InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Heart: Inuyasha's Will ❯ Chapter III ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Discalimer: WOO! Third chapter...FINAL CHAPTER...You'd damned well better give me reviews. : )

Change of Heart: Chapter Three

~Inuyasha! You idiot! You were so close! If she hadn't sat you when she did! Ohh, I'm going to pull you right into this damned diumension if you don't come to your senses.~

He snapped awake, "Bitch..."

"What?!" Kagome turned.

"No, not you, this...headache..." he said.

"Do you want me to do something my mom used to do for me to get rid of my headaches?" she asked kindly.

"Uh...sure..." he said.

She scooted over and lifted his head from the ground and gently laid it in her lap, "You'll be fine after bit." she brushed his bangs away and moved her hands to his temples. Then in a slow, circular motion she began to rub his head firmly but enough to give him relief of his pain. She moved her hands firmly about on his head everywhere she felt might cause him pain. She almost laughed when he began to growl in a low tone then it grew, "Are you allright?"

"Fine.." he groaned.

"Is this helping?" she asked, whispering.

"If you knew..." he growled.

She smiled and continued her attentions to his head, "I'm glad."



"I'm...sorry. For what I did earlier. I'm glad you sat me. I had no control."

She smiled, "It's's not like it was that bad anyways." the last part she made sure to say under her breath.

"What?!" he bolted up and turned around.

"What?!" she asked frightened he'd heard. 'Oh of course he did! You forgot about his ears!'

"What do you mean?! I could have done something horrible to you, Kagome!"

"No! You wouldn't have, Inuyasha! I know you better than that! All you did was kiss me!" she shouted back angrily, "Is it so hard to believe that I might have liked-" she covered her mouth in surprise of her own words.

He fell over, "What?! And did you kiss me back?" he asked sounding half angry but also half curious.

She blushed deeply and looked away, "I...uh...I don't remember..."

"You did!" he pointed.

"You started it!"

"SO?! You provoked me further! It could have gotten too far!"

"It wouldn't have! Even if it did to me it wouldn't matter because I..." she sighed and stood up, walking away.

He stood up as well, "You what?"

She blinked back tears and continued on her way, "Just...get some sleep." 'There's no way I can tell him that. Not after everything we've been through. We're friends. Even if it is unrequited love, we're friends. And he loves Kikyou. Kikyou's his soulmate.'

Inuyasha began to follow her angrily, but he was overtaken by pain and he blacked out. The next thing he knew he was floating in an empty, dark void, " I...?"

"You're inside your own mind." a female voiced said.

"Who's there?!"

Suddenly from the shadows a women came into view. Short blood red hair and green eyes, she looked like a demon. She was cloaked like a priestess but her garments were black, "You fool."

"What are you doin'?! Where's Kagome?!"

"You are an idiot. You're in your own mind." she smirked.


"Your mind, you're heart....everything that makes your soul." she said.

"So...what do you want?"

"I want to show you some of your memories. And...I want to show you some of someone else's memories." she smiled and waved her hand. Suddenly an extremely large orb appeared.

<There in the portal was Inuyasha, pinned against the tree. Eyes closed, vines wrapped tightly about him. Suddenly Kagome came into the picture.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" she spotted Inuyasha, "A...boy?" she climbed onto the tree and began rubbing his ears.>

The dreams sequence ended, "What?! What was that?! When did that happen?!"

"When you were sleeping." she laughed.

"Wait, who are you?"

"I'm the dream priestess. My name is Takiko. Now hush and watch more."

Then another dream sequence began...

<Kagome was thrown against Inuyasha and binded to him tightly.

"Do you want to live?"

"What?! I..." she said nervously and grabbed onto the arrow. Suddenly the light surrounded Kagome and the arrow dissipated.>

"Kagome freed you! You're an idiot! Whaa, whaa, I owe my life to Kikyou. That's crap, Inuyasha."

"So it was you all along! You're the one that possessed me and gave me all those bad nightmares!" he growled.

"Uhm...sort of. Nightmares?! You love Kagome don't you?!"

"Wh-What?! I...uh..."

She sighed, "That's an uncommited yes. So here. Not only willl I show you her memories, but also her thoughts." she said as another dream sequence appeared.


<Kagome kneeled in front of the Goshinboku tree, silent but thinking. 'I want to see him again... Inuyasha... Inuyasha... Inuyasha!' she thought as tears rolled down her face, 'Since...Since when do I love him this much? I guess I always have..' she sobbed and stood.>

Then the dream sequence ended, but another began. Flashes. Flashes of many many memories. Inuyasha hugging her, Inuyasha saving her, Inuyasha watching her. Their fights, their moments of understanding, their moments of comfort, doubt and fright. One in particular that struck Inuyasha's heart sharply.

<Kagome lay on his back as he carried her, "I'm sorry Kagome, being with me must..."

"No, because I like being with you." she said and a genuine smile spread across his face.>

Inuyasha sighed and let a small smile appear, "Yeah."

"I have might make you mad."

"Show me."

She waved her hand and it began.

<"Kikyou!" Kagome smiled and waved, "We've been looking for you!"

Kikyou smirked and shot an arrow, grazing Kagome's face slightly, "Naraku considers you a threat."

"What....I thought..."

"I'll take this." she said kneeling and breaking the Shikon shard from around Kagome's neck.>

Inuyasha growled, "So that's what happened when we got stuck in Naraku's nightmare vines." he said angrily.

"But Inuyasha, Kikyou sealed you."


"Kagome...freed you."

He looked down, he'd really never thought of it that way. Kagome saved him, "Kagome."

"Wake up, Inuyasha."

"What?" he said as she faded away.

"Wake up....Wake up! Inuyasha, please!" Takiko's voice faded as Kagome's melted in. He opened his eyes.


"Oh thank goodness." she said as she wiped a tear.

"Don't cry over me, I'm an idiot, Kagome."


He sat up, "Please don't be sad about me."

"I'm not..."

He pulled her into him, "I'm sorry." he said.

"Inuyasha?" she asked in confusion.

"I never realized it. Not how much..." he held her tighter, "I care about you, Kagome."

"I know..."

"No, you don't. Not how much. How much I..." he pulled her away with genuine look in his eyes.

"How much what?" she asked, frightfully searching for the answer.

His eyes seemed to sparkled and he leaned down, claiming her lips hungrily. He pushed against her so that she lay under him as he kissed her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her tight.

Kagome held him and kissed him back with equal vigour. She wondered for a second if he was thinking of Kikyou but remembered him saying her named, clearly. She waited for a few more minutes then broke their kiss, "Inuyasha..." she breathed against his neck.

"How much I need you, Kagome." he looked down at her.

Her eye softened and she pulled him down, "Inuyasha...thank you...for saying that."

He hugged her back, "Thank you...for loving me. And for helping me you, too, Kag." he sat up to look at her, but gently leaned back down and kissed her. The fire was warm and the environment was comfortable, they both layed tangled together, sleeping peacefully, knowing that something important had just happened and everything had changed for the better. And that night when Sango and Miroku found them sleeping, they knew that they'd be seeing a happier pair, from now on, things would be different.

AN: Wow! I really liked that. Reviews make me smile, review me.