InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Challenge Destiny: By Air ❯ A Familiar Warmth ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blanket Disclaimer:
Inuyasha and all characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I don't own them and am not making any money from this.

Written for Challenge Destiny: By Air. Originally posted August 27, 2011.

Title: A Familiar Warmth
By Air #2 Chill
Author: ananova
Rating: K
Genre: Romance
Universe: Post Canon
Word Count: 249
Summary: Nights can get chilly but Inuyasha is always prepared.
Warnings: None

They were still walking, the village far behind them now. Despite basking in Inuyasha's presence and the feelings he stirs within her, Kagome can not help but notice that the night is cool. Unconsciously she begins to rub at her arms, the chill in the night seeping into her body.

Inuyasha frowned as he noticed her rubbing at her arms. That outfit she wore was better than her old uniform but it still was no real protection from the elements. Not like his fire-rat clothing. He silently shrugged out of his haori, draping it over the unaware miko.

Kagome was lost in thought when she felt a sudden, yet familiar warmth surround her. She raised her head to see the red of Inuyasha's haori enveloping her. She turned to face Inuyasha, smiling brightly. “Thanks.” While the haori provided her the warmth necessary to fight off the chill of the night, it was his presence that fought the chill in her heart. Somehow, she knew that he realized that as well.

“Keh,” was all he said but he continued to stare at her before stopping.

Kagome looked around to see that they are at the top of a hill before turning her attention back to Inuyasha. She is taken aback by the intense look on his face as he stared into her eyes and her heart began to pound in her chest as she wondered why he was staring at her like that. What was on his mind?

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