InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Centennial Hunger ❯ The Itch ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter One
The Itch
(Please thank my beta, Hellfyrre for her hard work. This is just a little fic to tide you over while I work on more extensive stories.)
Everything itched. He knew this hunger, but couldn't place it. Hunting down his half brother--that half-breed tainted with human blood--and beating the bastard shitless was no longer containing this need. Every muscle in his body ached to be tested to its absolute tolerance. His teeth itched to sink into thick flesh until they met hard bone, bearing down until the fangs nearly shattered. Even now, his vision was narrowing, his one hand tingling with an insatiable desire to dig itself into anything that could resist his claws. The hunger in his belly felt as though it was eating a hole through the wall of his abdomen. And great gods above, even his hair follicles seemed irritated by each and every strand of hair that dared to move!
Just when the absolute epitome of self-control thought that he was on the verge of losing his mind, the most wonderful, deliciously appetizing scent tickled his pristine nose. The great Dog Lord of the West was feeling the call of his beast on a most disturbing level. Through his nostrils he took a long, slow breath and his entire body warmed and relaxed with the anticipation of having his itch scratched. Excitement zinged up his spine, scurried into his cheeks and seeped into the shells of his pointy youkai ears. Without his knowledge, the two maroon stripes on his cheeks and the deep blue crescent moon adorning his forehead increased in their color density. With the surge of his youki, his knee length silver hair danced in an unnatural breeze. The silvery bangs shifted, alternately exposing and hiding his markings, as well as his smoky amber eyes, while the predator hidden within rushed to the surface.
This was definitely getting out of control. The Great Lord Sesshoumaru never, ever, lost control. He clenched his fist in an attempt to center his power. It would not do to break free from the confines of his carefully constructed walls of civility while in the presence of a vulnerable child and of his toad youkai retainer.
Turning to his young ward, the devoted human female child, Rin, and to his diminutive servant, Jakken, he spoke with that smooth, rich, baritone voice, seemingly as calm and as arrogant as ever, never once giving a hint of his inner turmoil.
“Jakken, I am leaving. I trust Rin to your…dubious care,” he stated, glaring amber darts at the toad while removing his armor and swords.
Jakken was set to go off on his usual squawking tirade about being left behind with Rin when he was shocked into silence by his lord removing all battle gear; the large spiky armor, the slightly pinked, living fluff that served as a whip to wrap around his enemies, and his most precious possessions, his swords, Tensaiga and Tokijin. That just didn't make sense to the long-time vassal. Lord Sesshoumaru had never done such a thing! If Jakken hadn't seen it himself, he would have thought it the most preposterous lie!
“Lord Sesshoumaru! Are you just going to leave your swords here!?”
Sesshoumaru ignored the blubbering, two foot high, puke green, yellow bug-eyed toad and strolled over to Ah Uhn, his faithful steed. His original purpose was to remove the muzzles from the two-headed dragon, but when he saw those tough, green scales and the abundance of thick meat beneath them, the fact that this animal could protect Rin with hot bolts of lightning fled his mind in favor of relieving that aching, tingling itch. Ah Uhn must have sensed the predator inside the dog youkai for the animal's two necks shot up straight and stiff. The sudden motion brought Sesshoumaru back to his senses and he held out his only hand, the right, with the palm up in order to show Ah Uhn that he would do no harm. Once the huge, lumbering beast relaxed, Sesshoumaru removed the muzzles then glanced between Ah Uhn and Rin. The two heads of the dragon nodded in understanding; its jaws had been freed for defense. After all, the child seemed to have an uncanny knack for getting herself into precarious situations.
“Behave, Rin,” Sesshoumaru instructed as his gaze softened just the tiniest bit, almost unnoticeable, when he looked down into her bright, worshipping, brown eyes.
“Yes, Lord Sesshoumaru!” she chirped, giving him her hundred wattage smile.
Now he could leave and follow that wondrous scent!
