InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change, a good thing? ❯ Just a little nap ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Just to clear a few things up. Amethyst is the oldest of the three siblings(about 160 when she's shot). Kanata is Inu's mommy. I'm also hoping to fit in all the main characters at some point in time.

Disclaimer:  I don't own them (sobs)

Anyway on with the story!









Chapter 2:  Just a Little Nap


Fuedal Japan-

"Where is she?" Inuyasha started to wonder, maybe she wouldn't come back. No, that was stupid; he could always go and get her, unless she sealed the well. No, she wouldn't do that. Would she?


"I'm going home!" She was so close to the well, why did he have to be there.

"Oh, no you're not, we have to find the rest of the shards" Inuyasha was irate, she was leaving and wasn't gonna tell him. Not like he'd let her go anyway, but still.

"Why don't you get Kikyo to help, after all she can see them too. At least then I wouldn't be so far behind. I have to make up 3 tests and have sooo much homework to do.

"Bitch, I said ya weren't going so you aren't goi-"

"SIT!!! I'll be back in three days, Inuyasha. And don't even think about coming after me or else I'll seal the well." And with that Kagome jumped over the crater that held Inuyasha, and into the well.

End Flashback

"Talking to yourself again Inuyasha?" Inuyasha's train of thought was disrupted.  As if he wasn't angry enough, now he had to deal with a nosey monk.


"If you're that worried about it, why not go see if she's on her way?"

"Shut up ya stupid monk, I'm not worried" `But I still can hope that she didn't seal the well'

"Well at least come down and eat something at least, you haven't left that branch since she le-" Miroku never got to finish what he was going to say because the hanyou was no longer in the tree. `Probably picked up on Kagome's scent'

Back at the well

"Heave, ho!" out of the dry well, an extremely large yellow bag came flying out.

Kagome was about halfway up the well when she felt a pair of strong arms surround her and lift her out.  In her time she maybe would have screamed but when it came to the well she only knew of one person it could be.

"It's about time wench. What took you so long?"

"Well, I'm soo sorry that I can't rearrange my life to fit your needs, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha was just about to retaliate when the rest of the gang showed up on Kilala's back. Sango was fully dressed in her demon extermination outfit which could only mean one thing; battle.

"There's rumor of a shard south of here" a very hyper active Shippo said.  He was hyper partially because Kagome was back and partially because they now had something to do. "It's about 3 hours away. A dragon demon possesses it. We'll have to hurry if we want to intercept it."

"Ok, Miroku, we're coming." With that said Kagome picked up her bag and hopped onto Inuyasha's back. The group traveled for 2 and a half hours before they met up with the demon.

After about 4 hours have past. The rain falling hard on everything around. The gang had somehow managed to push the dragon demon back away from the surrounding villages and towards a cliff.

"BACKLASH WAVE!" A last resort was called out.

The gang, tired, battered, and bruised, saw the attack as a good sign. What they didn't expect was with every last ounce of strength it had left it lashed out at the closest thing, which unfortunately happened to be Kagome. A scream was all they heard, they saw nothing, and that was what scared them all the most.

Kagome fell for she didn't know how long, until a hill about 100 feet below the cliff broke her fall. With nothing to stop the motion she rolled until she caught herself on a tree. Having barely any strength she stood up. Her leg was apparently broken and a few ribs were bruised, but she had to look for shelter until the storm let up. When she was about to give up with hopeless and the fear of having to walk back up, her eyes rested upon a cave, the entrance was overgrown with plant life, but it was most defiantly a cave. Slowly, painfully, unsteadily but surely she walked until was inside and without warning her legs gave way and she collapsed. She hadn't noticed the barrier she walked through, or the pair of green eyes staring at her. "Maybe I'll take just a little nap" All she noticed was the darkness surrounding her as dreams came. Or at least until she heard the growl.






I hope you guys like it. I'm working on longer chapters. If anything confuses you let me know and I'll try to explain. Also I NEED REVIEWS PEOPLE. I don't care if there flames but I need to know how I'm doing.  I want at least 3 reviews total.

Until next time.


Next chapter: Lost and Found