InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Changes of the Soul ❯ The Unknown Pain ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I absolutely positively do not own inuyasha, though… that ..would be… (tears in eyes) be…*sniff*…a…*sob*...wonderful...lovely…amazing...d ream…(Kagome coughs loudly) uh never mind!





Chapter 1:




"Hmmmm? What's that noise ?"


The young woman thought drowsily as she heavily lifted her half-lidded stormy blue eyes. She slowly rose out of bed to investigate, showing her petite slim figure and reveling her to be a woman about to turn eighteen. Long ebony colored hair currently flowed around the middle of her back presently unbrushed and unattended to.


She dragged her feet slowly across the warm shaggy carpet while casting a groggy glance at the clock informing her that it was 10:15 in the morning.


"But how can that be…. it doesn't seem that….that… sunny…" She wondered curiously aloud to herself as she attempted peer though the fluttering purple curtains. Unfortunately she wasn't fully awake and she tripped over herself as she slowly made her way.


"Oh for the love of Kami…" She grumbled in frustration pulling her dead weight to the curtains.



As she slowly pulled back the half-opened curtains by her bed she stifled a yawn and looked to notice the reason for the lack of daylight and the current steady noise. It was just the result of a summer morning thunderstorm.


She sighed loudly to herself as she watched the tiny droplets roll down her widow pane as if they were doing a dance just for her.


"Well at least it wasn't Inuyasha" She smirked thankfully. Yet in the back of her mind she felt a pang of disappointment.


"Inu….yasha…." Was her soft reply to her thoughts as she closed her eyes and leaned lightly on her window pane.


It was the middle of her summer vacation, her last year of highschool had just ended and in a month she would start college at a nearby campus. It seemed like a chapter was starting to close in her life and yet another one was just beginning. Not only that but the Shiko No Tama, in which her and her four other companions had been searching for the past three years, was almost completely retrieved.


She found herself wistfully sighing once more, dreamily opening her soft blue tinted eyes to her colorful but plain room. She hadn't really noticed how much pink it was heavily freckled in until now. She wrinkled her nose in slight disgust.


"I'm such a girly girl!" She thought giggling to herself. "No wonder Inuyasha thinks I'm such a weakling all the time…*sigh*….Inuya…sha….". She half sighed half-yawned. Why was she so tired anyways, it was almost lunchtime for kami's sake!


"Inuyasha would be complaining about having to stop for lunch and……". She stopped her sneerful ranting short as she wondered why her thoughts receded back to him…again.


She noticed grudgingly that she was daydreaming about him all the time lately. He always filled her thoughts day end and day out now. She would be anywhere in the present and suddenly her mind would take her racing far away 500 years in the past, right by his side. She would close her eyes and feel like she was right there with him. Him and his tall built figure hidden by his bright red firerat kimono. Him and his entrancing amber eyes that always seemed to show his every emotion even though he tried to hide it with his tough attitude. His long flowing silver hair and fell all the way down his masculine back, that she had happily clung to time and time again, while he carried her piggyback style off to unknown missions.


Oh, and how she loved the soft, fuzzy, white doggy ears that adorned the top of his head matching his magnificent silvery hair. She often times found herself touching them or rubbing them. Even though Inuyasha grumbled and always tired to pull away sometimes she could sense that he liked it as well. She always giggled as the twitched and swerved whenever he was angry or embarrassed.


"What a cutie….". She giggled, picturing his adorable appendages, but stopping suddenly as a scowl slowly started to deepen on her face. She suddenly remembered the reason she was away from her little "cutie".


Lately it seemed like all they did was fight or snap at each other, as much as she tried to avoid it. She had planned to spend most of her summer vacation with Inuyasha and the gang continuing their fateful quest. But the recent events over the jewel had everyone tense, especially Inuyasha, which caused another heated argument between her and her short tempered Hanyou.


Which only lead to hoarse voices and serious headaches and her stomping right back to her own time after only two days of traveling. Now only being a half a day at home, and she felt empty, alone and wanted to go back and check on things.