“Lord Sesshoumaru! Lord Sesshoumaru! Where are you going!?” came that annoying, irritating, agitating…
Trembling with the repressed urge to thoroughly disembowel the obnoxious toad, Sesshoumaru casually scanned the area just beneath his feet. Finding exactly what he was seeking, he picked up a stone and sent it flying over his shoulder. The following thunk and the crumple of fabric let him know that he had hit the mark. As if he could ever miss. A smirk painted his lips as he imagined the annoying little creature, flat on its back with a nice sized lump on its head; such a wonderful past time.
Once out of sight of his three traveling companions, Sesshoumaru sprinted, his red trimmed, white silken garb flowing out behind him while he allowed his boot clad feet to dig into the hard earth, straining the muscles in his legs. Not using his gift of levitation, his speed was slower, but the effect was exactly what he needed. Yet still, it was not enough. He smiled as he spied a forest that he would be forced to journey through in order to reach his prey. Even better. Diving into its dark depth, he was forced to heighten all of his senses in order to keep himself balanced while dodging trees, occasionally bounding from one to another, shoving off of the trunks, jumping rotting stumps and overturned logs, all in an attempt to relieve the aching itch that was plaguing his entire body. With the constant strain, his mood was definitely perking up.
There was a strange warmth coming from the right, and smelling a deep earthy scent, Sesshoumaru decided that it warranted investigation. With a few zigzags and one bound over a rather large fallen tree, he found himself sinking right into the middle of it--loam, thick, and soft, a rather large patch of it too. And oh, when was the last time he had felt the earth beneath bare feet? Sesshoumaru sat right down on his ass, heedless of the dark, damp earth, and divested himself of his black boots, tossing them off into the trees.
“Much better,” he sighed in satisfaction.
For a fleeting moment, he wondered exactly what the hell he'd been thinking; running around like an animal, seemingly losing his mind to his beast. However, that thought was quickly dispersed into the great nothingness of need as soon as it had entered his head.
Wriggling his toes in the warm, black earth was not enough. Soon it was up to his ankles. Quickly getting bored and frustrated, since there was no way that he was going to bring himself so low as to stretch every muscle in his body while rolling around in the warm soothing soil--as he so intensely desired to do—Sesshoumaru reluctantly stood and rushed back into the dense forest, the itch in the bones of his long, slender feet finally being scratched with the added movement.
However, much to his dismay, the twisting and turning required to dodge trees set off that prickling in his skin, particularly along his spine. It was infuriating to say the least. In his frustration, he made a beeline straight toward a very large, old tree. Just before impact, he whirled around to face the opposite direction. The jarring of his bones helped to relieve some of the tingling itch, but the vibration to his skin only sensitized it more. His nipples practically hurt with renewed swelling. Not unlike a bear, he began to writhe against the tree, shredding his silk garments as the bark dug into his skin.
And it wasn't enough. It was just not enough to drive this insane sensation from his body!
And that was only the first of many frequent encounters that he had with an all natural scratching post.
And…on top of everything else, the stub of his left arm was beginning to hurt with sharp, burning pangs. Now that really raised his ire. It hadn't hurt this much when that little shit, half breed had sliced it from his magnificent body. As soon as this was all over, he would be certain to remember to give the brat another well-deserved ass kicking.
The Great and Mighty Dog Lord roared his agitation before once again smelling the scent of his prey. His mouth watered as he renewed the hunt. It had been so very long since he had indulged in his baser instincts.
This was wrong. Something had taken over his body without his permission. Sesshoumaru shook his head in an attempt to bring some sort of rational thinking process back into the sophisticated brain that he was proud to call his own. All the action managed to do was jar his teeth and gums. Blood ran down his chin and he snarled at the indignity of it all.
`I know this. What is it? What is happening to me?'
The mighty Sesshoumaru determined that he would not move from his current position until he had managed to successfully filter through past events and pinpoint the exact origin of this behavior. He just knew that it was important; very important. As Sesshoumaru sat, rubbing his temples, he was finding it more and more difficult to stay lucid. The sensation of being trapped inside his own skin was overwhelming. He wound his long fingers through his silver mane and tugged, hoping to gain some semblance of normalcy.
And then it hit him like the rush of rapids sweeping him away.
“Centennial,” he groaned. He pounded his fist into the ground. He should be home, locked away in the ancient room guarded with the wards of the gods; the only thing that could keep him safe while he went through this trial. And here he was, out in the open for all to see, for any to take advantage. If that was not enough, little Rin and Jakken would be in danger, from him no less!
