InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of heart of a player ❯ At his house! ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3:At his house!

Me: We are back!
Kagome & Inuyasha: Oh yes we are back!
Me: K Kagome, Who is ur fav character in inuyasha?
Kagome: Well I think umm Inuyasha, Kagome, and Sango.
Me: y?
Kagome: Well inuyasha get to use his weapons, Kagome is powerful, and Sango is a tomboy!
Me: Oh k, Inuyasha wat character do u like in inuyasha?
Inuyasha: Wat da heck of course me, and kagome.
Me: Stop dat shit! Now y?
Inuyasha: Umm Me cuz im powerful, Kagome cuz she is relly damn pretty and damn beautiful dan dat uguly Kikyo!
Me: Dunt talk bout dat shit Kikyo.
Me: Let's chat.
Kagome: K.
Inuyasha: Shadoue! Wat r well suppose to talk about?
Me: Iunno have any ideas?
Kagome: No…
Inuyasha: Let's talk about the next chapter!
Me: WOW! Inuyasha u came up with sumin!
Inuyasha: dunt u mess with me!
Me: Maybe I will!
Inuyasha: Dunt u dare!
Kagome: Inuyasha! Osuwari!
Inuyasha fell on the ground.
Inuyasha: Oww wat da heck is dis fuckin ground made from?
Me: Made from wood! U baka!
Inuyasha: Dunt u call me baka u yado!
Me: Wat the fuck u say yado?
Kagome: STOP both of u, we r here 2 interview not 2 fite.
Inuyasha & me: True.
Me: Well let's get started.
Inuyasha & Kagome nodded.
Me: K so wat happen?
Inuyasha: No we ain't telling u, cuz we mite spoil it, u baka!
Me: Inuyasha, let me say Osuwari!
Inuyasha fell down!
Me: Haha score!
Kagome: Uhhh… rite… ya dunt worry I didn't say sit.
Inuyasha fell again!
Kagome: Whoops my bad…
Kagome whistle.
Me pretending not 2 laugh by covering my mouth!
Me: Hahahahahahahaha!
Me burst out laughing like hell!
Inuyasha: Shadoue! Shut the fuck up!
Me: Den stop makin me laugh…haha Giggles
Inuyasha: Fine but dunt say sit. Kagome & Karyillee!
Kagome & me: Haha Fine lol .
Me: It was so funny not 2 laugh at u noe!
Inuyasha: Well ha-ha-ha! Very funny.
Kagome: U should c wat was on ur face wen u fell! Haha!
Inuyasha: Well I'm owned by 1 of my master Kagome!
Me: Really! I'm proud!
Inuyasha: Uhh 2 is Kagome and 1 is Rumiko Takahashi!
Me: Impress!
Inuyasha: No, my family is 3. And no1 CAN HAVE ME ONLY THOSE 3 PERSON, HALF DEMONS!
Me: Okay u didn't have 2 tell me…
Inuyasha: K w/e!
Me: So…
Inuyasha: w/e
Me: giggles Of course!
Kagome: Well c u next time in chapter 4!
Me: Hey dats my line!
Me: Well we will c u in chapter 4!

Short summary: Inuyasha and kagome was partner in chemistry! Inuyasha ask kagome that if she would go to his house (cough cough the*hint!) today after school. Kagome promised inuyasha that she would. Sango is now kagome's best friend. Kagome is the most popular and hottest girl in the entire school!
After all those periods they went home. Kagome had to follow inuyasha to his house to do the experiment/project. Kagome was shy so she was behind inuyasha. Finally they were at inuyasha's house their was Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, Inu no taisho, Lady izuayoi, and auo. His butlers greeted them. They went up stairs and to go to inuyasha's room to get started. He opened his computer and went to (real site)*. So he type in the uta called “ Lonely in Gorgeous OP”.
When Kagome heard it she said,” Hey it's 1 of my favourite uta!” ( uta in Japanese it means song) Inuyasha turned to her and open his eyes wide open and said,” really! It's 1 of my favourites too! Seems we do have stuff in common” Kagome said,” Ya we do!” They both smiled and blush and turn away. While they were working Inuyasha and Kagome were singing the uta “ Lonely in Gorgeous”. They both stop and said at the same time “ hey you sing very good!” They both said,” thanks.” Then they both said,” no prob.” They both blushed. “ Hey it's like we know what were gonna say and we say it together and we have stuff in common of say stuff together!” said kagome. “Ya, we do” said Inuyasha. “ So let's get started.” Kagome said while putting her hands together close to her face.

So how was it? I hope you like the 4th chapter of this story! Chapter 4: The kiss! Guess who kissed Inuyasha? Is it Kagome? Mimico? Sango? Rin? Chiyo? Find out in chapter 4! A little hint: She is really pretty, beautiful, and smart (clever)! She has black hair! Find out! I think u figure it our already! Did you?