InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Catch me if you can ❯ The love of the chase ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Metalmark 
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or anything having to do with it.
Chapter 1: The love of the chase
Kagome awoke in her room as she searched for her clothes. She quickly got dressed as she checked her image in the mirror. She was a seventeen year old girl who was in 11th grade. “Kagome! You’re going to be late to school!” Her mother called.
“Coming mom!” Kagome yelled running downstairs and out the front door in a rush. Many kids were walking the streets to school as Kagome ran in a rush.
The school bell rang as Kagome watched out the window. A boy then caught her eye as she gave a slight sigh. It was Inuyasha Tashio. The guy she was in love with since he moved to her class one year back. He was already one of the most popular guys ever with his long dark black hair and violet colored eyes.
Kagome looked back outside as she thought to herself. ‘I only have a few more things to steal…just a few more…’
“Ms. Higurashi! Please explain to me what I have been talking about?” The teacher asked glaring. “Ummmm…eh?” Kagome blanked as the teacher shook her head and the class erupted in laughter.
Kagome sank in her desk embarrassed as she waited till the bell rang anxiously. The last bell rang later as Kagome ran to her locker opening and gathering her stuff.
“Hey Kagome!” Sango called walking over to her with Miroku.
“Sango! Miroku! What’s up!” Kagome smiled happily.
“Well, we were going to a movie tonight…wanna come with…and Miroku move your hand away from my rear!” Sango exclaimed the last part as Miroku backed off. He already had a red mark on his cheek from a while ago.
Kagome chuckled and shook her head. “Can’t…I have something to do tonight.”
“Fine, see ya later!” They waved and left as Kagome closed her locker and walked down the halls. She however ended up bumping into someone as she fell onto the floor, her books scattering.
“I’m sorry!” Inuyasha apologized looking at her. Kagome recognized his voice as her face burned red. “I-it’s a-alright…” Kagome implied getting up and picking up her stuff. Inuyasha seemed to stare at her intrigued as Kagome glanced up. Before Inuyasha could say anything someone interrupted.
“Inuyasha…are you well?” Kikyo asked.
“Yea, sorry about that girl…” Inuyasha applied as he walked off with Kikyo.
Kikyo…how much Kagome despised that name. She was the same girl who was dating the boy she loved…and for what! Kagome shook her head and walked home depressed.
“Koga…you aren’t paying attention!” The chief ordered sharply. “Yea I am, what was it again?” Koga asked skeptical. The chief of the Tokyo FBI agency sighed at his prominent agent. “Its Dark Angel remember…that girl has been stealing valuable jewelry all around the world…we still haven’t caught her…its your mission to do so!” He ordered.
“I know chief…but the girl is something else I’ll tell you..” Koga yawned leaning back in his chair.
“I don’t care…just catch her! Your job is depending on it!” The chief implied before leaving.
The night approached as someone snuck into the museum and snatched the jade statue. It was Dark Angel. She seemed to wear a tight wardrobe that she created. It was a black tank top dress that had many accessories on it. There were some white buckled straps on it. It had a black layer on top splitting to three sides in the front as it buckled down from the chest to stomach. The bottom layer of the short dress was a white layering part, she wore high leg black stockings and wore some black heels.
She also had some black wings on her back that were like angel wings. She had a small thin black mask that had feathers coming out of the sides covering her eyes only. ‘I wonder if the big bad detective came out to play…’ Kagome thought smirking.
She held the jade statue in a backpack purse as she head towards the exit. “Stop right there Dark Angel!” Someone called.
“I was wondering if you would show up..” Kagome chuckled seductively. “Enough games…this is where it ends.” Koga applied holding his gun aimed. “Enough said!” Kagome chuckled and ran right past him fast.
Koga ran after her and grabbed her arm as Kagome did a spin kick and knocked him off. ‘She’s fast..’ Koga thought smirking amused. Something about this girl intrigued him so.
Koga ran after her and managed to block her off at a dead end of he pinned her in the corner holding her arms against the wall. “Heh, thought you could get away eh?” He smiled as he claimed her lips.
Kagome closed her eyes and kissed him back passionately as his tongue explored her mouth roughly. He was exploring her mouth viciously as he tasted her sweet taste. Something definitely attracted him to the girl.
He dipped his head more to kiss her deeper as Kagome opened her eyes then. She felt his head lower to trail kisses down her throat.
Kagome smirked and in a few seconds she had kicked him in the groin as he fell on the ground in terrible agony. “Sayonara..” Kagome winked and vanished into the dark night.
“Fucking hell!” Koga groaned as he sat up still in pain. He touched his lips and smirked. She was definitely going to be his woman sooner or later.
Kagome snuck into her bedroom window and took of her mask. She touched her lips and blushed feeling her the taste of Koga’s mouth. Her lips felt bruised by his roughness as she gave a sigh. She closed the window and took a glance outside before going to bed laying the statue hidden.
Too bad she never noticed the pair of eyes watching her from the shadows…
A/N: Ahm so it was a unusual start and yeah the characters might seem a bit off character but later on they’ll be the same again. Any who thanks for reading and its time to review! See ya soon!
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Hentai | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.22.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 46 | Visits: 425 | Status: Work In Progress

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or anything having to do with it.
Chapter 1: The love of the chase
Kagome awoke in her room as she searched for her clothes. She quickly got dressed as she checked her image in the mirror. She was a seventeen year old girl who was in 11th grade. “Kagome! You’re going to be late to school!” Her mother called.
“Coming mom!” Kagome yelled running downstairs and out the front door in a rush. Many kids were walking the streets to school as Kagome ran in a rush.
The school bell rang as Kagome watched out the window. A boy then caught her eye as she gave a slight sigh. It was Inuyasha Tashio. The guy she was in love with since he moved to her class one year back. He was already one of the most popular guys ever with his long dark black hair and violet colored eyes.
Kagome looked back outside as she thought to herself. ‘I only have a few more things to steal…just a few more…’
“Ms. Higurashi! Please explain to me what I have been talking about?” The teacher asked glaring. “Ummmm…eh?” Kagome blanked as the teacher shook her head and the class erupted in laughter.
Kagome sank in her desk embarrassed as she waited till the bell rang anxiously. The last bell rang later as Kagome ran to her locker opening and gathering her stuff.
“Hey Kagome!” Sango called walking over to her with Miroku.
“Sango! Miroku! What’s up!” Kagome smiled happily.
“Well, we were going to a movie tonight…wanna come with…and Miroku move your hand away from my rear!” Sango exclaimed the last part as Miroku backed off. He already had a red mark on his cheek from a while ago.
Kagome chuckled and shook her head. “Can’t…I have something to do tonight.”
“Fine, see ya later!” They waved and left as Kagome closed her locker and walked down the halls. She however ended up bumping into someone as she fell onto the floor, her books scattering.
“I’m sorry!” Inuyasha apologized looking at her. Kagome recognized his voice as her face burned red. “I-it’s a-alright…” Kagome implied getting up and picking up her stuff. Inuyasha seemed to stare at her intrigued as Kagome glanced up. Before Inuyasha could say anything someone interrupted.
“Inuyasha…are you well?” Kikyo asked.
“Yea, sorry about that girl…” Inuyasha applied as he walked off with Kikyo.
Kikyo…how much Kagome despised that name. She was the same girl who was dating the boy she loved…and for what! Kagome shook her head and walked home depressed.
“Koga…you aren’t paying attention!” The chief ordered sharply. “Yea I am, what was it again?” Koga asked skeptical. The chief of the Tokyo FBI agency sighed at his prominent agent. “Its Dark Angel remember…that girl has been stealing valuable jewelry all around the world…we still haven’t caught her…its your mission to do so!” He ordered.
“I know chief…but the girl is something else I’ll tell you..” Koga yawned leaning back in his chair.
“I don’t care…just catch her! Your job is depending on it!” The chief implied before leaving.
The night approached as someone snuck into the museum and snatched the jade statue. It was Dark Angel. She seemed to wear a tight wardrobe that she created. It was a black tank top dress that had many accessories on it. There were some white buckled straps on it. It had a black layer on top splitting to three sides in the front as it buckled down from the chest to stomach. The bottom layer of the short dress was a white layering part, she wore high leg black stockings and wore some black heels.
She also had some black wings on her back that were like angel wings. She had a small thin black mask that had feathers coming out of the sides covering her eyes only. ‘I wonder if the big bad detective came out to play…’ Kagome thought smirking.
She held the jade statue in a backpack purse as she head towards the exit. “Stop right there Dark Angel!” Someone called.
“I was wondering if you would show up..” Kagome chuckled seductively. “Enough games…this is where it ends.” Koga applied holding his gun aimed. “Enough said!” Kagome chuckled and ran right past him fast.
Koga ran after her and grabbed her arm as Kagome did a spin kick and knocked him off. ‘She’s fast..’ Koga thought smirking amused. Something about this girl intrigued him so.
Koga ran after her and managed to block her off at a dead end of he pinned her in the corner holding her arms against the wall. “Heh, thought you could get away eh?” He smiled as he claimed her lips.
Kagome closed her eyes and kissed him back passionately as his tongue explored her mouth roughly. He was exploring her mouth viciously as he tasted her sweet taste. Something definitely attracted him to the girl.
He dipped his head more to kiss her deeper as Kagome opened her eyes then. She felt his head lower to trail kisses down her throat.
Kagome smirked and in a few seconds she had kicked him in the groin as he fell on the ground in terrible agony. “Sayonara..” Kagome winked and vanished into the dark night.
“Fucking hell!” Koga groaned as he sat up still in pain. He touched his lips and smirked. She was definitely going to be his woman sooner or later.
Kagome snuck into her bedroom window and took of her mask. She touched her lips and blushed feeling her the taste of Koga’s mouth. Her lips felt bruised by his roughness as she gave a sigh. She closed the window and took a glance outside before going to bed laying the statue hidden.
Too bad she never noticed the pair of eyes watching her from the shadows…
A/N: Ahm so it was a unusual start and yeah the characters might seem a bit off character but later on they’ll be the same again. Any who thanks for reading and its time to review! See ya soon!
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Hentai | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.22.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 46 | Visits: 425 | Status: Work In Progress
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