“Damn you, Inuyasha! Damn you for distracting me.” Of course, the very moment that he proclaimed his half-brother's guilt, he knew for a certainty that it was he who was using Inuyasha to sate his need, the lust of his youki.
`How is it that I did not recognize this? I must return home! Now!'
And then that addicting scent was wafting up his nostrils again, closer, stronger, thicker and oh so tantalizing. That musk was taunting him, drawing out the beast; and in his hunger, and he allowed it to roam free. His strides slowed and shortened as he snaked through the trees toward his prey. His absolute silence was nothing short of the sound of death. And at the moment, that's what he was for any creature that might cross his path; walking death. Fortunately, for him, and quite unfortunate for his prey, Sesshoumaru's stint through forest, which required a few stops to scrub his burning body against tree bark, left his blindingly white silk--what was left of it--smudged in browns, greens and blacks; a natural camouflage for his pale skin, which was also mottled with the self same coloring.
Even though the predator was covered with the scent of the forest, the great buck lifted his head and sniffed. It knew that there was a powerful presence nearby, but couldn't catch the tell-tale scent. How sad for the herd of deer. The buck never saw the creature dash from the shadows and never would. In a heartbeat, its head was severed. And while still beating, its heart was ripped from its chest.
Blood gushed and spurted in great streams. Killing the buck without leaving the opportunity for fear to set in was imperative. The taste of adrenaline and the effect on the muscles that would soon feed the monster would not be pleasant. Sesshoumaru had achieved his goal of not allowing that particular taint. As he stood over the buck, he didn't even notice the herd scattering into the forest. His crimson tinged, amber eyes were absorbed in the sight of his soon to be meal.
He was so intent on just where the hell to start dining, that he didn't notice the figure in red that had inadvertently happened upon the gruesome scene.
Inuyasha watched from the high branch that he had landed on while bounding across the highest limbs of the trees. What had brought him down was the slightest hint of his brother's blood. Sesshoumaru rarely received wounds. This was something that he had to see for himself. Keeping downwind, he watched as his brother snuck up on the herd, surprised to see trails of blood trickling from Sesshoumaru's mouth and claws. He had never before seen the wild, feral stare that was currently fixed on Sesshoumaru's pristine features. Thinking it best to remain hidden, he was privy to a speed that his brother had never used in their battles; at least, not while on the ground. The viciousness with which Sesshoumaru had taken down the buck shocked him. Sesshoumaru was a spirit of swords and inherent physical weapons, not brute strength; although he had more than his fair share of that too. Inuyasha had never seen his brother like this. It was downright bizarre.
And then…the unthinkable happened. The aristocratic snob of the century, or centuries rather, crouched down, sliced through the hide and buried his face in the belly of the beast. Inuyasha was stunned, shocked, disgusted, and above all, perplexed as to why his brother would behave in such a manner. Under normal circumstances, Sesshoumaru would have already sensed and attacked him, but his brother was completely unaware of his presence. Not only that, but the arrogant prick had no armor, no weapons and his clothes were in tatters. This was not Sesshoumaru. Perhaps it was a mirage, or his brother was under a spell, or he had leapt into an alternate reality. Something was definitely not right with this picture.
The sounds of cracking bone echoed through the small meadow as Sesshoumaru tore a rib away from the carcass and chomped on it, worrying it like a babe teething on a leather ring. Once the bone had splintered into several pieces, Sesshoumaru snarled and grabbed one of the hind legs, literally ripping it from the body. Abruptly, he dropped the limb, shook his head and brought his right hand to his temple before wiping his face with his sleeve. For a moment, Inuyasha thought he saw the pink tint leave Sesshoumaru's eyes. Then the eyes were shuttered with mauve eyelids and the Lord of the West fell to his knees, howling as his right hand grabbed the stub of his left arm.
Inuyasha could almost feel Sesshoumaru's pain. But that did not mean that he felt guilty. No, when he had sliced off Sesshoumaru's arm, he had been defending his life as well as the woman's, Kagome. Still, he almost had to swallow at the agony held in that blend of a screaming roar. By the time Sesshoumaru had quieted, Inuyasha could smell the scent of tears mingled with blood. Sesshoumaru was still clutching the left stub of his arm when he fell back onto the blood soaked grass. This time, Inuyasha did swallow. He would never admit it, but his eyes were watering too. Sesshoumaru looked like an animal in need of being put out of its misery. For a brief moment, Inuyasha considered drawing his sword, Tetsusaiga, and doing just that. Sesshoumaru was literally writhing, clawing at his clothes and skin. His face was twisted in agony, his neck and back seemingly indecisive between arching and bowing. Then he curled into a ball, whimpering like a child, his body shivering as though he were lying on icy rocks.
Just as suddenly as it began, it was over and Sesshoumaru was once again crouching next to the hindquarter that he had earlier ripped from the carcass. After the sudden episode, Sesshoumaru was devoid of almost every stitch of his clothing, his body streaked with crimson from his roll on the blood soaked earth.
Inuyasha floated down to the forest floor and leaned against the trunk of a very old tree while he watched his brother rip the hide from the rump and carefully slice off strips of meat. With what seemed to be a struggle against his behavior, Sesshoumaru carefully chewed, taking on a vacant stare, as though he were attempting to ignore his actions. It took awhile, but he stripped it clean, right down to the bone. If that wasn't enough to intrigue the half-breed, what happened next certainly did. Separating the bones with a sharp tug, Sesshoumaru raised the largest, the femur, and studied it before beginning to gnaw at the larger end.
Inuyasha had never seen such a contradicting sight in his entire. Nothing had ever been so incongruous. He shook his head just to convince himself that the noble, if arrogant, lord was in point of fact lowering himself to such depths of depravity. There was also the strange bleeding of Sesshoumaru's claws and mouth.
`Has he been poisoned or had a spell put on him?' Inuyasha wondered.
Soon, the large bone was set aside in favor of stripping the carcass.
`Where is he putting all of that meat? Is his body burning it so quickly that he can't get enough to sate his need?' Inuyasha questioned as though he could possibly come up with an answer. `He's full youkai, the highest breed. Why would he even need to eat at all?'
So many questions. If nothing else, Inuyasha was the curious type. So he made himself comfortable, sitting down, but with his coveted sword, Tetsusaiga, at the ready. Though Sesshoumaru had often sought to kill him and take the sword, Sesshoumaru had ceased his attacks once he had learned that the sword sealed Inuyasha's overwhelming youkai blood. In essence, Sesshoumaru had saved him from himself. Without the sword, when the stronger blood took over, Inuyasha's weaker human blood allowed him to run rampant, not knowing friend from foe, killing everything in his path; everyone except Kagome. Somehow, she was able to soothe him. But it was Sesshoumaru who had first instructed his group to put the sword in his hand in order to quell his demon blood. If it weren't for that, Inuyasha would have died that day.
All of this did not mean that Sesshoumaru, at this moment, was not a threat. This time, it seemed that Sesshoumaru was the one having difficulty with his blood. The great dog couldn't be weakened by human blood. He wasn't a half-breed. There was absolutely no reason for this. And that was what perplexed Inuyasha more than anything. He had to find out about this weakness; if not out of curiosity then for the fact that he could get revenge for all of Sesshoumaru's past insults. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at the words that constantly haunted him.
`Filthy half-breed, disgrace to father's name, pathetic, tainted…Maybe this, this is my chance for retribution…'
Revenge would be sweet. Oh yes. He would find out what this weakness was and by the gods, he would exploit it to the fullest possible extent. This time, Sesshoumaru would be the lowly one. It was about time the asshole was knocked off of his high horse.
The hunger had lessened, but it was still there, swelling Sesshoumaru's skin with an urgent burning. It was becoming more difficult to breathe, not that there was a serious impediment. But it was annoying just the same. The symptoms were compounding with every minute that he suffered. At least the buck had taken the edge off of his hunger. The tingling in his bones had also receded by a minute amount. Not much, but enough that he noticed. Sesshoumaru took a deep breath, stretching his constricting lungs.
The worst was yet to come. It was imperative that he reached his home as quickly as possible. But he was limited. Every weapon at his disposal was mostly dormant; things that were needed not only for his protection, but for those around him. Now, when he needed them most, all of his otherworldly powers had nearly vanished. It was beyond frustrating. And the worst part of it was that he was out in the open. If he were found, his humiliation would be complete. It would take hundreds of years and many battles to re-establish his supremacy. He had been so close to having some amount of order in his life. Oh, he was nowhere near happy, but there would no longer be any semblance of peace.
Everything lost because he was so absorbed in tormenting his half-brother. Perhaps he had been cursed yet again for even that small indiscretion. However, that particular infraction was his revenge on the gods. He would kill anything and everything that held their blood. His brother was no exception; at least up until recently. His thoughts drifted back on Inuyasha's words.
`I didn't ask to be born. It's not my fucking fault that I'm a half-breed! And I'll be damned if you make me feel that I don't have just as much right to be here than you!'
After those words, Inuyasha had just turned his back and walked away, muttering something that he had no idea that Sesshoumaru had heard.
`You're a sorry excuse for family…bastard.'
And he had also heard the despondent undertone. That was just not the brash young man that he had come to know. Perhaps he should have continued his attempts to kill the boy. It would have been much better than hearing such a thing coming from a descendant of their magnificent father; bastard though their father had been.
Inuyasha would never understand what was happening to Sesshoumaru now, and he would not lower himself by divulging such information to a half-breed tainted with the blood of a mortal. At this very moment, being mostly immortal, key word being `mostly', didn't seem to be much better, given the current circumstances.
`Why am I thinking of that taint? He has nothing to do with this…a waste of time. I must get home!' Sesshoumaru thought as he rose from the ground and tore the rags from his upper body.
It didn't even occur to him that he was now thinking intelligently, whereas, a couple of minutes earlier, he had been completely absorbed in devouring his buck. Being momentarily in his right mind, Sesshoumaru took stock of his condition. Unacceptable, completely and utterly. His clothing was shredded and he was covered in blood. The scent of the buck's blood was tainted with his own. He looked down at his hand to see the blood beading under his claws. It was to be expected.
Sesshoumaru took a deep cleansing breath. There was only one thing to do. He would rather parade around in his birthday suit, an apt description for this time of his life, than stumble around in rags. With that decided, he ripped away the garments that had been chafing his skin then stretched, reveling in his new found freedom. Anyone who questioned him would just have to die. That was a viable solution. No one would spread a word. He could keep to the wilds during his journey and cut the kills to a minimum. That would work.
Something trickled down his chin and Sesshoumaru wiped away blood. This just wouldn't do. He stooped down to grab a piece of silk and his eyes rested on the last tool of relief. The bone. Immediately, his mouth began to water and his gums began to tickle. Just looking at it was drawing out the itch. Without even realizing it, his hand had forsaken the fabric and the next thing he knew, he had grasped it and brought it up for a closer inspection. It was good and solid. There was still gristle on the ends. Sesshoumaru licked his lips. Not only had it tasted so very good, but it had relieved an ache. He lost himself in the memory, and to his need.
It had appeared that Sesshoumaru had regained some of his senses. But that wasn't the case. Inuyasha watched in disbelief as Sesshoumaru stripped then sat down to begin gnawing on a bone. Sesshoumaru's fangs dug trails along one end, his own blood flowing in the gashes. The red tinge was already taking over Sesshoumaru's eyes again.
The strongest willed youkai that Inuyasha had ever known seemed to be suffering with multiple personalities. Inuyasha understood that more than he would have liked. He was a half-breed; half human and half dog youkai, cursed to turn completely human on the moonless night, cursed to lose control when his demon blood took over. His condition was obvious in the brilliant yellow coloring of his irises, the white dog ears on top of his head, the fangs and the claws that he was not human.
The fact that he had human blood running through his veins made absolutely no difference to most humans. For the most part, he was an outcast; by youkai for being half human and by humans for being half youkai. But that was okay. It made it easier for him to keep secret his most vulnerable time of the month, the moonless night. During that time, he was thoroughly human; a disadvantage when facing a youkai opponent. It didn't matter that he was still strong as a human. Humans were just as dangerous as youkai. They tended to attack in groups. He was also emotionally vulnerable; too honest, too soft. And he hated that.
