InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Changes of the Soul ❯ Sesshomaru's Discovery ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]





Author's Notes: I'm on as well but I wanted to cast my stories on mediaminer because I'm so mad at for pushing some of my favorite author's stories out! Like Terri Botta!! She is my favorite, and I totally recommend her story, The Lucky Ones! Ok, for anyone who is a fan of our dear Fluffy, this chapter is dedicated to you. This story is definitely an Inuyasha and Kagome Fic; however I wanted to evilly play with the plot and twist it to make it more exciting for you! I know, I know you can applaud!!! Awwww, yes I know I'm the sweetest thing….ok you can stop now!!! OK now you just want my money!!!! (---Brother *wince* *grumbles about being sued*) Sorry I can get off on a tangent! Please R&R!!



Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, but guess what I do own? A genie!!!! YES!! " Mister Genie, Sir… I wish to own Inuyasha!!!"..."What?! Wait!! Can you do say no?!?! How come!?!?! Well that doesn't seem exactly fair!!! GRR!!" ……. Well folks it's official…I will never own Inuyasha...Yeah I know, depressing. *sighs sadly* *starts sobbing*





















The sun was high in the sky at this point in the breezy afternoon. The haze from the thick field was dense in the air and bugs could be seen whizzing through the shrubbery. As a particularly violent wind ripped through the foliage, causing a rainbow like wave of floral and grass, a pleasant shriek of enjoyment could be heard from afar.


"Look, look Sesshomaru-sama!!! Look what I found!!!" Rin called happily, while

racing through the field of swaying lilies they were currently traveling in.


Sesshomaru just looked down indifferently for the smallest fraction of a moment, nodded to her a fraction of an inch, and kept walking as they came to a concentrated wooded area that would lead them to their desired destination.


Rin was a young spirited girl of eleven. She was petite and a portion of her hair was pulled up into one small pigtail and the rest fell limply around her shoulders. She was always by Sesshomaru side since he saved her from death three years previous. She respectfully obeyed him with the deepest love as one who admires a father or wise mentor. He was her life, her anchor and he knew it. He would never admit it but he considered her in the same daughterly manner.


She was always watched over by Sesshomaru's annoying servant, Jaken. Jaken had been with Sesshomaru for hundreds of years and had always revered him as a god in his mind. He carried a staff as his weapon of choice for defense and protection. He was about three feet tall and looked like an upright green frog. More like a withering, dying, old, smelly upright green frog in Rin's scholarly opinion.


He, himself was the son of a mighty Dog-demon who had been dead for some time. He was the lord of the Western Lands and a powerful, respected figure among most smart demons. He was extremely powerful and feared by many. He looked young as a man about in his mid twenties but in reality were hundreds of years old in Youkai. He had long, straight, glistening white hair that fell lengthily past his waist. His handsome features never showed any flicker of emotion, as did his sharp amber eyes.



Currently they were on their way to get information on where to find the despicable villain Naraku. Unfortunately this resulted in the need to consult with his younger sibling, Inuyasha. He despised having to asking inferior idiot of a half-brother for direction but it was the only way. Oh how he hated it.


He thought this convent however, as he had started to sense a very powerful energy steadily growing toward his half brother's location. He found this very curious as it was something familiar yet in very many ways unfamiliar. He knew it wasn't the jewel, and knew it wasn't any demon power, for it was pure. So that ruled his weakling of a brother out as the source. As this thought flickered through his mind, the faintest shadow of a cold smirk tugged at his usually emotionless countenance lightly.


He was very curious indeed and very much wanted to see if would become a threat. He knew of course it that wouldn't, for he was the most powerful and pure demon in the land but he didn't want to be ignorant and ignore the distinct power completely. So he slowly turned his attention to the direction desired.


He had also noticed that it would disappear for days at a time and then reappear just as quick as it left. It had disappeared for a couple hours that previous night they were traveling toward it but reappeared just hours ago earlier in the morning. This puzzled him greatly. However being puzzled never suited the Demon-Lord so he became frustrated with anticipation.


Rin, Jaken, and Sesshomaru came upon a clearing as they came out of the woods and face to face with an old well. As he remember correctly it was the ` Bone Eater's Well', where they place bones and carcasses of slain demons.


