InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Candy Hearts and Horse Shows ❯ Insert Title Here ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey ya'll, sorry last chappie was kinda boring, uh, here's another one. Uh.. yup, here ya go!

Disclaimer: Yeah.. like I could buy InuYasha and crew...jeeze, I'm broke, no need to go into debt.

Insert Title Here

"GAH!" Inuyasha sat bolt upright. He'd had that dream again. He thought he was over her...maybe he wasn't. He climbed out of his King sized bed and crept down the hallway to the bathroom. He looked at his tired reflection. He looked like hell at 2:36 in the morning.

He went back to his room. He was mulling things over in his head, he hadn't thought about Kikyp in a long time. Maybe the fight in the mall had triggered his memory. It was like the events had taken place just a week ago. It had been more like a year or so.

Broken promisesBut you don't really mindIt's not the first time and you know itDon't you knowTell me why it is you only smile insideBut when you break me into nothing Don't you knowIt's not like I haven't tried over and over againStupid fights, wrong or rightGoodbye

Kikyo had lied to him, he could tell, she said that she'd be at his house, but she hadn't showed, he had called her cell phone, but she'd ignored him. He went to look for her. He hated what he'd seen.

She was grinning from ear to ear, at him. Naaraku. She'd said they were "just friends" and that "he was too jelous". How stupid he's been. They had started fighting. He'd cused he'd screamed, it was just to idiotic. Kikyo told him to leave and he did.I remember when you came with me that nightWe said forever, that you would never let me goBut here I am againWith nothing left insideKnow I don't wannaBut I gotta let you go

She came back to him.. she said how sorry she was. She told him it was alright and she's never lie to him. That was a bold faced lie right there.

He'd become someone he hated a doorstep for some slut, but he was in love, if he'd noticed how her friends looked at him, how they laughed in his face, because the night before she'd been off with Naraku, while he sat at home staring at the phone waiting for her to call. He was a moron.
You're the one mistake I really didn't mindSo beautiful, unmercifulIt took me downToo little and too lateSee now I know your kindYou fake it easy just to please meDon't you knowIt's not like we haven't tried over and over againSleepless nights, wrong or rightGoodbye
But yet, he loved her all the same. He knew she'd never be faithful, but he figured it was allright. She was with him, into the night. He could push her over the edge in about ten minutes, to bad she was faking it. She was downright sexy though. He let it slide.

He couldnt sleep anymore, her image consumed him. He was obsessed. He needed her. He was her puppy she stung along so she could go brag she had another on the side. And he was to much in love with her to let her go. This was right, for about half a year.
I remember when you came with me that nightWe said forever, that you would never let me goBut here I am againWith nothing left insideKnow I don't wannaBut I gotta let you go

Finally he'd had enough...I gotta let you goIt's youThere's nothing I can do
He gave her an altimate. She leave Naraku, or he'd leave her. She broke up with him and spread nasty rumors that he'd dumped her and was a cheater. She got more friends because the girls felt bad for her and hated him. She was 'The new Miss. Popular' not that she wasn;t already. Just more so.
I remember when you came with me that nightWe said forever, that you would never let me goBut here I am againWith nothing left insideKnow I don't wannaBut I gotta let you go

He'd cried a few times, but that was it. He got a new tough skin, and ignored when girls would scream at him down the halls. He learned to be happier and control his anger. He was happy again. Somewhat...


The portrait of sexy turned around to face a man he'd never seen before. He was smiling at her, but she was glaring at the man. With an ice cold stare.

"`Gome, honey, what about a hug?" he asked brown eyes smiling. Then it clicked... this was Kagome's dad.

She faced him, her face expressionless. "Go to hell, daddy dear. Do you know what you put mom through? Put poor Souta through? He cries in his sleep, then puts on a tough face the next day." Her voice was rising with each word she said. "Do you know what you did to me?" She questioned him. He just stood there and looked at her blankly.

"Honey, your mother and I-" He started before she cut him off.

"Yeah mom and you what? Were happilly married untill you decided to go screw your sectretary and then run away with her. Leaving me and Souta behind too. and you what?" she just looked at him. She knew she spoke the truth.

His mouth stood agape. Then he regained his composure. "Kagome. I'm here to ask you if you want to come and stay with me for a bit." He looked solem as if he knew what the answer would be.

"HELL NO!!!" She yelled. "I have a great life, friends, a adorable horse and mom, grandad, Granny, and Souta. Now why would I leave to stay with you and Skankarella?" she questiond. Cocking her head to the side.

He looked defeated. " Okay. Godd-bye Kagome." He turned and walked back to his car. It pulled out and was gone. Kagome turned to Inuyasha her eyes filled with tears.

"Do you think I uh, did the right thing?" she asked him, looking at the gound.

