InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can You Say That Again? ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]

I don't own InuYasha… Gr…arg…woof. This just came to me while I was eating my lunch. I thought it was kind of cute… oh, well. We'll just have to see, won't we? Please Read and Review!

Can you Say That Again?

"Hey, InuYasha?"

"Yeah, Kagome?"



::A few seconds later::



"Oh, never mind."


::a few seconds later::


"What is it Kagome??!!"

"Well, if you're going to be like THAT…" ::huff::

"I am."

::A minute or two later::



::Kagome reaches up and tickles his ear::

"Hey stop that!"

::giggle:: "Gomen, InuYasha. I just couldn't help my self."

"Stop giggling like that! That's not funny."

::Kagome sniggers::


"Yeah? Is there something you wanted to say?!"

::blush:: "Yeah, um…"

"Just say it!"

::Blush harder:: "Oh, never mind!"

::A few moments later::






::tapping foot::

"What were you going to say just then?"

"Forget it, InuYasha!"

::A few minutes later::


"What is it this time?"

::Kagome kisses InuYasha::

"Oh." ::pause:: "Kagome?"


"Can you say that again?"
