InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Cerulean Skies ❯ Punishing Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Ten
Punishing Sesshoumaru
“Why does it always have to be me? He'll kill me for sure this time. Kill the messenger,” grumbled Jakken under his breath as the weight of the white robe bowed his back.
He carefully inched his way up to Sesshoumaru while keeping what he hoped was a safe distance away from his unpredictable master. The little human girl, Rin, peeked around the doorway, curious about the robe that Jakken held.
“Uh hum,” he intoned as he cleared his throat. “Lord Sesshoumaru, the wolves have delivered a package,” squeaked the trembling toad.
Sesshoumaru didn't seem to hear as he stared out over his lands from the balcony of his study.
`Why am I always so foolish when it comes to Kouga? Did I need to force him to show himself to the miko? He had to learn sooner or later and his obstinacy in his belief that she would love him was interfering with my plans. He was being foolish. However, it could have been done more tactfully. I may be a master tactician at war, but this seduction—no, manipulation, is new to me. Never once have I needed to lure a woman or man to my bed. He is such a frustrating challenge. This is proving to be most difficult.'
“Do not disturb me, Jakken,” came a low rumbling voice.
Jakken nearly jumped out of his skin, but was more than relieved at the command. Quietly letting the robe slip to the floor, he ran for his life.
Tiptoeing as silently as she could, Rin entered the room and unrolled the heavy coat of fur. She ran her fingers through the very deep, plush fur.
“Sesshoumaru-sama? Why did your friend send back your present?” asked the ever innocent child.
Sesshoumaru's body visibly stiffened. `He returned my gift!? Did I push him too hard? Now, who is the foolish one?'
“Rin, go into the garden and play,” instructed Sesshoumaru, attempting to keep his anger to himself.
“Yes, Sesshoumaru-sama.”
As always, Rin knew something was wrong. However, there was little she could do. Maybe one day, he would be more approachable. She gave a backward glance as she exited the room and noticed that the one she worshipped was gripping the railing to the point that it was crumbling. His shoulders were slumped and his head down. It was too much. Tears filled her eyes as she ran to him and wrapped her arms around his right leg.
“I'm sorry, Sesshoumaru-sama. I'm sorry. Please don't be sad,” she pleaded.
Instead of the growl she expected, his hand brushed through her thick raven hair, pressing her firmly against his leg. Only the trembling of his body let her know that he was shedding silent tears.
“That'll show him,” whispered Ginta to Hakkaku, referring to Sesshoumaru.
“Yeah, but I'm not so sure Kouga is really happy about it,” replied Hakkaku.
“He does look kinda sad. Why do you figure that is?” asked Ginta.
“Well, I think he likes Sesshoumaru even if he doesn't say so.”
“Maybe. What should we do?”
Hakkaku furrowed his brow and rubbed his chin as he thought on that for a moment. “Take him hunting?”
“That's a great idea! Get his mind off things,” exclaimed Ginta.
“Keep it down! You don't want him to hear us.”
Kouga lay on his back, hands behind his head, staring at the stone ceiling while trying to convince himself that he had done the right thing.
`Sesshoumaru deserved to be punished and that's the only way I knew how to do it. I'm no match for him physically, so I really couldn't kick his ass, though I'd really love to do just that. But, sending back the robe seems like such a low blow. I just don't understand him. He might think I do, but I don't. He's arrogant, conceited, uncivilized…whatever. He doesn't think about other peoples' feelings. What reason has he given me to trust him? Absolutely none. Stupid dog. He is quite beautiful though. I think I told him that, too. That's probably what started it. Maybe it's all my fault. Maybe he thought I wanted him.'
Kouga rolled over onto his stomach. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the visions of the powerful lord out of his head; Sesshoumaru leaping into battle against Inuyasha, levitating above the battlefield, gazing intensely into his eyes, licking the blood from his throat, pressing him against a tree…and on and on and on.
Though his self-training told him that it was humiliating, the outpouring of tears seemed to refresh his mind, even if it left his body tired and weak. `What has that wolf done to me?'
Rin was becoming something of an asset. She taught him things he had forgotten or perhaps never knew. Perhaps that was the reason Tensaiga had prompted him to bring her back from the dead. One thing about Rin, he could never see her giving up, despite the fact that she was a child.
It was time to regroup and start over.
`First, I will return the robe. How will I get him to accept it?' Scenes of Kouga's rejection of his gift played in his mind. `What leverage do I have? How can I gain Kouga's forgiveness and re-ignite his desire? Perhaps, something covert, a seduction from afar. Yes, that might work; an accidental meeting under the right circumstances.'
Only Sesshoumaru would know that it would be no accident. Kouga shouldn't be that hard to find. After all, Sesshoumaru had been following Kouga's movements unobserved for months now.
`Yet, doing this will not root out the problem with my approach. There is something I need to correct.'
