InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive ❯ Chapter 11

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eleven
*Miroku's POV*
I had walked all the way around the house and through the back yard with no sign of Inuyasha. I was about to try to let myself in via the back the door when I hear Sango scream my name. "I'm coming Sango," I yelled in return. Although I'm not quite sure she could hear me. When I got around the house I found my dear Sango nearly faint from lack of oxygen and Inuyasha's hands around her throat. "Release her Inuyasha!" I cried trying to pry his hands from her neck.
"No fucking way," Inuyasha said throwing me away. "I told you you could use the Island for whatever little scheme you've got going, but you're not going to interfere in what is none of your business."
"But it is my business Inuyasha. Sango came here to the island with me." I grabbed him again. "This is exactly what I hoped to avoid by bringing Sango here to meet you."
"Oh," Inuyasha let go abruptly and Sango feel to the porch with a dull thud. She didn't move. "I think I killed your woman Miroku," said Inuyasha with no remorse.
"Oh no," I knelt beside Sango's prone form. "My dearest Sango, this is all my fault. Please my darling, do not die on me." I lay my head upon her chest and miracle of miracles I felt her heart beat. It was faint however. "She's not dead Inuyasha!" I shouted. "But she's not breathing. I must perform," I gulped, "mouth to mouth." I lowered my mouth slowly to hers.
"Get on with it monk," scowled Inuyasha. "Or she really will die."
"Inuyasha," I said my mouth barely an inch from Sango's. "You do not seem to realize that I am risking my very life getting this close to Sango without her knowledge." Finally I lowered my mouth to Sango's and begun the mouth to mouth resuscitation. I knew the moment I succeeded because Sango awoke swinging. "Sango," I cried gathering her close and ignoring the fact that she continued to hit me.
"Get off of me you lecherous monk," she growled.
"I wouldn't be so quick to attack him," said Inuyasha. "He did just save your life and all."
"What?" asked Sango confused.
"Don't you remember?" he scoffed. "We fought, I was choking you. You would have died if he hadn't stopped me and given you mouth to mouth." Sango looked up at me as though asking if it was true.
"Thank you Hoshi," she said in a wondersome voice. "Can we go back now?" she asked.
"Of course dear Sango," I replied. I helped Sango to her feet, and said my goodbyes to Inuyasha then we began the trek home.
*Sango's POV*
He saved me?
I found myself thinking over and over again as we walked home. As I racked my brain the details of my confrontation with Inuyasha revealed themselves. I remember Inuyasha's hands around my throat and then blackness. But through the blackness came Miroku's voice begging me not to die and calling me his dearest. He saved my life I thought again. However do you repay such a thing?
"Hoshi," I said suddenly as the house came into view.
"Yes dearest," asked Miroku,
"I owe you my life," I said haltingly. "And I will repay you."
*Miroku's POV*
She owes me her life? I thought of making some flip comment about what she could do to repay me, but I realized that this moment was serious for something like that. So instead I just spoke the truth.
"You owe me nothing dear Sango," I told her. "Your life is as important as my own to me. Rest assured, my darling. I would willingly sacrifice my own life for the sake of yours. All you have to do is ask."
A/N: Well that ends this chapter? What do you think? I'll see you guys later and don't forget to review.
Much luv,