InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Challenge Destiny Movie Madness: June - Comedy ❯ Slipping and Sliding ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally posted to Challenge Destiny on June 9, 2012 for Movie Madness June: Comedy/Romantic Comedy.

Title: Slipping and Sliding
Prompt Name/Prompt List/Ficlet # : Soap Dish – June - #6
Author: ananova
Rating: T
Genre: Admin's Genre- Comedy/Romantic Comedy
Universe: Canon
Word Count: 569
Summary: All Kagome wants to do is get clean. But when are things ever simple when Inuyasha is around?
Warnings: Minor language, brief mention of nudity but no description


Kagome sighed as she set the shower to the right temperature. She would really prefer a bath to unwind but she didn't have enough time before dinner, not after insisting that Inuyasha needed to wash as well, and making him go first. First arguing with him about it, then getting him into the shower had taken too long, let alone waiting for him to finish. But now it was her turn.

She reached in and felt the temperature of the water. Judging it to be just right, she turned and began to undress, not noticing that the shower curtain had knocked an object off the edge of the tub. Setting her clothing in the hamper, she turned to climb into the tub only to go sliding all over the bathroom as her foot encountered an unexpected object.

“Aah!” Her screams filled the house as she windmilled around, the slippery soap beneath her foot sending her this way and that.

“Kagome!” Inuyasha burst through the door in time for Kagome to crash into him. “What-?” he started to ask before his eyes widened and his face reddened at her lack of clothing. He immediately turned his head to the side.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome shrieked as she grabbed a towel to cover up.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

She huffed before turning to see what she had stepped on. She frowned at the wet bar of soap before turning to glare at Inuyasha. “Inuyasha, what's this?” she asked calmly as she held up the soap.

He glanced at it, confused. “Er, the soap you told me to use?”

“Did you use it?” He nodded. “Then why didn't you put it back on the soap dish?!”

He flinched back from her. “Er, what's a soap dish?” Seeing the expression on her face, he decided it was time to go. “Er, I just remembered, I promised Shippou I'd take him hunting. See ya!” He turned and ran for it.

“Get back here!” Kagome yelled as she chased after him, uncaring that the only thing covering her was the towel.

Her family blinked in confusion at their abrupt appearance and departure before Mama Higurashi smiled and clapped her hands. “I think I'd better check on dinner,” she said cheerfully.

Kagome had continued to chase Inuyasha out into the courtyard. Seeing him nearing the well-house, she knew she wouldn't catch him in time. “Osuwari!” He hit the ground with a satisfying thud. Reaching him, she loomed over him before throwing the soap she still held at him and beginning to rant at him about being more careful.

Inuyasha lifted his head and froze at the sight before him. The towel and what it was covering had his imagination in over-drive, and it was slipping. “Kagome,” he tried to gesture but she was too caught up in her rant. Finally he screwed his eyes shut and yelled, “If you want to lecture me fine! But put some damn clothes on first! You're giving the whole world a show!”

Kagome froze as she finally became aware of her state of dress, or lack there of. “Gah!” she shrieked and raced back into the house.

Inuyasha smirked as he got up. He would pay for that one later, but the sight of her fleeing with the towel fluttering behind her made it worth it.