Sesshomaru suddenly came to a gliding halt and was dead still as he could sense the power had grown considerably and was practically gushing from inside the well.


He slightly turned to his servant Jaken and abruptly said simply yet authoritatively, " Stay here with Rin."


With that he was beside the well in a blink of an eye which had previously been about 100 yards away.

He leered down inside for a second, and was surprised at the immense pure energy that was radiating from within. With his incredible eyesight he could see the form of a seemingly unconscious woman.


He disappeared for a second making Rin and his incredibly loyal servant gasp surprisingly, and yell his name in worried tones. But no sooner than they had finished yelling his name had he appeared beside them holding the young woman.



He knew exactly who she was. This was his brother's woman that had been with him for some time.

They had met after facing off in many battles over the Tetsaiga. He eventually he gave up trying to obtain his worthless brother's weak sword.


What could be wrong with her though he thought curiously as he stared at her deep wounds and bruised body. He had realized that she was a powerful miko when he first encountered her, but he hadn't realized that her powers would grow to such an extent. It was pulsing of her in huge waves.


During the many frivolous battles between the tow brothers Kagome had met his young ward, Rin. They had become strangely close and created some sort of human bond.


Kagome had even saved Rin's life one day after an encounter with Naraku. She almost destroyed her own life when she jumped in to take a blow from one of Naraku's evil puppets that had meant to kill the defenseless Rin. Naraku had obviously tried to injure Sesshomaru by finding his weakness, which he admitted only to himself was definitely the young girl. He didn't know what he would do if she had been destroyed


"Probably go on a blind killing rage", he inwardly grinned grimly.


From then on Naraku's destruction was Sesshomaru's goal and he felt a deep sense of gratitude and even respect toward this young miko that had saved his most precious treasure. He hated being involved with humans but this Kagome had always seemed different.


He noticed how she always seemed full of life and joy. Though he didn't know why he knew she loved his worthless half-brother, and knew she would do anything for him. His stupid brother was stupider than he thought if he didn't realized how lucky he was.


"I mean look how beautiful she was, her delicate face and…….wait!"


He mentally contained his self once again, he couldn't believe what he just thought. Was he starting to develop feelings for this young, beautiful, powerful…ugh…what was he thinking?!?



When suddenly Rin screamed yanking him violently out of his thoughts, " Sister Kagome!!!! Is she alright? Why is she bleeding? Why is she glowing? Is she dying? Why won't she wake up? Can you help her? I don't want her to die!!!!". And with that she began sobbing uncontrollable tears as the rolled down her young face.


Sesshomaru looked from the young miko's battered face to Rin's weeping one.


"Rin, stop your crying" He said commandingly monotone" You have this, Sesshomaru's oath that she will be fine."



Rin abruptly stopped and nodded her head but still looked extremely worried.

Even though he had he told Rin she would be fine, he really didn't know the situation. However Rin's crying who only hinder the situation and he did not want her to weep. Only because it was unbefitting of course.


He slowly dropped to one knee and lifted the young miko's limp upper torso in one arm and checked her radial pulse. It was faint but still steady. He had to put her back down again for the pure power she was radiating was too strong for his full demon self.


"Master she's just a worthless human!?! Just leave her here to die." Cried Jaken in that extremely annoying croaking voice he always had.


But before he could reply Rin backhanded him with surprising strength sending him sprawling nearby on the ground. (^_^;;;;) As she started sobbing once more seeing her adopted sister's terrible wounds. "So what if she is a mere human? So am I!! And Sesshomaru saved me too! She's too sweet, nice, kind, caring so…SHE WON'T DIE!!!!!" She added with a final wale.


"Calm down Rin we certainly won't let your dear Kagome die. She is far close to death but still alive……"He started to explain but stopped as he saw his younger half-demon of a brother come bounding out of the dark depths of the thick forest apparently looking for the woman.


"Great, what a reunion." He muttered indifferently as his stolic gaze lingered as he saw Inuyasha ears twitch and his head whip around as he smelled the strong scents of his brother, Kagome's scent, and her freshly spilled blood.


Other terms that might be unfamiliar:


-Miko- A strong priestess in feudal Japan.