InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Challenge Destiny Movie Madness: June - Comedy ❯ A Father's Worst Nightmare ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally posted to Challenge Destiny on June 8, 2012 for Movie Madness June: Comedy/Romantic Comedy.

Title: A Father's Worst Nightmare
Prompt Name/Prompt List/Ficlet # : First Blood – June - #2
Author: ananova
Rating: T
Genre: Admin's Genre-Comedy
Universe: A/U
Word Count: 530
Summary: The thing every father dreads: learning his little girl is growing up.
Warnings: Talk of Menstruation.


Inuyasha entered the house and sighed. Kagome wouldn't be home from visiting her sick mother until tomorrow. Footsteps on the stairs had him looking up and smiling as he spotted his daughter. “Hi Izayoi.” He frowned at the nervous look on her face. “What's wrong?” The frown turned to worry as he detected the scent of blood. Dropping his things on the floor, he snatched his daughter into his arms and, unheeding of her protests, began inspecting her for injuries.

“Daddy! Stop! I'm not hurt!” Izayoi exclaimed as she managed to push herself free.

Inuyasha opened his mouth to dispute that when he recognized what kind of blood he was smelling. His face lost all color. “No, no this is not happening!” He waved his arms through the air as if by doing so he'd be able to ward off the inevitable. “You're too young!”

“Daddy! I'm thirteen! I'm not a baby! I've had my first blood!” Izayoi beamed at these words as she remembered all of the things her parents told her she had to wait until she was older for. Well, now let them try and tell her she wasn't old enough! She was a woman now!

“No, you're my baby girl and you always will be. Even if I have to lock you in your room for the rest of your life,” Inuyasha swore as he snatched his daughter up once more, intent to do just that.

“Daddy! Stop!” She wriggled free once more and gave her father a stern look before softening slightly. “Daddy?” she asked sweetly. “Can you do me a favor?”

Inuyasha felt a chill go down his spine. “W-what do you need?”

She twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “Well, I wasn't expecting this to happen just yet, so I'm not prepared. Can you go to the store and buy me some supplies?” She smiled sweetly at him.

Inuyasha made a strange gurgling sound in his throat before collapsing in a heap on the floor. “Too young, she's too young,” he mumbled. The horror the request inspired in him left him unable to do anything else.

Unnoticed by the dumb-struck hanyou, the front door opened. “I'm home,” Kagome called. “Mama was doing so much better, I decided it was alright to leave a day early.” She caught sight of her husband lying on the floor and dropped her bags. “Inuyasha?! What's wrong?”

“Mama! It happened! I've had my first blood!” Izayoi intercepted her mother with a delighted squeal.

Kagome squealed as well, forgetting all about her husband lying on the ground as she hugged her daughter. “That's great honey! We'll have to go shopping for new clothes now that you're finally growing up. Oh, and I know the perfect dish to celebrate!”

“Sure Mama, just as soon as Daddy comes back with my supplies.”

“Oh good. He can pick up the ingredients while he's out.”

A rising Inuyasha slumped back down to the ground with a groan, his head hitting the floor with a bang. He just couldn't catch a break.