InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Change of Plans ❯ Chapter 14: One Party is One too Many ( Chapter 14 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: So I am a broke college student…I don't even own the roof over my head…
Author's Note: So I am willing to bet that the people reading this are new readers and not my original ones…I am so sorry that it has been over a year…I seriously lack motivation…how I got into Berkeley is beyond me. So here is the thing… I cannot guarantee when I will update. It could be another year it could be a week. It depends on classes and such. But I promise I will try my absolute hardest to give you updates as often as possible.
Chapter 14: One party is one too many
“Bye kids!” Kagome waved to her retreating kindergarten students, letting out a weary breath. As fun as this job was, five year old children are challenges. She glanced at the clock. It was 3pm and she had four hours to get ready for Sesshoumaru's business party. She couldn't repress a shiver of excitement for tonight. She was finally going to a major event with Sesshoumaru, and even better as his girlfriend. She had shopped for hours for the perfect dress, and she planned to look as stunning as possible for this big night. Even thought the event itself was not huge, everyone in Sesshoumaru's corporation would be there, and being the boss' girlfriend she knew she would be judged by everyone there. She was going to make an impact.
She got into her car and quickly drove away. She needed as much time as possible for this. And Sango was going to be home from work at five to help with makeup and hair stuff. She had to first do to the dry cleaners to pick up her dress and then run to the mall for some nice eye shadow. She knew she was doing too much, but she didn't care at all.
Finally stumbling into her apartment an hour later, she hung up her dress in her closet and put the too much makeup she had not needed at all into her makeup case. Note to self: don't let a makeup artist test makeup on you. Kagome had bought way too much expensive makeup. `O well. At least its good stuff'
She jumped into the shower and washed and conditioned her hair. When all that was done she decided she would officially give herself a little treat. She filled a bath and soaked in the wonderful-ness for about half an hour, not getting out until the absolute last second, Sango walking into the door immediately after Kagome had gotten out. “Kag! Are you ready yet? We need to get started!” Kagome rolled her eyes then widened them when she heard another voice.
“Yes, Kag lets start getting ready!” Miroku shouted with a smile. Sango smacked him over the head as Kagome came into the living room in her towel.
“You brought Miroku? Why? He's worthless in a situation like this. All he is going to do is sit and stare at me in a towel and try on my makeup.” Sango laughed with Kagome, both ignoring Miroku sputtering in the back.
“I do not try on your makeup!”
“But you do stare at me in my towel!” Kagome laughed back.
“Well, of course I do. What sane man wouldn't?” Miroku ran and hid behind the couch while Sango chased him around with her hairdryer.
An hour and a half later it was done. “You look beautiful.” Sango sighed. Miroku looked from Kagome's excited face to Sango's envious one and rolled his eyes. He would never understand girls. Kagome still sat in the chair with her towel on, but her hair was up in an elegant bun, curls framing her face. She had little “diamonds” curled into her hair. Her makeup was done subtly, only emphasizing her beautiful features. Kagome had never been this excited in her life.
“Go put your dress on! Sesshoumaru should be here any minute.” Sango said to Kagome. Kagome jumped up and ran into her room, just before her buzzer rang.
“Shit!” was the last thing Sango heard before the door slammed. She buzzed Sesshoumaru in and waited patiently. Before long there was a knock on the door, revealing a gorgeous man in a black tuxedo.
“Hey Sesshoumaru, she is getting ready” Sesshoumaru walked in carrying an elegant small bouquet of red roses. He looked at his watch.
“Is she almost ready? We really need to get going.” As if on cue, the door to Kagome's room swung open.
Sesshoumaru stood stunned watching the most beautiful angel walk towards him. Kagome smiled shyly. She was glowing in a powder blue gown, fitting her curves perfectly and just grazing her ankles. A simple floating pearl necklace hung around her neck. “You're gorgeous” Sesshoumaru whispered. Sango and Miroku smiled to themselves.