As he replayed his interactions with Kouga, Sesshoumaru's thoughts carried him away. Those that had garnered the best response had been the less forceful and more giving. Healing Kouga of his first injury, and then the run through the forest, had proved to be invaluable. However, those methods that were more blatantly forceful only succeeded in driving the wolf away—even though the wolf did enjoy some of the more pleasurable torments.
`His favorable responses boosted my confidence and I, in turn, treated him like a possession instead of a cognizant being. That was the error. He has needs that must be met. How could I have been so blind? Desire and lust are perfectly acceptable. It is the softer, more human, emotions that I detest and avoid. And, that is exactly what Kouga wants. What he needs. I have never had the need to cultivate such things.'
Sesshoumaru sighed, resigning himself to the fact that, in order to get what he wanted, he would need to practice those things he detested most, those things that made him the most vulnerable. Could that be why he had rejected them with such vehemence? Could he afford to be vulnerable now? Did he want to be? That was the crux of the matter. Was Kouga worth it?
`Yes, he is.'
“Yes, milord?”
“I am leaving. Take care of Rin. You are well of the consequences of failure.”
“Yes, milord,” the toad stammered, bowing low. `Why can't he hire a nanny?' Jakken mentally whined.
`Ah, there you are, my wolf,' Sesshoumaru thought with a smirk. `Just as I suspected.'
Sesshoumaru watched as Kouga made his way toward a creek that crept so slowly through his part of the woods that algae and moss were able to grow along the banks and out into the edges of the water, causing the water to be cloudy, especially in the small still alcove off to the side. It had its benefits. Unlike the minerals frequently found in hot springs, making the water hard, this water was soft. It made the skin and hair of anyone who bathed in it soft and smelling of the woods. This was one of the few luxuries Kouga had the opportunity to enjoy. In the balmy warmth of this humid, spring afternoon, he made his way, looking forward to a time of peace and quiet. Who says men don't enjoy such niceties?
Kouga cleared the edge of the trees lining the bank and was already removing his armor when his eyes narrowed. `Not now. I'm so not in the mood to deal with this.'
Lying on his stomach, his long, slender, pale body shimmering with droplets of water, Sesshoumaru was drying himself in a patch of sunlight. The white robe lay beneath him as he sunned atop Kouga's favorite boulder. His hair trailed so far down the side of the boulder that it nearly reached the ground. As though he were sleeping, Sesshoumaru didn't turn his head to look at Kouga, but lay still as the stone. Only the rise and fall of his breathing gave any sign that he was a living creature instead of an exceptional work of art.
Kouga marveled at the splendor of the Lord of the Western Lands. Though Sesshoumaru was tall, by no means was he lanky. If anyone confused his gender by the beautiful and delicate features of his face and by his slender waist, the shoulders gave it away. His chest was broad and muscled, his arm showing the strength of a body builder, but without the oversized bulk. The stub of his missing arm lay hidden beneath that white fluffy appendage that had so many uses.
For a long moment, Kouga studied that white thing, wondering what it was. Depending on Sesshoumaru's mood, sometimes the color appeared cream, or even pink. It seemed to grow out of Sesshoumaru's right shoulder blade and separated from him at the uppermost part of his arm. Sesshoumaru was using it as a pillow and to hide the stub of his left arm. The white pelt was unfurled beside him, following the line of his body and giving a nice backdrop for his silhouette.
Kouga couldn't help but to follow the sweep of Sesshoumaru's back, down the dip just before the rise and swell of a well-rounded, tight, firm ass. Funny how his billowing clothing hid what a nice ass he had. It should be expected, since it hid most everything else, even the well-muscled legs. It had to be breeding. Sesshoumaru would never take the time to do something as vain as making his body enticing to others. He simply didn't care what people thought of him. He knew who he was.
`Shit. How long have I been standing here just staring at him?' thought Kouga when the tingling that had started in his belly had made its way through his chest and up through his throat. `Maybe he's asleep and I can just ignore him. I'm not running away with my tail between my legs, though.'
But, what would he do if Sesshoumaru woke up? What would he do if Sesshoumaru made sexual overtures? If he couldn't run, what were the alternatives? `Oh hell.' He made a quick decision and removed the rest of his clothing and slid into the water, trying to keep his back to Sesshoumaru so he wouldn't get lost in the painting of such perfection.
Realizing that Kouga was not going to approach him, Sesshoumaru turned his head to watch his wolf bathe. Kouga came up from beneath the water, his slick black hair fanning out over his shoulders and down his back to his waist. Movement beneath the water drew Sesshoumaru's attention. It was only Kouga's tail, nothing to be concerned about. He wondered, curious, while Kouga made his way to the opposite bank. With every step through the water, muscles rippled beneath the glistening skin of Kouga's back. Sesshoumaru became lost in the site of skin that seemed to glow deep, golden amber.
Kouga gathered a handful of dried moss. Using the moss for a scrubber, he took his time. He was enjoying himself so much that he hadn't realized he had turned toward Sesshoumaru when he had made his way back to the center of the alcove. Each movement that Kouga made scorched through Sesshoumaru, not unlike that thrill of the hunt on those rare occasions when Sesshoumaru chose to indulge his baser instincts. Kouga's intense concentration leant Sesshoumaru a view of the primitive wolf that he had never before seen.
