InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive freedom (Naraku is bad) ❯ Chapter 1 First encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Inuyasha.
A/N: Please forgive my spelling but I living on a trip, I didn't had time to send this story to my beta, but anyway I wanted this to be a surprise Christmas present. This chapters is only temporarily looking like this, until I send it to my beta.
This story is dedicated to my beta. Thank you for your help and hope you like it.
Please review and I proms that in January I will update all my stories and post a new one.
Chapter 1: First encounter.
Naraku, began to woke up, never in his entire life had he slept so well, he was surrounded by such a beautiful smell. He moved his body a little and dug his face as deeply in to the source of the smell but he froze when he heard a weak almost silent hiss of agony.
Naraku's eyes burst open, his eyes were normal now, he saw whit horror why he was filling so well, he had slept on top of the creature, he remembered last night, the screams, and the pleasure. He moved wanting to get of the creature, but the creature hissed again this time louder, the sound was pathetic and pleading.
Naraku took a good look at the creature, it was laying on it's stomach, he couldn't see it's face, it was covered by was once a sliver hair. Naraku moved the bloody hair away, the creature's turn to the side, it's eyes were closed it was unconscious, on it's lower lip he saw fang marks, probably because the creature had bitten it lips trying not to scream. The sharp fangs had cut deeply into the soft tissue leaving ugly marks, the blood had flow down its chin in the form of small rivers.
The creature wrists were tightly tied together above his head, dried blood was covering it's arms, the rope had cut deep into the skin. He remembered how the creature fought disparately to get free, it's clawed hands were still had a death grip on the shits, it's badly bruised back was full of cuts, claws, bites and teeth marks. On it's hips Naraku saw thar the his hands had let deep ugly claw mark, the creature had fought back defying him, he had to hold down it's hips.
At a more careful examination, Naraku observed why the creature was hissing when he moved. After he had finished he had collapsed on top of his captive, he was still inside the creature's bloody, bruised and torn passage, the blood had dried and had acted like glue practically sealing him inside.
He had to get out of the creature trying, not to create damages or to make the ones that were already present worse.
WHAT HAVE I DONE???????????
Naraku was breathing hard, he collapsed on the first bed he found, his body hurt like hell he was exhausted, how could have believe that it will be so hard to capture that creature.
It coasted him half of his body, three dozens incarnations, 7 thousand of his youkai servants, 500 thousand wasps, 605 spells, one hundred powerful weakening and 45 sleeping potions, his most powerful poisonous miasma and of course the paralyzing potion he worked at for 2 years to take down that monstrous thing.
Let alone the chains, tentacles, ropes, nets and vines necessary to secure the mighty beast once it was down. At his firs attempt to capture it that cursed Inuyasha appeared and ruin his planes. The second time he almost succeeded, but the creature transformed in that huge beast and kicked his ass. Naraku didn't even know that it could do that.
And finally after 2 long years of planing, preparation 2 long years of observing the beautiful creature through wasps and Kanna's he was ready.
Naraku smiled yes, now the creature was his gagged, chained, tied, drugged and locked in the dungeons below his castle, in the deepest cell.
Before he fell asleep he remembered, how he saw the creature for the first time. He dreamed who all began.
A few years ago
Naraku was walking through the forest, was furious, he had just found out, that that stupid half - breed had been unsealed from the trunk of tree and the Jewel had appeared again after fifty years. He was planing how to steal the Jewel and how to get ride of Inuyasha when, he came across a clearing, he saw it.
At first he believed the was seeing things, it wasn't possible, in the clearing laying at the base of an old tree, between it's rots was an angle. The divine creature was dressed in white and red, Naraku could even see it's wings. The soft mown the came from the angle connived him that he wasn't dreaming.
Naraku took a deep breath and approached the angel only to find out the what he mistook for wings was only the creature long silver hair, and the red was in fact blood. The creature lips were slightly opened. He pushed the silver hair from the creature's face and he froze never ever in his howl life as Naraku or Omiguno, or his wilds dreams had he ever seen such beauty.
He gently touched whit his hand the creature's hair, cheeks and soft lips, he took off the baboon pelt, and he lowered his head and was ready to kiss it when, it moved a little it's head and his eyes lids twitched…the creature was waking up.
Naraku took a last deep breath memorizing the creature's scent and run away. He didn't know how the creature would react to his presence so better safe then sorry.
But from that moment be it day or night, winter or summer, storm or sun he watched the creature. He learned that it was very powerful. He tried to win its trust by offering it a gift, but the fate was against him, Inuyasha destroyed his gift. The creature thought that he wanted to double cross it and killed his puppet.
He created Kagura, The Wind, to neutralize Inuyasha's Wind Scar, but Kanna was created whit only one propose for him spy whit the help of the mirror the unearthly creature.
And now that the creature was his Naraku dreamed, he dreamed their first kiss.
A/N: So what do you think be onset??????????