They all knew their quest was coming to and end and the last battles with Naraku were growing ever present in their minds as they become increasing threatening. Others factors were coming into play as well as they started to think about what would happen once the jewel was completed.


What would they do once the quest was finished and the jewel completed?


Which in this case Kagome was getting exceptionally anxious about that certain factor. What would she do once the jewel was completed? This was what seemed to had caused the argument that had sent her in such a blinding rage that resulted in her flying through the old Bone Eaters well once again to her own time. She could recall it as plain a day.




"Here you go Shippo". She smiled kindly as she handed the steaming noodles to a hungry bouncing ball of red fur.


"Ohhhh, yummmmy!!! Thank you Kagomeeeee!!". Was her enthusiastic reply as he went grabbing for the small steaming bowl of noodles and scampered to his side of the camp fire.


The young miko stared after her adopted kitsune son fondly. He had grown up so much throughout their journeys, but yet still was the small, red fussball that slept on top of her sleeping bag, or practically toppled her over overjoyed every time she came back from her time.


She watched him adoringly as her eyes wondered and eventually ascended upon a very focused looking Inuyasha staring off into the dark damp woods from where they made a warm camp for the night. Scouting and sniffing any nearby dangers so they would be safe.


"He looks so strong and poised like that…yet he should be careful and not think too hard or he might pass out from actually using brain cells!". She thought sarcastically as she inwardly rolled her eyes. A familiar soft voice cut into her thoughts, at that moment however, snapping her out of her trance.


"Umm…Kagome may I have some of those noodles…. please? Kagome?…. Hellllo?". The young violet eyed demon exterminator cautiously approached, unnerved by her friend's clouded silence.


"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry! Sure, of course you may… here!" Kagome cried as she flashed a huge smile which blended perfectly in with the pink that had started to creep on her cheeks from being caught staring at her favorite "dog-boy".


"Here's one to hand to Miroku as well, but be careful its hot!" She also added warning them.


"Thanks Kagome-sama!!" Miroku cried flashing his boyish grin from his place around the simmering fire. "You are so kind to cook us a hot meal that is so filling, and to care for our well-being and…."




"Stop sucking up you hentai!" Sango growled her eyebrow twitching slightly as she closed her eyes in frustration at the monk's babbling.


"Owwww, but Sango dear I was just giving a well deserved compliment to our own Kagome-sama." He smiled innocently before putting his hand on her shoulder before starting again. "But if it's attention you want then……by all means …."He cut off slowly as he started to creep his lecherous hand down her back trying not to be noticed, "let me asist…."




"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT PERVERT!" She snarled to the now unconscious Miroku. Then turning slowly turning to Kagome again with a look of utter irritation.


Kagome just laughed at the two's usual routine. It was always funny in any situation. She knew how much they cared for each other. She knew that deep down those two were in love. Very very deep down.


Sango was a tall, slim woman of 19. They met her after her entire family was destroyed from Naraku. She remembered how Sango became apart of their little band, and how they slowly became like sisters that could tell each other any thing. She had brilliant violet eyes, and long, straight, black hair that fell gracefully down her back. She was a powerful demon exterminator and carried her a huge boomerang-type weapon on back that was a big as a small horse and most likely just as heavy. Which showed how much strength and power she carried.


Miroku was a whole other story. Still one of her best friends, she met him after he tried to take the jewel shards from her and Inuyasha. He was about as tall as Inuyasha and looked like a normal good-natured man. Normal, except for the fact that he was a monk with an extremely vicious black hole in his right hand put there by none other than his or her enemy Naraku. He used the black hole however, to his advantage. Using it oftento destroy his enemies. It was very powerful and handy in tight spots.


He was always happy and cheerful despite the fateful curse, which was revealed to spread through his whole body eventually sucking himself with its dark chasms. He always seemed to look on the bright side of things and never loosed focus, except when it came to the opposite sex. He had wandering hands when it came to ladies that often led to headaches and bruises on his part.