Kagome blushed. “Not as gorgeous as you look great in that suit.” Her face lit up in a stunning smile when she saw the roses in Sesshoumaru's hands. As he handed her the roses, she looked up at him and froze……
“You ready?” Sesshoumaru asked, missing the look on her face.
“Ya, I think I am.” Kagome said. Could she really love him this much after so short of a time?
They walked out. Sango turned to Miroku. “So how long until they get engaged? A month?”
Miroku thought a moment. “Two months?” Sango held out her hand.
Sesshoumaru opened the door and held out his hand to his angel in the car. Kagome stepped out and smiled brightly, thinking to herself `Who would have thought……' They walked arm in arm into the ritzy hotel, where Kagome could already see signs of partying and elegance. She couldn't help a little tremor of nervousness flow through her. She can't screw this up.
As they walked in, Sesshoumaru was immediately bombarded by his colleagues. “Who is this beauty?” one man asked, grabbing Kagome's hand and lifting it to his lips.
“If you could remove your hands from my girlfriend it would be greatly appreciated.” Was Sesshoumaru's only reply, a hint of harshness slipping into his voice. The man quaked and quickly moved away from Kagome. It spread like wildfire that the goddess in blue was Sesshoumaru's beloved girlfriend, and he zealously protected her.
“I would watch over her like a hawk if she was my girl too. Girl's that gorgeous are dangerous.” One man whispered to his friend.
“But look at her Tom. She can't be too dangerous. She looks nervous out of her mind. She knows everyone is watching her. No wonder she looks like a bombshell.”
Kagome herself was oblivious to murmurs like this, only following Sesshoumaru gratefully to their table. The music playing in the background was pleasant and Kagome hoped that later they would dance. Sesshoumaru leant over.
“How are you doing, babe?” Kagome smiled in response.
“As long as you are next to me I am amazing.”
Inuyasha knocked on Sango's door carrying pizza and movies. Sango opened the door.
“Finally! We are starving over here and you take your sweet time. What did you rent? Please don't say Diehard.” At Inuyasha's smile Sango rolled her eyes, ignoring Miroku's cheers in the back. “I really don't get you guys at all. You have seen that movie millions of times. You must have it memorized! I know I do! Please tell me you got something else to humor me just a little?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Of course I did. I got Phantom of the Opera.”
Sango squealed and Miroku looked as if his eyes were going to fall out of his head. “Please tell me you didn't…..”
“No I didn't I actually got Finding Neverland. I just knew if I said Phantom of the Opera she would go nuts.” Inuyasha and Miroku looked at Sango and laughed. “Of course I humored you. Besides Kago would beat me up if all I got was boy movies. Where is she by the way?”
Sango smiled. “She is at some business party with Sesshoumaru. She was so excited when she left. She looked amazing.”
Inuyasha laughed. “O she has no idea. After tonight she will never want to go to those things again.”
Kagome took another sip of her martini. She rolled her eyes. It just so happened that the table she and Sesshoumaru were sitting at just happened to be where all the beautiful girls in the corporation were seated as well. And a lot of them did not have dates. Now we are not talking secretaries here. These were full on career women, powerful and confident, and very overwhelming. Kagome cowered in the back, listening to these women take her Sesshoumaru. It wasn't hard to see that they all wanted to hop into his bed. Kagome drank some more. She knew that wasn't helpful, but when your boyfriend has his back to you and he is talking to other women, well… she had a right to drink. All she had done this entire party was sit here battling off some of Sesshoumaru's more daring colleagues and listen to Sesshoumaru talk business with three gorgeous women. He had turned to her periodically and smiled, which Kagome half-heartedly returned. He didn't notice her discomfort, but the others did. She had to endure not only smiles dripping with venom, but when she had at first tried to get involved in the conversation the looks she received from them, looks of annoyance and laughter at her shortcomings in this business, were vicious. As she finished her second martini, the conversation finally turned to her. Kagome looked like a deer in headlights as all three turned the subject around.