The sun sparkled off the water, streaming down Kouga's hard, tanned body as he scrubbed away the dust and grime from a morning of chasing game. It had been an exciting, though exhausting hunt, giving him enough exercise to feel the burn in his muscles.
Boars weren't that hard to catch, but bringing them down without injury could be a real bitch. This one had been tougher than most, but a prize worth winning. He imagined the lavish meal he would enjoy later in the afternoon, unaware of the pair of amber eyes devouring the vision of him.
Sesshoumaru could imagine his tongue parting a path up through the water from Kouga's belly button, up his abdomen, between the corded muscles of his chest then up his neck to just behind his ear. He imagined his lips against that soft skin, making their way down from Kouga's belly button, tugging at the trail of fine black hair leading below Kouga's waist. The magnificent muscles beneath Kouga's skin rippled with every movement, but it was the face, the eyes, that held the most powerful draw for Sesshoumaru; the strong line of Kouga's jaw, the rugged features of his face, the long curtain of black lashes that framed those cerulean eyes. Sesshoumaru found himself watching for glimpses of those eyes while Kouga concentrated on his task. Sesshoumaru's arousal sank beneath a deeper desire, something more than lust, a simple longing…need. For once, he was at a loss.
“Tell me what to do,” Sesshoumaru said barely above a whisper.
Kouga stiffened at the softly spoken words, his mind going blank. This was so unlike the king of arrogance. He hadn't tried to interrupt Kouga or push him, but had kept his distance. He looked up to find Sesshoumaru still lying on his stomach, intently gazing at him. Despite Sesshoumaru's best efforts, his careful guard seemed to be leaking away and Kouga could see a glimpse of something like need. It tempered Kouga's inclination to further his punishment of Sesshoumaru.
“Could you be less of a bastard?” scowled Kouga, crossing his arms.
“I can make an attempt.”
“That's the best I'm going to get, isn't it?” Kouga huffed.
“Anything more would be a lie…Kouga.” For once he thought it best to refrain from using `my wolf' as it really did sound arrogantly possessive, even though, to him, it was a term of endearment. Gentleness seemed to be working right now and it wouldn't do well to change tactics.
`He didn't use his pet name for me,' thought Kouga, creasing his brow. `Is he playing some new game?'
Goosebumps were forming on Kouga's skin, prompting him to completely dip himself beneath the water. Coming up, he wasn't sure what to do. He was completely naked with the only decent place to dry already occupied. Not that there wasn't room for him on the boulder as well, and he knew there was no other desirable spot. Letting out a heavy sigh, he accepted his predicament.
“I need to dry. Mind if I join you?”
“As you wish,” stated Sesshoumaru with no hint of suggestion.
`What is that dog up to?'
Sesshoumaru's gaze didn't waver as Kouga waded from the water. For the first time, he had a complete frontal view of what Kouga's fur wrap had kept hidden. And, it was a surprising treat. Like his body, Kouga's cock was thick, wide. Not overly long, but just right. He shifted his gaze when Kouga looked up to see him staring.
Taking a deep breathe, Kouga jumped up onto the boulder. The only additional space was taken by Sesshoumaru's pelt and he was not quite certain what to do. Sesshoumaru's voice startled him.
“I can move it, or you can lie on it. Your choice,” Sesshoumaru murmured while gazing up at him with seemingly lazy eyes. Damn, but it was seductive; brilliant suns glowed through a curtain of black lace. Dragging his eyes away from that gaze, Kouga focused on his goal. There seemed to be no malice in Sesshoumaru's expression, no intent for violence. Kouga studied the seemingly harmless pelt then made his decision.
“I won't hurt it?”
He squatted down and ran his hand through the softest fur he had ever felt in his life then carefully spread himself out on his stomach, mirroring Sesshoumaru.
Lemon Next Chappie!
Thank you for reading, rating, and reviewing!
Ah, all questions shall be answered in due time. Heheh. Thanks so much for reviewing!
I think that the chapters don't immediately post. That has been my experience. I kept going back and it hadn't posted for me either. It usually takes longer on weekends. ^_^
Thanks for the review. Sorry this one took so long!
Lives untold stories
Glad that you are finding this interesting. I can't even remember where it goes from here. LOL Rough week. Editing after taking out hard coded html is very detail intensive. I'm going to try really hard to get the full thing posted asap. Thanks for the review!
Sesshys numbal gurl
Hm, I think that Sesshy gets even more adorable. And…he has some freaky kinks too! Thanks for reviewing
Inuyasha and all associated characters are owned by Rumiko Takahashi, Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, Sunrise, and Viz. Translation for the intelligence impaired: “I don't own Inuyasha. I make no profit from this story, nor do I intend to. My only goal is to occupy my demented mind with delusions of actually owning a life-sized, anatomically correct Sesshoumaru.