"`Course you did. you followed your instincts and you get to stay here with me." A smirk played across the sexy features. "Aren't ya glad babe?"

"Oh yes sugar pie." she joked. She still looked so sad. He pulled her into a hug.

"Things'll get better. Just you wait and see. I'm sure of it. Ricki seems okay, why don't you go inside and rest? You've had a long day, I expect." He grinned at her. "And don't forget, you still owe me a date!"

She hiccuped and gave her best attempt at a smile. "Yup Inu, we'll go on some type of date." She winked at him. "Sorry for crying and drooling on ya babe!" She waved and walked towards the house.

"No big." He said to himself. He watched her perfect hips swing they're way back to the house and out of sight.

She tip toed into her room. She heard her mother's muffled sobs and her grandmother telling her she never approved of him anyways. Kagome grimmaced and opened the door to frillsville. That had her cringe. She walked to her closet and pulled on some pink and green plaid boxer shorts and a light green Aero tank with a pink butterfly on the cornoer of it.

She changed into the nore comfy clothes and went downstairs where her Grandpa was sitting, looking steaming mad. Muttering curse words to himself. Most likely he was cursing her dad. She hadn't seen Souta. She decided to ask him if he knew where he was.

"Uh.. ya know where Souta is?" he turned to her his eyes so full of hatred, Kagome took a step backwards.

"YES!! He went woth your poor excuse for a father.. that bas-" He went back to talking to himself. But she was in too deep of thought to listen. She walked into the kitchen where she got some Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and put it in a bowl. She licked the spoon, put the ice cream back in the freazer and ate up.

Kagome went back upstairs and ran into her grandmother who looked furious. " Souta coming back?" she asked with caution.

"Yes, yes, he'll be back in a week, or that's what he and your father said. Why didn't you go?" Her eyes were full of curiosity.

"Uh, he asked but I was really mad and I cussed at him when he asked me to go adn I told him I had a great life hear. I mean why would I like to leave?" Her grandmother's eyes filled with joy and she hugged the girl tight.

"That's wonderful!!! Oh, Kagome dear, tomarrow we can renovate your room if you'd like."

"Oh yes please!" One of the first times she's ever said please in her live... woah. The older woman smiled and walked past her. Kagome skipped to her ugly room and fell asleep, knowing that the next day, it wouldn't be so ugly anymore.

The next day the three woman worked and worked on the room, they went shopping alot too, but that's considered work too, all that alking between stores. And through the stores. Jeeze.

But the finished objet was beautiful. The all awed at Kagome's goot taste, it was her idea anyways. The bed was huge! It was a king sized four poster with a hot pink conopy around it. The bedspread, sheets and pillow shams her all punk rock Hello Kitty.

They had gotten her new black dressers with hot pink knobs. Her floor was light wood, with rugs of diffrent shapes and sizes and colours. The walls where lime green and the ceiling was hot pink. She had a black desk to match the dressers and a brand new Dell computer with a CD and DVD burner. She had pink, black and green mushroom chairs that were oh-so comfy.

She had an old time alram clock with Hello Kitty on it. But the best part of all was the plasma wall 50 inch Tv with DVD player and play station 3. She also had a hot pink and black CD player. Her room was flippin' sweet.

She hugged her mom and grandma. They'd worked so hard on her room. She was so over joyed and over excited. The just smiled, and nodded at her. She quickly changed into jeans and a navy blue baby tee polo shirt. She put on her boots and jogged outside to the pature where Ricki was waiting expectantly, as if to say, "Where've ya been?"

"Hey babe!" she cried and gave him a hug and kiss. She was started by the voice she heard..

"Hey yourself hun."She whirled around and let out a sigh, it was just annoyingly cute Inuyasha. She grinned at him.

They tacked up their horses and she headed to the arena. But he stopped her. "Wanna hit the trails?" he asked her.

She looked at him in wonderment. She shrugged and fallowed him as he sang the Dora the Explorer theme song.

"Come on vamonos, everybody let's go!" He sang in an off tune voice. He stopped and waited for her to trot up next to him. When they were side-by-side, he asked her a question.

"Hey, so seriously, when is our date?" He looked at her with a glint in his eye. She was brink red, she looked down at her Richard's mane.

"Uh...I dunno Ummm.. when ever..I guess." She muttered and he laughed at her expense.

"How 'bout Saturday, and since today's Thursday, you have three days to prepare." he grinned and she just looked at him blankly.

"Okay then if you say so." They continued the rest of the ride on in silence enjoying the natureness. She had no idea what she had gotten herself into by saying yes to a date with Inuyasha Takahashi.

Kay peeps, there's your Chappy, I hope ya liked it, a new installment will be coming soon to a computer (hopefully it isn't a crappy as mine XD) near you! See Yas and never forget to.....REVIEW..please. *puppy dog eyes*
~Me~ With love