"Anyway….." Her violet eyed friend sighed exhaustedly putting her fingers on her temple and rubbing them gently, shaking Kagome out of her reminiscing.


"What do you think about the shard collecting becoming so scarce and slow. I mean we've only found three the five weeks of our travels last time."


Kagome just shook her head. "Well I don't really know. I mean, it's obvious that Naraku has a generous portion and we've got a little. I suppose there are only a couple more left now… "


She sighed stating the obvious, while pulling out the small bottle containing the glistening pink jewel shards that hung from her neck. They both just stared at it for a couple of minuets both admiring its mysterious aura. Until they were both jumped at a small muffled voice.


"So what are you going to do once that whole jewel it together again and Naraku is gone, are you gonna stay here?" Shippo asked suddenly through a mouth full of noodles. Like the question had been as casual as a "How are you?" or "What's your name?"


To this Sango snapped her head toward Kagome, surprised by the small kitsune's innocent yet difficult question. Miroku also suddenly sat up fully conscious and staring seriously at Kagome brandishing his shiny red handprint on his left cheek wonderfully. Kagome even felt Inuyasha's golden orbs suddenly fall upon her back to hear what she would say.


She felt her cheeks turn a deep scarlet from everyone's stares, and honestly she didn't know what to tell them as they all stared at her expectantly. She felt so much was in the air.


What possible answer could she tell them if she didn't even know herself? So she took a deep breath and tried to think anything she could give them. Thoughts and uncertainties just crossed her mind in a rush however making her more confused herself


" I mean, Inuyasha hasn't asked me to stay here anyway, and what if something happens in a battle with Naraku? What about the jewel, and the wish to be made? What about the future and my family? What about Kikyo and Inuyasha's promise?" At this thought she stopped as she felt her heart strain in pain remembering them together.


" What if….what if…if?" She silently questioned. Suddenly weighing all the possibilities in her mind that this quest could leave and all effectively making her feeling empty and alone. Not one sane path led her to where she wanted in the end….to be with…Inuyasha.


"Well?" Miroku's soft question cut into her inner rambles. "What is your answer Kagome-sama?"


Another pregnant silence enveloped the camp as they all stared at Kagome, waiting on her answer but it wasn't her that the response came from. Kagome suddenly heard a grunt and growl coming from behind her, and turned when she heard Inuyasha's surprising hateful tone.


"Keh!" Inuyasha huffed sounding suddenly peeved about something.


"What?" Kagome rounding on him, thoroughly confused and kind of angry herself, from the look he was giving her. It was a glare of painful annoyance.


"What's wrong with you "Mr. `KEH'?" She mocked sarcastically pulling his same stance with her arms folded and cocky lean to her legs.


She heard her adopted son snort with laughter and Sango's stifled laughter. She could even almost Miroku's full out grin to her imitation of their favorite Hanyou. She tried to hide a creeping smirk on her own face as the moment stretched.


But all he did was `Keh' some more. Then suddenly he turned around grumbling. Then abruptly he leapt into on a nearby tree branch obviously sulking about something.


Kagome just looked up at him with confusion filling her stormy blue eyes as she tried to see his. She could always tell what he was thinking through his beautiful golden orbs. It was a special talent only she knew could do.


At that moment a smell drafted up to her nose. She mentally slapped herself out of interrogating him about his attitude when she remembered she had neglected to give him any noodles yet and rushed to get a bowl for him.


"I am so pathetic, I truly am. I'm like an adoring housewife awaiting her precious husband so she can feed and pamper him. None the less…". A faint blush filled he cheeks at the thought.


However she shook it off and thought for sure this was the reason for his outburst, after all she knew Inuyasha and his moods like the back of her hand. It was inside the skull she couldn't figure.


"Here you are Inuyasha, have some dinner you must be starving after walking all day without food" She smiled sweetly as she stared up trying to look at his face once more. She wanted so much to see those beautiful eyes that made her breath start and heart to skip a beat.


But he just grunted and turned around on the tree branch so she couldn't see anything but his hunched back. She frowned slightly as she thought she heard angry mumbles. Something like "….how dare she not remember…what is she thinking….I cant believe she…didn't she say earlier that…….".