“So you're a kindergarten teacher?” they asked, their facades of interest and kindness firmly in place hiding their real intentions.
“Y-yes..” Kagome answered, wondering why that was so interesting to them. She was not good at this political runaround.
“O that is so… adorable.” One answered condescendingly. The others laughed, including Sesshoumaru. How could he be missing what was going on!
“So what does that really entail? A job like that can't be too difficult. And the pay must be pretty unimpressive. Why make a living out of that? Have you ever thought about teaching higher levels? It would be more meaningful.” This comment came from the one Kagome had thought most dangerous, a young woman named Katrina. Kagome sat there unsure, watching the hostile faces around here, all judging her and waiting for an answer. Even her boyfriend was sitting there silently. Kagome had never been so pissed.
“Well you know, a foundation has to be built somewhere. I wouldn't want to teach higher because by then innocent children have become little shit adults, such as yourselves. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to get another drink.” Sesshoumaru rose with her, but Kagome put her hand out. “No thanks, I am fine. Sit and talk some more business. You guys all bore me.” She moved over to the bar, taking a seat next to a guy she had not yet met.
She gestured to the bartender. “Hi, can I please have a cosmopolitan?” the bartender nodded and Kagome let out a huge sigh.
“Rough night?” the guy next to her asked. He was very handsome, with sandy brown hair and a kind smile.
“You don't even know…” Kagome turned and smiled at him. “I'm Kagome by the way.” The man laughed.
“I think everyone knows who you are. You are Sesshoumaru's girlfriend right? You look absolutely beautiful tonight.” Kagome blushed. “I can't believe your boyfriend would let you out of his sight.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Ya, he is over at the table with all the other more appealing women. Apparently a kindergarten teacher isn't quite good enough.”
“Hey, hey.” The man lifted her chin and smiled softly. “Don't let those bitches get you down. You are worth ten of them. This always happens. They know Sesshoumaru's secretary plans these parties, so they frighten her into putting them all at the same table. Normally Sesshoumaru looks like he wants to slit their throats. But I am sure tonight was more enjoyable with you sitting beside him.” Kagome snorted. “I am David by the way.”
Kagome smiled. “Nice to meet you David.” The bartender set his drink on the table and Kagome and David began to talk the night away.
Sesshoumaru looked around. Kagome had been gone for a long time, and he was worried. He felt really bad about earlier. He just hadn't thought these women would be so vicious. In the future, he was going to make sure they would not be sitting together. Then he heard a familiar laughter…
He turned just in time to see his beautiful girlfriend making her way out into the makeshift dance floor with a guy he didn't recognize. They were laughing and Sesshoumaru could tell Kagome was tipsy. They started dancing and Sesshoumaru started seeing green.
Kagome and David got out to the dance floor and started rocking out. No romantic dancing here. They were dancing like they were teenagers again. People around them started laughing and Kagome gestured to them to come out. She and David started to salsa to the classical music that was playing, causing a sensation on the dance floor.
“This party just got more interesting.” Was a comment quickly making its way around the party.
“Bet Sesshoumaru is regretting letting that one go.”
“Told you girls like that were trouble.”
“Tom, she is just having some fun.”
Kagome and David were paying no attention to the comments circulating them. They were just enjoying the moment. “Told you this party would be fun.” David said to her.
Kagome laughed. “Definitely one of the worst and best parties I have ever been to.”
“That's fair.”
Sesshoumaru just watched the time fly by while his girlfriend kept dancing. “Wow, David is having fun. I haven't seen him laugh since his fiancée left him.” Katrina was saying in the background.
“Ya I have to admit that Kagome girl is really pretty when she laughs.” Sesshoumaru growled to himself quietly. `Why is it that she is laughing with him, and I haven't seen her laugh this entire time?'
`Cause you were being an asshole.