InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Returns ( Chapter 9 )
Change of Plans
Disclaimer: Nope still waiting………..
Authors note: Hey I need to correct a mistake. I labeled this chapter as being titled "Reunions" in the preview. It is actually called "Returns". Next chapter is reunions. Sry.
Chapter 9: Returns
Kagome woke up earlier than normal the next morning. As the events of last evening came back, she groaned. Why had she agreed to go back? `Because you now you have to. You want to show Inuyasha that you are strong? Go back. Be normal. Be Kagome. He can have his whore. You have Sesshoumaru.' Kagome nodded to herself. She was going to get one more run in, though. She slowly got ready and crept out of the house trying not to wake anybody.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Sesshoumaru woke up refreshed and ready for what the day would bring him. He was going to help Kagome in any way she needed to get her life back to normal.
He realized that he had no other clothes. He shrugged on the shirt from last night and left the room heading for Kagome's. He had to remember to pick up his stuff at the hotel before they left.
He poked his head into Kagome's room, hoping to find some horrible way to wake her up. He was surprised to find her room already empty, and pajamas on the floor. He walked downstairs and went throughout the house searching for her. By the end of his searching his heart was pounding. She wouldn't run again would she? He hurriedly woke Rin up.
"What?" Rin asked groggily.
"Where is Kagome?" Sesshoumaru asked anxiously.
Rin looked at Sesshoumaru curiously. "She is probably running. She goes every morning."
"Oh" Sesshoumaru said dumbly. "Sorry"
"It's okay. But since I am up, you want some breakfast?" Rin asked when she noticed that her stomach was rumbling. (There's a rumbily in my tumbily hahaha)
"No" Sesshoumaru answered looking out the window. "I will wait for Kagome."
"Then you are going to starve. She is always gone for a couple hours and she could have just left. Besides, she will end up throwing together a fruit salad and eating it while she gets ready for the day. You, my friend, will end up eating by yourself. So, come on, just eat with me. It will pass time. And get away from that window. It is pointless to wait for her." Rin went into the kitchen.
Sesshoumaru sighed with frustration. The girl was right. And he was hungry. He did want Kagome home soon. Why was he so worried? She only went for a run. `Because I was right and you were wrong and you love her. You love her. You love her……' Sesshoumaru shook his head in an effort to rid himself of the annoying chanting. He followed Rin into the kitchen, glancing one last time at the window.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Kagome decided to make this last run a long run. Her thoughts couldn't leave Sesshoumaru. She wondered whether he knew how well he mended her broken heart. She knew she loved him. She had to admit it to herself. She wanted to tell him so that he would know too, but she was afraid. What if he didn't love her? She decided to wait. `The longer you wait, the harder you'll fall' her subconscious warned. "No" she said out loud. She couldn't handle it right know if she knew. She kept running, these thoughts going round and round in her head.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
"Where is she?" Sesshoumaru was pacing the room restlessly. Rin was getting nauseous watching him. "It has been at least two hours. Why isn't she back? She wouldn't she be back?" Rin could laugh at the whole situation, but one look at Sesshoumaru's face told her that that wasn't a very good idea. It was sweet though.
"Sit down. Tell me about yourself. You are Kagome's boyfriend and I don't know anything about you." Rin asked sweetly. She didn't know how much more of this pacing she could stand.
Sesshoumaru glared at her. "This is not the time."
Rin sighed "So when are you going to take her away? I don't want her to leave but I know she needs to go back."
Sesshoumaru sighed and sat down, knowing that the girl wasn't going to give up. "We were going to leave today. Sango and Miroku really miss her, and she needs to confront Inuyasha. I know this probably seems kind of sudden……"
"Don't worry I understand. As soon as she gets back, I will help her pack and you guys can go. I better get a phone call about what happens." Rin saw Kagome walk up the driveway out of the corner of her eyes. She hid a small smile at what was coming.
Sesshoumaru heard the front door open and he raced over to Kagome. He skidded to an abrupt stop right in front of Kagome and gave her a death glare. Kagome nearly fell over in shock.
"Where have you been?" Sesshoumaru demanded. He could barely contain his relief at seeing her there.
"I, uh, I went for a run. Is everything okay?" Kagome asked, her mind whirling as she tried to decipher Sesshoumaru's behavior.
"You have been gone for nearly two and a half hours! You didn't even tell me!" Sesshoumaru felt his voice begin to rise.
Kagome's temper flared. "You were asleep! I didn't want to wake you! I go running every morning. Why should that change? And besides, why do you care?" Kagome inwardly cringed. She hadn't meant to be so harsh.
"Because I care about you!" Sesshoumaru shouted. Rin nearly leapt in glee in the next room. `Good answer' she thought to herself. Sesshoumaru turned away from Kagome. "Never mind." He started to walk away.
Kagome shook herself from her stupor. She grabbed his hand. "Stop." She said. He stopped, but didn't turn around. "Look at me" she commanded softly. He turned. She lifted his chin and looked into his eyes. "I am sorry I yelled at you. I should have told you. You don't know that I run. Please forgive me." She pleaded. Sesshoumaru nodded. "I do." They kissed, not as passionately as before, but soft and loving. "Come on" Kagome said when they broke apart. "Let's go pack and get out of here." Sesshoumaru smiled and tightened his grip on her hand. As they walked upstairs, each were consumed with their thoughts and questions.
Why did he tell her that? `Because it is the truth, idiot. Well, actually a half truth. Why didn't you tell her that you loved her?' Why didn't he tell her that he loved her? Why was he so afraid to say those three words?
`Why didn't I tell him that I cared about him?' Kagome thought. `No the question is, why didn't you tell him that you loved him?' Kagome sighed inwardly. Why was she so afraid to tell him that?
The two spent the next hour packing. They pushed their thoughts aside as they talked and laughed like nothing had ever happened.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
"Okay, you guys need to keep in touch! Visit again so we can have another movie night!" Rin gave Kagome a big hug. "Good luck sweetie." She said.
Kagome gave Rin's hand a silent squeeze and nodded. "Thanks for everything Rin." She ran back to Sesshoumaru and they got in the car, Sesshoumaru driving. Earlier they had picked up his stuff and dropped off his rental car. As they drove away, Kagome looked back. "You know, when I think about it, everything worked out perfect. Maybe I should thank Inuyasha." Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome curiously. "No, seriously, listen. If all this hadn't happened with Inuyasha, and I hadn't come here "we" wouldn't have happened. Think about it. Had I been around Inuyasha, I wouldn't have acted on my true feelings, because I would be too worried about fixing everything with Inuyasha. Everything worked out perfectly." Kagome finished softly. Sesshoumaru reached across the seat and grabbed her hand.
"I agree. But thanking Inuyasha may not be the not intelligent thing to do." Sesshoumaru smiled ruefully. Kagome laughed.
"Oh, but the reaction would be priceless." Kagome wheezed. The two spent the next half hour bashing Inuyasha. By the end of it, Kagome felt for the first time that maybe she was finally, completely, over him.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
"No Sesshoumaru! Stop! I want to listen to that! Don't change it!" Kagome and Sesshoumaru were fighting over the radio.
"I hate that stuff." Sesshoumaru huffed.
"Well, I love it so live with it." Kagome said. "PLEASE?" she said sweetly.
"Fine, whatever, you owe me."
"YaY!" Kagome said as she switched back to the station. She was just in time to hear the end of "Bring me to life." By Evanescence. As the first bars of the new song started, Kagome squealed "ooooh! I love this song!" She started to sing along happily.
"Get a load of me, get a load of you\
Walking down the street and I hardly know you.
Its just like we were meant to be"
Sesshoumaru smiled at Kagome's antics. He had to admit that they were adorable. He decided to give in and listen to the song.
"Holding hands with you when were out at night
Got a girlfriend, you say it isn't right
And I've got someone waiting too"
Kagome got into the song. This fit perfectly with her feelings for Sesshoumaru.
"What it is it's just the beginning
We're already wet and we're gonna go swimming"
Sesshoumaru froze as the chorus started playing.
"Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
It's inevitable, it's a fact and we're gonna get down to it, so tell me
Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you?"
`How could this fit so perfectly?' Sesshoumaru thought as the song continued.
"Isn't this the best part of breaking up
finding someone else you can't get enough of
someone who wants to be with you too"
Kagome's voice faltered for a second as the real meaning of those words washed over her. She could feel Sesshoumaru's eyes on her, before turning back to the road.
"It's an itch we know we are gonna scratch
gonna take a while for this egg to hatch
but wouldn't it be beautiful"
Kagome closed her eyes and got back intro the song, ignoring her fluttering heart and the little voice in her head telling her to confess her feelings to Sesshoumaru.
"Here we go we're at the beginning
we haven't fucked yet but my head's spinning"
Sesshoumaru tried to focus, but he couldn't ignore the voice imploring him to confess his love for Kagome. It didn't help when the chorus repeated.
"why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
it's inevitable, it's a factthat were gonna get down to it, so tell me
why can't I breathe whenever I think about you"
Sesshoumaru reclaimed Kagome's hand. Kagome just squeezed it and continued singing.
"High enough for you to make me wonder, where it's going
high enough for you to pull me under
something's growing out of this that we can't control
baby I'm dying"
For some odd reason, Kagome put everything she had in the last parts. All her love, longing, need to confess. She sang as never before.
"why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
why can't I breathe whenever I think about you
why can't I speak whenever I talk about you
it's inevitable, it's a fact that were gonna get down to it, so tell me
why can't I breathe whenever I think about you"
Kagome finished the song off softly. The remainder of the drive was silent, each person thinking of the other and trying to figure out why they can't confess.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~
Sesshoumaru pulled up in front of his apartment building and slowly got out. His mind kept repeating that song.
Kagome hesitantly walked up to the building. Sesshoumaru had called ahead, and he had discreetly figured out that Sango and Miroku were there. She took a deep breath.
Sesshoumaru watched her carefully. He was in love with this woman. But he had never said anything. She needed to know. She deserved to know.
"Kagome, could I talk to you really fast, before we go up?"
"Of course Sesshoumaru. Is everything okay?" Kagome asked.
"Everything's fine Kagome, it's just..." Sesshoumaru took a deep breath. This was so out of character for him. He just hoped he wouldn't blow it. "Kagome, these past few days have been great, and they have helped me figure out a lot of things….." he paused. What was he saying? "Um, I want you to know that I, um, I……" He couldn't finish and for the first time realized why. He was afraid of being rejected.
Kagome's eyes widened. That was all she needed to know. Sesshoumaru may find this hard, but she wouldn't. She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss. "Sesshoumaru, I love you."
Sesshoumaru looked at her in surprise for a few moments, and then claimed her lips in a searing kiss. When they parted, Sesshoumaru pulled her close and whispered in her ear. "I love you, too." Hand in hand they walked upstairs.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~ </ p>
Inuyasha pulled out his keys, ignoring Kikyo's chattering. He couldn't help but miss Kagome. She always could read his moods, and knew when he needed some time. Kikyo sure didn't. He sighed as he opened the door.
"Inuyasha!" a runt called, shooting over to him. Inuyasha groaned. His cousin Shippou. "Kagome! Kagome! Hey…..Where's Kagome?" Shippou asked anxiously. He loved Kagome. He had wanted her to be his cousin, too.
Inuyasha looked nervous, as Kikyo grabbed his hand. "Shippou….."
Shippou saw it first. "What happened to Kagome? Inuyasha what did you do?" Shippou got a good look at Kikyo, and his mouth formed an "o". "Is this the whore that Sango was taking about> Inuyasha! Where's Kagome?"
Inuyasha meager control snapped when Shippou said whore. He moved to give Shippou a hard kick when…..
"You lay one finger on him and I will break every bone in your body. Three times."
Inuyasha whirled towards the familiar voice and stared in shock at the couple in front of him."
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Niamha here! Well there you go another chapter. Whoo hoo, *throws confetti* next chapter prolly posted Monday. I am almost done with it, and if you really want it earlier tell me and I will post it. I could be a bitch and say "only if you give me 10 reviews, blah, blah, blah" but I am not. Well here is your preview.
Inuyasha was wondering what was taking them so long.
"What are they doing? They only went to go get Sesshoumaru's stuff. What could take them so long.?"
Miroku leaned back and closed his eyes. "I know what I would do with Kagome in an empty parking lot." Sango smacked him. He started. "Wait, did I just say that out loud?"
Inuyasha was too frustrated to respond. "I am going out."
"Well I am coming. You are an idiot." Sango said.
Inuyasha didn't reply as he went to the door and threw it open.
What he saw caused his blood to freeze in his veins.