Kagome was thoroughly confused and wanted answers , so she took a deep breath and raised her pitch enough to make him cringe and draw his ears back.


"Inuyasha, why are you being so difficult? Either tell me what's wrong or no dinner for you mister!!!" She teased loudly.




"Will you just take the Rammen already and eat it!!!"


She cried in frustration when he didn't reply. At least she thought she knew his stupid moods. Now he was getting on her nerves and she was tired from a day of traveling and honestly didn't really want to deal with it.


Miroku and Sango were just watching from the other side of the camp she realized, as she whipped around giving them a pleading look. They just shook their heads furiously and gave her encouraging smiles. Miroku even gave her an obnoxious thumbs up that made her anger rise a little in irritation.


She knew they didn't want to get in the way of their feuding which probably looked pretty scary to any random passerby. But at that thought for some reason made her more frustrated. Why do they fight so much anyway?


"Why are we fighting anyway?….this is so stupid, I mean I don't even know what's going on?!?!?!" She thought venting her present helplessness but kicking the root of the tree Inuyasha was in. This was going no where so…….


So she glared into the tree and yelled for him to come and talk to her like an adult. She knew what her last resort would be if he didn't comply, and apparently he did to as his shoulders sagged in anticipation.


He just shut his eyes and plopped softly against the tree with his arms an crossed with another annoying "Keh!".


Her temper was almost at her boiling point and she heard herself yell through pounding ears as the blood stared to rush to her head. " Inuyashaaaaaa!!!!" She saw through her red vision his whole body tense up in previous learning experience.


" SIT!!!!"



*CRASH* (muffled curses and groans on Inuyasha's part.)


Now that he was level with her, she let him have it!


"You are so immature!!! What did I do now!?!? Huh?…..Sango? Do you know what he's mad about….AGAIN?" She called, lost in her agitation, over to her friends while trying to emphasize "AGAIN".


Sango just stared amusingly over to her best friend and adopted sister and shook her head totally oblivious and called laughingly.


"You know our Inuyasha… .Kagome-chan…." Trying not to step on either feuding person's toes.


"Inuyasha will you please just te……." She started to say closing her eyes in mock frustration and half in real but was surprisingly interrupted by the angry Hanyou's harsh words. Which effectively made her jump, out of his sudden decision to unclamp his big mouth.


"Just shut up, wench!" He snapped loudly making everyone in the camp look at him in surprise at his sudden angry outburst.


"Wha……" She tried to reclaim her voice but his seething glare was boring into her and his hurtful tone stung like a fresh slap.


"Inu….yasha…I..." But failed to finish when she was cut off yet again.


"Will you just shut up!!! Do your lips ever stop flapping woman?!?" He spat turning his back angrily from to her and continuing.


"I don't feel like hearing your annoying voice or seeing your disgusting face right now idiot!!!" She saw him smile smugly to himself, obviously proud.


Anger and hurt was churning in the pit of her stomach wanting an exit. She felt the pang of hot tears forming causing her vision to become blurred. Then she suddenly all she saw was red for the second time in less then five minuets and she practically burst as she screamed




Seeing him slam into the hard caked ground with satisfaction she stormed away from the Inuaysha shaped crater that was starting to cloud over with dust.


"Kagome-chan!!!" "Kagome-sama!!!"


Sango and Miroku's voices were the last thing she heard as confused sobs and tears overwhelmed her while she dashed stumbling along the beaten trail they had previously taken. She went going as fast as she could trying to get as much distance as possible from the camp and for the Bone Eaters Well that would take her back home.


Home…. and away from that arrogant, stupid, idiotic HANYOU!!! Luckily the well wasn't far away due to the fact it was their first night into their new journey toward the west.


As she reached the well, she almost tripped over the worn, wooden edge in carelessness lightly scraping her shin in the process. But after a few well-aimed kicks to vent her anger she felt better and found her footing while jumping into its deep dankness as it swallowed her up.