But that was only one of his personalities. His full blooded youkai, was a hell all of its own. It was too powerful. His weaker human half allowed the youkai free reign and Inuyasha became a mindless killing machine, not able to distinguish between friend and foe. Of course, this was only when he was on the verge of death; something that didn't occur all that often.
Yes, he understood all to well.
He should have left well enough alone, but no. Inuyasha just had to be curious. Now he wondered what kind of stupidity had gotten into him, for he just stood there as Sesshoumaru's head twisted around and leveled a crimson stare at him. As Sesshoumaru rose, Inuyasha realized that in all of his years, he had thought of Sesshoumaru as tall and skinny. However, it was only the armor and loose clothing that created that illusion. His brother's body was mature, the muscles well formed and very defined. There was nothing thin about him. Now, without the clothing and weaponry, his brother appeared even more formidable. That was not a good thing. How could he attack his approaching doom when the body was naked and lacking any weapons of defense? It wouldn't be fair, even if he was physically outmatched.
And how did Sesshoumaru manage to still look elegant while covered in blood and grime?
The itch was increasing again and his skin was beginning to feel like a thousand bees were stinging him, like his skin was going to split open. It was beyond frustrating. If these sensations could take bodily form, he would give them a very painful death. As it was, he would need something else with which to take out his frustrations. His gaze swept the meadow, searching for something, anything, to assuage his need.
Right there, in the trees, was something that he had not expected to see, something that he should have smelled. It was dressed all in red, had eyes and hair similar to his own, but there were no markings and there were the strangest set of dog ears on its head. He knew this figure, knew who this was. The name was just out of his reach. Attacking it would relieve some of the pressure in his body. It would also satisfy a lingering need to beat the shit out of the runt that had taken his left arm, which was now in a severe amount of pain. This much he remembered. However, Sesshoumaru was lucid enough to realize that this creature was the strongest that he knew and could perhaps be of use. This one could see to it that he would make it home in one piece without ravaging the countryside.
And that was why this Sesshoumaru stood straight and tall and began to stroll toward Inuyasha at his usual relaxed pace as he shoved down the current urges wracking his body. As he drew closer, a name drifted to the forefront of his mind.
“Inuyasha,” he growled. “Little brother.” The words did not sound right. It was not his voice. They were guttural, twisted; hardly recognizable.
The creature stiffened and tightened his grip on the handle of his sword. That didn't dissuade Sesshoumaru from continuing his approach, despite the fact that he himself was unarmed. He knew Inuyasha well enough to understand that the boy wouldn't attack him without provocation. As he neared, Inuyasha's scent finally made it through that of the blood covering him and he paused. Inuyasha didn't smell like the wild and spicy scents that surrounded him. Why hadn't he ever noticed this before? Inuyasha's scent was sweet; apparently a side-effect of his humanity. Nevertheless, the smell was heavenly, soothing, and he found himself relaxing.
Halting a mere few feet from Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru attempted to form a cohesive sentence that would relay his need for an escort without giving the impression that he was in a state of weakness. As he stood staring, some of the stiffness of Inuyasha's stance seemed to ease.
“You,” Sesshoumaru's hoarse voice ground out as he brought his hand up to point a long slender finger. What he saw was not a finger, but his bone and he couldn't take his eyes from it. He ground his teeth with the need to drag them down the hard surface.
`No, I must enlist Inuyasha's aid,' Sesshoumaru managed to remember.
Dropping his arm, he once again lifted his gaze to stare down at his little brother.
“You will…” he had to search for the appropriate word before continuing, “…accompany this Sesshoumaru…on his journey…,” Again the name was slipping from him. ”…little brother.”
“What the fuck are you talking about!?” the creature exclaimed sending sharp pain shooting through Sesshoumaru's already sensitive ears.
Gritting his teeth and clenching his eyes shut, Sesshoumaru didn't even realize that he had streaked forward and pinned Inuyasha's neck to a tree. It wasn't until he felt hands tugging at his wrist that he opened his eyes. With a handful of Inuyasha, something seemed missing.
`Where is my bone?'
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru.