered what he was hiding. In the very centre of his palm was a glaring circular scar the size of a silver dollar. (HAHAHA!! I BET YOU THOUGHT IT WAS THE WIND TUNNEL!!!!)

"When i was about four," Miroku explained, his voice strained, "I had a little sister. Her name was Naina." He turned to look at her sadly. "One day when my mother was working in the garden, a man came to the door." His voice became mechanical as he recited the story "Naina wanted to go get mother, but i told her not to be a wimp, and that we could handle it. I opened the door and a man stood there. He wanted to know if father was in. When i told him he wasn't he flew at us and started dragging us out the door. I screamed and started biting and kicking....He cursed and threw me down, to get a better grip on Naina. I landed against our fence and my hand got caught on one of the spikes that made the rails, and i hit my head against the post. I watched as she screamed for me to help her as he threw her into the car....i passed out. Two days later we found her body in the river."

Sango listened as he stopped. His eyes still distant, as if recalling the day. Gently, she stroked the scar, and then brought it up to her face to kiss the mark.

Miroku's eyes fluttered into focus as he gasped slightly. "...sensitive" he muttered, trying to grin. Sango smiled sadly and wrapped her arms around his torso. "I'm so sorry" she whispered to him, and just held him as he tried to collect himself. "It was a long time ago." he said, "no one knows besides inu, sess and kouga."

Finally he coughed and pulled back.

"Number Three?" he said

Sango grinned. "Kiss me." she said.

Miroku's face, his usual cocky grin in place, and wrapped his arms around her waist again. "With Pleasure!!!" he replied, and dipped her back, grinning as she laughed, and closed the distance between them to kiss her.

hehe. woohooo!!! GOD that took a long time to type!!! ...i haven't got time to check it for typo's so plez excuse them!!! i hope you liked it....:S I know that Ayame and Sango forgave them really quick, but i didn't want to drag it out to another chapter....:D hehe. Naina is my character. lol. obviously. hehe. neway! have a good week! review plez!!! Ideas are greatly appreciated. thanks to Sally/InuFiction for ideas for this chapter!!! --Thornywaves