"How did things get so horribly out of hand…. I have to go back and try and understand this whole mess without blowing up! She stated aloud in a definite tone.


"No, I can't, I mean why should I? I didn't do anything wrong." She internally argued.


But she could feel the ache in her heart, so she knew she would have to go back soon and face his unknown wrath again and so she gave in.


"Why do I do this over and over agin to myself? Why you ask?" She cried fruitlessly to a random stuffed white rabbit laying casually on her bed. When it just stred at her her blankley, she rolled her eyes and proceeded the aimless conversation.


"Well I'll tell you why!!." She picked it up and mock whispered, giggling.


"Because I love him silly!! I love Inuyasha!Crazy you say?Well what would you know your just a dumb rabbit!!!"


She threw the stuffed friend back in its spot on her bed and starred hard at the carpet as if deciding what to do.


"I have to go back." She sighed depressingly thinking of what waited on her.


A sudden violent headache randomly came over her. Gripping her temples firmly she tried to massage it away. It gradually started to subside.


She tried to shake it off, but it just lingered annoyingly. "That's weird." She sighed, "I don't need any other problems right now….."


Her mind wandered back to the feud between her love and herself and sighed heavily. He had talked to her so hateful and it still brought tears to her eyes when she remembered the anger etched on his young, beautiful, ..lovely… strong….*sigh* she was doing it again. Pathetic was all she could think of a word for herself.


" Well here I go…"


She picked up her stocked heavy yellow backpack and was out the door heading toward to the oldwell hesitantly after she kissed her vibrant mother goodbye.


It was still raining and she couldn't do anything else in her time so she just decided to leave. Besides all she was doing was wasting time talking stupidly to her room and stuffed animals that didn't seem to care!


The rainy grass clung to her shoes as Kagome sloshed her way to the old well house while rubbing her temples rapidly, trying to make the painful headache go away. But stopped as a foreign sharp pain ripped violently through her chest.


" What's …..happening?!?!" She thought clutching a fist full of her shirt while sucking in as much air as possible to fill her suddenly empty lungs. Breathing heavily her eyes widen in surprise as the she felt pain roll down her arms as visible gashes started to form.


Then she felt her knees give out as she felt another powerful surge go powerfully through her chest to her head like a wave. Which made her crash into the side of the well house hard crushing her wrist. However she couldn't feel anything besides the nubing unknown torture.


Her head felt as if would explode with the numbing pressure. She tried to scream but it just made the pressure in her head worse and her lungs lurch horribly.


She shakily got up trying to get inside the well house desperately. She tripped in the darkness of the old well house falling painfully down the wooden steps feeling several ribs crack from the violent fall. She laid there a second breathing rapidly as a pain shot up her legs into her head once more.


She slowly crawled over the side of the old well despite the blinding pain and gashes about her body. She couldn't see anything with the pain blinding her momentarily. She slowly boosted her upper body on the top of the well though weakly feeling that she'd blackout anytime.


" I just …..just need to get…to…Inu…yasha!!!!!..please..I…just…need 230;" She panted as she felt like her skin was literally melting.


She was struggling the best she could to hoist her lower body over the side of the well, but it was difficult as she felt sweat mixed with the occuring rain from outside accumulate on her palms. She she faintly felt herself slip off the side and crashed the side of her face on the rim of the well However she didn't care as a new wave of pain surged through her, crushing her lungs and she gasped for fresh air.


If she could look at herself she would had scream not out of pain but surprise. She was glowing a vicious pink as power radiated from her. Gashes were newly forming and healing but not all the way leaving her look insanely beaten and bruised. Her hair was swirling around her rapidly and her eyes were clouded with pain and desperation slowly rolling up into her head.


She finally was able to collaspe in the well just as everything started to black out.


"Inuyasha ….help me….." Was her final thought as blackness consumed her.


Her lifeless form traveled, floating to the other side of the well to the past. Landing softley on the other side, she laid on the bottom of the damp, dark well unconscious.




Ok end of Chapter 1. Here are a few terms if not sure the meaning: