InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Decisions ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Change of Plans

Disclaimer: Nope. Don't own `em. Stop taunting me.

Chapter 5: Decisions

Last time:

"She had a confrontation with Kikyo last night." Sango whispered.

"What?!?!?" Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and Miroku shouted in unison.

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"What happened? Is Kagome okay?" Sesshoumaru asked, his emotionless mask slipping for a moment, as worry for Kagome beat out worry for his reputation in his mind. No one seemed to notice it but Inuyasha.

"I don't know what happened! Neither does Souta. But it hurt her pretty bad." She turned on Inuyasha. "This is all your fault!" She was ready to lunge at him when Miroku held her back.

"No, don't Sango. It won't do anything." For once Miroku only thought of conforting the woman in his arms, rather than groping her.

After sending a glare over to Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru also turned to help Sango. "Come on, sit down. You have been through a lot today. Do you need anything?"

"Kagome." Sango said before she finally let out all her tears of frustration.

"Keh." Inuyasha hadn't moved during this whole exchange. "What else did her brother say?" Inside he hurt, but he wasn't going to show it.

Sango took a deep breath and steadied herself. She cleared her face of all emotions, and when she looked up at Inuyasha, her look of complete calm could have rivaled that of Sesshoumaru. "She wants me to pack a suitcase full of clothes and a bag full of any other necessities. I am supposed to give the bags and her car keys to Souta tomorrow."

"Wait, bags of stuff? It is like she is going on a….trip. She's not coming back in a couple days?!" Inuyasha couldn't believe it.

"Yes, Inuyasha. She will probably be gone for a couple weeks." Sango's voice was devoid of any emotion. Inside her heart was breaking. She wanted to break down, but she wouldn't let herself do it here. She would wait until she got home. She got up to leave, but Miroku grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"I want to go home." Sango told Miroku, trying halfheartedly to pull her arm from her grasp.

"Sango look at me." Sango looked into Miroku's eyes. He could see how she was close to breaking down. "Stay for dinner. You shouldn't go home to an empty apartment."

Sango was surprised he cared. "I can't run from it forever."

"Yeah, but not now. Just stay to eat. We will order pizza. Come on. For me?" He looked at her with big pleading eyes. Sango rolled hers. Then she smiled.

"Yeah, I will stay on one condition. One of the pizza's has to be pineapple!!!!"

"Okay." Miroku smiled. Then his hand started to travel south……………..

"Pervert!!!!" Sango slapped Miroku. Soon the two were going at it, Sesshoumaru looking on with amusement. Every time a slap could be heard, a ghost of a smile teased at his lips. He couldn't help but think about Kagome. `I hope she is okay.' He missed her personality in moments like this. `What am I thinking? I don't miss her.' `Yeah, you do' he snarled to himself, but it didn't hold the same conviction it usually did. He still couldn't get his mind off the beautiful woman. `Beautiful?' he asked himself. `I am going insane.' He glanced at his brother, who was silent through everything. Sesshoumaru wondered what he was thinking about.

Right then the doorbell rang. Inuyasha moved to open the door. `Who could it be? I don't want to see anyone right now.' He opened the door.

"Hey Inuyasha! How are you sexy?"


"Hey baby. Can I come in?" Sango narrowed her eyes. `You better not-`

"Uh sure. Come right in." Sesshoumaru growled as he and Miroku dropped onto the couch, one on each side with an empty space in the middle where Kagome normally sat. Sango sat in the armchair.

"Hey you guys!" Kikyo said waving, sweetness literally dripping from her voice and a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Hello slut." Sango shot at Kikyo bitterly.

Kikyo glared at Sango, her "sweetness" gone for a second. Everyone saw that but Inuyasha. Kikyo moved to sit between Sesshoumaru and Miroku. They both instinctively threw their legs between them, leaving no room for Kikyo. Inuyasha growled at Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru growled back.

Miroku broke the silence. "Sorry this is Kag's seat. You can't sit here."

Kikyo glanced around. "I don't see Kagome in here. I don't think she will mind. Besides, where is she?" There was a hardness to her tone, once again ignored by Inuyasha.

Sango deiced to provoke her, helping Inuyasha see her true bitch.

"I don't know. You were the last one to see her. What did you say Kikyo?" Sango's voice took on Kikyo's fake sweetness. "You know, you are a bitch through and through. Now what did you say?"

"I was just catching up on old times." Kikyo smiled innocently. Sango rose out of her seat and approached Kikyo. She stopped just centimeters from her face.

"You know what? You are not wanted here." Sango said, all sweetness gone. " I suggest you leave." A growl from Sesshoumaru backed her statement.

"Fine, I will leave. Inuyasha lets go." She turned to leave, but then turned back to Sango. "But I will be back. Count on it." Sango resisted the urge to kick the shit out of her as she walked out the door. "Come on, Inuyasha." She walked out. Inuyasha turned and looked at his friends. He paused for a split second. Then he left.

He didn't return all night.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>

Kagome decide for a pick-up night. She and Rin sat down to a chic-flick marathon. They had rented about 5 chick flicks and bought a carton of ice cream each. About 8 hours later, Kagome left a sleeping Rin on the couch, and made her way to her room.

As Kagome trudged up the steps, she thought about all the movies. The girls would run, and the guy would go after her and win her back. Inuyasha didn't do that. He could have shoved those guys through the wall to get to her if he wanted. She would have for him.

When Kagome entered her room, she held her head higher and back straighter. She had come up with her decision.

She would forget about Inuyasha. She would let him go. She could do way better than him.

As Kagome fell asleep, her brilliant smile crossed her face for the first time all day, as her thoughts went to another guy that had always helped her though everything, and was always there to talk.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>

Guess who that guy was??? You got it!! Haha. Anyway, I would like to thank everyone who reviewed. I am loving all the suggestions about how to kill off Kikyo. Well here is the preview to next chapter:

Chapter 6: Business trips.

Sesshoumaru came in after along day at work. He tossed his briefcase to the floor in frustration. He couldn't believe his boss.

"What's wrong?" Miroku asked. He had never seen Sesshoumaru so frustrated.

"My boss is making me leave for a business trip tonight. I just found out today. "

"Oh really. Anywhere interesting?"

"No. Some company out in the country in Pennsylvania."